Ekonomikas ministrija
Dienesta informācija Nr.61-7/125 Rīgā 2000.gada 4.septembrī
Par piemērojamiem standartiem atbilstoši Iekārtu elektrodrošības noteikumiem
Piemērojamo Latvijas nacionālo standartu saraksts
atbilstoši Ministru kabineta 2000. gada 30. maija noteikumiem Nr. 187
"Iekārtu elektrodrošības noteikumi"
Piemērojamo harmonizēto Eiropas standartu saraksts
atbilstoši Ministru kabineta 2000. gada 30. maija noteikumiem Nr. 187
"Iekārtu elektrodrošības noteikumi"
EN 41003:1993
Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks
EN 41003:1996
Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks
EN 41003:1998
Particular safety requirements for equipment to be connected to telecommunication networks
EN 50060:1989
Power sources for manual metal arc welding with limited duty
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 50060:1989
EN 50063:1989
Safety requirements for the construction and the installation of equipment for resistance welding and allied processes
EN 50065-1:1991
Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz - Part 1: General requirements, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances
Amendment A3:1996 to EN 50065-1:1991
EN 50078:1993
Torches and guns for arc welding
EN 50083-1:1993
Cabled distribution systems for television, sound and interactive multimedia signals -
Part 1: Safety requirements
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 50083-1:1993
EN 50083-3:1994
Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals -
Part 3: Active coaxial wideband distribution equipment
EN 50083-3:1998
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -
Part 3: Active wideband equipment for coaxial cable networks
EN 50083-4:1994
Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals -
Part 4: Passive coaxial wideband distribution equipment
EN 50083-4:1998
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -
Part 4: Passive wideband equipment for coaxial cable networks
EN 50083-5:1994
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -
Part 5: Headend equipment
EN 50083-6:1994
Cabled distribution systems for television and sound signals -
Part 6: Optical equipment
EN 50083-6:1997
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services -
Part 6: Optical equipment
EN 50084:1992
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Requirements for the connection of washing machines, dishwashers and tumbler dryers to the water mains
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 50084:1992
EN 50085-1:1997
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 50085-2-3:1999
Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements for slotted cable trunking systems intended for installation in cabinets
EN 50086-1:1993
Conduit systems for electrical installations -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 50086-2-1:1995
Conduit systems for electrical installations -
Part 2-1: Particular requirements for rigid conduit systems
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 50086-2-1:1995
EN 50086-2-2:1995
Conduit systems for electrical installations -
Part 2-2: Particular requirements for pliable conduit systems
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 50086-2-2:1995
EN 50086-2-3:1995
Conduit systems for electrical installations -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements for flexible conduit systems
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 50086-2-3:1995
EN 50086-2-4:1994
Conduit systems for electrical installations -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements for conduit systems buried underground
EN 50087:1993
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for bulk-milk coolers
EN 50090-2-2:1996
Home and building electronic systems (HBES) -
Part 2-2: System overview - General technical requirements
EN 50091-1:1993
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) -
Part 1: General and safety requirements
EN 50091-1-1:1996
Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) -
Part 1-1: General and safety requirements for UPS used in operator access areas
EN 50110-1:1996
Operation of electrical installations
EN 50110-2:1996
Operation of electrical installations (national annexes)
EN 50132-2-1:1997
Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications -
Part 2-1: Black and white cameras
EN 50165:1997
Electrical equipment of non-electric appliances for household and similar purposes - Safety requirements
EN 50178:1997
Electronic equipment for use in power installations
EN 50192:1995
Arc welding equipment - Plasma cutting systems for manual use
EN 50214:1997
Flexible cables for lifts
EN 50265-1:1998
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for resistance to vertical flame propagation for a single insulated conductor or cable -
Part 1: Apparatus
EN 50265-2-1:1998
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for resistance to vertical flame propagation for a single insulated conductor or cable -
Part 2-1: Procedures - 1 kW pre-mixed flame
EN 50265-2-2:1998
Common tests methods for cables under fire conditions - Test for resistance to vertical flame propagation for a single insulated conductor or cable -
Part 2-2: Procedures - Diffusion flame
EN 50267-1:1998
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables -
Part 1: Apparatus
EN 50267-2-1:1998
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables -
Part 2-1: Procedures - Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas
EN 50267-2-2:1998
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables -
Part 2-2: Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for materials by measuring pH and conductivity
EN 50267-2-3:1998
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Tests on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables -
Part 2-3: Procedures - Determination of degree of acidity of gases for cables by determination of the weighted average of pH and conductivity
EN 50268-1:1999
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions -
Part 1: Apparatus
EN 50268-2:1999
Common test methods for cables under fire conditions - Measurement of smoke density of cables burning under defined conditions -
Part 2: Procedure
EN 50298:1998
Empty enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies - General requirements
EN 50319:1999
Proximity devices - Requirements for proximity devices with analogue output
EN 60034-1:1995
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 1: Rating and performance
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60034-1:1995
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60034-1:1995
EN 60034-1:1998
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 1: Rating and performance
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60034-1:1998
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60034-1:1998
EN 60034-2:1996
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 2: Methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles)
Amendment A2:1996 to EN 60034-2:1996
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60034-2:1996
EN 60034-4:1995
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 4: Methods for determining synchronous machine quantities from tests
EN 60034-5:1986
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 5: Classification of degrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating machinery
EN 60034-6:1993
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 6: Methods of cooling (IC Code)
EN 60034-7:1993
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 7: Classification of types of construction and mounting arrangements (IM Code)
EN 60034-9:1993
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 9: Noise limits
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60034-9:1993
EN 60034-9:1997
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 9: Noise limits
EN 60034-12:1995
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 12: Starting performance of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors for voltages up to and including 690 V, 50 Hz
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60034-12:1995
Amendment A11:1999 to EN 60034-12:1995
EN 60034-14:1996
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 14: Mechanical vibration of certain machines with shaft heights 56 mm and higher - Measurement, evaluation and limits of vibration
EN 60034-16-1:1995
Rotating electical machines -
Part 16: Excitation systems for synchronous machines -
Chapter 1: Definitions
EN 60034-18-1:1994
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems -
Section 1: General guidelines
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60034-18-1:1994
EN 60034-18-21:1994
Rotating electrical machines -
Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems -
Section 21: Test procedures for wire-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60034-18-21:1994
Amendment A2:1996 to EN 60034-18-21:1994
EN 60034-18-31:1994
Rotating electrical machines - Part 18: Functional evaluation of insulation systems -
Section 31: Test procedures for form-wound windings - Thermal evaluation and classification of insulation systems used in machines up to and including 50 MVA and 15 kV
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60034-18-31:1994
EN 60051-1:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60051-1:1989
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60051-1:1989
EN 60051-1:1998
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 1: Definitions and general requirements common to all parts
EN 60051-2:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 2: Special requirements for ammeters and voltmeters
EN 60051-3:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 3: Special requirements for wattmeters and varmeters
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60051-3:1989
EN 60051-4:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 4: Special requirements for frequency meters
EN 60051-5:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 5: Special requirements for phase meters, power factor meters and synchroscopes
EN 60051-6:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 6: Special requirements for ohmmeters (impedance meters) and conductance meters
EN 60051-7:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 7: Special requirements for multi-function instruments
EN 60051-8:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 8: Special requirements for accessories
EN 60051-9:1989
Direct acting indicating analogue electrical-measuring instruments and their accessories -
Part 9: Recommended test methods
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60051-9:1989
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60051-9:1989
EN 60061-1:1993
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 1: Lamp caps
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A3:1995 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A4:1996 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A5:1996 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A6:1996 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A7:1997 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A21:1998 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A22:1999 to EN 60061-1:1993
Amendment A23:1999 to EN 60061-1:1993
EN 60061-2:1993
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 2: Lampholders
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A3:1995 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A4:1996 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A5:1996 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A6:1996 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A7:1997 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A18:1998 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A19:1999 to EN 60061-2:1993
Amendment A20:1999 to EN 60061-2:1993
EN 60061-3:1993
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 3: Gauges
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A3:1995 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A4:1996 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A5:1996 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A6:1996 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A7:1997 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A20:1998 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A21:1999 to EN 60061-3:1993
Amendment A22:1999 to EN 60061-3:1993
EN 60061-4:1992
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety - Part 4: Guidelines and general information
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60061-4:1992
Amendment A3:1995 to EN 60061-4:1992
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60061-4:1992
Amendment A5:1998 to EN 60061-4:1992
EN 60065:1993
Safety requirements for mains operated electronic and related apparatus for household and similar general use
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60065:1993
EN 60065:1998
Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus - Safety requirements
EN 60081:1989
Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting service
Amendment A3:1993 to EN 60081:1989
Amendment A4:1994 to EN 60081:1989
Amendment A5:1995 to EN 60081:1989
EN 60110-1:1998
Power capacitors for induction heating installations -
Part 1: General
EN 60127-1:1991
Miniature fuses -
Part 1: Definitions for miniature fuses and general requirements for miniature fuse-links
EN 60127-2:1991
Miniature fuses -
Part 2: Cartridge fuse-links
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60127-2:1991
EN 60127-3:1991
Miniature fuses -
Part 3: Sub-miniature fuse-links
EN 60127-3:1996
Miniature fuses -
Part 3: Sub-miniature fuse-links
EN 60127-4:1996
Miniature fuses -
Part 4: Universal Modular Fuse-links (UMF)
EN 60127-6:1994
Miniature fuses - Part 6: Fuse-holders for miniature fuse-links
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60127-6:1994
EN 60143-1:1993
Series capacitors for power systems -
Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation
EN 60143-2:1994
Series capacitors for power systems -
Part 2: Protective equipment for series capacitor banks
EN 60155:1995
Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60155:1995
EN 60188:1988
High-pressure mercury vapour lamps
Amendment A1:1990 to EN 60188:1988
Amendment A5:1993 to EN 60188:1988
EN 60204-1:1992
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60204-1:1997
Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60204-3-1:1990
Electrical equipment of industrial machines -
Part 3: Particular requirements for sewing machines, units and systems
EN 60215:1989
Safety requirements for radio transmitting equipment
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60215:1989
Amendment A2:1994 to EN 60215:1989
EN 60238:1992
Edison screw lampholders
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60238:1992
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60238:1992
EN 60238:1996
Edison screw lampholders
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60238:1996
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60238:1996
EN 60238:1998
Edison screw lampholders
EN 60252:1994
A.C. motor capacitors
EN 60269-1:1989
Low-voltage fuses - Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60269-1:1989
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60269-1:1989
EN 60269-1:1998
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60269-2:1995
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 2: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application)
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60269-2:1995
EN 60269-3:1995
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 3: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household and similar applications)
EN 60269-4:1996
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 4: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60269-4:1996
EN 60309-1:1992
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60309-1:1997
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60309-1:1999
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60309-2:1998
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes -
Part 2: Dimensional interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories
EN 60309-2:1999
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes -
Part 2: Dimensional interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories
EN 60320-1:1987
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes
Amendment A1:1989 to EN 60320-1:1987
Amendment A11:1994 to EN 60320-1:1987
EN 60320-1:1996
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes -
Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60320-1:1996
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60320-1:1996
EN 60320-2-1:1987
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes -
Part 2: Sewing machine couplers
EN 60320-2-2:1991
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes -
Part 2: Interconnection couplers for household and similar equipment
EN 60320-2-2:1998
Appliance couplers for household and similar general purposes -
Part 2-2: Interconnection couplers for household and similar equipment
EN 60335-1:1988
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A2:1988 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A6:1989 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A5:1989 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A51:1991 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A52:1992 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A54:1992 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A53:1992 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A55:1993 to EN 60335-1:1988
Amendment A56:1995 to EN 60335-1:1988
EN 60335-1:1994
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 1: General requirements
Note 4
Amendment A11:1995 to EN 60335-1:1994
Amendment A13:1998 to EN 60335-1:1994
Amendment A14:1998 to EN 60335-1:1994
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60335-1:1994
Amendment A12:1996 to EN 60335-1:1994
EN 60335-2-2:1988
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water suction cleaning appliances
Amendment A2:1990 to EN 60335-2-2:1988
Amendment A52:1991 to EN 60335-2-2:1988
Amendment A53:1994 to EN 60335-2-2:1988
EN 60335-2-2:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-2: Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners and water suction cleaning appliances
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-2:1995
EN 60335-2-3:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electric irons
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-3:1990
Amendment A52:1992 to EN 60335-2-3:1990
EN 60335-2-3:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements for electric irons
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60335-2-3:1995
EN 60335-2-4:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for spin extractors
Amendment A51:1991 to EN 60335-2-4:1989
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-4:1989
EN 60335-2-4:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements for spin extractors
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60335-2-4:1995
EN 60335-2-5:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for dishwashers
Amendment A1:1990 to EN 60335-2-5:1989
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-5:1989
Amendment A3:1992 to EN 60335-2-5:1989
Amendment A51:1995 to EN 60335-2-5:1989
EN 60335-2-5:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-5: Particular requirements for dishwashers
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60335-2-5:1995
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60335-2-5:1995
EN 60335-2-6:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for cooking ranges, cooking tables, ovens and similar appliances for household use
Amendment A52:1995 to EN 60335-2-6:1990
Amendment A54:1997 to EN 60335-2-6:1990
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-6:1990
Amendment A53:1995 to EN 60335-2-6:1990
Amendment A51:1993 to EN 60335-2-6:1990
Amendment A3:1993 to EN 60335-2-6:1990
EN 60335-2-6:1999
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-6: Particular requirements for stationary cooking ranges, hobs, ovens and similar appliances
EN 60335-2-7:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for washing machines
Amendment A1:1990 to EN 60335-2-7:1990
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-7:1990
Amendment A51:1992 to EN 60335-2-7:1990
Amendment A52:1995 to EN 60335-2-7:1990
EN 60335-2-7:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-7: Particular requirements for washing machines
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-7:1997
EN 60335-2-8:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electric shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances
EN 60335-2-8:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-8: Particular requirements for shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances
EN 60335-2-9:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for toasters, grills, roasters and similar appliances
Amendment A51:1991 to EN 60335-2-9:1990
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-9:1990
EN 60335-2-9:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-9: Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-9:1995
EN 60335-2-10:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines
Amendment A51:1995 to EN 60335-2-10:1990
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-10:1990
EN 60335-2-10:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-10: Particular requirements for floor treatment machines and wet scrubbing machines
EN 60335-2-11:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for tumbler dryers
Amendment A52:1995 to EN 60335-2-11:1989
Amendment A1:1990 to EN 60335-2-11:1989
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-11:1989
Amendment A51:1993 to EN 60335-2-11:1989
EN 60335-2-11:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-11: Particular requirements for tumbler dryers
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-11:1995
EN 60335-2-12:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-12: Particular requirements for warming plates and similar appliances
EN 60335-2-13:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for frying pans, deep fat fryers and similar appliances
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-13:1990
EN 60335-2-13:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-13: Particular requirements for deep fat fryers, frying pans and similar appliances
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60335-2-13:1995
EN 60335-2-14:1988
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electric kitchen machines
Amendment A52:1992 to EN 60335-2-14:1988
Amendment A51:1991 to EN 60335-2-14:1988
Amendment A54:1995 to EN 60335-2-14:1988
Amendment A1:1990 to EN 60335-2-14:1988
Amendment A53:1994 to EN 60335-2-14:1988
EN 60335-2-14:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-14: Particular requirements for kitchen machines
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 60335-2-14:1996
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-14:1996
EN 60335-2-15:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids
Amendment A1:1991 to EN 60335-2-15:1990
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-15:1990
Amendment A52:1992 to EN 60335-2-15:1990
Amendment A3:1993 to EN 60335-2-15:1990
EN 60335-2-15:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60335-2-15:1996
EN 60335-2-16:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for food waste disposers
EN 60335-2-16:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-16: Particular requirements for food waste disposers
EN 60335-2-17:1999
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-17: Particular requirements for blankets, pads and similar flexible heating appliances
EN 60335-2-19:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for battery-powered shavers, hair clippers and similar appliances and their charging and battery assemblies
EN 60335-2-20:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for battery-powered tooth-brushes and their charging and battery assemblies
EN 60335-2-21:1992
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for storage water heaters
Amendment A3:1995 to EN 60335-2-21:1992
EN 60335-2-21:1999
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-21: Particular requirements for storage water heaters
EN 60335-2-23:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care
Amendment A51:1992 to EN 60335-2-23:1990
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-23:1990
EN 60335-2-23:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-23: Particular requirements for appliances for skin or hair care
EN 60335-2-24:1994
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for refrigerators, food-freezers and ice-makers
Amendment A52:1996 to EN 60335-2-24:1994
Amendment A53:1997 to EN 60335-2-24:1994
Amendment A51:1995 to EN 60335-2-24:1994
EN 60335-2-24:1999
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-24: Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice-cream appliances and ice-makers
EN 60335-2-25:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for micro-wave ovens
Amendment A51:1992 to EN 60335-2-25:1990
Amendment A2:1993 to EN 60335-2-25:1990
EN 60335-2-25:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for microwave ovens
EN 60335-2-25:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-25: Particular requirements for microwave ovens
EN 60335-2-26:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for clocks
EN 60335-2-26:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-26: Particular requirements for clocks
EN 60335-2-27:1992
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for ultra-violet and infra-red radiation skin treatment appliances for household and similar use
Amendment A51:1994 to EN 60335-2-27:1992
Amendment A2:1992 to EN 60335-2-27:1992
EN 60335-2-27:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-27: Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60335-2-27:1997
EN 60335-2-28:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for sewing machines
EN 60335-2-28:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-28: Particular requirements for sewing machines
EN 60335-2-29:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for battery chargers
Amendment A2:1993 to EN 60335-2-29:1991
EN 60335-2-29:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-29: Particular requirements for battery chargers
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60335-2-29:1996
EN 60335-2-30:1992
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for room heaters
Amendment A52:1997 to EN 60335-2-30:1992
Amendment A51:1995 to EN 60335-2-30:1992
EN 60335-2-30:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-30: Particular requirements for room heaters
EN 60335-2-31:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for range hoods
Amendment A51:1995 to EN 60335-2-31:1990
Amendment A1:1991 to EN 60335-2-31:1990
EN 60335-2-31:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60335-2-31:1997
EN 60335-2-32:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-32: Particular requirements for massage appliances
EN 60335-2-32:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-32: Particular requirements for massage appliances
EN 60335-2-33:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for coffee mills and coffee grinders
EN 60335-2-34:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-34: Particular requirements for motor-compressors
EN 60335-2-35:1994
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for instantaneous water heaters
Amendment A51:1995 to EN 60335-2-35:1994
EN 60335-2-35:1998
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-35: Particular requirements for instantaneous water heaters
EN 60335-2-36:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-36: Particular requirements for commercial electric ranges, ovens and hob elements
Amendment A51:1991 to EN 60335-2-36:1989
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-36:1989
EN 60335-2-36:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-36: Particular requirements for commercial electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob elements
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-36:1995
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60335-2-36:1995
EN 60335-2-37:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric deep fat fryers
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-37:1989
Amendment A51:1992 to EN 60335-2-37:1989
EN 60335-2-37:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-37: Particular requirements for commercial electric deep fat fryers
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-37:1995
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60335-2-37:1995
EN 60335-2-38:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric griddles and griddle grills
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-38:1989
Amendment A51:1992 to EN 60335-2-38:1989
EN 60335-2-38:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-38: Particular requirements for commercial electric griddles and griddle grills
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-38:1995
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60335-2-38:1995
EN 60335-2-39:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose cooking pans
Amendment A51:1991 to EN 60335-2-39:1989
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-39:1989
EN 60335-2-39:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-39: Particular requirements for commercial electric multi-purpose cooking pans
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-39:1995
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60335-2-39:1995
EN 60335-2-40:1993
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
Amendment A51:1996 to EN 60335-2-40:1993
EN 60335-2-40:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
EN 60335-2-41:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electric pumps for liquids having a temperature not exceeding 35°C
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60335-2-41:1990
EN 60335-2-41:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-41: Particular requirements for pumps for liquids having a temperature not exceeding 35 °C
EN 60335-2-42:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric forced convection ovens
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-42:1989
EN 60335-2-42:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-42: Particular requirements for commercial electric forced convection ovens, steam cookers and steam-convection ovens
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-42:1995
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60335-2-42:1995
EN 60335-2-43:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for clothes dryers and towel rails
Amendment A1:1990 to EN 60335-2-43:1989
Amendment A51:1992 to EN 60335-2-43:1989
EN 60335-2-43:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-43: Particular requirements for clothes dryers and towel rails
EN 60335-2-44:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electric ironers
Amendment A51:1995 to EN 60335-2-44:1991
EN 60335-2-44:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-44: Particular requirements for ironers
EN 60335-2-45:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for portable electric heating tools and similar appliances
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-45:1990
Amendment A51:1993 to EN 60335-2-45:1990
EN 60335-2-45:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-45: Particular requirements for portable heating tools and similar appliances
EN 60335-2-46:1989
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric steam cookers
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-46:1989
EN 60335-2-47:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric boiling pans
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-47:1990
Amendment A52:1992 to EN 60335-2-47:1990
EN 60335-2-47:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-47: Particular requirements for commercial electric boiling pans
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-47:1997
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-47:1997
EN 60335-2-48:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric grillers and toasters
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-48:1990
EN 60335-2-48:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-48: Particular requirements for commercial electric grillers and toasters
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-48:1997
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-48:1997
EN 60335-2-49:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial catering electric hot cupboards
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-49:1990
EN 60335-2-49:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-49: Particular requirements for commercial electric hot cupboards
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-49:1997
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-49:1997
EN 60335-2-50:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric bains-marie
Amendment A1:1992 to EN 60335-2-50:1991
EN 60335-2-50:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-50: Particular requirements for commercial electric bains-marie
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-50:1997
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-50:1997
EN 60335-2-51:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating and service water installations
EN 60335-2-51:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-51: Particular requirements for stationary circulation pumps for heating and service water installations
EN 60335-2-52:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances connected to the mains supply through a safety isolating transformer
EN 60335-2-52:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-52: Particular requirements for oral hygiene appliances
EN 60335-2-53:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electric sauna heating appliances
Amendment A51:1996 to EN 60335-2-53:1991
EN 60335-2-53:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-53: Particular requirements for sauna heating appliances
EN 60335-2-54:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for general purpose cleaning appliances
EN 60335-2-54:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-54: Particular requirements for surface-cleaning appliances for household use employing liquids or steam
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 60335-2-54:1997
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60335-2-54:1997
EN 60335-2-55:1993
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electrical appliances for use with aquariums and garden ponds
EN 60335-2-55:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-55: Particular requirements for electrical appliances for use with aquariums and garden ponds
EN 60335-2-56:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for projectors and similar appliances
EN 60335-2-56:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-56: Particular requirements for projectors and similar appliances
EN 60335-2-58:1993
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric dishwashing machines
EN 60335-2-58:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-58: Particular requirements for commercial electric dishwashing machines
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60335-2-58:1997
EN 60335-2-59:1994
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for insect killers
EN 60335-2-59:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-59: Particular requirements for insect killers
EN 60335-2-60:1991
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for whirlpool baths and similar equipment
Amendment A51:1993 to EN 60335-2-60:1991
Amendment A52:1994 to EN 60335-2-60:1991
Amendment A53:1997 to EN 60335-2-60:1991
EN 60335-2-60:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-60: Particular requirements for whirlpool baths
EN 60335-2-61:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-61: Particular requirements for thermal storage room heaters
EN 60335-2-62:1992
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric rinsing sinks
EN 60335-2-62:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-62: Particular requirements for commercial electric rinsing sinks
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60335-2-62:1997
EN 60335-2-63:1993
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for commercial electric water boilers and liquid heaters
EN 60335-2-65:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-65: Particular requirements for air-cleaning appliances
EN 60335-2-66:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-66: Particular requirements for water-bed heaters
EN 60335-2-67:1994
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for floor treatment and floor cleaning machines, for industrial and commercial use
EN 60335-2-67:1998
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-67: Particular requirements for floor treatment and floor cleaning machines, for industrial and commercial use
EN 60335-2-68:1994
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for spray extraction appliances, for industrial and commercial use
EN 60335-2-68:1998
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-68: Particular requirements for spray extraction appliances, for industrial and commercial use
EN 60335-2-69:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for industrial and commercial use
EN 60335-2-69:1998
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-69: Particular requirements for wet and dry vacuum cleaners, including power brush, for industrial and commercial use
EN 60335-2-70:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-70: Particular requirements for milking machines
EN 60335-2-71:1995
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-71: Particular requirements for electrical heating appliances for breeding and rearing animals
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60335-2-71:1995
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60335-2-71:1995
EN 60335-2-73:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-73: Particular requirements for fixed immersion heaters
EN 60335-2-74:1996
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-74: Particular requirements for portable immersion heaters
EN 60335-2-78:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-78: Particular requirements for outdoor barbecues
EN 60335-2-79:1998
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-79: Particular requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam cleaners, for industrial and commercial use
Amendment A11:1999 to EN 60335-2-79:1998
EN 60335-2-80:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans
EN 60335-2-81:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-81: Particular requirements for foot warmers and heating mats
EN 60335-2-84:1998
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-84: Particular requirements for toilets
EN 60335-2-85:1998
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-85: Particular requirements for fabric steamers
EN 60335-2-87:1999
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-87: Particular requirements for electric animal stunning equipment
EN 60335-2-88:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-88: Particular requirements for humidifiers intended for use with heating, ventilation or air conditioning systems
EN 60335-2-90:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-90: Particular requirements for commercial microwave ovens
EN 60335-2-98:1997
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2-98: Particular requirements for humidifiers
EN 60357:1988
Tungsten halogen lamps (non-vehicle)
Amendment A4:1991 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A5:1993 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A6:1994 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A7:1994 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A8:1995 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A9:1996 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A12:1999 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A10:1997 to EN 60357:1988
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60357:1988
EN 60360:1989
Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60360:1989
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60360:1989
EN 60360:1998
Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
EN 60399:1993
Standard sheets for barrel thread for E14 and E27 lampholders with shade holder ring
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60399:1993
EN 60400:1992
Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterholders
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60400:1992
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 60400:1992
EN 60400:1996
Lampholders for tubular fluorescent lamps and starterholders
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60400:1996
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60400:1996
EN 60432-1:1994
Safety specifications for incandescent lamps -
Part 1: Tungsten filament lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60432-1:1994
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60432-1:1994
EN 60432-2:1994
Safety specifications for incandescent lamps -
Part 2: Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60432-2:1994
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60432-2:1994
EN 60439-1:1994
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60439-1:1994
Amendment A11:1996 to EN 60439-1:1994
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60439-1:1994
EN 60439-1:1999
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 1: Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies
EN 60439-2:1993
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 2: Particular requirements for busbar trunking systems (busways)
EN 60439-3:1991
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 3: Particular requirements for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies intended to be installed in places where unskilled persons have access for their use - Distribution boards
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60439-3:1991
EN 60439-4:1991
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 4: Particular requirements for assemblies for construction sites (ACS)
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60439-4:1991
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60439-4:1991
EN 60439-5:1996
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part 5: Particular requirements for assemblies intended to be installed outdoors in public places - Cable distribution cabinets (CDCs) for power distribution in networks
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60439-5:1996
EN 60477:1997
Laboratory d.c. resistors
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60477:1997
EN 60477-2:1997
Laboratory resistors -
Part 2: Laboratory a.c. resistors
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60477-2:1997
EN 60491:1995
Safety requirements for electronic flash apparatus for photographic purposes
EN 60519-1:1993
Safety in electroheat installations -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60519-2:1993
Safety in electroheat installations -
Part 2: Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment
EN 60519-3:1995
Safety in electroheat installations -
Part 3: Particular requirements for induction and conduction heating and induction melting installations
EN 60519-4:1997
Safety in electroheat installations -
Part 4: Particular requirements for arc furnace installations
EN 60519-9:1995
Safety in electroheat installations -
Part 9: Particular requirements for high-frequency dielectric heating installations
EN 60519-11:1997
Safety in electroheat installations -
Part 11: Particular requirements for installations for electromagnetic stirring, transport or pouring of metal liquids
EN 60519-21:1998
Safety in electroheat installations -
Part 21: Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment - Heating and melting glass equipment
EN 60523:1993
Direct-current potentiometers
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60523:1993
EN 60524:1993
Direct-current resistive volt ratio boxes
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60524:1993
EN 60529:1991
Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
EN 60564:1993
D.C. bridges for measuring resistance
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60564:1993
EN 60570:1993
Electrical supply track systems for luminaires
EN 60570:1996
Electrical supply track systems for luminaires
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 60570:1996
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60570:1996
EN 60570-2-1:1994
Electrical supply track systems for luminaires -
Part 2: Mixed supply systems -
Section 1: Classes I and III
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60570-2-1:1994
EN 60598-1:1993
Luminaires -
Part 1: General requirements and tests
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60598-1:1993
EN 60598-1:1997
Luminaires -
Part 1: General requirements and tests
Amendment A12:1998 to EN 60598-1:1997
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60598-1:1997
EN 60598-2-1:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 1: Fixed general purpose luminaires
EN 60598-2-2:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 2: Recessed luminaires
Amendment A2:1996 to EN 60598-2-2:1989
EN 60598-2-2:1996
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 2: Recessed luminaires
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60598-2-2:1996
EN 60598-2-3:1994
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 3: Luminaires for road and street lighting
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60598-2-3:1994
EN 60598-2-4:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 4: Portable general purpose luminaires
Amendment A3:1993 to EN 60598-2-4:1989
EN 60598-2-4:1997
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 4: Portable general purpose luminaires
EN 60598-2-5:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 5: Floodlights
Amendment A2:1994 to EN 60598-2-5:1989
EN 60598-2-5:1998
Luminaires -
Part 2-5: Particular requirements - Floodlights
EN 60598-2-6:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 6: Luminaires with built-in transformers for filament lamps
Amendment A2:1991 to EN 60598-2-6:1989
EN 60598-2-6:1994
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 6: Luminaires with built-in transformers or convertors for filament lamps
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60598-2-6:1994
EN 60598-2-7:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 7: Portable luminaires for garden use
Amendment A13:1997 to EN 60598-2-7:1989
Amendment A12:1995 to EN 60598-2-7:1989
Amendment A2:1996 to EN 60598-2-7:1989
EN 60598-2-8:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 8: Handlamps
Amendment A2:1993 to EN 60598-2-8:1989
EN 60598-2-8:1997
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 8: Handlamps
EN 60598-2-9:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 9: Photo and film luminaires (non-professional)
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60598-2-9:1989
EN 60598-2-17:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 17: Luminaires for stage lighting, television film and photographic studios (outdoor and indoor)
Amendment A2:1991 to EN 60598-2-17:1989
EN 60598-2-19:1989
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 19: Air-handling luminaires (safety requirements)
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60598-2-19:1989
EN 60598-2-20:1991
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 20: Lighting chains
Amendment A11:1992 to EN 60598-2-20:1991
EN 60598-2-20:1997
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 20: Lighting chains
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60598-2-20:1997
EN 60598-2-22:1990
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 22: Luminaires for emergency lighting
EN 60598-2-22:1998
Luminaires -
Part 2-22: Particular requirements - Luminaires for emergency lighting
EN 60598-2-23:1996
Luminaires -
Part 2-23: Particular requirements - Extra low-voltage lighting systems for filament lamps
EN 60598-2-24:1998
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 24: Luminaires with limited surface temperatures
EN 60598-2-25:1994
Luminaires -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 25: Luminaires for use in clinical areas of hospitals and health care buildings
EN 60618:1997
Inductive voltage dividers
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60618:1997
EN 60645-1:1994
Audiometers -
Part 1: Pure-tone audiometers
EN 60645-3:1995
Audiometers -
Part 3: Auditory test signals of short duration for audiometric and neuro-otological purposes
EN 60645-4:1995
Audiometers -
Part 4: Equipment for extended high-frequency audiometry
EN 60651:1994
Sound level meters
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60651:1994
EN 60662:1993
High-pressure sodium vapour lamps
Amendment A4:1994 to EN 60662:1993
Amendment A6:1994 to EN 60662:1993
Amendment A5:1994 to EN 60662:1993
Amendment A7:1995 to EN 60662:1993
Amendment A9:1997 to EN 60662:1993
Amendment A10:1997 to EN 60662:1993
EN 60669-1:1995
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations -
Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A2:1996 to EN 60669-1:1995
EN 60669-1:1999
Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60669-2-1:1996
Switches for household and similar fixed-electrical installations -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 1: Electronic switches
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60669-2-1:1996
EN 60669-2-2:1997
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 2: Electromagnetic remote-control switches (RCS)
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60669-2-2:1997
EN 60669-2-3:1997
Switches for household and similar fixed electrical installations -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements - Time-delay switches (TDS)
EN 60691:1995
Thermal-links - Requirements and application guide
EN 60695-1-1:1995
Fire hazard testing -
Part 1: Guidance for assessing fire hazard of electrotechnical products -
Section 1: General guidance
EN 60695-2-1/0:1996
Fire hazard testing -
Part 2: Test methods -
Section 1/sheet 0: Glow-wire test methods - General
EN 60695-2-1/1:1996
Fire hazard testing -
Part 2: Test methods -
Section 1/sheet 1: Glow-wire end-product test and guidance
EN 60695-2-1/2:1996
Fire hazard testing -
Part 2: Test methods -
Section 1/sheet 2: Glow-wire flammability test on materials
EN 60695-2-1/3:1996
Fire hazard testing -
Part 2: Test methods -
Section 1/sheet 3: Glow-wire ignitability test on materials
EN 60695-2-2:1994
Fire hazard testing -
Part 2: Test methods -
Section 2: Needle-flame test
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60695-2-2:1994
EN 60695-2-4/0:1993
Fire hazard testing -
Part 2: Test methods -
Section 4/sheet 0: Diffusion type and premixed type flame test methods
EN 60695-2-4/1:1993
Fire hazard testing -
Part 2: Test methods -
Section 4/sheet 1: 1 kW nominal pre-mixed test flame and guidance
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60695-2-4/1:1993
EN 60695-11-10:1999
Fire hazard testing -
Part 11-10: Test flames - 50 W horizontal and vertical flame test methods
EN 60695-11-20:1999
Fire hazard testing -
Part 11-20: Test flames - 500 W flame test methods
EN 60719:1993
Calculation of the lower and upper limits for the average outer dimensions of cables with circular copper conductors and of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V
EN 60730-1:1991
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A14:1995 to EN 60730-1:1991
Amendment A1:1991 to EN 60730-1:1991
Amendment A11:1991 to EN 60730-1:1991
Amendment A12:1993 to EN 60730-1:1991
EN 60730-1:1995
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60730-1:1995
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60730-1:1995
Amendment A13:1998 to EN 60730-1:1995
Amendment A15:1998 to EN 60730-1:1995
Amendment A14:1998 to EN 60730-1:1995
Amendment A12:1996 to EN 60730-1:1995
Amendment A11:1996 to EN 60730-1:1995
Amendment A16:1999 to EN 60730-1:1995
EN 60730-2-1:1991
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electrical controls for electrical household appliances
Amendment A13:1995 to EN 60730-2-1:1991
Amendment A11:1992 to EN 60730-2-1:1991
Amendment A12:1993 to EN 60730-2-1:1991
EN 60730-2-1:1997
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electrical controls for electrical household appliances
EN 60730-2-2:1991
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors
Amendment A11:1995 to EN 60730-2-2:1991
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60730-2-2:1991
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60730-2-2:1991
EN 60730-2-3:1992
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal protectors for ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60730-2-3:1992
EN 60730-2-4:1993
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors for motor-compressors of hermetic and semi-hermetic type
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60730-2-4:1993
EN 60730-2-5:1995
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for automatic electrical burner control systems
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60730-2-5:1995
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60730-2-5:1995
EN 60730-2-6:1995
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for automatic electrical pressure sensing controls including mechanical requirements
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60730-2-6:1995
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60730-2-6:1995
EN 60730-2-7:1991
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for timers and time switches
Amendment A12:1993 to EN 60730-2-7:1991
Amendment A11:1994 to EN 60730-2-7:1991
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60730-2-7:1991
EN 60730-2-8:1995
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electrically operated water valves, including mechanical requirements
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60730-2-8:1995
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60730-2-8:1995
EN 60730-2-9:1995
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for temperature sensing controls
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60730-2-9:1995
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60730-2-9:1995
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60730-2-9:1995
EN 60730-2-10:1995
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for motor starting relays
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60730-2-10:1995
EN 60730-2-11:1993
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for energy regulators
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60730-2-11:1993
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60730-2-11:1993
EN 60730-2-12:1993
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electrically operated door locks
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60730-2-12:1993
EN 60730-2-13:1998
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60730-2-13:1998
EN 60730-2-14:1997
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for electric actuators
EN 60730-2-15:1995
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for automatic electrical water level sensing controls of the float or electrode-sensor type used in boiler applications
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60730-2-15:1995
EN 60730-2-16:1997
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for automatic electrical water level operating controls of the float type for household and similar applications
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60730-2-16:1997
EN 60730-2-18:1999
Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use -
Part 2: Particular requirements for automatic electrical water and air flow sensing controls, including mechanical requirements
EN 60742:1995
Isolating transformers and safety isolating transformers - Requirements
EN 60799:1987
Cord sets
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60799:1987
EN 60799:1998
Electrical accessories - Cord sets and interconnection cord sets
EN 60804:1994
Integrating-averaging sound level meters
Amendment A2:1994 to EN 60804:1994
EN 60811-1-1:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 1: General application -
Section 1: Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical properties
EN 60811-1-2:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 1: General application -
Section 2: Thermal ageing methods
EN 60811-1-3:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 1: General application -
Section 3: Methods for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage test
EN 60811-1-4:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 1: General application -
Section 4: Tests at low temperature
EN 60811-2-1:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 2: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds -
Section 1: Ozone resistance test - Hot set test - Mineral oil immersion test
EN 60811-2-1:1998
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Common test methods -
Part 2-1: Methods specific to elastomeric compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral oil immersion tests
EN 60811-3-1:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds -
Section 1: Pressure test at high temperature - Tests for resistance to cracking
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 60811-3-1:1995
EN 60811-3-2:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 3: Methods specific to PVC compounds -
Section 2: Loss of mass test - Thermal stability test
EN 60811-4-1:1995
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables - Common test methods -
Part 4: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds -
Section 1: Resistance to environmental stress cracking - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air - Measurement of the melt flow index - Carbon black and/or mineral content measurement in PE
EN 60811-5-1:1999
Insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical fibre cables - Common test methods -
Part 5: Methods specific to filling compounds -
Section 1: Drop point - Separation of oil - Lower temperature brittleness - Total acid number - Absence of corrosive components - Permittivity at 23 °C - D.C. resistivity at 23 °C and 100 °C
EN 60825-1:1994
Safety of laser products -
Part 1: Equipment classification, requirements and user's guide
Amendment A11:1996 to EN 60825-1:1994
EN 60825-2:1994
Safety of laser products -
Part 2: Safety of optical fibre communication systems
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60825-2:1994
EN 60825-4:1997
Safety of laser products -
Part 4: Laser guards
EN 60831-1:1996
Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation
EN 60831-2:1993
Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 2: Ageing test, self-healing test and destruction test
EN 60831-2:1996
Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 2: Ageing test, self-healing test and destruction test
EN 60838-1:1998
Miscellaneous lampholders -
Part 1: General requirements and tests
EN 60838-2-1:1996
Miscellaneous lampholders -
Part 2: Particular requirements -
Section 1: Lampholders S14
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60838-2-1:1996
EN 60898:1991
Circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations
Amendment A1:1991 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A15:1995 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A16:1996 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A11:1994 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A12:1995 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A17:1998 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A14:1995 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A13:1995 to EN 60898:1991
Amendment A18:1998 to EN 60898:1991
EN 60901:1990
Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety and performance requirements
Amendment A1:1990 to EN 60901:1990
Amendment A2:1993 to EN 60901:1990
EN 60920:1991
Ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements
Amendment A1:1993 to EN 60920:1991
Amendment A2:1996 to EN 60920:1991
EN 60922:1991
Ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding tubular fluorescent lamps) - General and safety requirements
Amendment A2:1993 to EN 60922:1991
EN 60922:1997
Auxiliaries for lamps - Ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding tubular fluorescent lamps) - General and safety requirements
EN 60924:1991
D.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60924:1991
EN 60926:1990
Starting devices (other than glow starters) - General and safety requirements
Amendment A2:1994 to EN 60926:1990
EN 60926:1996
Auxiliaries for lamps - Starting devices (other than glow starters) - General and safety requirements
EN 60928:1991
A.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements
Amendment A2:1994 to EN 60928:1991
EN 60928:1995
Auxiliaries for lamps - A.C. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - General and safety requirements
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60928:1995
EN 60931-1:1996
Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 1: General - Performance, testing and rating - Safety requirements - Guide for installation and operation
EN 60931-2:1993
Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 2: Ageing test and destruction test
EN 60931-2:1996
Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 2: Ageing test and destruction test
EN 60931-3:1996
Shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for a.c. systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 kV -
Part 3: Internal fuses
EN 60934:1994
Circuit-breakers for equipment (CBE)
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60934:1994
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60934:1994
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 60934:1994
EN 60947-1:1997
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 1: General rules
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 60947-1:1997
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60947-1:1997
EN 60947-1:1999
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 1: General rules
EN 60947-2:1996
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 2: Circuit-breakers
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60947-2:1996
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60947-2:1996
EN 60947-3:1992
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60947-3:1992
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60947-3:1992
EN 60947-3:1999
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 3: Switches, disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
EN 60947-4-1:1992
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 4: Contactors and motor-starters -
Section 1: Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 60947-4-1:1992
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60947-4-1:1992
EN 60947-4-2:1996
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 4: Contactors and motor-starters -
Section 2: A.C. semiconductor motor controllers and starters
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60947-4-2:1996
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 60947-4-2:1996
EN 60947-5-1:1991
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 5: Control circuit devices and switching elements -
Section 1: Electromechanical control circuit devices
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60947-5-1:1991
Amendment A12:1997 to EN 60947-5-1:1991
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60947-5-1:1991
EN 60947-5-1:1997
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 5-1: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Electromechanical control circuit devices
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60947-5-1:1997
EN 60947-5-2:1997
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 5: Control circuit devices and switching elements -
Section 2: Proximity switches
EN 60947-5-2:1998
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 5-2: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Proximity switches
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60947-5-2:1998
EN 60947-5-3:1999
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 5-3: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Requirements for proximity devices with defined behaviour under fault conditions (PDF)
EN 60947-5-4:1997
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 5: Control circuit devices and switching elements -
Section 4: Methods of assessing the performance of low energy contacts - Special tests
EN 60947-5-5:1997
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 5-5: Control circuit devices and switching elements - Electrical emergency stop device with mechanical latching function
EN 60947-6-1:1991
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 6: Multiple function equipment -
Section 1: Automatic transfer switching equipment
Amendment A1:1994 to EN 60947-6-1:1991
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60947-6-1:1991
EN 60947-6-2:1993
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 6-2: Multiple function equipment - Control and protective switching devices (or equipment) (CPS)
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 60947-6-2:1993
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60947-6-2:1993
EN 60947-7-1:1991
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 7: Ancillary equipment -
Section 1: Terminal blocks for copper conductors
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60947-7-1:1991
Amendment A1:1999 to EN 60947-7-1:1991
EN 60947-7-2:1995
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear -
Part 7: Ancillary equipment -
Section 2: Protective conductor terminal blocks for copper conductors
EN 60950:1992
Safety of information technology equipment
Amendment A2:1993 to EN 60950:1992
Amendment A1:1993 to EN 60950:1992
Amendment A3:1995 to EN 60950:1992
Amendment A4:1997 to EN 60950:1992
Amendment A11:1997 to EN 60950:1992
EN 60967:1990
Safety of electrically heated blankets, pads and similar flexible heating appliances for household use
Amendment A51:1994 to EN 60967:1990
Amendment A1:1993 to EN 60967:1990
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 60967:1990
EN 60968:1990
Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services - Safety requirements
Amendment A1:1993 to EN 60968:1990
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 60968:1990
EN 60974-1:1990
Safety requirements for arc welding equipment -
Part 1: Welding power sources
EN 60974-1:1998
Arc welding equipment -
Part 1: Welding power sources
EN 60974-11:1995
Arc welding equipment -
Part 11: Electrode holders
EN 60974-12:1995
Arc welding equipment -
Part 12: Coupling devices for welding cables
EN 60998-1:1993
Connecting devices for low voltage circuits for household and similar purposes -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 60998-2-1:1993
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes -
Part 2-1: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with screw-type clamping units
EN 60998-2-2:1993
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes -
Part 2-2: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with screwless-type clamping units
EN 60998-2-3:1993
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes -
Part 2-3: Particular requirements for connecting devices as separate entities with insulation piercing clamping units
EN 60998-2-4:1993
Connecting devices for low-voltage circuits for household and similar purposes -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements for twist-on connecting devices
EN 60999-1:1993
Connecting devices - Safety requirements for screw-type and screwless-type clamping units for electrical copper conductors -
Part 1: General requirements and particular requirements for conductors from 0,5 mm2 up to 35 mm2 (included)
EN 61008-1:1994
Electrical accessories - Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB's) -
Part 1: General rules
Amendment A2:1995 to EN 61008-1:1994
Amendment A11:1995 to EN 61008-1:1994
Amendment A12:1998 to EN 61008-1:1994
Amendment A14:1998 to EN 61008-1:1994
Amendment A13:1998 to EN 61008-1:1994
EN 61008-2-1:1994
Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCB's) -
Part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RCCB's functionally independent of line voltage
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 61008-2-1:1994
EN 61009-1:1994
Electrical accessories - Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's) -
Part 1: General rules
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 61009-1:1994
Amendment A11:1995 to EN 61009-1:1994
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 61009-1:1994
Amendment A14:1998 to EN 61009-1:1994
Amendment A13:1998 to EN 61009-1:1994
Amendment A15:1998 to EN 61009-1:1994
EN 61009-2-1:1994
Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCBO's) -
Part 2-1: Applicability of the general rules to RCBO's functionally independent of line voltage
Amendment A11:1998 to EN 61009-2-1:1994
EN 61010-1:1993
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 61010-2-010:1994
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -
Part 2-010: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for the heating of materials
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 61010-2-010:1994
EN 61010-2-020:1994
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -
Part 2-020: Particular requirements for laboratory centrifuges
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 61010-2-020:1994
EN 61010-2-031:1994
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -
Part 2-031: Particular requirements for hand-held probe assemblies for electrical measurement and test
EN 61010-2-032:1995
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use -
Part 2-032: Particular requirements for hand-held current clamps for electrical measurement and test
EN 61010-2-041:1996
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use -
Part 2-041: Particular requirements for autoclaves using steam for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes
EN 61010-2-042:1997
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use -
Part 2-042: Particular requirements for autoclaves and sterilizers using toxic gas for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes
EN 61010-2-043:1997
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use -
Part 2-043: Particular requirements for dry heat sterilizers using either hot air or hot inert gas for the treatment of medical materials, and for laboratory processes
EN 61010-2-051:1995
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use -
Part 2-051: Particular requirements for laboratory equipment for mechanical mixing and stirring
EN 61010-2-061:1996
Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use -
Part 2-061: Particular requirements for laboratory atomic spectrometers with thermal atomization and ionization
EN 61028:1993
Electrical measuring instruments - X-Y recorders
Amendment A2:1997 to EN 61028:1993
EN 61046:1994
D.C. or a.c. supplied electronic step-down convertors for filament lamps - General and safety requirements
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 61046:1994
EN 61048:1993
Auxiliaries for lamps - Capacitors for use in tubular fluorescent and other discharge lamp circuits - General and safety requirements
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 61048:1993
Amendment A2:1999 to EN 61048:1993
EN 61050:1992
Transformers for tubular discharge lamps having a no-load output voltage exceeding 1 kV (generally called neon-transformers) - General and safety requirements
Amendment A1:1995 to EN 61050:1992
EN 61058-1:1992
Switches for appliances -
Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A1:1993 to EN 61058-1:1992
EN 61058-2-1:1993
Switches for appliances -
Part 2-1: Particular requirements for cord switches
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 61058-2-1:1993
EN 61058-2-5:1994
Switches for appliances -
Part 2-5: Particular requirements for change-over selectors
EN 61071-1:1996
Power electronic capacitors -
Part 1: General
EN 61071-2:1996
Power electronic capacitors -
Part 2: Requirements for disconnecting test on fuses, destruction test, self-healing test and endurance test
EN 61095:1993
Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes
Amendment A11:1996 to EN 61095:1993
EN 61131-2:1994
Programmable controllers -
Part 2: Equipment requirements and tests
Amendment A11:1996 to EN 61131-2:1994
EN 61143-1:1994
Electrical measuring instruments - X-t recorders -
Part 1: Definitions and requirements
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 61143-1:1994
EN 61143-2:1994
Electrical measuring instruments - X-t recorders -
Part 2: Recommended additional test methods
EN 61184:1994
Bayonet lampholders
Amendment A1:1996 to EN 61184:1994
EN 61184:1997
Bayonet lampholders
EN 61187:1994
Electrical and electronic measuring equipment - Documentation
EN 61195:1994
Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 61195:1994
EN 61199:1994
Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Safety specifications
Amendment A2:1998 to EN 61199:1994
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 61199:1994
EN 61204:1995
Low-voltage power supply devices, d.c. output - Performance characteristics and safety requirements
EN 61210:1995
Connecting devices - Flat quick-connect terminations for electrical copper conductors - Safety requirements
EN 61230:1995
Live working - Portable equipment for earthing or earthing and short-circuiting
EN 61236:1995
Saddles, pole clamps (stick clamps) and accessories for live working
EN 61242:1997
Electrical accessories - Cable reels for household and similar purposes
EN 61243-3:1998
Live working - Voltage detectors -
Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type
EN 61270-1:1996
Capacitors for microwave ovens -
Part 1: General
EN 61293:1994
Marking of electrical equipment with ratings related to electrical supply - Safety requirements
EN 61307:1996
Industrial microwave heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output
EN 61308:1996
High-frequency dielectric heating installations - Test methods for the determination of power output
EN 61310-1:1995
Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation -
Part 1: Requirements for visual, auditory and tactile signals
EN 61310-2:1995
Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation -
Part 2: Requirements for marking
EN 61310-3:1999
Safety of machinery - Indication, marking and actuation -
Part 3: Requirements for the location and operation of actuators
EN 61400-2:1996
Wind turbine generator systems -
Part 2: Safety of small wind turbines
EN 61549:1996
Miscellaneous lamps
Amendment A1:1997 to EN 61549:1996
EN 61557-1:1997
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 1: General requirements
EN 61557-2:1997
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 2: Insulation resistance
EN 61557-3:1997
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 3: Loop impedance
EN 61557-4:1997
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 4: Resistance of earth connection and equipotential bonding
EN 61557-5:1997
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 5: Resistance to earth
EN 61557-6:1998
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 6: Residual current devices (RCD) in TT, TN and IT systems
EN 61557-7:1997
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 7: Phase sequence
EN 61557-8:1997
Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 kV a.c. and 1,5 kV d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures -
Part 8: Insulation monitoring devices for IT systems
EN 61558-1:1997
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 1: General requirements and tests
Amendment A1:1998 to EN 61558-1:1997
EN 61558-2-1:1997
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-1: Particular requirements for separating transformers for general use
EN 61558-2-2:1998
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-2: Particular requirements for control transformers
EN 61558-2-4:1997
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-4: Particular requirements for isolating transformers for general use
EN 61558-2-5:1998
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-5: Particular requirements for shaver transformers and shaver supply units
EN 61558-2-6:1997
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-6: Particular requirements for safety isolating transformers for general use
EN 61558-2-7:1997
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-7: Particular requirements for transformers for toys
EN 61558-2-8:1998
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-8: Particular requirements for bell and chime transformers
EN 61558-2-17:1997
Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar -
Part 2-17: Particular requirements for transformers for switch mode power supplies
EN 61603-1:1997
Transmission of audio and/or video and related signals using infra-red radiation -
Part 1: General
EN 61770:1999
Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets
EN 61812-1:1996
Specified time relays for industrial use -
Part 1: Requirements and tests
Amendment A11:1999 to EN 61812-1:1996
EN 62020:1998
Electrical accessories - Residual current monitors for household and similar uses (RCMs)
HD 21.1 S3:1997
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 1: General requirements
HD 21.2 S3:1997
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 2: Test methods
HD 21.3 S3:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 3: Non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 21.3 S3:1995
HD 21.4 S2:1990
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 4: Sheathed cables for fixed wiring
HD 21.5 S3:1994
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 5: Flexible cables (cords)
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 21.5 S3:1994
HD 21.7 S2:1996
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 7: Single core non-sheathed cables for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 90° C
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 21.7 S2:1996
HD 21.8 S1:1990
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V - Part 8: Single core non-sheathed cables for decorative chains
Amendment A2:1994 to HD 21.8 S1:1990
HD 21.8 S2:1999
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 8: Single core non-sheathed cables for decorative chains
HD 21.9 S2:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 9: Single core non-sheathed cable for installation at low temperatures
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 21.9 S2:1995
HD 21.10 S1:1993
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 10: Extensible leads
HD 21.11 S1:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 11: Cables for luminaires
HD 21.12 S1:1994
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 12: Heat-resistant flexible cables (cords)
HD 21.13 S1:1995
Polyvinyl chloride insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 13: Oil resistant PVC sheathed cables with two or more conductors
HD 22.1 S3:1997
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 1: General requirements
HD 22.2 S3:1997
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 2: Test methods
HD 22.3 S3:1995
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 3: Heat resistant silicone rubber insulated cables
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.3 S3:1995
HD 22.4 S3:1995
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 4: Cords and flexible cables
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.4 S3:1995
HD 22.6 S2:1995
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 6: Arc welding cables
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.6 S2:1995
HD 22.7 S2:1995
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 7: Cables with increased heat resistance for internal wiring for a conductor temperature of 110 °C
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.7 S2:1995
HD 22.8 S2:1994
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 8: Polychloroprene or equivalent synthetic elastomer sheathed cable for decorative chains
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.8 S2:1994
HD 22.9 S2:1995
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 9: Single core non-sheathed cables for fixed wiring having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.9 S2:1995
HD 22.10 S1:1994
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 10: EPR insulated and polyurethane sheathed flexible cable
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.10 S1:1994
HD 22.11 S1:1995
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 11: EVA cords and flexible cables
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.11 S1:1995
HD 22.12 S1:1996
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 12: Heat resistant EPR cords and flexible cables
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.12 S1:1996
HD 22.13 S1:1996
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 13: Single and multicore flexible cables, insulated and sheathed with crosslinked polymer and having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases
HD 22.14 S1:1995
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 14: Cords for applications requiring high flexibility
Amendment A1:1999 to HD 22.14 S1:1995
HD 22.15 S1:1999
Rubber insulated cables of rated voltages up to and including 450/750 V -
Part 15: Multicore cables insulated and sheathed with heat resistant silicone rubber
HD 27 S1:1983
Colours of the cores of flexible cables and cords
HD 194 S1:1977
Requirements concerning the electrical safety of laser-apparatus and installations
HD 196 S1:1978
Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes
HD 207 S1:1977
Recommendation for capacitors for inductive heat generating plants operating at frequencies between 40 Hz and 24 kHz
HD 250 S1:1977
General specification for electric motor operated appliances for household and similar purposes
Amendment HD 250.2 S1:1978 to HD 250 S1:1977
HD 251 S3:1982
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 1: General requirements
Amendment A1:1985 to HD 251 S3:1982
Amendment A3:1987 to HD 251 S3:1982
Amendment A2:1987 to HD 251 S3:1982
HD 262 S1:1977
Particular specification for portable immersion heaters
Amendment HD 262.2 S1:1978 to HD 262 S1:1977
Amendment HD 262.3 S1:1989 to HD 262 S1:1977
Amendment HD 262.4 S1:1990 to HD 262 S1:1977
HD 277 S1:1985
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for motor-compressors
Amendment A1:1989 to HD 277 S1:1985
Amendment A2:1995 to HD 277 S1:1985
HD 278 S1:1987
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for room heaters
Amendment A2:1989 to HD 278 S1:1987
Amendment A1:1988 to HD 278 S1:1987
Amendment A3:1990 to HD 278 S1:1987
Amendment A4:1990 to HD 278 S1:1987
Amendment A5:1990 to HD 278 S1:1987
Amendment A6:1991 to HD 278 S1:1987
HD 280 S1:1986
Safety requirements for electric fans and regulators -
Part 1: Fans and regulators for household and similar purposes
HD 280.2 S1:1990
Safety requirements for electric fans and regulators -
Part 2: Fans and regulators for use in ships
HD 280.3 S1:1990
Safety requirements for electric fans and regulators -
Part 3: Jet fans
HD 282 S1:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances -
Part 2: Particular requirements for instantaneous water heaters
Amendment A1:1992 to HD 282 S1:1990
HD 283 S1:1992
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for the maximum temperature allowed for the surfaces of air-outlet grilles of thermal storage room heating appliances
HD 289 S1:1990
Safety of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular rules for routine tests referring to appliances under the scope of EN 60335-1
Amendment A1:1992 to HD 289 S1:1990
HD 308 S1:1976
Identification and use of cores of flexible cables
HD 324 S1:1977
Identification of insulated and bare conductors by colours
HD 359 S2:1990
Flat polyvinylchloride sheathed lift cables
HD 360 S2:1990
Circular rubber insulated lift cables for normal use
Amendment A1:1991 to HD 360 S2:1990
HD 361 S3:1999
System for cable designation
HD 362 S1:1977
Safety rules for the construction of equipment for electric arc welding and allied processes
HD 368 S1:1978
Direct acting recording electrical measuring instruments and their accessories
HD 405.1 S1:1983
Tests on electric cables under fire conditions -
Part 1: Test on a single vertical insulated wire or cable
Amendment A1:1992 to HD 405.1 S1:1983
HD 405.2 S1:1991
Tests on electric cables under fire conditions -
Part 2: Test on a single small vertical insulated copper wire or cable
HD 405.3 S1:1993
Tests on electric cables under fire conditions -
Part 3: Tests on bunched wires or cables
HD 407 S1:1980
Safety rules for the use of equipment for electric arc welding and allied processes
HD 419.2 S1:1987
Low-voltage controlgear -
Part 2: Semiconductor contactors (solid state contactors)
HD 427 S1:1981
Specific safety rules for the installation of equipment for electric arc welding and allied processes
HD 433 S1:1983
Safety requirements for arc welding equipment - Coupling devices for welding cables
HD 434 S1:1983
Ripple control receivers
HD 505.4.2 S1:1992
Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables -
Part 4: Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds -
Section 2: Elongation at break after pre-conditioning - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air - Measurement of mass increase - Long-term stability test (Appendix A) - Test method for copper-catalysed oxidative degradation (Appendix B)
HD 505.5.1 S1:1992
Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables -
Part 5: Methods specific to filling compounds -
Section 1: Drop-point - Separation of oil - Lower temperature brittleness - Total acid number - Absence of corrosive components - Permittivity at 23°C - D.C. Resistivity at 23°C and 100°C
HD 516 S2:1997
Guide to use of low voltage harmonized cables
HD 528 S2:1997
A method of temperature-rise assessment by extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
HD 549 S1:1989
Conference systems - Electrical and audio requirements
HD 586.1 S1:1994
Mineral insulated cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V -
Part 1: Cables
HD 586.2 S1:1994
Mineral insulated cables with a rated voltage not exceeding 750 V -
Part 2: Terminations
HD 597 S1:1992
Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers
HD 602 S1:1992
Test on gases evolved during combustion of materials from cables - Determination of degree of acidity (corrosivity) of gases by measuring pH and conductivity
HD 603 S1:1994
Distribution cables of rated voltage 0,6/1 kV
HD 604 S1:1994
0,6/1 kV and 1,9/3,3 kV power cables with special fire performance for use in power stations
HD 605 S1:1994
Electric cables - Additional test methods
HD 606.1 S1:1992
Measurement of smoke density of electric cables burning under defined conditions - Part 1: Test apparatus
HD 606.2 S1:1992
Measurement of smoke density of electric cables burning under defined conditions -
Part 2: Test procedure and requirements
HD 625.1 S1:1996
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems -
Part 1: Principles, requirements and tests
HD 625.3 S1:1997
Insulation coordination for equipment within low-voltage systems -
Part 3: Use of coatings to achieve insulation coordination of printed board assemblies
HD 626 S1:1996
Overhead distribution cables of rated voltage Uo/U(Um): 0,6/1 (1,2) kV
HD 627 S1:1996
Multicore and multipair cable for installation above and below ground
HD 630.2.1 S1:1996
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 2: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application) - Sections I to III
HD 630.2.1 S2:1997
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 2-1: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application) -
Sections I to IV: Examples of types of standardized fuses for use by authorized persons
HD 630.2.1 S3:1998
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 2-1: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application) -
Sections I to V: Examples of types of standardized fuses for use by authorized persons
HD 630.3.1 S1:1996
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 3-1: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household and similar applications) - Sections I to IV
HD 630.3.1 S2:1997
Low-voltage fuses -
Part 3-1: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household and similar applications) - Sections I to IV
LVS EN 60730-1:1995 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzētās |
automātiskās vadības ierīces - 1.daļa: | |
Vispārējās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-1/A1:1997 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzētas |
automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces - | |
1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-1/A12:1996 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzētas |
automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces - | |
1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-1/A13:1998 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzētas |
automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces - | |
1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-1/A14:1998 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzētas |
automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces - | |
1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-1/A15:1998 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzētas |
automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces - | |
1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-1/A2:1998 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzētas |
automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces - | |
1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-2-11:1993 | Automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces |
+ A1:1997 | sadzīves un līdzīgai lietošanai - 2.daļa: Īpašas |
prasības enerģijas regulatoriem | |
LVS EN 60730-2-5:1995 | Automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces sadzīves |
un līdzīgai lietošanai - 2.daļa: Īpašas prasības | |
automātiskajām elektriskajām kurināšanas | |
vadības sistēmām | |
LVS EN 60730-2-6:1995 | Automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces |
+ A2:1998 | sadzīves un līdzīgai lietošanai - 2.daļa: Īpašas |
prasības automātiskajām elektriskajām spiediena | |
noteikšanas ierīcēm, tai skaitā mehāniskās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-2-7:1991 | Automātiskās elektriskās sviras sadzīves vai |
+ A1:1997 | līdzīgiem lietošanas apstākļiem - 2.daļa: Īpašas |
prasības taimeriem un laika slēdžiem | |
LVS EN 60730-2-8:1995 | Automātiskās elektriskās sviras lietošanai |
+ A2:1997 | mājsaimniecības un līdzīgos apstākļos - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības elektriski darbināmiem ūdens | |
vārstiem, ieskaitot mehāniskās prasības | |
LVS EN 60730-2-9:1995 | Automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces sadzīves |
+ A2:1997 | un līdzīgai lietošanai - 2.daļa: Īpašas prasības |
temperatūras noteikšanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60730-2-11:1993 | Automātiskās elektriskās vadības ierīces sadzīves |
+ A1:1997 | un līdzīgai lietošanai - 2.daļa: Īpašas prasības |
enerģijas regulatoriem | |
LVS EN 60335-1/A1:1996 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzēto |
elektrisko ierīču drošība - 1.daļa: Vispārīgās prasības | |
LVS EN 60335-1/A11:1995 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzēto |
elektrisko ierīču drošība - 1.daļa: Vispārīgās prasības | |
LVS EN 60335-1/A12:1996 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzēto |
elektrisko ierīču drošība - 1.daļa: Vispārīgās prasības | |
LVS EN 60335-1/A13:1998 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzēto |
elektrisko ierīču drošība - 1.daļa: Vispārīgās prasības | |
LVS EN 60335-1/A14:1998 | Sadzīvei un līdzīgiem mērķiem paredzēto |
elektrisko ierīču drošība - 1.daļa: Vispārīgās prasības | |
LVS EN 60335-1:1994 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1996 +A11:1995 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 1.daļa: |
+A12:1996 +A13:1998 | Vispārīgas prasības |
+A14:1998 | |
LVS EN 60335-2-10:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības grīdas kopšanas un grīdas | |
mazgāšanas mašīnām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-11:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1998 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības žāvēšanas ierīcēm veļas mašīnās | |
LVS EN 60335-2-12:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības sildvirsmām un līdzīgām ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-13:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības dziļām tauku pannām, | |
cepešpannām un līdzīgām ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-14:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības virtuves tehnikai | |
LVS EN 60335-2-15:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības ierīcēm šķidrumu sildīšanai | |
LVS EN 60335-2-2:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1998 +A53:1994 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības putekļu sūcējiem un mitrās | |
sūkšanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-21:1992 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības ūdens temperatūras | |
akumulatoriem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-23:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības ādas un matu kopšanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-24:1994 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A51:1995, +A52:1996, | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
+A53:1997 | Īpašas prasības ledusskapjiem, pārtikas |
saldēšanas kamerām un ledus gatavošanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-25:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības mikroviļņu krāsnīm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-26:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības pulksteņiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-27:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A11:1997 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības ultravioleto un infrasarkano staru | |
ādas kopšanas ierīcēm, kuras lieto | |
mājsaimniecībā un līdzīgos apstākļos | |
LVS EN 60335-2-28:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības šujmašīnām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-29:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A11:1997 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības bateriju uzlādēšanas aparātiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-3:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības elektriskiem gludekļiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-30:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības telpu sildītājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-31:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem domātu |
elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: Īpašas | |
prasības pavarda pārsegierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-32:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības masāžas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-34:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības kompresoriem ar iebūvētu motoru | |
LVS EN 60335-2-35:1998 | Mājsaimniecības un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības ūdens ātrsildītājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-36:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un citiem mērķiem paredzēto |
+A1:1996 | elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: Īpašas |
prasības komerciāli izmantojamām elektriskām | |
ēdiena gatavošanas plītīm, krāsnīm, vārīšanas | |
virsmām un šo virsmu elementiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-37:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1996 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamām | |
elektriskām dziļajām tauku pannām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-38:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1996 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamām | |
elektriskām pannām un grila pannām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-39:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1996 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamiem | |
elektriskiem daudzfunkcionāliem traukiem | |
daudzfunkcionālai ēdiena gatavošanai | |
LVS EN 60335-2-4:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1997 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības veļas izgriešanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-40:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības elektriskiem siltuma sūkņiem, | |
gaisa kondicionētājiem un gaisa mitruma | |
pārveidotājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-41:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības šķidruma sūkņiem, ja tā | |
temperatūra nepārsniedz 350 C | |
LVS EN 60335-2-42:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1996 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamām | |
elektriskām pastiprinātās konvekcijas krāsnīm, | |
tvaika katliem un tvaika konvekcijas krāsnīm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-43:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības apģērbu žāvēšanas ierīcēm un | |
dvieļu pakaramiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-44:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības elektriskajām gludināšanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-45:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības pārnēsājamiem lodēšanas | |
instrumentiem un līdzīgām ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-47:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamiem | |
elektriskiem vārāmiem katliem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-48:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli izmantojamiem | |
elektriskiem griliem un tosteriem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-49:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības sabiedriskajā ēdināšanā | |
lietojamiem siltumskapjiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-5:1995 | Mājsaimniecības un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A11:1997 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības trauku mazgājamām mašīnām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-50:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamām | |
elektriskām ūdens peldes ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-51:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības stacionārajiem cirkulācijas | |
sūkņiem apkures un ūdensapgādes sistēmu | |
vajadzībām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-52:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības mutes higiēnas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-53:19997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība -2.daļa: Īpašas | |
prasības elektriskiem saunu sildītājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-54:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības vispārēja pielietojuma tīrīšanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-55:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības akvārijos un dārza dīķos | |
izmantojamām elektriskām ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-56:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības projektoriem un līdzīgām | |
elektriskām ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-57:1992 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības saldējuma gatavošanas ierīcēm | |
ar iebūvētu kompresoru | |
LVS EN 60335-2-58:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības komerciālām trauku | |
mazgājamām mašīnām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-59:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības insektu iznīcināšanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-6:1990 | Mājsaimniecības un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A2:1992 +A52:1995 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
+A53:1995+A54:1997 | Īpašas prasības virtuves plītīm, krāsnīm un |
līdzīgām mājsaimniecības ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-60:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības burbuļvannu aparātiem un | |
līdzīgām ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-61:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības telpu sildītājiem ar siltuma | |
akumulēšanu | |
LVS EN 60335-2-62:1997 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamām | |
elektriskām skalošanas izlietnēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-63:1993 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības komerciāliem elektriskiem ūdens | |
vārītājiem un šķidruma sildītājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-64:1993 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības komerciāli lietojamām | |
elektriskām virtuves ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-65:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības gaisa attīrīšanas ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 60335-2-66:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības ūdens gultu sildītājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-67:1994 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības rūpnieciski un komerciāli | |
izmantojamām grīdas kopšanas un grīdas | |
tīrīšanas mašīnām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-68:1994 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības aerosola izsmidzināšanas ierīcēm | |
rūpnieciskiem un komerciāliem mērķiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-69:1998 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības mitrās un sausās apstrādes | |
putekļsūcējiem, ieskaitot suku mehānismu, | |
komerciālām un rūpnieciskām vajadzībām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-7:1990 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
+A1:1997 | paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības veļas mazgājamām mašīnām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-70:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības slaukšanas aparātiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-71:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības elektriskajiem sildītājiem, kas | |
lietojami, turot un audzējot mājlopus | |
LVS EN 60335-2-73:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības fiksētiem iegremdējamiem sildītājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-74:1996 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības pārnēsājamiem iegremdējamiem | |
sildītājiem | |
LVS EN 60335-2-8:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības bārdas skūšanas un matu | |
griešanas mašīnām | |
LVS EN 60335-2-9:1995 | Mājsaimniecībai un līdzīgiem mērķiem |
paredzēto elektrisko ierīču drošība - 2.daļa: | |
Īpašas prasības tosteriem, griliem, rosteriem un | |
līdzīgām ierīcēm | |
LVS EN 50065-1:1991 | Signāli uz zemsprieguma elektroiekārtām |
+ A3:1996 | frekvenču intervāla no 3 kHz 148,5 kHz - |
1.daļa: Vispārīgās prasības, frekvenču joslas un | |
elektromagnētiskie traucējumi | |
LVS EN 50083-1 :1993 | Televīzijas un skaņas apraides signālu |
izplatīšanas kabeļtīklu sistēmas - 1.daļa: | |
Drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 50083-3:1994 | Televīzijas un skaņas apraides signālu |
izplatīšanas kabeļtīklu sistēmas - 3.daļa: | |
Koaksiālo tīklu aktīvās platjoslas iekārtas | |
LVS EN 50083-4:1994 | Televīzijas un skaņas apraides signālu |
izplatīšanas kabeļtīklu sistēmas - 4.daļa: | |
Koaksiālo tīklu pasīvās platjoslas iekārtas | |
LVS EN 50083-5:1994 | Televīzijas un skaņas apraides signālu |
izplatīšanas kabeļtīklu sistēmas - 5.daļa: | |
Galvasstaciju iekārtas | |
LVS EN 50083-6:1994 | Televīzijas un skaņas apraides signālu |
izplatīšanas kabeļtīklu sistēmas - 6.daļa: | |
Optiskās šķiedras tīklu iekārtas | |
LVS EN 60081:1998 | Divcokolu luminiscences spuldzes - Darbības |
specifikācijas | |
LVS EN 60155:1995 + A1:1995 | Kvēles starteris luminiscences spuldzēm |
LVS EN 60204-1:1997 | Mašīnu drošība - Mehānismu elektroierīces - |
1.daļa: Vispārīgās prasības | |
LVS EN 60204-3-1:1990 | Rūpniecisko iekārtu elektriskās ierīces - 3.daļa: |
Īpašas prasības šūšanas mašīnām, posmiem un | |
sistēmām | |
LVS EN 60238:1996 + A2:1998 | Spuldžu ietveres ar Edisona vītni |
LVS EN 60400:1996 + A2:1998 | Cauruļveida luminiscences spuldžu un starteru |
ietveres | |
LVS EN 60432-1:1994 + A2:1997 | Drošības prasības kvēlspuldzēm - 1.daļa: |
Volframa kvēldiega spuldzes mājas un līdzīgiem | |
vispārējās apgaismes mērķiem | |
LVS EN 60432-2:1994 + A2:1997 | Drošības prasības kvēlspuldzēm - 2.daļa: |
Volframa halogēnspuldzes mājas un līdzīgiem | |
vispārējās apgaismes mērķiem | |
LVS EN 60439-1/A1:1995 | Zema sprieguma komutācijas un vadības ierīču |
bloki - 1.daļa: Tipveida pārbaudīti un daļēji | |
tipveida pārbaudīti bloki | |
LVS EN 60439-1:1994 | Zema sprieguma komutācijas un vadības ierīču |
bloki - 1.daļa: Tipveida pārbaudīti un daļēji | |
tipveida pārbaudīti bloki | |
LVS EN 60519-1:1993 | Elektroapsildes iekārtu drošība - 1.daļa: |
Vispārīgās prasības | |
LVS EN 60570-2-1:1994 + A1:1996 | Elektroapgādes vadu sistēmas |
gaismekļiem - 2.daļa: Jauktās apgādes sistēmas | |
- 1.nodaļa: I un III klases | |
LVS EN 60598-1:1997 | Gaismas ķermeņi - 1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības |
un pārbaudes | |
LVS EN 60598-2-20:1997 | Gaismekļi - 2.daļa: Speciālas prasības - |
20.nodaļa: Apgaismes virtenes | |
LVS EN 60598-2-25:1997 | Gaismekļi - 2.daļa: Speciālas prasības - |
25.nodaļa: Gaismekļi slimnīcu klīniskajām | |
telpām un veselības aprūpes ēkām | |
LVS EN 60598-2-3:1994 | Gaismekļi - 2.daļa: Speciālas prasības - |
+ A1:1997 | 3.nodaļa: Gaismekļi ceļu un ielu apgaismei |
LVS EN 60598-2-6:1994 | Gaismekļi - 2.daļa: Speciālas prasības - |
+ A1:1997 | 6.nodaļa: Gaismekļi ar iemontētu transformatoru |
kvēlspuldzēm | |
LVS EN 60645-1:1994 | Audiometri - 1.daļa: Tīrā toņa audiometri |
LVS EN 60645-3:1995 | Audiometri - 3.daļa. Audiometrijai un |
neirootoloģijai paredzētie īslaicīgi dzirdes testa signāli | |
LVS EN 60645-4:1995 | Audiometri - 4.daļa. Izstiepta augstfrekvenču |
diapazona audiometrijai paredzēta iekārta | |
LVS EN 60651:1994 + A1:1994 | Skaņas līmeņa mērītāji |
LVS EN 60662:1993 + A10:1997 | Augstspiediena nātrija tvaiku spuldzes |
LVS EN 60804:1994 +A2:1994 | Integrējošie skaņas līmeņa mērītāji |
LVS EN 60838-1/A1:1997 | Īpašas spuldžu ietveres - 1.daļa: Vispārējas |
prasības un pārbaudes | |
LVS EN 60838-1:1994 | Īpašas spuldžu ietveres - 1.daļa: Vispārējās |
prasības un pārbaudes | |
LVS EN 60920:1991 + A2:1996 | Cauruļveida lumuniscences spuldžu balasti - |
Vispārējās un drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 60922:1997 | Gāzes izlādes spuldžu balasti (izņemot |
cauruļveida lumuniscences spuldzes) - | |
Vispārējās un drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 60924:1991 + A1:1994 | Līdzstrāvas cauruļveida luminiscences spuldžu |
elektriskie balasti - Vispārējās un drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 60926:1996 | Lampu palīgierīces - Ieslēgšanas ierīces |
(neizlādes starteris) -Vispārējās un drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 60928:1995 | Spuldžu palīgierīces - Cauruļveida |
lumuniscences spuldžu maiņstrāvas elektroniskie | |
balasti - Vispārējās un drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 60947-1:1997 | Zemsprieguma pārslēdzēji un vadības slēdži - |
+ A1:1998 | 1.daļa: Vispārējās prasības |
LVS EN 60947-2:1996 | Zemsprieguma pārslēdzēji un vadības slēdži - |
+ A1:1997 | 2.daļa: Shēmas pārtraucēji |
LVS EN 60947-3:1992 | Zemsprieguma vadības un pārslēgšanas |
+ A2:1997 | mehānismi - 3.daļa: Slēdži, atvienotāji un |
drošinātāju kombinētie posmi | |
LVS EN 60947-4-1:1992 | Zemsprieguma vadības un pārslēgšanas |
+A2:1997 | mehānismi - 4.daļa: Slēdzēji un motoru starteri |
- 1.nodaļa: Elektromehāniskie slēdzēji un | |
motoru starteri | |
LVS EN 60947-5-1:1991 | Zemsprieguma pārslēdzēji un vadības slēdži - |
+ A11:1997 | 5.daļa: Vadības shēmas ierīces un |
slēdzējelementi - 1.nodaļa: Elektromehāniskās | |
vadības shēmas iekārtas | |
LVS EN 60947-6-1:1991 | Zemsprieguma pārslēdzēji un vadības slēdži - |
+ A2:1997 | 6.daļa: Daudzfunkciju iekārtas - 1.nodaļa: |
Automātiskās pārnesuma slēdžu ierīces | |
LVS EN 60947-6-2:1993 | Zemsprieguma pārslēdzēji un vadības slēdži - |
+ A1:1997 | 6.daļa: Daudzfunkciju iekārtas - 2.nodaļa: |
Vadības un aizsardzības slēdzējviras (vai | |
iekārtas) (VAS) | |
LVS EN 60947-7-1:1991 | Zemsprieguma pārslēgšanas mehānisms un |
+ A11:1997 | vadības mehānisms - 7.daļa: Palīgierīces - |
1.nodaļa: Termināla bloki vara konduktoriem | |
LVS EN 60950:1992+A1:1993, | Informācijas tehnoloģiju iekārtu, tai skaitā |
+A2:1993 | elektriskās biroja tehnikas, drošība |
LVS EN 61008-1:1994 | Strāvas starpības darbināti loka pārtraucēji |
+ A13:1998 | (SSLP) bez iebūvētas pārslodzes aizsardzības |
sadzīves un līdzīgam lietojumam - 1.daļa: | |
Vispārējie noteikumi | |
LVS EN 61009-1:1994 | Strāvas starpības darbināti loka pārtraucēji |
+ A15:1998 | (SSLP) ar iebūvētu pārslodzes aizsardzību |
mājsaimniecības un līdzīgam lietojumam - | |
1.daļa: Vispārēji noteikumi | |
LVS EN 61048:1993 + A1:1996 | Spuldžu palīgierīces - Kondensatori, kurus |
izmanto cauruļveida luminiscences un citu gāzes | |
izlādes spuldžu ķēdēs - Vispārējās un drošības | |
prasības | |
LVS EN 61050:1992 + A1:1995 | Cauruļveida gāzes izlādes spuldžu |
transformatori, kuriem nenoslogotas izejas | |
spriegums pārsniedz 1000 V (parasti tiek saukti | |
par neona transformatoriem) - Vispārējās un | |
drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 61131-2:1994 | Programmējami regulatori - 2.daļa: Iekārtu |
+ A11:1996 | prasības un pārbaude |
LVS EN 61184:1997 | Bajonetcokolu spuldžu ietveres |
LVS EN 61195:1994 | Divcokolu luminiscences spuldzes - Drošības prasības |
LVS EN 61199:1994 +A1:1997 | Viencokola luminiscences spuldzes - Drošības |
prasības | |
LVS EN 61204:1995 | Zemsprieguma strāvas padeves ierīces |
līdzstrāvas ražošanā - Darbības raksturlielumi | |
un drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 61210:1995 | Savienojošās ierīces - Plakani ātras |
savienošanas gali elektriskajiem vara | |
konduktoriem - Drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 61293:1994 | Elektroiekārtu marķējums ar klasēm atkarībā no |
strāvas padeves - Drošības prasības | |
LVS EN 61310-1:1995 | Mašīnu drošība - Indikācija, marķējums un |
iedarbināšana -1.daļa: Prasības vizuāliem, | |
dzirdamiem un taustāmiem signāliem | |
LVS EN 61310-2:1995 | Mašīnu drošība - Indikācija, marķējums un |
iedarbināšana - 2. daļa: Marķēšanas prasības |