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AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA ON CO-OPERATION IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, YOUTH AND SPORTS. Publicēts oficiālajā laikrakstā "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 10.01.2007., Nr. 6 https://www.vestnesis.lv/ta/id/219968-agreement-between-the-government-of-the-republic-of-latvia-and-the-government-of-the-republic-of-moldova-on-co-operation-in-the...

Paraksts pārbaudīts


Konkurences padomes lēmums Nr.E02-143

Administratīvā pārkāpuma lietā Nr.A/06/09/10

Vēl šajā numurā

10.01.2007., Nr. 6


Veids: starptautisks dokuments

Pieņemts: 07.09.2006.

Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.


The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Moldova (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”):

– wishing to develop and diversify the friendly relations which exist between the both Parties;

– based on the European Union initiatives for the South-Eastern Europe;

– being aware of the fact that the cooperation in the fields of education, culture, youth and sports contributes to a better understanding between nations;

– hoping for active participation in the creation of the European Higher Education Area, based on the principles of the Bologna Declaration,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties will support different forms of cooperation in the field of education, culture, youth and sports, based on the principles of mutual respect and partnership and complying with the legislation in force in each State.  

Article 2

The Parties will encourage exchange of experience in the field of education, offering each other information and normative documents in force, concerning the structure and the organization of the systems of education, curricula and plan of study, didactic materials and other information necessary for the setting up of certain fields of activity.

Article 3

The Parties will cooperate in the direction of implementation of the Bologna Declaration principles and for the creation of European Higher Education Area; will contribute to the modernization of the national systems of education and their adjustment to the trends and objectives of the intercultural education and of a democratic society.

Article 4

The Parties will support and promote the interuniversity, scientific and cultural cooperation, as well as the academic mobility in the frame of common projects launched by the European Union, UNESCO, Council of Europe and the Stability Pact for the South – Eastern Europe.

Article 5

The Parties will annually offer each other scholarships for higher education, post university education (doctorate), training for pedagogical staff and scientists. The procedure of enrolment and financing will be established in a separate programme taking into account the legislation in force in each country.

Article 6

The Parties will promote cooperation in the field of culture, focusing on the following:

– the exchanges in the fields of performing arts such as theatre, music, dance and other domains of art like traditional arts, folklore groups and individual artists;

– the mutual exchange of information, works and experts in the fields of archaeology, museums, architecture, cultural patrimony;

– the mutual exchange of information and experts in the fields of culture management and cultural policy;

– the development of closer relation­ships between the arts unions and arts NGOs and the exchange of art specialists, authors and critics;

– the participation of experts in seminars, exhibitions, contests, master classes, festivals, conferences and scientific symposia organized by the other Party;

– the organization of exhibitions, fairs and other cultural events with the aim to promote artworks, with the help of competent authorities from each State.

Article 7

The Parties will facilitate the access to learning of language, culture, literature and history of the other Party.

Article 8

With regard to the recognition for academic purposes of documents concerning education, the Parties shall take into consideration the provisions of the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, done at Lisbon on April 11, 1997. The recognition of professional qualifications shall be regulated by national legislation of the two States and the legal acts of the European Union.

Article 9

The Parties will encourage the active cooperation among non-governmental organizations in the fields mentioned in the present Agreement.

Article 10

The Parties will encourage the cooperation in the fields of youth, physical training and sports in order to establish direct contacts among youth organizations, sports clubs and national sports federations of both Parties.

Article 11

The Parties will set up a permanent joint Commission in order to evaluate and implement the stipulations of this Agreement. The Commission will meet at least once in three years in succession in the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Moldova on the principle of alternation and it will settle the terms and conditions of this cooperation.

Article 12

The financial assistance to the activities mentioned in this Agreement will be carried out within the limits of the financial means of each Party.

Article 13

The present agreement can be amen­ded with the mutual consent of the both Parties by setting up additional protocols as an integral part of the Agreement.

Article 14

The present Agreement will enter into force on the date of receipt of the last written notification of both Parties via diplomatic channels about the fulfilment of all internal procedures necessary for its entering into force.

This Agreement will remain in force for a period of five years. It will thereafter be automatically renewed for a successive five years unless terminated through diplomatic channels by either Party giving written notice six months prior to the expiry of five year period.

Done in Chisinau on September 7, 2006 in two original copies in Latvian, Moldovan and English, all texts being equally authentic.

In case of different interpretations, the text in English will prevail.


For the Government

For the Government

of the Republic
of Latvia

of the Republic
of Moldova


Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.



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