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Tiesību aktu un oficiālo paziņojumu oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā. Piedāvājam lejuplādēt digitalizētā laidiena saturu (no Latvijas Nacionālās bibliotēkas krājuma).

The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia,

hereinafter referred to as “the Party”,


Recognizing the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces (NATO/PfP SOFA) done in Brussels 19th of June 1995, with the Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the Other States Participating in the Partnership for Peace Regarding the Status of their Forces, done in Brussels 19th of June 1995;


guided by the wish to strengthen mutual relations between the Ministries of Defence in the letter and spirit of the Charter of the UN;


keeping in mind the development of an atmosphere of mutual confidence by cooperation of defence ministries of both countries and their armed forces;


wishing to set forth the legal and practical framework arrangements for the implementation of bilateral co-operation activities in the defence area;

have reached the following understanding:


Article I


The purpose of this Agreement is to provide an overall and practical framework for co-operation in the defence area between the Parties, including the implementation of military co-operation programmes adopted by the Parties.


Article II

Areas of Co-operation

2.1. Co-operation between Parties covers following areas:

– exchange of experience on participation in the activities conducted within the framework of PFP and NATO;

– exchange of experience on the issues related to the formation and functioning of multinational military units;

– democratic control of armed forces;

– formation of legal framework for armed forces;

– defence policy and strategy;

– defence planning and budgeting;

– command, control and communications;

– international peace support and humanitarian operations;

– environmental issues and contamination control;

– civil emergency planning;

– logistics;

– other areas which are considered to be mutual interest.

2.2. Detailed issues of co-operation on the fields specified in para 2.1. can be defined accurately by the detailed arrangements between the Parties concluded within the auspices of this Agreement.


Article III

Co-operation forms

Co-operation in the defence related matters would take place through the following activities:

a) Co-operation between the Ministries of Defence:

i. Reciprocal visits by Ministers of Defence,

ii. Reciprocal visits and consultations of officials of the Ministries,

iii. Bilateral staff talks and consultations.

b) Co-operation between the Chief Headquarters:

i. Reciprocal visits of Chiefs of Staff,

ii. Bilateral staff talks and consultations.

c) Co-operation between other military institutions and units:

i. Participation in training and educational programmes,

ii. Establishment of co-operation between the military educational institutions, including exchange of students and instructors,

iii. Visits, consultations and exchange of experience in the relevant field of mutual activities.


Article IV

Planning and conduct

4.1. The annual plan of co-operation for the next year will be worked out by 1 December of the current year based on this Agreement.

4.2. The annual plan of co-operation will be elaborated on earlier agreed proposals submitted by the Parties.

4.3. Each Party will appoint a point of contact for each activity foreseen in the annual plan of co-operation and project concluded within the auspices of this Agreement.


Article V

Financial arrangements

5.1. The Visiting Party covers the travel expenses to and from the territory of the Hosting Part, as well as the travel allowances and the cost of insurance.

5.2. The Hosting Party covers the travel expenses within its territory, accommodation and meals.

5.3. The Hosting Party settles costs of emergency medical and dental care services. Costs of other medical and dental care services will be settled by the Visiting Party.

This general principle of reciprocity shall not be applicable to groups consisting of more than ten members including the support personnel (e.g. drivers, interpreters etc.). Funding procedures applicable to these groups shall be established on a case by case basis by mutual agreement in written between the Parties.


Article VI

Jurisdiction and claims

6.1. The Parties will exercise criminal and disciplinary jurisdiction over their own personnel in accordance with the provisions of NATO/PfP SOFA.

6.2. Claims will be handled in accordance with the provisions of NATO/PfP SOFA.

6.3. The Parties will exchange information through the points of contact referred to in Article IV, to whom claims are to be forwarded.


Article VII

Exchange of information

7.1. The exchange of information connected with the implementation of this Agreement will be conducted through diplomatic channels or directly between the Parties.

7.2. The Parties will make all necessary steps in order to protect classified information obtained within the framework of the co-operation according to this Agreement against unauthorised disclosure. Disclosure of such information shall be possible only with permission of the originating Party.


Article VIII

Working language

The working language for projects and activities under the auspices of this Agreement will be English.


Article IX

Amendments and disputes

9.1. The Parties will enter into consultations and, when necessary, review the Agreement on the request of one or both Parties.

9.2. This Agreement may be amended at any time by mutual agreement in writing between the Parties. These amendments are defined in the written protocols, which are considered to be an integral part of this Agreement, and come into force according to the provisions of Article 10 of this Agreement.

9.3. This Agreement is not intended to conflict with the national legislation of the Parties or with international law. In case of conflict, international law and national legislation will prevail. The Parties will notify each other in the event of any conflict arising.

9.4. Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations between the Parties at the lowest possible level and will not be referred to any national or international tribunal or other third party for settlement.


Article X

Entry into effect, termination and withdrawal

10.1. This Agreement will come into force on the date of receiving the last written notification, by which the Parties notify each other through diplomatic channels concerning the fulfilment of procedures under the national legislation required for its entry into force, and is concluded for an unlimited period of time.

10.2. The Parties can terminate or withdraw from the Agreement at any time by giving ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other Party.

10.3. If the Agreement is terminated, or if any of the Party withdraws from the Agreement, the Parties will initiate negotiations to settle all outstanding mutual financial obligations, claims, disputes and security issues arising from this Agreement.

Signed in two originals, in Riga, on the 6 of September 2005, in Latvian, Armenian and English, each version being equally authentic.

In case of differences of interpretation, the English version will prevail.



For the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia

For the Ministry of  Defence of the Republic of Armenia

Einars Repše

Serzh Sargsyan

Minister of Defence

Minister of Defence


Tiesību aktu un oficiālo paziņojumu oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.


Publikācijas atsauce

AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA AND THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF ARMENIA CONCERNING CO-OPERATION IN THE DEFENCE AREA. Publicēts oficiālajā laikrakstā "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 31.05.2006., Nr. 84 https://www.vestnesis.lv/ta/id/210789-agreement-between-the-ministry-of-defence-of-the-republic-of-latvia-and-the-ministry-of-defence-of-the-republic-of-armenia-conc...

Paraksts pārbaudīts


Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulēšanas komisijas padomes lēmums Nr.126

Par sabiedrības ar ierobežotu atbildību "Lattelecom" tarifiem

Vēl šajā numurā

31.05.2006., Nr. 84


Veids: starptautisks dokuments

Pieņemts: 06.09.2005.



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