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Korupcijas novēršanas un apkarošanas biroja dienesta informācija Nr.1/5962

Par politisko organizāciju priekšvēlēšanu perioda izdevumu deklarācijām un paziņojumiem par plānotajiem vēlēšanu izdevumiem

Vēl šajā numurā

04.08.2005., Nr. 122


Veids: starptautisks dokuments

Pieņemts: 29.06.2005.

Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.


The Swedish Armed Forces, the Department of Defence of Ireland, the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Defence of the Slovak Republic, the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of Finland, hereinafter referred to as the Participants;

CONSIDERING United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) Number 1244, dated 10 June 1999;

ASPIRING TO strengthen co–operation between the Participants;

DESIRING TO formalize arrangements in a Memorandum of Understanding, hereinafter re­ferred to as the MOU, in order to par­ticipate in the Kosovo Force (KFOR) as a part of the Multinational Brigade Centre, MNB (C), in the Supreme Allied Commander Europe/North Atlan­tic Treaty Organisation (SACEUR/NATO) Opera­tion Plan 10413 – JOINT GUARDIAN – regarding Kosovo;

AND CONSIDERING the needs of the Participants to co–ordinate mutual co–operation between their forces as a part of the MNB (C) and to outline the policy and procedures applicable;

HAVE REACHED the following understanding:


1.1 The purpose of this MOU is to establish policies, procedures and arrangements between the Participants for the planning and execution of OPLAN 10413 – JOINT GUARDIAN, with re­spect to the estab­lishment, sustainment, and transportation of the Participants` forces to, in and from Kosovo, Area of Responsibility (AOR) and Area of Operations (AOO).

1.2 Based on NATO and KFOR plans on the reduction and development of forces in KFOR, the Participants will maintain and deploy troops to MNB (C). The HQ of MNB(C) will move it’s location during October – November 2004 and the organization of the current MNB(C) will be converted into a new one as agreed between the participants of MNB (C).

1.3 This MOU is not intended to conflict with the national legislation of the Par­ticipants or with inter­national law. In case of a conflict, the relevant international law and national law will prevail. The Participants will notify each other in the event of any conflict arising.

1.4 Extant MOUs, Technical Arrangements (TAs) and Exchange of Letters between Participants and listed in Annex A will remain in effect. Participants may enter into additional bilateral or other MOU, TA or Exchange of Letters, for furthering the purposes of this MOU. Such Arrangements will be informed to the other Participants and added to the list at Annex A on conclusion. In case of a conflict, the terms of this MOU will prevail.

Section two – REFERENCES

2.1 The Participation Agreements (PA) and Financial Agreement between NATO and Participants in this MOU concerning Troop Contribution to KFOR.

2.2 CJPLA/7340–189/01 SACEUR OPLAN 10413 Rev 2 Joint Guardian dated 18 Jun 01.

2.3 Common Reference Document (CRD) SACEUR OPLANS 10407/10413.

2.4 Governmental Decisions dated 24 June 1999 and 20 September 2002 (Finland).

2.5 Governmental Decision No 29 dated 19 December 2002 (Sweden) and the sideletter issued by the Swedish Ambassador to NATO on the 24 of September 1999 regarding the exclusive jurisdiction over Swedish personnel.

2.6 Governmental Decision NO S.16137Q of 29 June 1999 (Ireland).

2.7 Governmental Decision No 1061 dated 20 October 2003 (the Czech Republic).

2.8 Decision of the Parliament of the Slovak Republic No 1664 17 Oct 2001 and No 865 11 March 2004.

2.9 Decision of the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia dated 8 July 1999.

2.10 The Military Technical Agreement (MTA) dated 9 June 1999 between International Security Force (KFOR) and the Governments of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republic of Serbia.

2.11 The Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Defence of the Hellenic Republic and Supreme Head­quarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) Regarding the Provision of Host Nation Support (HNS) for the Execution of SACEUR OPERATION PLAN 10413 JOINT GUARDIAN dated 13 April 1999.

2.12 Exchange of Letters with Associated Annexes between Governments of the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and NATO Concerning the Basic Agreement Which Defines Legal Status of Any HQ to be Established on the Territory of FYROM dated 23/24 December 1998.

2.13 The Agreement between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty regarding the Status of their Forces (NATO SOFA) done in London 19th of June 1951.

2.14 The Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces (PfP SOFA), done in Brussles 19th of June 1995.

2.15 MC 319/1, NATO Principles and Policies for Logistics, published in December 1997.

2.16 The Exchange of Letters between NATO and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, concerning the privileges, facilities and immunities to be enjoyed by Headquarters KFOR HQ Skopje and KFOR personnel, dated 18 May 2001.

2.17 Security within North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, C–M (2002)(49) dated 17 june 2002 and subsequent amendments.

2.18 Allied Administrative Publication–6 (AAP–6) ‘NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions Edition ‘V’.

2.19 Allied Joint Publication 1.

2.20 Allied Tactical Publication 3.4.

Section three – DEFINITIONS

3.1 Definitions used in this MOU are attached at Annex B.


The Czech Republic:

Personnel to MNB (C) HQ

Personnel to MNTC and MNMPE

1 One maneuver Coy

Personnel to MN HQ and Log coy

Personnel to 1 LM Team


Total Contribution: 420


1. OPS Company

1. Recce Company

1 MN HQ and Log Company main body

Personnel to MNB (C) HQ

Personnel to RLMT and 3 LM Teams

Personnel to MNTC and MNMPE

NS and NSE

Total Contribution: 550 pers


1 Inf Company

Personnel to MNB (C) HQ

Personnel to MNMPE

Personnel to MN HQ and Log Coy

Personnel to RLMT and 1 LM Team


Total Contribution: 250 Pers

The Republic of Latvia:

Personnel to MNB (C) HQ

Personnel to MNMPE

Personnel to MN HQ and Log Coy

Total Contribution: 11 Pers

The Slovak Republic:

1. Mechanized Company

Personnel to MNB (C) HQ

Personnel to MN HQ&Log Coy

Personnel to LMT


Total Contribution: 100 Pers


1. Mech Company

1 EW Unit

1 Coordination Team (SCOT)

Personnel to MNB (C) HQ

Personnel to MNTC and MNMPE

Personnel to MN HQ&Log Coy (inc. drivers and Fire&rescue plt )

Personnel to RLMT and 2 LM Teams


Total Contribution 320 pers

Any amendments or changes to the contributions will be subject to negotiations within the MCG.


5.1 HQ MNB (C) is not a legal entity under international law or national laws of the Participants, and thus cannot assume legal rights and obligations.

5.2 Command and Control arrangements for national contributions, as determined under the KFOR Statement of Requirement (SOR) are detailed at Annex C. Operational Control (OPCON) of these units is normally delegated to Comd MNB (C). The organisation of the HQ Staffs is shown in the Crisis Establishment (CE) and is decided by the Participants as detailed in MNB (C) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

5.3 Each Participant will be represented on a Multinational Coordination Group (MCG). The responsibility of the MCG is to co–ordinate the international contributions of the Participants to MNB (C) and to formulate strategic policy and guidance. Issues that cannot be dealt with by HQ MNB (C) will be referred to the MCG for resolution by consensus. The MCG will determine its operational procedure. MCG organisation is shown at Annex D.

5.4 Positions in HQ MNB (C) will be manned based on consensus within the MCG.

5.5 In addition to HQ MNB (C) three multinational units (MNUs) will be established and operating within MNB (C); the Multinational Transport Company (MNTC), the Multinational Military Police Element (MNMPE) and the HQ and Logistics Company (HQ/Log coy). Arrangements for these units will be detailed in respective Technical (TA) or Implementing Arrangements (IA) subordinate to this MOU.

5.6 Each Participant will appoint a National Contingent Commander (NCC) or a Senior National Representative (SNR) who will keep Comd MNB (C) informed of national issues pertinent to MNB (C) activity.

5.7 Each Participant (excluding Latvia) will contribute a National Support Element (NSE), which will have responsibility for providing the national logistics support required for its respective nation. Participants will retain Full Command of their NSEs under the coordinating authority of the Comd MNB (C). Where it has been decided between the Participants, MNUs may be created to share and provide logistics capability to the MNB (C). OPCON of specific national Combat Support Services (CSS) assets when operating within a MNU will be delegated to HQ MNB (C).

5.8 National contributions may change during any NATO KFOR review or national re–examination of requirements. Future reviews will not alter the Participants’ requirements for this MOU and each Participant will keep the other Participants informed as national operational positions vary.

5.9 The Swedish Coordination Team (SCOT) team and the Swedish EW–unit are under OPCON Comd MNB (C) but mission approval requests need to be formally confirmed by the Swedish Deputy Commander of the Brigade.


6.1 Under the KFOR SOR, Finland is the Framework Nation for MNB (C) from and including 29 October 2004.

6.2 Sweden is the Framework Nation for MNTC from and including 01 November 2004. The responsibility will rotate as will be mutually decided within the MCG.

6.3 Finland is the Framework Nation for MNMPE from and including 29 October 2004. The responsibility will rotate as will be mutually decided within the MCG.

6.4 Finland is the Lead Nation for MNB (C) communication system and Framework Nation to MN HQ and Log Company. Each Participant is obliged to support Finnish communication and information system as requested. This includes but is not limited to place, electricity, cabeling inside the base, masts etc.

6.5 It is a national responsibility to deploy and return units and equipment to their respective home countries. The Participants, in consultation with Comd MNB (C), are responsible for deployment and redeployment planning and execution.

6.6 Each Participant bears the responsibility for ensuring the provision of logistic support for its forces allocated to the MNB (C), unless other provisions are made in this MOU or subordinate TAs or IAs.

6.7 Sweden is the lead nation for Camp Victoria and Finland is the lead nation for Camp Ville. The Czech Republic is the lead nation for Camp Sajkovac.

6.8 Sweden is the Framework Nation for RLMT/MNB (C) from and including 1 Nov 2004. The responsibility will rotate as will be mutually decided within the MCG.


7.1 Each Participant has financial responsibility for its own forces including:

a. Pay and allowances for its own forces, including civilian components.

b. All costs, including accommodation, travel and other expenses arising out of business performed by their forces, including the civilian component away from MNB (C).

c. All costs arising from the deployment, sustainment and re–deployment of forces to and from the Theatre.

d. All costs related to a Participants guests and visitors.

e. All costs for equipment and services for exclusive national use.

7.2 Annex E outlines the authority, responsibilities and task of the Financial Management Board (FMB) and provides detailed information on the financial arrangements, accounting and auditing procedures, including arrangements for reimbursement, to be implemented between the Participants.

7.3 Each Participant retains the ownership of its own resources. Jointly owned assets and property will not exist unless two or more Participants expressly consent. Any such assets and property jointly acquired under this MOU will be disposed of in a manner decided by consensus between the respective Participants.

7.4 If another Participants´s assets are used, the borrower must comply with the lender’s regulations (certificate etc). Necessary training and competence for this should be individually documented.


8.1 General. Participants will ensure that adequate CSS is provided to sustain their contributions to MNB (C) in support of OPLAN 10413 – JOINT GUARDIAN. CSS is a national responsibility, except where a multinational or bilateral arrangement is agreed upon. Irrespective of these specific arrangements, Comd MNB (C) retains the task of co–ordinating all logistic support within MNB (C) as set out within OPLAN 10413– JOINT GUARDIAN, in extremis, the ability to re–distribute and prioritise logistic tasks.

8.2 Logistic Concept. CSS operations within MNB (C) will be conducted by a mixture of national and multinational logistic troops who will work in both steady state peace support operations and during periods of heightened tension. Across MNB (C), the prioritisation of CSS will be set to meet Comd MNB (C)s plan and will be directed by MNB (C) staff. If tension rises, or a higher state of readiness is declared, the Participants should be prepared to provide additional resources including stocks. Comd MNB (C) will have the authority to request additional CSS capability and force protection accordingly.

8.3 Medical Concept. Provision of medi­cal support to MNB (C) forces is a national responsibility. However, medical support provided by one of the Participants will be available for all personnel of in MNB (C) on a reimbursement basis. Medical support will be coordinated by MNB (C) Senior Medical Officer (SMO). Planning and co–ordination of emergency response cover within the MNB (C) AOO will reside with HQ MNB (C) as mutually determined between the Participants. If OPCON of Medical assets is transferred to MNB(C), the responsibility to support all Participants personnel in the Mission Area is also transferred to the MNB(C).


9.1 The Participants will waive claims against each other for damage to property owned or used by the Participants, and injury to personnel whilst employed by the MNB (C). This waiver will also apply between the Participants during transportation to and from the mission area. If, however, such damage results from the reckless acts or reckless omissions, wilful misconduct or gross negligence of a Participant, its personnel or agents, the cost of any liability will be borne by that Participant alone. This waiver does not cover training in the Participants’ territory or any third party claims arising from a Participant’s use of a vehicle belonging to one of the other Participants. In the case of vehicle claims, the claim will be settled by the Participant deemed to be responsible for the cause of the claim.

9.2 Each Participant will be responsible for third party claims for damage arising out of its own acts and omissions and the acts and ommissions of its personnel.

9.3 Where two or more Participants are jointly liable for damage to a third party, the Participants involved will be jointly and proportionally responsible for settling the claim.

9.4 In situations where it has been certified that the damage has been caused by MNB (C), but the responsible Participant(s) cannot be identified, the Participants will be jointly and severally responsible. This will not apply to a Participant who clearly can not have caused the damage.

9.5 Claims mentioned in Para 9.3 and 9.4 will be processed by Comd MNB (C) in accordance with MNB (C) SOPs and decided on a case by case basis by the Participants involved.


10.1 All classified information and material exchanged or generated in connection with this MOU will be used, transmitted, stored, handled and safeguarded in accordance with the Participants’ applicable national security laws and regulations, to the extent that they provide a degree of protection no less stringent than that provided for NATO classified information and material as detailed in the document “Security Within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation”, C–M(2002)(49) dated 17 June 2002 and subsequent amendments.

10.2 Classified information or material will only be transferred between the Participants, and only through Government‑to‑Government channels or through channels approved by the Designated Security Authorities (DSAs) of the Participants. Such information will bear the level of classification and denote the country of origin. For information originating in HQ MNB (C), NATO regulations apply, classification in accordance with KFOR regulations.

10.3 Each Participant will take all lawful steps available to it to ensure that classified information or material provided or generated pursuant to this MOU is protected from further disclosure unless the other Participant(s) consent to such disclosure. Accordingly, each Participant will ensure that the recipient(s) of such information:

a. Will not release the classified information or material to any government, national organisation or other entity of a third party without prior consultation with the originating Participant.

b. Will not use the classified information or material for other than the purposes provided for in this MOU.

c. Will, in accordance with its national law, comply with any distribution and access restrictions on classified information or material that is provided to them in connection with this MOU.

10.4 The Participants will investigate all cases in which it is known or where there are grounds for suspecting that classified information or material provided or generated pursuant to this MOU has been lost or disclosed to unauthorised persons. Each Participant will also promptly and fully inform the other Participants of the details of such occurrences, and of the final results of the investigation and of the corrective action taken to preclude recurrences.

10.5 All Participants will appoint an appropriate person or persons to safeguard classified information or material pertaining to this MOU, at any site or facility where it may be used, who will be responsible for limiting access to such classified information or material involved to persons who have been properly approved for access and who have a strict need–to–know.

10.6 All requests for information regarding a specific Participant will be referred to that specific Participant.


11.1 Details of any National Declarations and Restrictions are recorded at Annex F.

11.2 The Participants will inform HQ MNB (C) of any amendments to their National Declarations and Restrictions.


12.1 The Participants will enter into consultations and, where necessary, review this MOU when the overall operational condi­tions change due to alterations in the mandate or due to other circum­stances.

12.2 This MOU, including all or any of the Annexes, may be amended at any time with mutual consent of the Participants and through exchange of letters. Any amendments will be proposed by the Participants within the MCG. In addition, Comd MNB (C) may propose amendments through the MCG. Entry into effect of any of the amendments or modifications will be governed by the terms of entry into effect of this MOU.

12.3 Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this MOU or the annexes will be resolved first between the Participants at the lowest possible level, and if no solution is found, the dispute will be transferred to the MCG. No dispute will be referred to any national or international tribunal or third party for settlement.

12.4 The Participants will be responsible for their own national distribution of the MOU. Copies of this MOU will be distributed to SACEUR and HQ KFOR, via the Chairman of the MCG.

12.5 Additional nations may be invited to participate in this MOU by mutual consent of the all existing Participants and will do so by providing either a Note of Accession (acceding to the full provisions of this MOU) or a Statement of Intent (acceding to the provisions of this MOU but with National Declarations) to the Chairman of the MCG.


13.1 This MOU will enter into effect on the day of the last signature of the Participants. It will remain in effect whilst the Participants continue to contribute to a common military unit (MNB (C) or equivalent) within KFOR. However, the Participants agree to apply this MOU provisionally pending its entry into force.

13.2 This MOU may be terminated at any time by mutual consent of the Partici­pants. Any Participant may withdraw from the MOU by giving a three (3) months written notice to the other Participants.

13.3 In the event that this MOU is terminated or expires:

a. The provisions of Section 7 (Financial Arrangements), Section 9 (Claims and Liabilities) and Section 12 (Modifications, Disputes and Distribution) will remain in effect until all outstanding payments, claims and disputes are settled.


b. The provisions of the Section 10 (Protection of Classified Information and Security) will remain in effect until all such classified information and material is either returned to the originating Participant, destroyed in accordance with the instructions of the originator or declassified by the originator.

Section fourteen – SIGNATURES

This MOU is signed in six (6) originals, one (1) for each Participant, in the English language only.


Heikki Holma

Major General

CH International Division /FI National HQ


Signed on 16 December 2004


Ossi Koukkula


Defence Attache


Signed on 13 January 2005


H.E. Antóin Mac Unfraidh

Ambassador of Ireland to Finland


Signed on 3 June 2005



Milos Rydval


Defence attache


Signed on 9 February 2005



On the behalf of Minister of Defence


Signed on 29 June 2005



Jan Horelican

Lieutenant Colonel

Defence Attache


Signed on 29 December 2004


A. Extant Arrangements between the Participants.

B. Definitions.

C. Command and Control.

D. MCG Organisation.

E. Financial Arrangements.

F. National Declarations and Restrictions.




1. Implementing Arrangement between Finland, Sweden and the Czech Republic for the Multinational Transport Company (MNTC). (signed, updated as agreed in MCG).

2. Implementing Arrangement between Finland, Sweden, Ireland, the Czech Republic and the Republic of Latvia for the Multinational Military Police Element (MNMPE). (signed updated as agreed in MCG).

3. Implementing Arrangement between Finland, Sweden, Ireland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Latvia for the Multinational HQ and Log Company. (to be signed).

4. Finland, Sweden, Ireland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Latvia Technical Arrangement regarding the Logistic Support in Camp Ville ( to be signed).

5. Sweden, Finland, Ireland, the Czech Republic and the Republic of Latvia Technical Arrangement regarding the Logistic Support in Camp Victoria (signed).

6. Finland/Ireland Technical Arrangement regarding the Incorporation of an Irish Standby Infantry Coy Unit and Staff Personnel into the Finnish Battalion (signed).

7. Arrangement between the Czech Republic Ministry of Defence and the Slovak Republic Ministry of Defence concerning establishment and deployment of joint Czech –Slovak unit in the operation Joint Guardian (KFOR) dated on 18 October 2001.

8. Czech Republic/Slovak Republic Technical Arrangement regarding the creation of joint unit dated 30 November 2001.

9. Implementing Arrangement between Sweden, Finland, Ireland, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic for the Regional Liaison and Monitoring Teams (RLMT) (to be signed).




Administrative Control. Direction or exercise of authority over subordinate or other organisations in respect of administrative matters such as personnel management, supply, services and other matters not included in the operational missions of the subordinate or other organisations. (AAP–6(V))

AOO. That portion of an area of theatre necessary for military operations and for the administration of such operations. (AAP–6(V))

AOR. (Area Of Responsibility) A defined area of land in which responsibility is specifically assigned to the commander of the area for the development and maintenance of installations, control of movement and the conduct of tactical operations involving troops under his control along parallel authority to exercise the functions. (AAP–6(V))

APOD. Air Port of Debarkation (SHAPE Compendium of Abbreviations and Acronyms).

APOE. Air Port of Embarkation (SHAPE Compendium of Abbreviations and Acronyms).

Classes of Supply. (AJP 4)

Class I: Items which are consumed by personnel or animals at an approximately uniform rate, irrespective of local changes in combat or terrain conditions, e.g. food and forage.

Class II: Supplies for which allowances are established by tables of organization and equipment (TOE), e.g. clothing, weapons, tools, spare parts, vehicles, etc.

Class III: Fuel and lubricants for all purposes, except for operating aircraft or for use in weapons such as flame throwers, e.g. petrol/gasoline, fuel oil, greases, coal and coke, etc.

Class III A: Aviation fuels and lubricants.

Class IV: These are supplies for which initial use allowances are not prescribed by approved issue tables. Normally includes fortification and construction materials, as well as additional quantities of items identical to those authorised for initial issue (Class II), such as additional vehicles.

Class V: These include ammunition, explosives and chemical agents of all types.

Combat Service Support (CSS). The support provided to combat forces, primarily in the fields of administration and logistics (AAP–6).

Commander in Theatre. The General Officer Commanding Multinational Brigade

Centre (C)

Common User Item (CUI). An item of an interchangeable nature which is in common use by two or more nations or services of a nation.

Consumables. Consumable items have in general a limited economic value. Normally these items are consumed in a short time after purchasing and when consumed they lose their identity. Consumable items are for instance: Office material, detergent, nails, wire, medical supplies etc.

Coordination Authority. The authority granted to a commander assigned responsibility for coordinating specific activities involving Participants. He has the authority to require consultation between the Participants involved or their representatives, but does not have the authority to compel approval. In case of dispute between the Participants involved, he will attempt to obtain essential understanding by discussion. In the event he is unable to obtain essential understanding he will refer the matter to the MCG.

Cost Sharing. The sharing of costs, which cannot be related to a specific Participant, mutually determined by arrangement between respective Participants.

Costs Lie Where They Fall. The expenditure incurred by Participants for their own units when executing the tasks for which those units are designed, organised and equipped.

DSA. Designated Security Authority.

Equal Value. Logistic support, supplies, or services defined in monetary terms using actual or estimated prices in effect at the time a transaction is approved.

The Force. Personnel belonging to the Kosovo Forces to include the civilian component, participating in the mission in Kosovo.

Framework Nation (FN). When one Participant assumes responsibility for coordination and control of a specific function/service for nations participating in MNB (C) and/or HQ. The method of payment will then be subject to negotiations between the Participating nations.

Full Command. The military authority and responsibility of a superior officer to issue orders to subordinates. It covers every aspect of military operations and ad­ministration and exists only within national services. (AAP – 6)

Lead Nation (LN). For logistics, when one nation assumes responsibility for procuring and providing a broad spectrum of logistic support for all or a part of the multinational force and/or headquarters. Compensation and/or reimbursement will then be subject to agreements between the parties involved. The lead nation may also assume the responsibility to co–ordinate logistics of other nations within its functional and regional area of responsibility. (MC 319/1)

Lines of Support and Transportation

a. First Line. Support integral to units, which operate predominantly within the MNB (C) Area Of Operations (AOO).

b. Second Line. Support within the MNB (C) less first line.

c. Third Line. In–theatre support to the rear of the MNB (C) AOO.

d. Fourth Line. Support within the home nations and to a POD or Forward movement base (FMB).

LMT Liaison and Monitoring Team

Logistics. The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces. In its most comprehensive sense, the aspects of military operations which deal with:

a. Design and development, acquisition, storage, transport, distribution, maintenance, evacuation and disposition of materiel.

b. Transportation of personnel.

c. Acquisition or construction, maintenance, operation and disposition of facilities.

d. Acquisitions or furnishing of services.

e. Medical and health service support. (AAP – 6, AJP 4.10)

MCG. Multinational Coordination Group

Military Police (MP). Personnel designated by the Participants as MP, equipped with MP identification, accoutrements and equipment and acting on the authority of the commander or on the national authority of their respective Participants.

MN HQ and LogCoy. Multinational HQ and Logistic Company

MNMPE. The Multinational Military Police Element formed by the MNB (C) Participating Nations as agreed.

MNTC. The Multinational Transport Company formed by the MNB (C) Participating Nations as agreed.

National Contingent Commander (NCC) or Senior National Representative (SNR). The national representative in any unit or staff in the Theatre as designated by TCN according to national rules and regulations.

Senior National Representative in Camp (SNRC). The national representative in multinational camp as designated by SNR according to national rules and regulations.

NAI Named Areas of Interest

National Senior Medical Officer (SMO). The Senior Medical Officer for each Participant as appointed by that Participant’s National Contingent Commander.

National Support Elements (NSE). The elements under national command which provide and store na­tional resources from the Participants, in order to support the MNB (C) respective nations.

Non–Common User Item (NCUI). An item that is not of an interchangeable nature.

Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Costs. To be charged as an O&M cost for equipment or a consumable item, the item must be actually con­sumed or installed. Material or spare parts for stocks will not be subject to cost sharing unless otherwise decided. However expenditure related to personal equipment, weapons and Class V, will not in any case count as O&M costs. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs for equipment should include, but are not necessarily limited to, services, rents, and replacement of spare parts and maintenance of material in general for multinational units.

Operational Command (OPCOM). The authority granted to a commander to assign missions or tasks to subordinate commanders, to deploy units, to reassign forces, and to retain or delegate operational and/or tactical control as may be deemed necessary. It does not (of itself) include responsibility for administration or logistics. (AAP– 6)

Operational Control (OPCON). The authority delegated to a commander to direct forces assigned so that the commander may accomplish specific missions or tasks which are usually limited by function, time, or location; to deploy units concerned, and to retain or assign tactical con­trol of those units. It does not include authority to assign separate employment of components of the units concerned. Neither does it (of itself) include administrative or logistic control. (AAP – 6)

POD. The Port of Debarkation. The location where personnel, equipment and goods leave a ship or an aircraft and set foot on shore or ground. (SHAPE Compendium of Abbreviation and Acronyms)

POE. The Port of Embarkation. The location where personnel, equipment and goods leave shore or ground and enter a ship or an aircraft. (SHAPE Compendium of Abbreviation and Acronyms)

Provost Marshal. The senior MP officer by position at the next level of command of either the national Participant or multinational force.

RLMT Regional Liaison and Monitoring Team.

Reimbursable Transaction. Logistic support, supplies, or services paid for in cash.

Roles of Medical Support. (Abridgement of NATO definitions)

Role 1: A national responsibility at COY/BAT/TF level. First aid; Triage and transport of wounded to higher level of medical care; Immediate life saving measures; Routine sick call and the management of the minor sick and injured for immediate return to duty. Preparation of serious cases for evacuation. Implementation of preventive measures.

Role 2: BDE/DIV level. Support to and evacuation from role 1; Resuscitation of the seriously injured; Sustaining treatment while awaiting further evacuation; Care of minor cases until return to unit; In exceptional cases emergency surgery; Care of combat stress reactions.

Role 3: CORPS level. Evacuation from role–1 and role–2; Resuscitation and stabilisation of the seriously injured. Life– and limbsaving surgery. Provision of specialist surgical and medical capability. The NSEs or NMLTs (National Medical Liaison Teams) should co–ordinate medical support.

Role 4: A national responsibility and includes the medical evacuation of the patient out of the theatre to the country of origin and the definitive medical care.

Role Specialist Nation (RSN) . One nation assumes the responsibility for procuring a particular class of supply or service for all or part of the MN force and/or HQ. The method of payment will then be subject to negotiations between the nations.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). Procedures produced by HQ MNB (C) to subordinate units.

Standard Operating Instructions (SOIs).

SPOD. Sea Port of Debarkation (SHAPE Compendium of Abbreviations and Acronyms).

SRSG. Special Representative of the Secretary General.

SWG (L). SubWorking Group (Logistics). A Group which identifies areas of Combat Service Support (CSS) that could be undertaken multinationally, with view to furthering co–operation, co–location, and appropriate levels of integration within MNB (C). It also carries out other tasks given or directed by MCG.

Tactical Command (TACOM). The authority delegated to a commander to assign tasks to forces under his command for the accomplishment of the mission assigned by a higher command. (AAP 6)

Tactical Control (TACON). The detailed and, usually, local direction and con­trol of movements or manoeuvres necessary to accomplish missions or tasks as­signed. (AAP 6)

Troop Contributing Country (TCC).

Troop Contributing Nations (TCN). A nation contributing troops/forces or individuals to MNB (C).

UNMIK. United Nation´s Mission of Interim Administration of Kosovo.




National Co–ordination

1. Command and Control (C2) arrangements are shown at Appendix 1. The Comd MNB (C) belongs to the KFOR chain of command and is subordinated to NATO procedures. In matters of national concern, the Comd MNB (C) will refer to the National Contingent Commander (NCC)/Senior National Representative (SNR) of the appropriate unit or element in the MNB(C).

2. Each Participant will appoint a national Point of Contact (POC). Any unsolved issues of national concern regarding the units in the MNB (C) are to be directed to their own national POC and the MCG as appropriate. National POCs are listed in Appendix 2. The POC will be contactable through a Duty Officer or equivalent on a 24–hour (24/7) basis, and will be able to communi­cate by tele­phone and telefax.


1. Command and Control

2. Participants’ Points of Contact.




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Defence Staff/International Division (LtCmdr Kimmo Salomaa)

+358 9 181 23590

+358 9 181 23571

kimmo.salomaa@ mil.fi

Off-duty hours

+358 9 181 22 160

+358 9 181 22 405


Joint Forces Command (Capt (N). Bo Rask (J3))

+46-8-788 7130



Duty Officer (JFC)

+46-8-788 8111

+46-8-664 28 17


MOD, the Czeck Republic (Maj Vaclav Vlcek)

+420 973 217 677

+420 973 217 679


Off-duty hours

+420 724 801 150

+420 973217862


Defence Forces HQ, Ireland (Lt Col Michael Finn)

+ 353 180 42620

+353 16771 726


Duty Officer

+ 353 1 804 2720

+ 353 1804 2730



GS, Armed Forces of The Slovak Republic, (MAJ Vojtech MOJZES)

+421 960 312360

+420 606 789 704

+ 421 960 313 473



National Armed Forces HQ (J3), Latvia (Capt Reinis Basko)

+371 733 5372

+371 6137 683

+371 733 5430




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1. The purpose of this Annex is to describe the overall financial arrangements, accounting and auditing procedures, including the mechanism for reimbursement, between the Participants.

General Principles

2. The financial obligations of the Participants will be subject to the authorisation and appropriation of funds in accordance with respective national laws.

3. Subject to the circumstances at Para 5 below, the principle of ‘costs lie where they fall’ will apply to multinational units. Where Comd MNB (C) tasks units for tasks outside their capability declared to MNB (C), expenditure for vehicle and equipment hire will be shared proportionally between the Participants.

4. A Participant who receives supplies and services from another Participant should reim­burse the costs of these as determined in advance between their NSEs or in a separate arrangement between the Participants.

5. Operation and maintenance (O&M) as well as Facility Management (FM) costs for equipment and consumables in MNUs, which cannot be related to a specific Participant, in accordance with the principles outlined in paragraphs 3 and 4 above, will be shared proportionally according to the personnel strength of the MNU. In addition, further details can be developed for respective MN units.

6. One Participant, i.e. Lead Nation, will be designated as responsible for financial commitments related to MNU camps. Costs will be recovered in accordance with Para 5 above.

7. The expenditure for co-ordinated transport, originating in the participating countries and terminating in the mission area, and vice-versa, will be borne proportionally to the loads by the Participants using this transport.

8. Where applicable, nations may request from either the LN or FN estimated expenditure associated with the provision of supplies and services to their personnel.

Invoices and Payment

9. For any logistic support, supplies or service not provided free of charge in accordance with STANAG 3113 or by mutual consent, the relevant authorities of each Supplying Participant and each Receiving Participant can negotiate a ‘reimbursable transaction’ or payment in ‘equal value’ to be defined in monetary terms only. Accordingly, each Requesting Participant will pay each Supplying Participant in accordance with either paragraph 9.a, or 9.b below as well as the more general provisions stated in the remainder of this Annex:

a. Reimbursable Transactions. The Receiving Participant will pay outstanding balances no later than 30 days after receipt of invoice in the currency specified by the Supplying Participant. In pricing reimbursable transactions, the Participants accept the following principles:

(1) The NSE of the Receiving Participant and the Supplying Participant will establish a price.

(2) When a definitive price is not established in advance of the order, the order will stipulate a maximum limitation of liability for the Receiving Participant who will be ordering the logistic support, supplies or service, pending negotiation of a final price. The NSEs of the Participants will promptly enter into negotiations to establish a final price, which may under certain circumstances exceed the initial maximum limitation of liability. The burden of justifying the increase will rest with the Participant seeking to exceed the maximum. In the event that the relevant authorities of the Participants have difficulty in negotiating a final price, they may consider replacement-in-kind.

(3) At the time accounts are settled, neither Participant will make or retain any profit resulting from the transactions being settled.

(4) In the case of specific acquisitions by the Supplying

Participant from local contractors on behalf of the Receiving Participant, the cost will be no less favourable than the price charged to the Supplying Participant for identical support, supplies and services. However, the price charged may take into account differentials due to delivery schedules, points of delivery and other similar considerations.

(5) In the case of the transfer from the Supplying Participant’s own resources, the amount paid by the Receiving Participant for logistic support, supplies and services provided will be the same as the Supplying Participant charges its own forces as of the date the order is accepted.

b. Equal Value. Participants will maintain records of all transactions, and the Requesting Participant will pay the Supplying Participant, by transferring to the latter’s forces, logistic support, supplies, or services that are equal in value to the logistic support, supplies, or services delivered or performed by the Requesting Participant and which are satisfactory to the Supplying Participant. If the Requesting Participant does not pay in ‘equal value’ within the terms of the exchange schedule, approved or in effect at the time of the original transaction (with time frames which may not exceed six (6) months from the date of the original transaction), the transaction will be deemed a reimbursable transaction and governed by Sub-Paragraph 9.a above.

10. In fulfilling their co-ordination role with respect to facilitating supply from commercial sources, the Supplying Participant will not obtain services or commit to any commercial contracts on behalf of the Receiving Participants unless the Receiving Participants have specifically consented to accept the services, supplies etc, and also have consented to pay a specified cost for them. All services and supplies from commercial sources will be based upon formal contractual arrangements.

11. Both the Receiving Participant and the Supplying Participant will maintain records of all transactions.

12. Invoices for the provision of logistic support, supplies or services will take the form of the Standard NATO Form for Request, Receipt and Return or Invoice, at Annex A of STANAG 2034 and will refer to this MOU, as well as to any applicable order number. Invoices will be accompanied by evidence of receipt by the Receiving Participant and are to be either settled locally or sent to the Receiving Participants’ designated finance agency no later than 30 days from the date that the logistic support, supplies or services were provided to those Forces. The invoices will itemise the charges for the various logistic support, supplies or services being billed.

13. The Receiving Participant will not retransfer logistic support, supplies or services, either temporarily or permanently to another nation or organisation without written consent of the relevant Supplying Participant authorities.

Accounting and Auditing

14. Accounting and auditing of a respective contingent is a national responsibility.

15. Accounting and auditing of a MN unit or services is the nominated Framework/Lead Nation responsibility. Accounts will be maintained, supported and open for inspection by the other Participants upon request.


16. The Framework Nation of MNB (C) is responsible for the archiving of MNB (C) documents and other material, either classified or not, in accordance with its national legislation and terms set out by the MCG.

Multinational Contracting

17. In general contracting is a national responsibility. However, on request from a Participant(s), another Participant may contract on their behalf. A contracting forum will meet periodically within MNB (C). This is designed to allow a voluntary information exchange between contracting officers in all nations in order to maximise efficiency and to minimise costs.

Financial Management Board

18. All multinational shared costs will be controlled by a Financial Management Board (FMB), which will have representation from each Participant. The Framework Nation for MNB (C) will also be manning the chairman of FMB. Chairmanship of the board will change if also the Framework Nation for MNB (C) changes.

19. The board will meet monthly and will have authority and responsibility for providing national scrutiny of all multinational shared costs and ensuring financial burdens are shared proportionally. The FMB will also deal with general financial management issues and problems relevant to KFOR and will provide a forum for sharing appropriate financial information. Where appropriate, the board may co-opt national contracting officers to work towards greater co-operation on commercial and contractual issues.

20. Without prejudice to the provisions of Section 9 of the MOU, any financial or contractual dispute between the Participants will, at the first stage, be referred to the FMB for resolution.

21. The FMB will provide financial management information and secretariat support requested by Participants, but reserves the right to charge for additional information required by individual Participants for national use only.

22. All financial transactions relating to this MOU will be settled by payments through bank transaction or in cash in Euros. The rate of exchange to be used when converting currency for billing purposes will be set by the FMB based on the rate of exchange of the European Central Bank (monthly average exchange rate).

23. All assets jointly acquired under this MOU will be disposed of in a manner decided by a consensus of the Participants.

24. FMB will establish regulations for their work in an SOP to be approved by MCG.

25. Points of Contact for Financial Matters will be:

For Finland:

Mr Antti Korkala

Chief of Administration/Finnish Defence Forces International Centre

P.O. Box 5, FIN-38841 NIINISALO

Tel. +358 (0)2 181 63010, Fax +358 (0)2 181 63005


For Sweden:

Miss Inger Vilavan

HQ Joint Forces Command, J 8

P.O. 27001

S- 102 51 Stockholm, Sweden

Tel: + 46- 703- 027656; Fax: + 46- 8- 788 7260


For Ireland:

OIC Logistics Administration

Defence Forces HQ

Glasnevin, Dublin 9


Tel +353 1 8042300; Fax +353 1 8367605

e-mail: dfhqlogs@defenceforces.ie

For the Czech Republic:

Director of Joint Operational Centre-DCHOD

Maj General Emil Pupis

Vitezne namesti 6

Prague 6

16006, Czech Republic

Tel +42 0973 21 7622

For the Republic of Latvia:

1 st LT. Dita Mežaka

J8 Department/National Armed Forces HQ

Kr.Valdemara street 10/12


Tel.: + 371 733 5381, Fax: +371 733 5430

e-mail dmezaka@nafhq.mil.lv

The Slovak Republic:

Finance Officer



OP Oculus (Kosovo)

BFPO 554

United Kingdom

Tel.: +420 606 789 705

Fax.: + 8737 63270512

Email: cspraporkfor@zoznam.sk





The Slovak Contingent does not have a mandate to be deployed on the territory of Albania. The members of the Slovak contingent thus cannot be deployed and complete (fulfill) their tasks on the territory of Albania.

Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.



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