Par Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Senāta rezolūciju
Ārlietu ministrs Māris Riekstiņš atbalsta un ir gandarīts par ASV Senāta apstiprināto rezolūciju sakarā ar Latvijas neatkarības proklamēšanas 90.gadadienu.
Rezolūcijā uzsvērts, ka 1922.gada 24.jūlijā Amerikas Savienotās Valstis atzina Latvijas neatkarību un suverenitāti. Norādīts, ka, neskatoties uz vairākām vienošanām un noslēgtiem protokoliem starp Padomju Savienību un Latviju, ieskaitot miera līgumu 1920.gada 11.augustā, Latvija, Igaunija un Lietuva 1940.gada 17.jūnijā varmācīgi tika iekļautas Padomju Savienības sastāvā.
Rezolūcijā minēts, ka ASV nekad nav atzinusi šo okupāciju un visi ASV prezidenti ir turpinājuši uzturēt diplomātiskās attiecības ar Baltijas valstīm, nekad neatzīstot tās par padomju republikām.
Rezolūcijā augsti novērtēta ASV un Latvijas līdzšinējā sadarbība, uzsverot arī Baltijas valstu un ASV Partnerības hartu, kuras desmitgade tika atzīmēta šā gada janvārī, kā arī novērtēts Latvijas sasniegtais progress demokratizācijas un ekonomikas jomā.
Vienlaikus 16.septembra rezolūcijā tiek izteikts aicinājums ASV prezidentam un valsts sekretārei aicināt Krievijas valdību atzīt, ka Latvijas, Lietuvas un Igaunijas okupācija 51 gada garumā ir bijusi nelikumīga.
Ārlietu ministrijas Informācijas un sabiedrisko attiecību departaments
110th Congress, 2d Session
S. CON. RES. 87
Congratulating the Republic of Latvia on the 90th anniversary of its declaration of independence.
June 9, 2008, Mr. SMITH (for himself and Mr. DURBIN)
submitted the following concurrent resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations
Congratulating the Republic of Latvia on the 90th anniversary of its declaration of independence.
Whereas, on November 18, 1918, in the City of Riga, the members of the People’s Council proclaimed Latvia a free, democratic, and sovereign nation;
Whereas, on July 24, 1922, the United States formally recognized Latvia as an independent and sovereign nation;
Whereas Latvia existed for 21 years as an independent and sovereign nation and a fully recognized member of the League of Nations;
Whereas Latvia maintained friendly and stable relations with its neighbors, including the Soviet Union, during its independence, without any border disputes;
Whereas Latvia concluded several peace treaties and protocols with the Soviet Union, including a peace treaty signed on August 11, 1920, under which the Soviet Union unreservedly recognize[d] the independence and sovereignty of the Latvian State and forever renounce[d] all sovereign rights ... over the Latvian people and territory;
Whereas, despite friendly and mutually productive relations between Latvia and the Soviet Union, on August 23, 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, which contained a secret protocol assigning Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania to the Soviet sphere of influence;
Whereas, under the cover of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, on June 17, 1940, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania were forcibly incorporated into the Soviet Union in violation of pre-existing peace treaties;
Whereas the Soviet Union imposed upon the people of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania a communist political system that stifled civil dissent, free political expression, and basic human rights;
Whereas the United States never recognized this illegal and forcible occupation, and successive United States presidents maintained continuous diplomatic relations with these countries throughout the Soviet occupation, never accepting them to be ‘Soviet Republics’;
Whereas, during the 50 years of Soviet occupation of the Baltic states, Congress strongly, consistently, and on a bipartisan basis supported a United States policy of legal non-recognition;
Whereas, in 1953, the congressionally-established Kersten Commission investigated the incorporation of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania into the Soviet Union and determined that the Soviet Union had illegally and forcibly occupied and annexed the Baltic countries;
Whereas, in 1982, and for the next nine years until the Baltic countries regained their independence, Congress annually adopted a Baltic Freedom Day resolution denouncing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and appealing for the freedom of the Baltic countries;
Whereas, in 1991, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania regained their de facto independence and were quickly recognized by the United States and by almost every other country in the world, including the Soviet Union;
Whereas, in 1998, the United States and the three Baltic nations signed the U.S.-Baltic Charter of Partnership, an expression of the importance of the Baltic Sea region to United States interests;
Whereas the 109th Congress resolved (S. Con. Res. 35 and H. Res. 28) that ‘it is the sense of Congress that the Government of the Russian Federation should issue a clear and unambiguous statement of admission and condemnation of the illegal occupation and annexation by the Soviet Union from 1940 to 1991 of the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the consequences of which will be a significant increase in good will among the affected people’;
Whereas Latvia has successfully developed as a free and democratic country, ensured the rule of law, and developed a free market economy;
Whereas the Government of Latvia has constantly pursued a course of integration of that country into the community of free and democratic nations, becoming a full and responsible member of the United Nations, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the European Union, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization;
Whereas the people of Latvia cherish the principles of political freedom, human rights, and independence; and
Whereas Latvia is a strong and loyal ally of the United States, and the people of Latvia share common values with the people of the United States: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring), That Congress –
(1) congratulates the people of Latvia on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of that country’s November 18, 1918, declaration of independence;
(2) commends the Government of Latvia for its success in implementing political and economic reforms, for establishing political, religious and economic freedom, and for its strong commitment to human and civil rights;
(3) recognizes the common goals and shared values of the people of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, the close and friendly relations and ties of the three Baltic countries with one other, and their tragic history in the last century under the Nazi and Soviet occupations;
(4) calls on the President to issue a proclamation congratulating the people of Latvia on the 90th anniversary of the declaration of Latvia’s independence on November 18, 1918;
(5) respectfully requests the President to congratulate the Government of Latvia for its commitment to democracy, a free market economy, human rights, the rule of law, participation in a wide range of international structures, and security cooperation with the United States Government; and
(6) calls on the President and Secretary of State to urge the Government of the Russian Federation to acknowledge that the Soviet occupation of Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and for the succeeding 51 years was illegal.