1. The Government of Latvia's request for accession to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT 1947) was circulated to Contracting Parties in November 1993. At its meeting on 17 December 1993, the GATT 1947 Council of Representatives established a Working Party to examine the application of the Government of Latvia to accede to the General Agreement under Article XXXIII, and to submit to the Council recommendations which may include a draft Protocol of Accession. Membership of the Working Party was open to all Contracting Parties indicating their wish to serve on it. In pursuance of the Ministerial Decision of 14 April 1994 on Acceptance of and Accession to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (WTO) and to the Decision of 31 May 1994 of the Preparatory Committee for the WTO, the Working Party examined the application of Latvia for membership in the WTO and agreed to pursue the market access negotiations for goods, including an agricultural country schedule, and for services. In pursuance of the Decision adopted by the WTO General Council on 31 January 1995, the existing GATT 1947 Accession Working Party was transformed into a WTO Accession Working Party. The terms of reference and the membership of the Working Party are reproduced in document WT/ACC/LVA/6/Rev.2.
2. The Working Party met on 28-29 March and 13 November 1995; 22 March and 16 September 1996; 27 February 1997; and [29 September] 1998 under the Chairmanship of Mr. F. Theilgaard (Denmark).
3. The Working Party had before it, to serve as a basis for its discussions, a Memorandum on the Foreign Trade Regime of Latvia (L/7526 with Addenda 1, 2 and 3) and the questions submitted by Members on the foreign trade regime of Latvia, together with the replies thereto (WT/L/49 and Corrigendum 1 and Addendum 1; WT/ACC/LVA/3, WT/ACC/LVA/4, WT/ACC/LVA/8 and Corrigendum 1; WT/ACC/LVA/12, WT/ACC/LVA/16) and other information provided by the Latvian authorities (WT/ACC/LVA/5, WT/ACC/LVA/20, WT/ACC/LVA/27, WT/ACC/LVA/28, WT/ACC/LVA/29, WT/Spec(95)6; WT/SPEC/26). The Government of Latvia made available to the Working Party the following documentation:
- Law "On Judicial Power" of 18 June 1994;
- Law on Customs Duty with Annexes I (Import duty tariffs) and II (Export duty tariffs);
- Latvia's National Tariff Schedule;
- Law on the Bank of Latvia;
- Law on Credit Institutions;
- Law "On Competition" of 18 June 1997;
- Law "On Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products" of 31 March 1998;
- Draft Law "On Trademarks and Indications of Geographical Origin";
- Law on Trademarks;
- Law on Industrial Design Protection;
- Patent Law;
- Draft Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers "Regulation Regarding Customs Control Measures on Protection of Intellectual Property";
- Draft "Personal Data Protection Law";
- Excerpt of the Criminal Code of 6 October 1955 regarding Part III Section 5 of the TRIPS Agreement (criminal procedures);
- Law "On Radio and Television" of 24 August 1995 with amendments;
- Resolution and Law on Bookkeeping;
- Draft Commercial Law;
- Decree and Law on Joint Stock Companies;
- Resolution and Law on Income Tax;
- Resolution and Law on Limited Liability Companies;
- Resolution and Law on Foreign Investment in the Republic of Latvia;
- Resolution and Law on Excise Tax;
- Law on Excise Tax on Mineral Oils;
- Resolution and Law on Turnover Tax;
- Law on Value-Added Tax of 9 March 1995 with amendments of 13 November 1997 (consolidated text);
- Law "On Enterprise Register" of 20 November 1990 with amendments;
- Resolution and Law of the Republic of Latvia on Entrepreneurial Activity;
- Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 348 of 7 October 1997 "On Licensing of Separate Forms of Entrepreneurial Activity";
- Regulation on Food;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 208 of 1 November 1994 on the Order of Establishment and Administration of Import and Export Tariff Quotas;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 24 of 17 January 1995 On Order By Which the Special Authorizations (Licences) Shall Be Issued in Accordance With the Quotas of Customs Tariffs;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 20 of 17 January 1995 Regulations to Protect the Domestic Market for Food Stuff Produced in Latvia;
- Customs Law of 11 June 1997;
- Section G of the Customs Law on Provisions of the Application of Customs Duties;
- An evaluation of the compliance of this legislation with provisions in the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994 and legislation of the European Communities;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 27 of 31 January 1995 On Determining the Customs Value of Import and Export Goods or Other Items;
- Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 428 of 17 December 1997 Procedure for Calculating the Customs Value of Goods;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 87 of 12 April 1994 On the Mandatory Certification of Foodstuff, Perfumery and Toys;
- Programme of Reforms for the National Economy of Latvia "Latvia 2000";
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 37 of 25 January 1994 On State Monopoly of Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 248 of 20 June 1996 On State Monopoly of Alcohol and Alcoholic Beverages;
- Regulation by the Bank of Latvia On Granting Licences (Permissions) to Perform Activities of Credit Institutions;
- Regulation by the Bank of Latvia On Regulation on Amending the Charter, Changing Shareholders, the Initial Capital, the Management, the Chief Accountant, the Legal Address, the Name of a Credit Institution, and Undertaking Merger or Split-up of Credit Institutions;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.185 of 23 August 1994 On Formation of Prices and Tariffs of Goods and Services;
- Law on Foreign Investment in the Republic of Latvia;
- the Official List of Quarantinable Pests;
- Founding Law of the Latvian Food Centre;
- Statutes of Information, Consultation and Training Centre of Goods and Services;
- Law on Safety on Products, Services and Liability of Producer, Supplier of 26 September 1996;
- Law on Uniformity of Measurements of 11 March 1997;
- Law on Conformity Assessment of 20 August 1996;
- Law of the Republic of Latvia On Government and Municipal Procurement, effective 1 January 1997;
- Law on Pharmaceutical Operations of 27 April 1993;
- Law "On Pharmaceutical Activities" of 24 April 1997;
- Law on Veterinary Medicine of 6 March 1995;
- Law "On Supervision of Food Circulation" of 19 February 1998;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.349 "On Labelling of Foodstuffs" of 7 October 1997;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.170 "On Standing Order for Food Additives" of 6 May 1997;
- Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights of 28 October 1992;
- Law on Plant Protection of 20 October 1994;
- Regulation On the Indication of Durability Date of Pre-packaged Foodstuffs (25 June 1996);
- Regulation On Procedure of Recognition in the Republic of Latvia of Conformity Assurances and Approvals Issued Abroad in Mandatory Area (24 December 1996);
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 295 "On Procedure of Conformity Attestation of Building Materials and Construction Products in Mandatory Area" of 5 August 1997;
- Regulation No. 463 of 24 December 1996 On the Authorization of Testing and Calibration Laboratories, Certification and Inspection Bodies in the Mandatory Area;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 465 "On Accreditation Testing and Calibration Laboratories, Certification and Inspection Bodies" of 24 December 1996;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.140 "On the Electrical Safety of Equipment" of 21 April 1998;
- Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.161 "On the Electromagnetic Compatibility of Apparatus" of 5 May 1998;
- Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 399 "On the Conformity Assessment of Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Toys" of 2 December 1997;
- Draft Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Labelling of Textiles";
- Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 12 "On Order, How the Ministry of Economy Coordinates the Exchange of Information in the Area of Technical Barriers to Trade and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures" of 28 October 1997;
- Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 106 of 25 March 1997 On Regulations of Quotas of Customs Tariffs;
- Law on Agriculture;
- Law "On Latvia Grain Market and State Grain Reserve" of 18 May 1993 with amendments;
- Conception on Use of Agricultural Subsidies and the Program Rationales for 1998-2002;
- Latvia's Import Totals under each Harmonized System 8-digit category (f.o.b. values); and
- Latvia's Import Data for 1994.
Introductory statements
4. The representative of Latvia stated that Latvia had achieved considerable results in transforming a centrally-planned economy to a market-based economy since restoration of independence in 1991. Latvia had drafted several new trade laws and regulations modelled on WTO principles to establish a uniform and predictable trading environment for importers, exporters and investors. The fifteen countries of the European Communities had, counted as one entity, become Latvia's principal trading partner. External trade relations were emphasized by Latvia's geographical position between East and West; several bilateral trade agreements based on the most-favoured-nation principle had been concluded and more were in progress. Latvia had also concluded free trade agreements with the European Communities and other countries in Europe. However, bilateral and regional arrangements alone could not provide the necessary stability for external trade relations. Latvia had therefore made a strong commitment to become a Member of the WTO. The WTO principles of national and MFN treatment had been incorporated in national legislation with particular attention to transparency in the publication of all laws and regulations and a tariff-based trade regime. Minimal tariffs were imposed on imported raw materials, spare parts and capital goods, the basic average MFN import tariff was 15 per cent, and export tariffs were imposed only on some raw materials. Non-discrimination between imported and domestically produced items applied in the imposition of excise taxes and the turnover tax, the latter had been replaced by a value-added tax. Any person or enterprise registered in Latvia could perform any legal import operation. Exports of spirits, ferrous and non-ferrous metals were subject to licensing with no underlying quotas. Finally, he pointed out that Latvia's effort to become a Member of the WTO was supported by all the major political institutions and that a broad national consensus existed regarding the importance of WTO membership and the pursuit of liberal trade policies.
5. Many members of the Working Party welcomed Latvia's request for accession to the WTO and expressed their readiness to work with Latvia in elaborating terms of accession that would support the programme of transition to a market-based economy and Latvia's integration into the multilateral trading system. Some members welcomed the documentation provided and the statement made by the representative of Latvia. They also said that they looked forward to a detailed examination of Latvia's policies and of the reasons for the adoption of certain measures, e.g. licensing requirements. Some members of the Working Party noted that Latvia had raised tariffs and introduced new trade restrictions after the request for accession had been submitted and that further restrictions appeared to be under consideration. This was a disturbing trend, as applicant countries were expected not to implement any measures during accession negotiations that could be considered inconsistent with the WTO or that alter the basis for negotiations. Latvia was accordingly requested to remove these measures and notify the Working Party of proposed new restrictions and to supply all new relevant laws and regulations to its members.
6. The Working Party then proceeded to review the economic policies and foreign trade regime of Latvia and the possible terms of a draft Protocol of Accession to the WTO. The views expressed by members of the Working Party are summarized below in paragraphs 7 to 130.
Foreign exchange and payments
7. The representative of Latvia said that his country had established one of the most liberal foreign exchange regimes in the world. Latvia had been a member of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) since 1992. The national currency - the Lats - was freely convertible, backed by the currency reserves of the Bank of Latvia. Foreign exchange and local currency could be brought into or taken out of Latvia in unlimited amounts. Foreign entrepreneurs were free to repatriate profits in any currency having paid the applicable taxes. Corporate income tax amounted to 25 per cent, incomes of natural persons were taxed at 25 or 35 per cent and a 10 per cent withholding tax was levied on dividend payments to non-residents. Some members welcomed the fact that the Lats was freely convertible and stressed the importance of continuing current policies.
8. The representative of Latvia stated that Latvia had notified the International Monetary Fund that it had accepted the obligations of Article VIII, sections 2, 3 and 4 of the IMF Articles of Agreement with effect from 10 June 1994. By accepting the obligations of Article VIII, Latvia gave confidence to the international community that it would pursue sound economic policies that would obviate the need to restrict payments and transfers for current international transactions, and thereby contribute to a multilateral payments system free of restrictions.
Investment regime
9. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to describe the basic provisions of legislation regulating investment and in particular identify any restrictions or registration measures affecting foreign investment.
10. The representative of Latvia referred to the Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity" which provided for licensing of several types of business activities (see "Trading Rights", paragraphs 31 to 40). Such licences were issued for enterprises registered in Latvia on a non-discriminatory basis, irrespective of nationality, to any applicant meeting the specific requirements. All issues pertinent to foreign investment - registration, investment protection, taxation, repatriation, dispute settlement, restrictions on investment, safeguards and the applicability of international treaties - were regulated through the Law "On Foreign Investment in the Republic of Latvia".
11. The representative of Latvia added that the Law on Foreign Investment in the Republic of Latvia stated that foreign investors were granted the rights and duties provided for by the national laws. The Law on Foreign Investment contained no restrictions on foreign investment in any sector of the national economy. The Government had amended the Law on Foreign Investment in April 1996, deleting its Articles 3, 5 and 6 and thus terminating virtually all restrictions on foreign investment. On 4 September 1996, Parliament had approved this amendment and requested the Government to prepare adjustments to certain other laws to bring them in line with the new Law on Foreign Investment. As a result of this review, the limit on foreign ownership in radio and television companies in the Law on Radio and Television had been raised from 20 per cent to 49 per cent. Foreign ownership of wood cutting (logging) companies and gambling business was also limited to 49 per cent in accordance with the Law on Forestry and the Law on Lotteries and Gambling, respectively. Laws on land ownership allowed wholly-owned foreign companies to own land if the owners of the company were from countries with which Latvia had signed investment promotion and protection agreements (31 countries at present). Legal or private persons from other countries could own land if at least 51 per cent of the shares in the company registered in Latvia belonged to Latvian citizens or to foreigners from countries with which investment protection agreements had been signed. On 5 December 1996, the Saeima had passed amendments to the Law on Land Privatization in Rural Regions and on 8 May 1997 amendments to the Law on Land Reform in the Republic of Latvia Cities which liberalized the land market in Latvia to a considerable extent. According to the new rules, statutory companies registered in the Enterprise Register could obtain land in rural areas and land under State or municipal ownership in cities without restriction even when more than half their share capital was owned by foreign persons. Legal entities could obtain land ownership with only few restrictions.
State ownership and privatization
12. Some members of the Working Party requested details concerning the pace of privatization in Latvia, noting an initial statement that privatization of agriculture had been completed by 1995 and that 75 per cent of State-owned enterprises were privatized by 1996. Latvia was also asked to enumerate sectors or enterprises where State ownership would be retained for a long period or permanently. Questions were also raised concerning the participation of foreign investors. Some members requested a report from Latvia on progress achieved to date in its privatization programme. In addition, Latvia should be prepared to provide information on a periodic basis on its privatization efforts, economic reforms, and implementation of any transitional arrangements negotiated in the Protocol of Accession.
13. The representative of Latvia said that no particular sector would be excluded from privatization. The main considerations were to improve company performance and to avoid the creation of private monopolies. A "List of Currently Non-Privatizable State Specialized Agricultural Enterprises" was linked to restitution of property to former owners. Enterprises operating in industry, agriculture, trade and construction services would be privatized first, while sectors such as medical care, social welfare services, medicine wholesale and certain agricultural sub-sectors would be privatized over a longer time period. The Government had also decided that a sell-off of infrastructure (roads, railway, public transport, postal services, etc.) would not be reasonable during the first years of privatization. Latvia provided a document (WT/L/49/Add.1) on privatization of agriculture. In July 1996, from a total of 613 agricultural statutory associations created at the first stage of privatization of former collective and State farms by allocating shares according to initial contributions of capital and labour, 207 had been fully privatized, 275 had chosen the voluntary decision for self liquidation and 131 were still operating. Privatization of farms used for training and research would be considered on an individual basis. Foreign firms could participate in privatization; Latvia had held four international tenders. Foreign natural and legal persons could buy privatization certificates only after having won the tender for a company undergoing privatization. This restriction did not apply to joint ventures or branches of foreign companies registered in Latvia.
14. Regarding privatization of industry, the representative of Latvia said that since 1 May 1994, when the Latvian Privatization Agency was established, until 1 May 1998, 855 State enterprises (asset units) had been assigned for privatization, 75 State enterprises assigned for liquidation, State-owned equity holdings of 164 enterprises assigned for privatization, and 48 real estates and 89 plots of land assigned for sale by the Cabinet of Ministers. The Privatization Agency was involved in valuation of 323 restitution cases of property. Privatization regulations had been approved for 879 State enterprises (asset units) or their parts, 111 State-owned equity holdings, and 29 real estates. Sales agreements had been concluded for 821 State enterprises (asset units) or their parts, 66 State-owned equity holdings, 43 enterprises to be liquidated and for 21 real estates. The privatization process was generally completed by the end of 1997, excluding large State-owned companies, which do not operate as State-trading enterprises within the definition of Article XVII and where privatization would be completed in 1999. Completion of privatization implied mass privatization, i.e. involving all inhabitants of Latvia and including 95 per cent of all State-owned enterprises.
15. The representative of Latvia added that privatization would be completed by the end of 1998 with exception of 4 large State owned joint stock companies "Latvenergo" (Latvian Energy), "Ventspils nafta" (Ventspils Oil), "Latvijas Kugniecība" (Latvian Shipping Company) and the limited liability company "Lattelekom". The State joint stock company "Latvenergo" dealt with energy generation and had a monopoly in energy transmission and distribution. These three operations had been separated through a restructuring of the company. The Government intended to announce an action plan on the restructuring and privatization of "Latvenergo" and to establish a competitive and well-regulated electricity sector by mid-1998. The Latvian Privatization Agency would sell a minority share of the thermo-generation system to strategic investors by the beginning of 1999 and the remaining State share would be sold to general public in 1999. The State joint company "Ventspils nafta" (Ventspils Oil) was the largest oil and petroleum product terminal on the coast of the Baltic Sea. It also offered transit services such as handling and storage of oil and petroleum products, and importation of petrol. The intention was to merge "Ventspils nafta" with the company "LaSaM", the owner of the oil pipeline. In Autumn 1997, a minority stake of the State shares had been sold to the general public against privatization certificates. In 1998, the share portfolio would be placed on the international capital market. The State Joint stock company "Latvijas kugniecība" (Latvian Shipping Company) ranked among the world's twenty largest shipping companies in terms of number of vessels owned. It operated fleets in the tanker, reefer and dry cargo markets with a large number of subsidiary firms and investments. As a first phase in the privatization, up to 35 per cent - mostly new shares issued by the company - would be offered to strategic investors. A closed list of registered strategic and financial investors existed (14 in total). Having conducted several rounds of negotiations with each of these registrants, the Latvian Privatization Agency had shortlisted two strategic investors who were allowed to perform due diligence of the company with the intention to receive final bids from the investors by mid-1998. The limited liability company "Lattelekom", part-owned (51 per cent) by the State, provided local and long distance fixed public telecommunication services with a monopoly status until 2003. The management of the State shares had been transferred to the Latvian Privatization Agency in order to prepare the company for privatization. The company would be transformed into a joint stock company, and up to 25 per cent of its shares would be sold against privatization certificates and cash by 2000.
16. According to Article 4 of the Law on the Privatization of State and Municipal Property, any person or legal entity eligible to purchase liquid and/or fixed assets in Latvia could be a privatization subject. The term "privatization subject" was defined according to the Law on Privatization of State and Municipal Asset Units as any specific person or legal entity eligible to obtain State or municipal property during the privatization process. The Latvian State or a municipality, a State or municipal enterprise, a State or municipal company, or a company in which private funds did not exceed 25 per cent of the equity capital, could not be privatization subjects. The representative of Latvia confirmed that national treatment applied for the participation of foreigners in privatization programmes. There were no restrictions on the acquisition of privatized State and municipal property.
17. As of 1 May 1998, 1,157 State enterprises in total had been assigned for privatization (96.3 per cent of all State enterprises). Among them, 302 had been privatized in 1992-1994, while the remainder (855) had been assigned for privatization in 1994-1997. The representative of Latvia provided further up-dated information on progress in privatization of these assigned enterprises in Table 1. In total, 66 per cent of all Latvian employees were working in the private sector by the end of 1997. In order to attract foreign investments, the Privatization Agency had organized four international tenders, offering 153 medium and large enterprises. A special Public Offering Programme had been created to encourage participation of Latvia's population. During several rounds of the Public Offering Programme 63 large enterprises had been offered to the public as at 1 January 1998.
Table 1: Information on the Progress of the Privatization Process of State Enterprises
1 May 1994-1 May 1998
Activity | Total | Small objects (less than 50 employees) | Mediumsized objects (50- 500 empl.) | Large objects (More than 500 empl.) |
Enterprises assigned for privatization | 855 | 561 | 257 | 37 |
Enterprises transferred from | ||||
the Ministry of Agriculture | 40 | 39 | 1 | 0 |
Enterprises transferred for liquidation | 75 | 75 | 0 | 0 |
Repeated privatization | 15 | 13 | 2 | 0 |
Privatization objects after split | ||||
of enterprises | 1,577 | 1,257 | 283 | 37 |
Privatization cancelled or enterprises | ||||
merged with other companies | 187 | 182 | 5 | 1 |
Privatization temporarily stopped | 6 | 4 | 2 | 0 |
Restitution process initiated | 62 | 53 | 5 | 0 |
Liquidation or insolvency procedure | ||||
initiated | 187 | 140 | 41 | 6 |
Privatization Regulations approved | 879 | 661 | 194 | 24 |
Transactions concluded: | ||||
- purchase agreements signed | 813 | 600 | 192 | 21 |
- invested into private companies | 4 | 2 | 2 | 0 |
- privatized without majority owner | 4 | 0 | 2 | 2 |
- privatized by the Ministry of Agriculture | 36 | 36 | 0 | 0 |
Proceeds of sale in LVL million: | ||||
- cash | 46.2 | |||
- privatization vouchers | 60.6 |
18. The representative of Latvia confirmed the readiness of Latvia to ensure the transparency of its ongoing privatization programme and to keep WTO Members informed of its progress in the reform of its transforming economic and trade regime. He stated that his Government would provide annual reports to WTO Members on developments in its programme of privatization as long as the privatization programme would be in existence along the lines of that provided to the Working Party. He also stated that his Government would provide annual reports on other issues related to its economic reforms as relevant to its obligations under the WTO until 1 January 2003. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Pricing policies
19. Noting that Latvia had relaxed price controls on many goods and services, some members of the Working Party requested Latvia to provide details on remaining restrictions, including minimum and maximum prices, particularly for sectors not considered natural monopolies. Latvia was asked to list the imported products subject to price controls by Harmonized System (HS) tariff line. A member noted that Latvia exercised price controls in a number of sectors, including some which were not traditionally considered natural monopolies, but intended to reduce its price controls to the extent possible. This member stated that price controls should be listed in an Annex. Moreover, Latvia should exercise its authority in this area in a manner that did not damage imports or otherwise act to inhibit trade. This member also sought a commitment from Latvia that current and future price controls be applied in a WTO-consistent fashion and would be published in the official journal and that Latvia would take account of the interests of exporting WTO Members as provided for in Article III.9 of the GATT 1994.
20. The representative of Latvia replied that price control and regulation was carried out according to separate laws and affected products related to energy; the forestry sector (the price of stumpage); publishing of school books financed from the State budget; pharmaceuticals; postal services; port services; airport services; archives; and housing rents, power-supply and residential services. Minimum and maximum prices were stipulated for the following domestic and imported services: transit services for oil and oil products by pipeline; reloading of oil and oil products in ports; transit shipment of oil and oil products by railway transport; long-distance transportation of passengers and luggage by motor transport; transportation of passengers and luggage by motor transport in international lines; international transportation of cargo and passengers by railway transport according to international agreements; transportation of cargo and passengers by domestic railway; ship services in ports; and rents (maximum level). The State did not control the prices of imported goods. However, the profit margin was regulated with respect to pharmaceutical products. The final sales price could not exceed - by more than 20 per cent - the ex-factory sales price for domestic goods and, in respect of imports, the duty paid and tax-inclusive value of goods at the time of importation. Latvia planned to deregulate controls on the profit margin with respect to pharmaceuticals not covered by the health insurance system by Autumn 1998. All the goods and services currently subject to State price controls in Latvia are listed in Table 2. The representative of Latvia stated that the prices of goods and services in every sector of Latvia were determined freely by market forces with the exception of those noted in Table 2 and that price control and regulation was carried out according to particular laws, all of which were published in the official journal of the Republic of Latvia "Latvijas Včstnesis". Price controls were carried out in accordance with separate laws passed by Latvia's Parliament (Saeima) and price levels were determined by the respective bodies authorized by law. Further price controls could be introduced in order to protect consumers.
Table 2: Goods and Services Subject to State Price Controls
Classification (Harmonized System or Common Products Classification) | Product or Sector |
HS 2711 11 | Natural gas (to the population); |
HS 2716 00 | Electrical power; |
HS 2716 00 | Heating energy; |
CPC ex 91131 | The forestry sector (stumpage fees); |
CPC ex 88442 | Publishing of school books financed from the State budget; |
HS 3002; 3004; | |
3005; 3006 | Pharmaceuticals; |
CPC 7511 | Postal services; |
CPC 74510; 74520; | |
74530; 74540 | Port services; |
CPC 74610; 74620 | Airport services; |
CPC 96312 | Archives; |
CPC 82101; 82102 | Housing rents and residential services; |
Minimum and maximum prices are stipulated for the | |
following domestic and imported services: | |
CPC 71310 | Transit services for oil and oil products by pipeline; |
CPC 74190 | Reloading of oil and oil products in ports; |
CPC 71122 | Transit shipment of oil and oil products by railway transport; |
CPC ex 71211 | Long-distance transportation of passengers |
and luggage by motor transport; | |
CPC ex 71211 | Transportation of passengers and luggage by motor |
transport in international lines; | |
CPC 7111; 7112 | International transportation of cargo and passengers |
by railway transport according to international agreements; | |
PC 7111; 7112 | Transportation of cargo and passengers by domestic railway; |
CPC 72140; 72130 | Ship services in ports and rents (maximum level). |
21. The representative of Latvia stated that in the application of price controls now or in the future, Latvia would apply such measures in a WTO-consistent fashion, and take account of the interests of exporting WTO Members as provided for in Article III.9 of the GATT 1994. Latvia would publish the list of goods and services subject to State controls and any that are introduced or re-introduced in the future in its Official Journal. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Competition policy
22. Some members of the Working Party noted that Latvia intended to harmonize its legislation on competition with that of the European Communities over a four-year period. Latvia was asked to provide information on the present status of draft legislation, outline existing provisions regarding mergers and to provide a list of sectors considered "natural monopolies".
23. The representative of Latvia replied that the Law "On Competition and Restriction of Monopoly" of 1991 had been revised. In June 1997, the Saeima (Parliament) had adopted a new Competition Law which entered into effect on 1 January 1998. The new Law prohibited restrictive arrangements and abuse of dominant position and contained provisions on merger control and prohibition of unfair competition. The Law provided for the Cabinet of Ministers to establish a Competition Council to supervise implementation of the Law. The Competition Council was empowered to ascertain violations of the Competition Law and enterprises were bound by its decisions. The Council was also authorized to set penalties. An enterprise gaining control of more than 25 per cent of the Latvian market for groups of goods or services as a result of a merger or the formation of a partnership would need to notify the Institution for the Control of Monopoly Action and Development of Competition. The new Competition Law stipulated that notifications would need to be made if the combined turnover of the entity resulting from the merger amounted to at least 25 million Lats in the financial year preceding the merger, and at least one of the merger participants held a dominant position in the relevant market prior to the merger. Natural monopolies existed in energy, communication services, transport, water supply and sewerage. Monopoly enterprises included the State stock companies "Latvijas gāze" (Latvian Gas), "Latvenergo" and "Latvijas dzelzceļš" (Latvian Railways); "Lattelekom" - a limited liability company; suppliers of heating; and self-government enterprises in water-supply and sewerage. However, competition (including foreign participation) was present in the supply of natural gas and in energy and telecommunication sub-sectors.FRAMEWORK FOR MAKING AND ENFORCING POLICIES
24. A member asked that Latvia indicate which bodies were responsible for the administration of trade policies and indicate that sub-central governments did not make policies affecting international trade.
25. The representative of Latvia replied that the legislative body of the Republic of Latvia was the Saeima (Parliament), the constitutional basis of which was provided in section 2 of the Satversme (Constitution). The regulation of internal proceedings of the Saeima was contained in the Rules of Procedure. The Satversme stated that the Saeima was the highest legislative body and it possessed the discretionary power. The Saeima was the highest body of State power, and, according to section 5 of the Satversme, it possessed the right to adopt laws and statements with the highest legal force after the Satversme. This prerogative included adoption of laws related to trade and monopolies and guidelines for the trade policy of the Republic of Latvia. In this field, the powers of the Saeima were not limited to the extent that they were compatible with the Satversme.
26. Executive power in Latvia was given to the Cabinet of Ministers. The general principles of the functioning of the Cabinet were contained in section 4 of the Satversme. The Cabinet would discuss all draft laws drawn up by Ministries and all questions concerning the competence of various Ministries, the number and the functions of which were stated according to special rules. The functioning of the Cabinet of Ministers was regulated by the Law "On the Composition of the Cabinet of Ministers" of 15 July 1993 (as amended on 23 May 1996), Regulation No. 5 of the Cabinet of Ministers and by special by-laws or governing regulations of each Ministry, always approved by a relevant Regulation of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Cabinet of Ministers was formed by a person entrusted to that task by the President of State. In order to fulfil their duties, the Prime Minister and the Ministers had to receive a vote of confidence by the Saeima. The Saeima expressed a vote of confidence by means of special resolution after the report of the Prime Minister on the composition and the planned activities of the Cabinet in case of approval. The important point was that, according to Regulation No. 160 "On the Internal Order and the Functioning of the Cabinet of Ministers" of 1 June 1996, every draft regulation or statement submitted to the State Chancellery for approval by the Cabinet of Ministers would receive legal opinions from interested Ministries and other institutions to ensure that draft legislation would be compatible with the laws in force and international treaties and conventions signed and ratified by the Republic of Latvia. The task of the State Chancellery was to verify whether a draft was compatible with the Declaration of the relevant Cabinet of Ministers where the principal guidelines of its activities were mentioned. The Declaration was binding on the Cabinet.
27. Cabinet decisions were presented in the form of regulations, instructions, orders or recommendations. The Cabinet could issue regulations when: (i) a law specifically authorized the Cabinet to issue regulations. Such authorization would need to provide details of the main rules and outline the content of the regulations; (ii) a relevant issue was not regulated by a law; and (iii) in accordance with the Article 81 of the Satversme, if there was an urgent necessity between sessions of the Saeima, the Cabinet was entitled to issue regulations having the force of law. However, Article 81 stated that such regulations could not modify laws concerning elections to the Saeima, the procedure and the judicial issues and the Constitution, the budget and budget rights, and laws already passed by the Saeima in power. Moreover, such regulations should not apply to amnesty, issuance of Treasury notes, State taxes, customs, railway tariffs and State loans and should become null and void if not presented to the Saeima within three days of the opening of the session of the Saeima.
28. The rights of the judiciary power were stated by the Law "On the Judicial Power", by the Codes of Civil and Criminal Procedure, by the Civil Code and by special laws on various judicial institutions "On the Bar", "On the Public Prosecutor Service", etc. International trade and monopoly issues were qualified by the judicial institutions as other similar cases. The judiciary institutions had the right to settle disputes arising from questions of international trade and monopoly in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in the Republic of Latvia. The system of Courts of Justice had three levels. The first instance was the District Court or City Court, the instance of appeal was the Regional Court, and the instance for causation was the Supreme Court. The very important point was that, specially concerning questions of international commercial relations, settlement of disputes could be reached by means of the arbitral court.
29. The Ministry of Economy was the competent institution for the administration of trade policies according to Article 2.3 of Regulation No. 304 of the Cabinet of Ministers "The Governing Regulations of the Ministry of Economy" (of 19 August 1997). The Ministry of Economy, in co-operation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other relevant Ministries, formulated and implemented the general principles of the domestic and foreign trade policy of the State. Trade-related powers of local and municipal governments were defined in Articles 14, 15 and 21 of the Law "On Local Governments" and concerned the introduction of local taxes and issuance of activity licences when such activities were subject to licensing by local and municipal governments under the respective Laws. The Law "On Taxes and Duties" (Article 12) provided a list of duties which could be determined by local governments, and the Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity" and Regulation No. 434 of 19 November 1996 stipulated that local and municipal governments issued activity licences for pre-school educational institutions, shooting galleries, cremation activities and local transportation of passengers.
30. The representative of Latvia confirmed that sub-central administrative authorities, e.g. local administrative bodies, have no jurisdiction or authority to establish regulations or taxes on goods and services in Latvia independent of the central authorities and that application of these measures are exclusively the responsibilities of the executive and legislative branches of the central government. Central authorities will eliminate or nullify measures taken by sub-central authorities in Latvia that are inconsistent with WTO provisions from the date of accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Trading rights
31. Some members of the Working Party noted that laws and regulations relating to the right to trade in goods (also sometimes referred to as "registration requirements" or "activity licensing") should not restrict imports of goods in violation of the general prohibition on quantitative restrictions in GATT Article XI:1, nor should they discriminate against imported goods in violation of the non-discrimination provisions of GATT Article III:4. Furthermore, fees and charges levied on the right to import should be limited to the approximate cost of services rendered (Article VIII:1(a)) and taxes and charges on the right to trade in imported goods should not lead to discrimination in favour of like domestic products (Article III:2).
32. The representative of Latvia replied that in accordance with the Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity", enterprises and entrepreneurial activity should be registered in Enterprise Register of the Republic of Latvia. The requirement to register concerned entrepreneurial associations and enterprises, including branches and representation offices performing entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Republic of Latvia. All registered entrepreneurs, i.e. enterprises and entrepreneurial associations, carried out their activities under equal rights. Any activity of unregistered entrepreneurial associations and enterprises was prohibited. The registration procedure and the information to be submitted was regulated by the Law "On Enterprise Register". Foreigners could also carry out entrepreneurship in accordance with the Law "On Foreign Investment in Republic of Latvia". In accordance with the Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity" and the Rules of the Cabinet of Ministers "On Restrictions of Entrepreneurship", only State enterprises had the right to produce and press securities, banknotes, coins, stamps and cards of gambling games. For other kinds of entrepreneurship restrictions were prescribed by the issuing of business activity licence or certificate. The kinds of entrepreneurship requiring certificate or business activity licence were listed in the above-mentioned Rules of the Cabinet of Ministers.
33. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to specify the business activities subject to licensing. The representative of Latvia said that certain forms of entrepreneurial activity required a special permit (licence). Limitations on entrepreneurial activity applied when such limitations were set forth in international treaties, conventions or any other norms of international law which were binding to Latvia, or when deemed necessary by Latvia for the protection of the interests of society, i.e. the protection of public morals, human, animal and plant life, and health or public security. The following restrictions on entrepreneurial activity had been determined in accordance with Article 32 of the Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity":
(i) restrictions laid down by the State Government or local government law or regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers aiming at protecting essential State security interests;
(ii) restrictions effected within the competence determined by local government law;
(iii) restrictions on individuals carrying out any form of entrepreneurial activity or intellectual work requiring special qualifications concerning special knowledge and testing of it, as determined by special laws or regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers; and
(iv) restrictions determined by the Bank of Latvia concerning financial and credit operations and banking activity.
The restrictions on entrepreneurial activity were enforced through special permits (licences) or certificates of professional qualification issued by the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministries or State institutions subordinate to and supervised by Ministries in accordance with statutory Acts; the authorized representative of the Strategic Importance Export and Import Control Board; local governments (municipal authorities of cities, towns, pagasts and city districts); professional associations; or the Bank of Latvia. The maximum validity of a special permit (licence) was five years, the minimum validity one year. The special permit (licence) could also be issued for an individual transaction. Licence fees payable to the State were determined by the law or regulations issued by the Cabinet of Ministers. Permission (licence) or certificate fees would be established by the issuing authority in accordance with rules laid down by the Cabinet of Ministers. The State reserved the right to make certain types of entrepreneurial activity connected with security of the State and its citizens subject to State monopoly.
34. The representative of Latvia said that any disputes arising from the application of restrictions on entrepreneurial activity, such as refusals to issue a special permit (licence) or cancellations, would be settled by a higher institution or a Court of Justice. A decision to reject an application to perform an entrepreneurial activity would need to be issued within 10 days (a time-limit of 30 days had applied until 1 January 1998) upon receipt by the responsible authority. An issuing authority was entitled to cancel a special permit (licence) issued on the basis of false information, or if the recipient violated any normative acts or conditions specified in the special permit (licence). The recipient of a special permit (licence) was responsible for its proper use and was not entitled to assign it to any other person.
35. The representative of Latvia said that the scope of the licensing system had been reduced gradually; in 1996 it had covered 47 goods-related business activities. Latvia continued to reduce the number of business activities licensed according to Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No.348 "On Licensing of Separate Forms of Entrepreneurial Activity". The Government had reviewed the licensing system and elaborated special regulations on import licensing in accordance with the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. The new regulations were adopted on 7 October 1997 and came into effect on 1 January 1998. These regulations provided for automatic licensing with no limitation on the number of licences granted. Import licences were not used to restrict trade and requirements were applied in a non-discriminatory manner. An import licence should be issued within 10 days, application forms should be as simple as possible, and the licence fee constituted the cost of services rendered.
36. The representative of Latvia noted that the Alcohol Monopoly Department of the Ministry of Finance kept a list of officially approved importers of alcoholic beverages and intended to begin regular publication of the list. The number of licensed importers and traders was not controlled or limited by any other administrative means. The licensing system was maintained for reasons of health and social policy (to reduce illegal production and importation); these objectives could not be attained by other measures. Imported and domestic products were subject to the same requirements. The representative of Latvia provided additional information on the licensing regime in a Questionnaire on Import Licensing of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (document WT/ACC/LVA/27). As per 1 May 1998, 92 enterprises had been licensed for wholesale trade, 27 enterprises for importation and 22 enterprises for the production of alcoholic beverages.
37. A member understood that Latvia had made tobacco products subject to activity licensing to control the internal market and import licensing to enforce the collection of excise taxes. This member was concerned that controls on the internal market operated as a barrier to trade and the use of licensing to assure collection of excise taxes was an unnecessary border aberration. The representative of Latvia replied that the licensing served statistical purposes only; the collection of excise taxes on tobacco products and other items was regulated by the Law "On the Excise Tax". Entrepreneurial activity related to tobacco goods was licensed, in accordance with Regulations No. 351 "On Circulation of Tobacco Products" of 7 October 1997, to protect the legal domestic market against illegal production and protect consumers' interests against low-quality or dangerous products. He added that licensing of entrepreneurial activities was not a mechanism for direct market control, but that the legal domestic market required regulation to ensure that uniform conditions applied in production, importation, exportation, sale, storage and transportation, and for the State to obtain the necessary statistical basis to maintain proper order. He stressed that the distribution of imported tobacco products was not restricted. As per 1 May 1998, 119 enterprises had been licensed for wholesale trade, 13 enterprises for importing and 4 enterprises for the production of tobacco products.
38. The representative of Latvia said that procedures governing production, manufacture and distribution of pharmaceutical products contained in the Drugs Register or Veterinary Drugs Register of the Republic of Latvia, including licensing provisions for specific pharmaceutical activities, were outlined in the Law "On Pharmaceutical Activities". The Law required entrepreneurial activity licences to operate a pharmacy, a pharmaceutical or veterinary wholesale company, or to manufacture medical and veterinary medical products. The requirements for obtaining these licences were based on criteria to ensure consumer protection and product quality.
39. The representative of Latvia confirmed that the former State monopoly in foreign trade had been abolished and that no restrictions existed on the right of individuals and enterprises to import and export goods into Latvia's customs territory, except as provided in WTO Agreements. He confirmed that individuals and firms were not restricted in their ability to import or export based on their registered scope of business and the criteria for enrolment in the Register of Enterprises in Latvia were generally applicable and published in the official journal of the Republic of Latvia "Latvijas Vēstnesis".
40. The representative of Latvia confirmed that from the date of accession Latvia would ensure that its laws and regulations relating to the right to trade in goods and all fees, charges or taxes levied on such rights would be in full conformity with its WTO obligations, including Articles VIII:1(a), XI:1 and III:2 and 4 of the GATT 1994 and that it would also implement such laws and regulations in full conformity with these obligations. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
1. Import Regulation
Customs tariff
41. A member of the Working Party noted that the collection of customs duties appeared to have been inefficient in Latvia and wondered what plans Latvia might have for improving its customs system as part of the accession to the WTO. The representative of Latvia replied that organizational improvements had been discussed with the World Customs Organization and included the revision of legislation, the review of the structure and functions of the customs administration, further training of customs staff and additional technical equipment. The organizational improvements of the customs system had been finalized by 1 July 1997 with the entry into force of the new Customs Law. He added that the Law "On Customs Duties (Tariffs)" had been in force since 1 December 1994.
42. The representative of Latvia announced his Government's readiness to enter into bilateral tariff negotiations in March 1995 (document WT/L/57). The tariff concessions resulting from these negotiations are included in its Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods annexed to the draft Protocol of Accession of Latvia which is reproduced in the Appendix to this Report (see paragraph 132 below).
Other duties and charges
43. The representative of Latvia confirmed that Latvia levied no duties and charges on imports other than ordinary customs duties. Any such charges applied to imports after accession would be in accordance with WTO provisions. He further confirmed that Latvia would not list any other charges in its Goods Market Accession Schedule under Article II:1(b) of the GATT 1994, binding such charges at "zero".
Tariff rate quotas, tariff exemptions
44. Some members of the Working Party noted that Latvian legislation authorized the opening of tariff quotas to facilitate importation of goods in temporary short supply and requested further details. A member urged Latvia to bring this system into conformity with WTO provisions and to consider using tariff protection only and allow market forces to determine trade.
45. The representative of Latvia said that the legal basis for the opening of tariff quotas on any item was the Law "On Customs Duties (Tariffs)" and Regulations No. 208 "Establishment and Administration of Import and Export Tariff Quotas" and No. 24 "Authorizations for Licences". Exceptionally, the Cabinet of Ministers had approved a tariff quota for imports of high-quality seeds in 1995, 1996 and 1997 due to a shortage of domestic supply. The State Cereals Bureau could open tariff quotas with an in-quota tariff of 0.5 per cent when its annual forecasts indicated a shortfall in Latvian production of certain types of grain. The Cabinet of Ministers had issued Regulation No. 85 "On Customs Tariff Quotas for Grains" stipulating that 20,000 tonnes of rye and 50,000 tonnes of feed grain could be imported at 0.5 per cent tariff until 1 June 1997. The tariff quotas had been distributed by public tender organized by the State Cereals Bureau with import licences issued by the Ministry of Agriculture.
46. The representative of Latvia agreed that the tariff quota regime for grain imports was not consistent with WTO requirements and Latvia was revising its legislation to ensure conformity with the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures. Regulations Nos. 208 and 24 had been revoked and replaced by Regulation No. 106 "On Customs Tariff Quotas", effective 25 March 1997, and issued in accordance with the Law "On International Agreements of the Republic of Latvia". The representative of Latvia said that in June 1997 the Saeima (Parliament) had adopted amendments to the Law "On Latvia's Grain Market and State Grain Reserves" according to which quantitative restrictions on grain were abolished and the licensing system replaced by automatic import licensing. The Saeima had also adopted amendments to the Law "On Customs Duties (Tariffs)" in June 1997, abolishing the order enabling the Cabinet of Ministers to establish tariff quotas. Regulation No. 106 "On Customs Tariff Quotas" of 25 March 1997 determined the procedure for implementing tariff quotas, established in accordance with international treaties, on the territory of the Republic of Latvia as well as the procedure for issuing special permits (licences) ensuring the administration of tariff quotas. Tariff quotas established in accordance with international treaties provided for limited amounts of goods imported under reduced or zero tariff rate. The fulfilment or non-fulfilment of preferential tariff quotas did not restrict imports from MFN trading partners at the MFN tariff rate. The representative of Latvia confirmed that in the event that Latvia would use MFN tariff quotas in the future, imports under preferential tariff rate quotas would not be counted against MFN tariff rate quotas.
Fees and charges for services rendered
47. A member of the Working Party asked Latvia to clarify what fees and charges, if any, were applied for services rendered related to importation or exportation. The representative of Latvia confirmed that Latvia levied no fees or charges for services rendered related to importation or exportation, except fees for issuing certain activity licences and charges such as port charges and warehousing charges. None of these fees or charges were levied on imports or exports on an ad valorem basis.
48. The representative of Latvia confirmed that from the date of accession Latvia would impose any fees or charges for services rendered related to importation or exportation only in conformity with Article VIII of the GATT 1994. Information regarding the application and level of any such fees, revenues collected and their use would be provided to WTO Members upon request. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Application of internal taxes
49. Some members of the Working Party asked for details on the excise tax system in Latvia and its application on imports and domestic goods. Latvia was requested to indicate, by HS tariff line, the levels and points of sale at which taxes were applied to imports and describe the components of the taxable base.
50. In reply, the representative of Latvia said that excise taxes were levied on alcohol, tobacco, motor vehicles, petroleum products and jewellery. The excise tax rates (Annex 1) were identical for imported and domestically produced items. The tax base for Latvian products was the sales price in domestic currency, taxes on imports were levied on a tariff-inclusive basis. Only tobacco products and alcohol carrying tax labels could be sold in Latvia. Enterprises licensed to import or manufacture tobacco products for sale ordered labels from the State Revenue Service. The requested quantity of labels would be supplied within 14 days against payment of excise tax and VAT. The labels themselves were not subject to any separate charge as the cost of issuing tax labels was included in the rate of excise tax. Exports, re-exports and goods in transit were exempt from excise tax in accordance with Article 4 of the Law "On Excise Tax". Exemptions from excise taxes had also been established for a number of products, enumerated in Table 3.
Table 3: Exemptions from Excise Tax
Excise tax shall not be levied on the following: |
Precious metals, precious stones and products from said metals and stones imported and purchased for the needs of the Precious Metal Fund of the Republic of Latvia;
Goods used for production (technological needs) of goods listed in Article 3;
Rectified alcohol:
(i) for the purposes of medicine and veterinary medicine;
(ii) for the needs of research and development;
(iii) for pharmaceutical industry.
Tobacco dust and tobacco products used for production of insecticides;
Precious metals for making dentures;
Goods for export;
Cars with spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating engine, working volume of engine cylinders of which does not exceed 1,600 cm3;
Cars with compression ignition internal combustion reciprocating engine (diesels or semi-diesels), working volume of engine cylinders of which does not exceed 1900 cm3;
Cars older than 7 years from the date of industrial production;
Cars with electrical engine (electrocars).
The Cabinet may determine the maximum amount of goods that are excise tax-exempt when imported for consumption into the customs territory of the Republic of Latvia.
Excise tax shall not be levied on transit cargo shipping and reexport.
Excise tax shall not be levied on natural persons importing alcoholic drinks up to one litre or one unit in original packaging that does not exceed 3 litres in total amount, as well as cigarettes - up to 200 cigarettes per person.
Excise tax shall not be levied on natural and legal persons selling cars if excise tax for the respective car has already been paid once.
If an enterprise (entrepreneurial company) exports self-produced or unused goods for which raw material tax has been paid, the excise tax transferred into the budget shall be reimbursed from the State budget.
The excise tax paid for cars exported from the Republic of Latvia within three months after their import shall be reimbursed from the State budget.
51. Noting that a Value Added Tax (VAT) had replaced the turnover tax in Latvia, some members of the Working Party requested information on the application of the VAT, including product- or user-specific exemptions. The representative of Latvia replied that VAT had replaced the turnover tax on 1 May 1995. VAT was levied at the rate of 18 per cent. VAT was levied on a tariff-inclusive basis and excise taxes were added to the tax base of imported and domestic products. Exemptions from VAT were determined in accordance with Articles 6 and 7 of the Law "On the Value Added Tax". In all, 26 types of goods and services were exempt from VAT while nine services related to exporting and international transport were zero-rated (Annex 2). The latest amendments to the Law "On Value Added Tax" had entered into force on 1 January 1998.
52. In response to specific questions by some members of the Working Party in pursuance of Article III of the GATT 1994 regarding VAT exemptions for books and mass-media goods published or (in the case of mass media goods) registered in Latvia, he assured the Working Party that the exemption was also applicable to imported films. The representative of Latvia stated that the VAT exemptions offered on publications and mass media goods had been revoked, and that national treatment had been applied both for domestic and foreign publications and mass media goods since 1 January 1998.
53. The representative of Latvia stated that, from the date of accession, Latvia will apply its domestic taxes, including those on products listed in paragraphs 50 to 52 and Tables 3 and Annex 1 in strict compliance with Article III of the GATT 1994, in a non-discriminatory manner to imports regardless of country of origin and to domestically-produced goods. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Quantitative import restrictions, including prohibitions, quotas and licensing systems
54. Latvia was requested to supply information in accordance with the questionnaire on import licensing and specifically asked to provide a comprehensive list, by HS tariff line, of products subject to non-tariff measures, citing the measure applied (prior import approval requirements, mandatory import licences, import quotas, prohibitions, etc.), its legal basis, and its justification under WTO provisions. Further questions addressed specific issues such as quantitative restrictions on imports of sugar and import arrangements affecting grain, ethyl alcohol and spirits, and tobacco. Concerned about potential barriers to trade, some members asked Latvia to elaborate on how its licensing system - which restricted imports of certain goods - worked and sought a clear commitment from Latvia that all measures applied to enforce quantitative restrictions would be eliminated as of the date of accession.
55. The representative of Latvia provided the information on non-tariff measures affecting imports and the legal basis for these measures, which is summarized in Table 4. He confirmed that an import ban on white sugar had been in force since May 1993, but the prohibition did not apply to raw sugar. Import licences were issued on a non-discriminatory basis regarding the country of origin; sugar had been imported from Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. He stated that import restrictions on sugar had been maintained to protect local manufacturers while the industry was restructured. He agreed that the existing regime did not correspond to the WTO Agriculture Agreement and Latvia was ready to prepare adoption of the necessary legal amendments to bring the sugar regime in line with WTO requirements.
Table 4: Business Activity Licensing on Importation of Certain Products
HS tariff line | Description | Legal basis |
Chapter 10 | Cereals | Law "On the Latvian grain market |
and State grain reserves" (Article 4) | ||
Chapter 11 | Products of the milling industry | Law "On the Latvian grain market |
and State grain reserves" (Article 4) | ||
Chapter 12 | Oil based plane seeds and | Law "On the Latvian grain market |
oleaginous fruit, various grain, | and State grain reserves" (Article 4) | |
seeds and fruit, straw and fodder. | ||
Chapter 1701 | Cane or beet sugar and | Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity" |
chemically pure sucrose | (Article 32), Law "On Sugar", | |
Regulation No. 348 of 7 October 1997, | ||
and Regulation No. 69 of 30 March 1998 | ||
Chapter 22 | Alcoholic beverages, spirits | Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity" |
and vinegar | and Regulation No. 348 of 7 October 1997 | |
Chapter 23 | Residues and waste from the | Law "On the Latvian Grain |
except 2301, | food industries; prepared | Market and State Grain |
2303 and 2307 | animal fodders | Reserves" (Article 4) |
Chapter 24 | Tobacco products | Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity" |
(Article 32), Regulation No. 86 | ||
of 14 April 1994, and Regulation | ||
No. 351 of 7 October 1997 |
56. The representative of Latvia said that quantitative restrictions on grain had been abolished by the amendments to the Law "On Latvia's Grain Market and State Grain Reserves" adopted by the Saeima (Parliament) in June 1997. Quantitative restrictions on sugar were abolished by amendments to the Law "On Sugar" (adopted by the Saeima in November 1996) and Regulations No. 61, adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers in March 1997. Licensing for all products would be automatic according to the WTO Agreement on Import Licensing.
57. Some members of the Working Party requested that Latvia undertake to eliminate all measures applied to enforce quantitative restrictions, including the non-automatic import licensing for grains and the ban on sugar imports, as of the date of accession and commit not to introduce, re-introduce or apply quantitative restrictions on imports or non-tariff measures such as licensing, quotas, bans and other restrictions having equivalent effect that can not be justified under the provisions of the WTO Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Import Licensing Procedures and Agriculture. Additionally, Latvia was asked to confirm that import licensing on other commodities, especially wheat flour, cereal flour, cereal groats, cereal grains otherwise worked, sugar and animal feed, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, were issued for statistical purposes only and administered in conformity with Article XI of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures.
58. The representative of Latvia confirmed that as from 1 July 1997 Latvia maintained no quantitative import restrictions on any products.
59. The representative of Latvia confirmed that Latvia would, from the date of accession, eliminate and shall not introduce, re-introduce or apply quantitative restrictions on imports or other non-tariff measures such as licensing, quotas, bans, permits, prior authorization requirements, licensing requirements and other restrictions having equivalent effect that cannot be justified under the provisions of the WTO Agreement. This will include the current licensing restrictions on certain products in Chapters 10, 11 and 12 and the import ban on sugar products in section 1701 of Latvia's tariff schedule. He added that the special import permits required for the importation of alcoholic beverages and tobacco are granted automatically to all who request them and would not restrict the right to import these products into Latvia or in any way discriminate against imported products. He further confirmed that the legal authority of the Government of Latvia to suspend imports and exports or to apply licensing requirements that could be used to suspend, ban, or otherwise restrict the quantity of trade will be applied from the date of accession in conformity with the requirements of the WTO, in particular Articles XI, XII, XIII, XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI of the GATT 1994, and the Multilateral Trade Agreements on Agriculture, Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Import Licensing Procedures, Safeguards and Technical Barriers to Trade. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Customs valuation
60. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to provide additional information on its customs valuation methods, noting in particular that terminology such as "approximate valuation" and valuation "according to the goods of the same type" had no counterpart in the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994 (the Customs Valuation Agreement). Such valuation practices were specifically prohibited in Article 7.2 of the Customs Valuation Agreement and the Agreement authorized no delay in the implementation of this provision. A member sought Latvia's commitment to apply fully the WTO provisions concerning customs valuation from the date of accession, including, in addition to the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994, the provisions for the Valuation of Carrier Media Bearing Software for Data Processing Equipment and the provisions on the Treatment of Interest Charges in Customs Value of Imported Goods.
61. The representative of Latvia said that valuation practices had been based on the Law "On Customs Duty (Tariffs)" and Regulation No. 27 "On Estimations of Customs Valuation Relating to Imported and Exported Goods and Other Subjects" which, inter alia , allowed the use of reference prices. Latvia had acknowledged the disparity between its legislation and the WTO Agreement on Implementation of Article VII. Amendments to existing rules had accordingly been drafted and submitted for ratification by Parliament. Amendments to the Law "On Customs Duty (Tariffs)" had entered into force on 1 July 1997 and the Articles related to the determination of customs value, including the use of reference prices, had been deleted. The new Customs Law (Customs Code) had been adopted by Parliament and entered into force on 1 July 1997. The valuation methods in the new law were based on transaction value; the value of identical goods; the value of similar goods; the unit price method and the computed value method. A copy of the law was provided to the Working Party. Secondary legislation to implement the Customs Law (Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 428 "On Procedure for Calculating the Customs Value of Goods", adopted on 17 December 1997) came into effect on 1 January 1998. The Customs Law provided the methods for determining customs value in accordance with the requirements of Article VII of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994. He confirmed that the use of reference prices for the determination of customs value had been eliminated by the introduction of the new legislation.
62. The representative of Latvia confirmed that Latvia would fully apply the WTO provisions concerning customs valuation from the date of accession without recourse to a transition period, including the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VII of the GATT 1994 including its provisions on methods of appraisement and Annex I (Interpretative Notes) and Article 13 of the Agreement, as well as the provisions for the Valuation of Carrier Media Bearing Software for Data Processing Equipment (Decision 4.1). The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Other customs formalities
63. The representative of Latvia said that Latvia was a member of the World Customs Organization. A draft law on accession to the Kyoto Convention had been approved by the Cabinet of Ministers and submitted to the Saeima. Norms incorporated in the Kyoto Convention had been taken into account in the development of the new Customs Law.
Anti-dumping, countervailing duties and safeguard regimes
64. Some members of the Working Party referred to the provisions regarding anti-dumping and countervailing duties in Chapter II of the Law "On Customs Duties (Tariffs)" and requested information on Latvia's intentions concerning the establishment of new, broader legislation in this area. The representative of Latvia said that at present no draft legislation existed related to this issue. Latvia was at the stage of examining possibilities for the introduction of anti-dumping and countervailing duty legislation, taking into account its specific situation as a small country and the resources available in the State budget for the purpose of eventual investigations. According to the existing timetable, a draft Anti-Dumping Law could be presented to the Cabinet of Ministers by the end of 1998.
65. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to describe its safeguards regime and questioned whether existing legislation would be consistent with GATT Article XIX and the WTO Agreement on Safeguards. The representative of Latvia replied that the current safeguards regime was based on Regulation No. 20 "Regulations to Protect the Domestic Market for Foods Stuff Produced in Latvia". The regulation addressed only agricultural products - in particular live animals, grain, milk, meat, fish, potatoes and products made thereof - and had been introduced as the recent economic transition had disrupted sectors which normally would supply competitive products. However, the regulations had yet to be applied. The existing regime was temporary and would be replaced by new legislation.
66. The representative of Latvia said that Latvia would not apply any anti-dumping, countervailing or safeguard measure until it had implemented appropriate laws in conformity with the provisions of the WTO Agreements on the Implementation of Article VI, on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, and on Safeguards. In the elaboration of any legislation concerning anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties and safeguards, Latvia would ensure their full conformity with the relevant WTO provisions, including Article VI and XIX of the GATT 1994 and the Agreement on the Implementation of Article VI, the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and the Agreement on Safeguards. After such legislation was implemented, Latvia would only apply any anti-dumping duties, countervailing duties and safeguard measures in full conformity with the relevant WTO provisions. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
2. Export Regulation
Customs tariffs, fees and charges for services rendered, application of internal taxes to exports
67. Some members of the Working Party requested details on export tax rates and plans to phase out such taxes.
68. In response, the representative of Latvia said that all goods were zero-rated with the exception of certain wood products, metal waste and scrap, and antiquities. Export duties on certain mineral products falling within HS Chapter 25 were eliminated with effect from 17 July 1996. Latvia would abolish export duties by year 2000, with the exception of duties on specific antiques. Amendments to the Law "On Customs Duties (Tariffs)" had entered into force on 1 July 1997. According to these amendments, Parliament had established a timetable for the elimination of export tariffs on items falling within HS Chapters 44 and 72. The list of products subject to export taxes, by HS tariff line, and the respective tariff rates are reproduced in Annex 3.
69. The representative of Latvia confirmed that present export tariff rates related only to the goods listed in Annex 3 Export Duty Tariffs. All customs tariff changes were published in the official journal of the Republic of Latvia - the newspaper "Latvijas Vēstnesis". Latvia would abolish all export duties listed in Annex 3 by 1 January 2000 with the exception of the duty on antiques. The timetable for elimination of export duties would be similar for regional trade agreement partners and partners to which MFN treatment was applied as indicated in Annex 3. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Export restrictions
70. Some members of the Working Party requested details on the licensing regime on exports, notably with regard to trade in metals and pyrotechnical materials. The representative of Latvia replied that business licences were issued to registered enterprises for domestic purchasing and exports of metal scrap in accordance with the Law "On Entrepreneurial Activity". Licensing of trade in strategic goods, products, services and technologies had been established for reasons of internal security and to fulfil international obligations on non-proliferation. Latvia had established an Export Control System covering munitions and exports of dual use goods based on international guidelines, incorporating the former COCOM Munitions List and Council Regulation (EC) No. 3381/94. The representative of Latvia confirmed that the licensing of exported metals was used for statistical purposes only and that the number of export licences issued was not limited.
Export subsidies
71. A member of the Working Party asked Latvia to describe its duty drawback system. The representative of Latvia replied that duty drawback was available for temporary importation of goods for processing, improvement, repair or replacement due to spoilage and re-exports in accordance with Chapter VII of the Law "On Customs Duties (Tariffs)" with Regulation No. 87 "Import of Commodities and Other Items for Processing" providing more specific procedures. Additional documentation was required to certify that goods would not be sold in the domestic market and to indicate the foregone amount of import taxes and VAT. The rebate of import charges in the duty drawback programme did not exceed the value of the taxes and tariffs incorporated in the exported product. He confirmed that Latvia maintained no quantitative restrictions related to the duty drawback scheme.
72. The representative of Latvia said that his Government intended to support an expansion of the activities of the "Latvian Export Credit", a State Joint-Stock Company. This company had been established on 20 January 1995 according to Order No.519-r of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia "On the State Joint Stock Company 'Latvian Export Credit'". The main aim of the company was to promote exports of manufactured goods, services and technology offered by Latvian entrepreneurs to other countries and to enable Latvian entrepreneurs to manage export and import transactions, providing them with the corresponding insurance and guarantee system. Latvian Export Credit (LEC) offered export guarantees - export payment guarantees, export finance guarantees, buyer credit guarantees and letter of credit guarantees - and import guarantees, i.e. import payment guarantees and import finance guarantees. LEC had thus far not provided "classical" export credits, i.e. credits extended by the export credit agency of the exporting State or by the exporter directly to buyers of goods and services abroad, but rather made short-term credits available to producer-exporters to help stabilize their cash flow while they were awaiting receipt of due payments from their customers abroad. These credits were extended on the basis of commercial principles and on conditions similar to those offered by commercial banks. He stated that these credit services did not distort competition as the State did not subsidize export crediting activities and LEC operated with a profit. LEC was planning to start providing "classical" export credits on conditions (interest rate, duration, etc.) which would comply with the OECD Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits.
Internal policies affecting foreign trade in goods Industrial policy, including subsidies
73. A member of the Working Party noted that the Latvian Government had signalled plans for extensive investments in infrastructure and wondered what the likely effect would be on Latvia's exporting sectors. He requested that industrial support programmes be notified in accordance with the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. The representative of Latvia replied that the Government aimed at improving infrastructure generally and would not target any particular industry or enterprise.
74. The representative of Latvia added that the structural policy of his Government aimed at successful transition to a competitive market economy operated by viable industrial enterprises. The Ministry of Economy had drafted a "Concept of Government Strategy in Industry and National Programme of Small and Medium Enterprise Development" which discussed issues such as investment promotion, industrial cooperation, industry restructuring and job creation. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises was considered particularly important and the Government encouraged and supported entrepreneurship through training and network programmes. Business Advisory Service Centres, enterprise fora and educational "workbooks" had been established to facilitate management training and business networks. Higher education institutions also offered special training courses for entrepreneurs. The Government had also elaborated a regional development policy under which grants and loans would be provided for the establishment and expansion of small and medium-sized enterprises and the development of energy-saving technology. Risk financing would be provided through a new institution, the Regional Development Fund. Another important element of Latvia's industry policies was the restructuring and privatization of State enterprises with emphasis on the participation of foreign investors.
75. The representative of Latvia stated that with regard to non-agricultural subsidies, Latvia was preparing draft notifications under Article 25 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. However, apart from very minor subsidy programs related to energy and fish conservation and public transportation, the most significant forms of subsidies in the Republic of Latvia were tax deferrals to assist the privatization of State enterprises; special capital injections to troubled banks during a period of heavy economic transition; and loan guarantee programs. Small and medium sized enterprises benefited from reduced rate of corporate income tax.
76. The representative of Latvia confirmed that Latvia did not maintain subsidies including export subsidies which met the definition of a prohibited subsidy, within the meaning of Article 3 of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and that it would not introduce such prohibited subsidies in the future.
77. The representative of Latvia confirmed that any subsidy programmes would be administered in line with the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and that all necessary information on programmes to be notified, if such exist, would be provided to the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in accordance with Article 25 of the Agreement upon entry into force of Latvia's Protocol of Accession. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Technical barriers to trade, sanitary and phytosanitary measures
78. Regarding technical barriers to trade, some members of the Working Party asked about the system of standards and product certification in Latvia, including participation in international standards organizations, plans to adopt and implement the Code of Good Practice (Annex 3 of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade), the acceptance of certificates issued by foreign bodies and accreditation of private certification bodies.
79. The representative of Latvia provided information on technical barriers to trade in document WT/ACC/LVA/4, Annex 5. He added that in order to fulfil the obligations laid down by the Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (the TBT Agreement), notably its Article 2 "Technical Regulations and Standards", Latvia had developed a National Standardization System approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 8 August 1995. The Latvian National Centre of Standardization and Metrology had been established to perform all activities related to the adoption of standards. The Centre was an affiliated member of the European Standardization Committee (CEN) and a corresponding member of the ISO. The Centre applied ISO Guide 21 which outlined the principles regarding adoption of international standards. In all, 21 technical committees had been established under the auspices of the Centre and their main tasks were to implement and harmonize the Latvian standardization system with international standards. Membership in the technical committees reflected all interested parties concerned, i.e. representatives of relevant Ministries, producers and other experts. Latvia was preparing mass implementation of international standards using the "cover sheet" method, allowing the adoption of approximately 500 standards per year. Specific Latvian standards were implemented only in very narrow areas of purely national interest. In view of Article 4 of the TBT Agreement, Latvia was observing and implementing the Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards. The Latvian National Centre of Standardization and Metrology was the responsible body for implementing the Code of Good Practice. A new Law "On Standardization" was in preparation with the objective to define the tasks of standardization, governing principles and the organization of standardization work.
80. Concerning Article 5 of the TBT Agreement, Parliament had adopted laws "On Conformity Assessments", "On Safety of Products, Services and Liability of Producer and Supplier" during 1996 and a Law "On Uniformity of Measurements" in 1997. Latvia had adopted as national standards EN 45000, ISO 9000 and ISO Guides 21, 22, 25 and 58 to ensure harmonized conformity assessment procedures (for products) and quality systems (for manufacturers). Conformity assessment in the mandatory area, i.e. related to the protection of human health, safety and the environment, was carried out by competent testing and calibration laboratories and certification and inspection bodies authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers. The competence of testing and calibration laboratories and certification and inspection bodies was assured by means of accreditation or equivalent procedures in accordance with ISO/IEC Guides 25 and 58. Latvia operated a unified accreditation system in accordance with international principles and relevant ISO provisions. Accreditation was accorded by the Latvian National Accreditation Office (LATAK), an independent body under the supervision of the Ministry of Economy. LATAK assured the determination of competence of the conformity assessment bodies. Currently, LATAK had accredited 72 testing laboratories and 4 certification bodies. As of 16 August 1997, LATAK was an affiliated member in the European Co-operation for Accreditation of Laboratories Organization and was undergoing procedures for accession to the European Accreditation of Certification Organization.
81. The representative of Latvia said that conformity assessment of goods was prescribed in the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights", "On the Safety of Products, Services and Liability of Producer and Supplier", "On Conformity Assessment" and the Law "On Uniformity of Measurements". Three third-party certification centres had so far been nominated by the Cabinet of Ministers: the Latvian National Certification Centre for food, cosmetics and toys; the Latvian National Standardisation Centre for household electric equipment; and the Baltic Machinery Experimental Station for agricultural and wood equipment. These Centres were under accreditation procedures. Conformity assessment in the mandatory area, i.e. related to the protection of human health, safety and the environment, was carried out by competent testing and calibration laboratories and certification and inspection bodies authorized by the Cabinet of Ministers. The National Accreditation Office intended to join ISO CASCO. Certificates issued by foreign institutions were recognized in accordance with bilateral agreements and corresponding regulations on unilateral recognition. Safety standards and requirements were identical for imported and domestic products. Draft standards were disseminated among all interested parties and were available for any discussion and comments.
82. Referring to Article 10 of the TBT Agreement, the representative of Latvia said that Latvia had ensured the existence of an enquiry point to handle all reasonable enquiries from or to other WTO Member States and interested parties starting from 1 January 1998. The enquiry point established in the Ministry of Economy was also responsible for providing relevant documents regarding technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures in Latvia. The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers No.12"On Order, How the Ministry of Economy Coordinates the Exchange of Information in the Area of Technical Barriers to Trade and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures" of 28 October 1997 established an obligation for Ministries and other relevant organizations to submit information on TBT and sanitary and phytosanitary measures to the Ministry of Economy at the earliest possible stage. The Regulations provided the possibility for other countries to comment on draft technical regulations, proposed conformity assessment procedures, and SPS measures. The practical work had started to create the relevant data bases and collect information to be notified. Currently, transparency of the adopted technical regulations and sanitary and phytosanitary measures was ensured by their publication in the official newspaper "Latvijas Vestnesis".
83. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to describe its regime of sanitary and phytosanitary measures in the light of WTO requirements and outline how the provisions of the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) would be implemented after accession. A member was particularly concerned about transparency, as it appeared that new regulations were not always published prior to implementation.
84. The representative of Latvia said Latvia participated in the activities of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, the IOE (Office International des Epizooties) and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Convention and hoped to join the International Plant Protection Organization. Latvia based its sanitary and phytosanitary measures on recommendations of these organizations and on regulations in force in the Nordic countries. Latvia reported monthly to international organizations (FAO, WHO and IOE) on progress in implementing international norms. A completed questionnaire on sanitary and phytosanitary measures was provided to the Working Party (WT/ACC/LVA/12, Annex 2).
85. The representative of Latvia added that the Law "On Plant Protection" provided the framework for administering phytosanitary measures. Sanitary measures were covered in the Law "On Veterinary Medicine", the "Pharmaceutical Law" and the 1995 "Food Law. Imported products were accompanied by certificates issued by the veterinary authorities of the exporting country in accordance with Latvian quality requirements. Latvia would accept exporters' certificates for processed food products conforming to Latvia's regulations. The official list of quarantinable pests (plant) and diseases (animals) was provided to the Working Party. The sanitary and phytosanitary measures applied by Latvia and the corresponding product coverage is presented in Table 5.
Table 5: Products Subject to Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
HS tariff line | Product description | Measure |
0100 | Live animals; animal products | Veterinary regulations |
0200 | Meat and edible meat offal | Veterinary regulations |
0300 | Fish and crustaceans, molluscs and other | Veterinary regulations |
aquatic invertebrates | ||
0400 | Dairy produce; bird's eggs; natural honey; | Veterinary regulations; |
edible products of animal origins, not | Environment Health regulations | |
elsewhere specified or included | ||
0500 | Products of animal origin, not elsewhere | Veterinary regulations |
specified or included | ||
0601 | Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns | Plant protection regulations |
and rhizomes, dormant in growth or in flower; | ||
chicory plants and roots other than roots | ||
of heading No 12.12 | ||
0602 | Other live plants (including their roots), | Plant protection regulations |
cuttings and slips, mushroom spawn | ||
0603 | Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind | Plant protection regulations |
suitable for bouquets or for ornamental | ||
purposes, fresh, dries, dyed, bleached, | ||
impregnated or otherwise prepared | ||
0700 | Edible vegetables and certain root and tubers | Plant protection |
regulations; Food control regulations | ||
0800 | Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus | Environment Health |
fruit or melons | regulations; Plant | |
protection regulations | ||
0900 | Coffee, tea, mate and spices | Plant protection regulations |
1000 | Cereals | Plant protection regulations |
1100 | Products of milling industry; malt; | Plant protection |
starches; inulin | regulations | |
1200 | Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous | Veterinary regulations; |
grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal | Plant protection | |
plants; straw and fodder | regulations | |
1201 | Soya beans, whether or not broken | Environment Health regulations |
1202 | Ground - nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, | Environment Health |
whether or not shelled or broken | regulations | |
1300 | Lac; gums; resins and other vegetable saps | Plant protection |
and extracts | regulations; Food control regulations | |
1400 | Vegetable plaiting materials; vegetable | Plant protection |
products not elsewhere specified or included | regulations | |
1500 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their | Veterinary regulations; |
cleavage products; prepared edible fats; | Plant protection | |
animal or vegetable waxes | regulations; Food control regulations | |
1600 | Preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, | Veterinary regulations; |
molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates | Plant protection | |
regulations; Food control regulations | ||
1700 | Sugar and sugar confectionery | Environment Health |
regulations; Food control regulations | ||
1800 | Cocoa and cocoa preparations | Environment Health |
regulations; Food control regulations | ||
1801 | Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted | Plant protection regulations |
1802 | Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste | Plant protection regulations |
1900 | Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; | Environment Health |
pastrycooks' products | regulations; Food control regulations | |
2000 | Preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts | Plant protection |
or other parts of plants | regulations; Food control regulations | |
2100 | Miscellaneous edible preparations | Food control |
regulations Veterinary | ||
regulations | ||
2200 | Beverages, spirits and vinegar | Environment Health |
regulations | ||
2300 | Residues and waste from the food | Veterinary regulations; |
industries; prepared animal fodder | Plant protection | |
regulations | ||
2401 | Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse | Plant protection |
regulations | ||
2402 | Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, | Environment Health |
of tobacco or of tobacco substitutes | regulations | |
2403 | Other manufactured tobacco and | Environment Health |
manufactured tobacco substitutes; | regulations | |
"homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco; | ||
tobacco extracts and essences | ||
2703 | Peat (including peat litter), whether or not | Plant protection |
agglomerated | regulations | |
3002 | Human blood; animal blood prepared for | Veterinary regulations |
therapeutic; prophylactic or diagnostic uses | Environment Health regulations | |
3101 | Animal or vegetable fertilizers, whether or not | Plant protection |
mixed together or chemically treated; fertilizer | regulations | |
produced by the mixing or chemical treatment | Veterinary regulations | |
of animal or vegetable products | ||
3808 | Insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, | Plant protection |
herbicides, anti-sprouting products and | regulations | |
plant-growth regulators, disinfectants and | ||
similar products, put up in forms or packing for retail sale | ||
4403 | Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped | Plant protection |
of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared | regulations | |
4407 | Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced | Plant protection |
or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded | regulations | |
or finger jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm | ||
4415 | Packing cases, boxes, crates, drums and | Plant protection |
similar packing, of wood, cable drums of wood; | regulations | |
pallets, box pallets and other load boards of wood | ||
4501 | Natural cork, raw or simply prepared; waste | Plant protection |
cork; crushed, granulated or ground cork | regulations | |
4600 | Manufactures of straw, of esparto or to other | Plant protection |
materials; basketware and wickerwork | regulations | |
5001 | Silk - worm cocoons suitable for reeling | Plant protection |
regulations | ||
5003 | Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable | Plant protection |
for reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) | regulations | |
5101 | Wool, not carded or combed | Plant protection regulations |
5103 | Waste of wool or of fine or of coarse animal | Plant protection |
hair, including yarn waste but excluding | regulations | |
garnetted stock | ||
5201 | Cotton, not carded or combed | Plant protection |
regulations | ||
5202 | Cotton waste (including yarn waste and | Plant protection |
garnetted stock) | regulations | |
5301 | Flax, raw or processed but not spun; | Plant protection |
flax tow and waste (including yarn waste | regulations | |
and garnetted stock) | ||
5302 | True hemp, raw or processed but not spun, | Plant protection |
tow and waste of true hemp | regulations | |
5303 | Jute and other bast, raw or processed but | Plant protection |
not span, tow and waste of these fibres | regulations | |
5304 | Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus | Plant protection |
Agave, raw or processed but not spun | regulations | |
5305 | Coconut, abaca, ramie and other vegetable | Plant protection |
textile fibres, not elsewhere specified or | regulations | |
included, raw or processed but not spun |
86. Summarizing Latvia's efforts thus far to implement the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, the representative of Latvia said that five laws - the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, the Law on Veterinary Medicine, the Law on Pharmaceutical Activties, the Law on Supervision of Food Circulation and the Law on Plant Protection - had been adopted since 1992. These laws and their amendments constituted the basis for Latvia's compliance with the SPS Agreement. The new Law on Supervision of Food Circulation was prepared taking into account recommendations made by a group of experts in relation to the FAO project on food quality improvement in Latvia and a project on Latvia's food legislation sponsored by Denmark and was in accordance with the requirements of the SPS Agreement. Laws would be revised to clarify authorities' areas of competence and responsibility in the elaboration and harmonization of regulations and requirements as well as in market surveillance to avoid duplication and ensure more effective food control. The veterinary and phytosanitary border control administration was reorganized at the beginning of 1997 to improve coordination and meet international standards. As a result of the process to harmonize food legislation, in 1997 Latvia had adopted a new regulation "On Maximum Residue Level of Veterinary Drugs in Food" and regulation "On Standing Order for Food Additives". Both regulations were in full compliance with international rules. Latvia observed the principle of transparency as it required all adopted regulations related to sanitary and phytosanitary measures to be published in the official newspaper of the Republic of Latvia "Latvijas Včstnesis". The authority to adopt legislative acts for implementing the SPS Agreement rested with the Cabinet of Ministers. Prior to their adoption, all draft regulations were discussed by the Advisory Board of the State Veterinary Service and published in the media of the veterinary profession to encourage wide discussion. Also prior to their adoption, legislative acts on food safety and quality were to be reviewed by the Food Council (a consulting body composed of ministerial officials, representatives of producers, traders, distributors and other involved institutions), which had recently begun acting as an expert panel for drafting legislative acts and amendments. The legislative acts on implementation of particular sectors covered by the SPS Agreement were submitted to the Ministry of Economy, which was responsible for fulfilling of the notification requirement. The Enquiry point, as provided for by Article 10 of the TBT Agreement and Article 7 of the SPS Agreement, operated under auspices of the Ministry of Economy. Latvia had also developed a training system for veterinary inspectors in order to improve the standards of control, inspection and approval procedures according to the SPS Agreement.
87. The representative of Latvia stated that its sanitary and phytosanitary measures reflected international standards, guidelines and recommendations. The SPS enforcement issues were being solved through intensive training programmes and accumulation of practical skills. Latvia's TBT and SPS standards were currently in a process of rapid evolution to a new system reflecting international requirements provided for in a specific governmental programme.
88. The representative of Latvia stated that Latvia would apply the Agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Technical Barriers to Trade from the date of accession without recourse to any transition period. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs)
89. Some members of the Working Party enquired about Latvia's intentions regarding notification and elimination of measures not in conformity with the provisions of the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs).
90. The representative of Latvia said that Latvia would not maintain any measures inconsistent with the TRIMs Agreement and would apply the TRIMs Agreement from the date of accession without recourse to any transitional period. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
State trading entities
91. Noting that more than 500 State-owned enterprises were involved in foreign trade in 1994, some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to provide a list of all firms wholly or partly owned or managed by the State, specifying any exclusive or special rights accorded to these enterprises. Latvia was requested to complete the questionnaire on State-trading. A member felt that the State Cereal Bureau could meet the criteria of a State-trading enterprise under Article XVII of the GATT 1994 and that the definition might also cover other enterprises engaged in agricultural production and distribution, including trade in sugar; metals; alcoholic beverages; and the natural monopolies managed by the State. Latvia was also asked to provide details on the trading firms Interlatvija and Latvijas Labiba.
92. The representative of Latvia provided a notification on State-trading to the Working Party in document WT/ACC/LVA/12 (Annex 3) describing the functioning of the State Cereal Bureau. The State Cereal Bureau was an institution not engaged in regular grain trade; on occasion, grain had been bought to replenish reserves held for food security reasons. Domestic grain was favoured in procurement for the State reserve. Institutions such as the State Alcohol Monopoly Board and the Tobacco Department did not engage in trade, but issued business licences to other operators in their respective areas. Other State-owned enterprises only held the same rights to trade as the private sector. The trading companies Interlatvija and Latvijas Labiba were fully privatized in 1991 and the Government had no role in their activities. The representative of Latvia stated that no enterprises, other than the State Cereal Bureau, operated under special or exclusive rights in Latvia. Latvia had established an Excise Tax Board dealing with licensing and excise marking of alcohol, tobacco and licensing of other goods subject to excise tax. The State Alcohol Monopoly Board and the Tobacco Department were incorporated into the Excise Tax Board and had ceased to exist as separate institutions.
93. The representative of Latvia confirmed that his Government would apply its laws and regulations governing the trading activities of State-owned enterprises and other enterprises with special or exclusive privileges and would act in full conformity with the provisions of the WTO Agreement, in particular Article XVII of the GATT 1994 and the Understanding on that Article and Article VIII of the GATS. He further confirmed that Latvia would notify any enterprise falling within the scope of Article XVII. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Free zones, special economic areas
94. The representative of Latvia said that four special economic regimes had been established in Latvia by October 1997 according to the laws "On Riga Commercial Free Port" (passed on 6 November 1996), "On Ventspils Free Port" (19 December 1996), "On Liepaja Special Economic Zone" (17 February 1997) and "On Rezeknes Special Economic Zone" (1 October 1997). The free zones in Riga Commercial Port and Ventspils Port were traditional free customs zones, established according to special laws and in consistence with the new Customs Law. The special economic zone in Liepaja, a former Soviet Navy base area, had been established by special law to promote development and recovery in a destroyed region. The Rezeknes Special Economic Zone had been established in order to promote development of the assisted region. The policy of Latvia's Government was not to extend the development of special economic zones and not to establish new free economic zones in Latvia, but to gain experience from existing zones and develop more detailed regulations regarding the functioning of these zones. He added that there were neither export performance, trade balancing nor domestic content requirements associated with establishment of companies in the zone and purchases of goods produced in the zone by the rest of Latvia would bear normal taxes and tariff requirements. Further information on the free economic zones is provided in Table 6.
Table 6 : Free Economic Zones
Riga Commercial Free Port | Liepaja Special Economic Zone | Ventspils Free Port | Rezekne Special Economic Zone | |
Territory | Part of Riga port | Liepaja Port, part | Ventspils Port | Rezeknes |
of Liepaja industrial | industrial region | |||
port, military port | ||||
(former military | ||||
base and campus) | ||||
Area | approx. 664 ha | approx. 3,000 ha | approx. 2,026 ha | approx. 1,220 ha |
Tax | Free customs zone | Possibility to | Several free | Possibility to |
exemptions | regime in the | create free | zone regimes | create free customs |
whole territory | customs zone | established in | zone regime in | |
regime (meeting | different parts | some parts of zone. | ||
the respective | of the area and | |||
conditions) in | possibility to | VAT - zero for | ||
some parts of zone. | create others | investments into infrastructure; | ||
VAT - zero | Company income | |||
for investments | tax - 20 per cent of | |||
into infrastructure; | normal tax rate. | |||
Company income | ||||
tax - 20 per cent | ||||
of normal tax rate | Land and real | |||
(possible reduction, | estate tax - 20 per | |||
up to zero tax, | cent of normal tax | |||
upon decision of | rate (possible | |||
the municipality); | reduction, up to zero tax, | |||
Land and real estate tax - 20 | upon decision of the municipality). | |||
per cent of normal | ||||
tax rate (possible | ||||
reduction, up to | ||||
zero tax, upon | ||||
decision of the municipality) | ||||
Social tax - max. | ||||
15 minimal wages. | ||||
Land | Possible to lease | Possible to buy | Possible to lease | Possible to buy |
property | if investment | |||
exceeds 100,000 | ||||
Lats per 1 ha |
95. The representative of Latvia stated that the free ports and special economic zones authorized by the legislation described in paragraph 94 were fully subject to the coverage of Latvia's commitments in its Protocol of Accession to the WTO Agreement and that Latvia would ensure enforcement of its WTO obligations in those zones. In addition, goods produced in these areas under tax and tariff provisions that exempt imports and imported inputs from tariffs and certain taxes will be subject to normal customs formalities when entering the rest of Latvia, including the application of tariffs and taxes. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Government procurement
96. Some members of the Working Party asked about the status and content of Latvian legislation on public procurement including clarification of the exceptions concerning the case of "exclusive rights" and "urgent necessity" and Latvia's position regarding possible membership of the Plurilateral Trade Agreement on Government Procurement. In their view, Latvia should commit itself to a specific date by which to join the Agreement on Government Procurement if the outcome of the negotiations on an entity list was satisfactory to all.
97. The representative of Latvia said that Latvia had adopted a new law on Government and Municipal Procurement based on the Agreement on Government Procurement and the UNCITRAL Model Law on Procurement. The Law allowed the award of supply contracts without bid or competition in cases associated with the creation of State reserves or national security and defence in accordance with specific decisions by the Cabinet of Ministers, or in cases of procurement of less than LVL 5,000. Single tendering could take place when certain suppliers held exclusive rights on goods and services; in circumstances of urgent necessity; when past purchases required the same source for additional supplies; and for the conclusion of research and development contracts.
98. The Law on Government and Municipal Procurement was passed by Parliament on 24 October 1996. An English version of the Law was submitted to the WTO Secretariat. The new Law on Government and Municipal Procurement, entering into force on 1 January 1997, stated that tendering with participation of foreign competitors was mandatory if the expected value of construction works exceeded LVL 4 million (SDR 5 million) or the expected value of other works or supplies exceeded LVL 104,000 (SDR 130,000). National treatment applied in the field of government procurement.
99. The representative of Latvia recalled that Latvia was granted observer status in the Committee on Government Procurement on 4 June 1996 (document GPA/W/16). Latvia intended to commence negotiations on accession to the Agreement on Government Procurement in the second half of 1998 and had begun preparation of the accession documents. However, additional consultations would be required with WTO experts before negotiations could start.
100. The representative of Latvia confirmed that Latvia will initiate negotiations for membership in the Agreement on Government Procurement upon accession by tabling an entity offer at that time. He also confirmed that, if the results of the negotiations are satisfactory to Latvia and the other members of the Agreement, Latvia will complete negotiations for membership in the Agreement by 1 January 2000. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
101. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to describe the regime relating to goods in transit. The representative of Latvia said that goods carried in transit were checked at the border. Customs offices kept a copy of the cargo dispatch notes and collected information for statistical purposes. The same procedures were followed for all goods, including metals. Latvia charged no transit fee at present, however, a convoy fee - paid by the transporter - was levied on dangerous goods, tobacco, food products or perfume transported through Latvia. Certain non-dangerous goods were subject to a security deposit equal to the amount of taxes due on importation of such goods in Latvia. The security deposit would be refunded within two months provided the transit regulations were adhered to.
102. The representative of Latvia confirmed that his Government would apply its laws and regulations governing transit operations and would act in full conformity with the provisions of the WTO Agreement, in particular Article V of the GATT 1994. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Agricultural policies
103. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to elaborate on its agriculture regime, including tariff protection, budgetary support, concessional credits, export subsidies and the procurement of grain. Some members noted tariff increases on some products and new support measures of recent date. Some members observed that Latvia had recently introduced export subsidy measures and sought a commitment that Latvia would eliminate export subsidies.
104. The representative of Latvia explained that the agricultural sector was going through a major reform process that included land restitution, decollectivisation and privatization of the food industry in order to establish a market-based competitive economic environment. He also noted that the reform process was a balanced shift from various tax exemptions in the farming sector to more transparent ways of direct support to agriculture. Over the last few years, the farming sector experienced a deterioration of the quality of agricultural land because of lack of proper drainage and other soil treatment as well as low level of investment in machinery and equipment. As a result, total agricultural output and income declined significantly and expectations were that it might take several years to fully recover. The representative of Latvia indicated that his Government was determined to pursue vigorously the process of reform and viewed its accession to the WTO as an important element in this regard.
105. Some Members sought a commitment that Latvia would eliminate price controls on grain products. The representative of Latvia said that the Government had guaranteed the price of food grain for the State reserve. In 1995, the price guarantee covered 32,000 tons but only 5,700 tons were actually purchased and the State Grain Reserve had imported 14,000 tons. Domestic grain prices had recently been lower than the world market prices. The representative of Latvia said that amendments to the Law "On Latvia Grain Market and State Grain Reserves", which eliminated the system of guaranteed grain prices, had come into effect on 1 July 1997.
106. Regarding domestic support, the representative of Latvia submitted detailed information in document WT/ACC/SPEC/LVA/2 based on the classification suggested by WT/ACC/4 and the methodology of the Agreement on Agriculture, which showed the average product specific support during the base period 1994-1996 for cereals, cattle, sheep, sugar beet, seed materials and flax and non-product specific support. Information was also provided on a number of programmes regarding the financing of agricultural research, pest and disease control, advisory services and infrastructure which Latvia considered "green box" measures.
107. Regarding export subsidies, the representative of Latvia said that export subsidies had been provided for milk powder, canned milk, cheese, butter and rye in 1994, 1995 and 1996. He also made clear that Latvia's intention was increasingly to direct its investment in agriculture towards programmes designed to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of Latvian agriculture and ensure its alignment with world market requirements. In this context, Latvia would be prepared to eliminate export subsidies as reflected in its schedule of commitments annexed to Latvia's Protocol of Accession.
108. Latvia's commitments on agricultural tariffs, on domestic support and export subsidies for agricultural products are in the schedule of concessions and commitments attached to Latvia's Protocol of Accession to the WTO.
109. The representative of Latvia said that during a transition period to expire on 1 January 2003, Latvia would forego the 5 per cent de minimis exemption for product-specific domestic support and for non-product specific domestic support in calculating its Current Total AMS as provided for in paragraph 4 (a) of Article 6 of the Agreement on Agriculture, provided that the sum of product-specific and non-product-specific domestic support does not exceed SDR 24 million (representing approximately 8 per cent of the average value of final agricultural production during the period 1994-1996) and that SDR 24 million instead constitutes Latvia's de minimis exemption under Article 6.4 (a) during each year of the said transition period. Accordingly, during the transition period, Latvia would not be required to include product-specific domestic support or non-product specific domestic support in calculating its Current Total AMS pursuant to paragraph 4 (a) of Article 6 of the Agreement on Agriculture, and would not be required to reduce such domestic support in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Agreement on Agriculture, where the sum of product-specific and non-product specific support does not exceed SDR 24 million during the relevant year. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
Trade in civil aircraft
110. The representative of Latvia said that Latvia would implement the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft without exceptions or transitional period at the time of accession. The representative of Latvia confirmed that Latvia would become a signatory to the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft upon accession to the WTO. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
111. Some members of the Working Party asked Latvia to compare its existing regime with the WTO Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Specific questions addressed the time schedule for the full implementation of the TRIPS Agreement, the enforcement of intellectual property rights, the protection of copyright and the acceptance of the Berne Convention (1971) and the Rome Convention.
112. The representative of Latvia said that Latvia had been working to install a new legal system in the area of intellectual property protection since 1991. The number of national experts on the subject was limited and Latvia also lacked experience with certain aspects of intellectual property such as geographical indications, undisclosed information, and provisional and border measures. He noted that existing legislation was in conformity with the WTO Agreement on TRIPS with the exception of the protection of geographical indications and Part III, section 4 of the TRIPS Agreement (border measures). The new legislation regarding the protection of geographical indications had been accepted by the Government and submitted for adoption to the Saeima, and the new legislation regarding border measures (Part III, section 4 of the TRIPS Agreement) had been submitted to the Government for approval in July 1998. An overview of Latvia's intellectual property legislation and an ongoing revision programme was provided to the Working Party, and is reproduced in Table 7.
Table 7: Status of Legislation On Intellectual Property in Latvia (August 1998)
TRIPS Agreement | Laws and other legal provisions addressing and covering the subject matters | Effective and draft legislation relating to requirements of the TRIPS Agreement |
Part II, | - Copyright Law of | Effective - full compliance with |
Section 1 | 11 May 1993 | WTO TRIPS requirements ensured |
- Law on Amendments of the | ||
Latvian Criminal Code of 6 October 1955 | ||
- Cabinet of Ministers Regulation | ||
on Distribution (Reproduction) and | ||
Public Performance of Cinematographic Works (1996) | ||
Part II, | Trademark Law of 9 March 1993 | Effective - full compliance with |
Section 2 | WTO TRIPS requirements ensured | |
Draft Law on Trademarks and | ||
Geographical Indications adopted | ||
by the Government in August 1998 | ||
and submitted to the Saeima | ||
(adoption expected by October 1998) | ||
Part II, | Draft Law on Amendments to the | |
Section 3 | Law on Competition, Section V | |
Unfair Competition | ||
A new draft Law on Trademarks | ||
and Geographical Indications | ||
including provisions on protection | ||
of geographical indications adopted | ||
by the Government in August 1998 | ||
and submitted to the Saeima | ||
(expected adoption by the Saeima in October 1998) | ||
Part II, | Law on Industrial Design | Effective - full compliance with |
Section 4 | Protection of 4 May 1993 | WTO TRIPS requirements ensured |
Part II, | Patent Law of 2 March 1993 | Effective - full compliance with |
Section 5 | as amended on 30 March 1995 | WTO TRIPS requirements ensured |
Part II, | Law on Protection of | Effective - full compliance with |
Section 6 | Topographies of Semiconductor | WTO TRIPS requirements ensured |
Products of 31 March 1998 | ||
Part II, | Law on Competition (Section V | Draft Commercial Law (approved |
Section 7 | 'Unfair Competition', Art. 22) of | by the Government, expected |
18 June 1997 (in effect as of | adoption in the Saeima by | |
1 January 1998) Civil Code | November 1998) | |
Draft Law on Publicity of State and | ||
Local Government's Information | ||
and draft Law on Personal Data | ||
Protection (approved by the | ||
Government, expected adoption in | ||
the Saeima by October 1998) | ||
Part II, | Provisions of the Patent Law, | Effective - full compliance with |
Section 8 | Trademark Law, Law on Industrial | WTO TRIPS requirements ensured |
Design Protection | ||
Part III, | Law on Competition of | Effective - compliance with WTO |
Section 3 | 18 June 1997, Section V 'Unfair | TRIPS requirements ensured |
(provisional measures) | Competition', Art. 24; Civil | |
Procedural Law | ||
Part III, | Draft secondary legislation under | |
Section 4 | Section C, Customs Law (Code) of | |
(special | 11 June 1997 (submitted to the | |
requirements | Government in July 1998, expected | |
related to | approval by the Government in | |
border measures) | October 1998) | |
Part III, | Criminal Code | Effective - full compliance with |
Section 5 | WTO TRIPS requirements ensured | |
(criminal procedures) |
113. Regarding the status of intellectual property legislation in specific areas, the representative of Latvia added that, on copyright and related rights, Latvia adopted a Copyright Law in May 1993 which included provisions on computer programmes and protection of databases. However, the basic principles regarding rental rights for computer programmes would be refined to ensure better implementation. In August 1998, a new draft law On Copyright and Neighbouring Rights had been adopted by the Government, and by the end of 1998 it was to be accepted by the Saeima. The Criminal Code was amended in October 1995 in regard to violation of copyright and neighbouring rights, and in July 1998 the new Criminal Code had been passed in the Saeima, incorporating and refining provisions of criminal responsibility for infringement of copyright and illegal use of copyrighted work and neighbouring rights. Latvia had acceded to the Berne Convention in August 1995 and a Law on the accession to the Rome Convention (1961) for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations had been adopted by the Saeima in 1997 and would come into effect on 1 January 1999. On 8 April 1997, Saeima had adopted the Law on accession to the Geneva Convention (1971) for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms against Unauthorized Duplication of their Phonograms. Latvia would join the WIPO Copyright Treaty and Performance and Phonograms Treaty before the end of 1998. In August 1998, a new draft Law on Trademarks and Geographical Indications had been adopted by the Government and submitted for adoption to the Saeima. The draft refined some definitions of the current law and included new provisions concerning international registration of marks and protection of geographical indications. Concerning the protection of layout-designs of integrated circuits (Part II, section 6 of the TRIPS Agreement), he said that on 31 March 1998 Latvia had adopted the Law on Protection of Topographies of Semiconductor Products, based on Council Directive (87/54/EEC) of the European Communities on the legal protection of topographies of semiconductor products of 16 December 1986. In August 1998, draft laws on accession to the Madrid Agreement Concerning International Registration of Trademarks and the Protocol to the Madrid Agreement had been adopted by the Government and submitted for consideration to the Saeima. Protection of undisclosed information in accordance with the requirements of Part II, section 7 of the TRIPS Agreement would be covered in the following new draft Laws On Personal Data Protection, which had been elaborated in order to ensure rights of any person to protect her rights and freedoms processing personal data manually or electronically, and the draft law On Publicity of State and Local Government's Information. Both laws had been approved by the Government and submitted for adoption to the Saeima. Currently, the protection of undisclosed information was generally provided for by the Civil Code.
114. Referring to Part III of the TRIPS Agreement - Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights - the representative of Latvia said that the new Law on Competition of 18 June 1997 included provisions on provisional measures (Part III, section 3), and the new Customs Law (Code) of 11 June 1997 provided for adoption of secondary legislation relating to border measures (Part III, section 4), which would be submitted for adoption to the Cabinet of Ministers in July 1998 and would refine the provisions on provisional measures contained in the amended Latvian Civil Procedural Code. Provisions in existing legislation relating to enforcement of intellectual property rights included:
- Part 4, Articles 54 to 57 of the Copyright Law which specified the notion of infringement of copyright and related rights as well as civil procedures provided for under this law and relating to enforcement of the said rights, and (Article 57) administrative and civil liability and criminal responsibility in case of infringement of copyright or related rights;
- Chapter 9 (Articles 40 and 41) of the Patent Law on patent infringement and responsibility thereof, Chapter 10 (Articles 42 to 45) on protection of rights derived from a patent, and Chapter 11 (Articles 46 to 49) on review of disputes in court;
- Articles 16, 18, 21 and 24 of the new Competition Law on responsibility for violation of restrictions on monopolies and illegal competition;
- similar provisions provided for by the Trademark Law and the Law on Design Protection; and
- provisions in the said Laws referring to procedures and measures provided for by civil or criminal law.
In addition to amending the Latvian Civil Procedural Code in 1995 to provide for provisional measures, Latvia had also amended the Criminal Code of 6 October 1955 and a new Criminal Code had been passed in August 1998 to provide for more severe measures in case of infringement of intellectual property rights and, in particular, copyright and neighbouring rights. Amendments to the Administrative Offences Code on illegal distribution of neighbouring rights to a work and the use of copyrighted work without licence had been submitted for adoption to the Saeima. Latvia had begun to reform its court system to strengthen its capability to enforce intellectual property rights. The former judiciary law, education and practice had given Latvia no experience in reviewing intellectual property disputes and Latvia considered as one of its most important tasks to educate a new generation of experts in the area of intellectual property protection and enforcement and to train its practitioners (judges, advocates, patent attorneys and trademark agents).
115. As a general point, the representative of Latvia noted that each law pertaining to intellectual property included a general clause stating that the provisions of an international agreement prevailed over national legislation in cases of contradiction. The provisions of the TRIPS Agreement would thus prevail over domestic law on Latvia's accession to the WTO. Also as a general point, the representative of Latvia stated that all the draft laws pertaining to intellectual property and necessary amendments to current legislation to bring them into conformity with the TRIPS Agreement would enter into force prior to Latvia's accession.
116. The representative of Latvia confirmed that his Government would fully apply the provisions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) by the date of its accession to the WTO without recourse to a transitional period. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Policies affecting trade in services
117. The representative of Latvia provided a description of Latvia's services regime in document WT/L/63 (L/7526/Add.3). Specific questions by members of the Working Party focused on regulations in the financial sector and clarification of laws with important provisions regarding investment in services sectors.
118. With regard to the financial sector, the representative of Latvia stated that licensing requirements were the same for domestic and foreign entities. However, procedurally, an application from a foreign bank to establish a branch or representative office was considered by the Board of Governors of the Bank of Latvia while other applications were considered by the Executive Board of the Bank of Latvia.
119. The representative of Latvia said that Parliament had adopted a new Law "On Credit Institutions" in October 1995. Under the Law "On Insurance" foreign investors could perform insurance activities in Latvia through the establishment of companies or partnerships with Latvians, i.e. joint-stock companies in which the participation of foreign investors was not restricted. He confirmed that licences were issued exclusively for one type of insurance activity; insurers involved in life insurance were prohibited from offering non-life insurance and vice versa. An insurer could not conduct life and non-life insurance operations simultaneously, without establishing a new company. However, this restriction did not refer to accident and health insurance operations concluded by an insurer with a licence to perform life insurance. A direct life insurer was allowed to reinsure life, accident and health insurance operations. A direct non-life insurer was prohibited from reinsuring life insurance operations. He stated that the criteria for registration of credit institutions or enrolment of broker companies were not inconsistent with Article XVI of the General Agreement on Trade in Services.
120. The representative of Latvia said that on 7 October 1997, the Cabinet of Ministers had adopted Regulations No. 348 "On Licensing of Certain Forms of Entrepreneurial Activities", which would replace the former Regulations No. 434. The main changes under the new regulations were that the number of activities subject to regulation had been reduced from 118 to 67 and that professional certification had been transferred to accredited professional associations, municipalities and the Bank of Latvia with respect to financial activities and supervision, as appropriate. The new regulations came into effect on 1 January 1998 and responsible governmental institutions such as Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Welfare and Ministry of Transportation had been required to submit the amendments to the legislation on regulated professions, standards of professional qualifications and conformity assessment procedures. Certification had been introduced in order to ensure a professional level of service and the protection of consumers. Foreigners were granted national treatment in the issuance of certificates for supply of individual professional services. He confirmed that Latvia had no legislation on safeguard measures related to trade in services and that no restrictions were applied on domestic or international transfers and current payments for services.
121. The representative of Latvia said that the State enterprise "Latvijas Pasts" (Latvian Post) held monopoly rights on postal services. "Lattelekom", a joint venture between Tilts Communications (British and Finnish ownership) and the Latvian Government, had been granted an exclusive right until 1 January 2003 to provide telecommunication services.
122. Latvia's Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services is annexed to its draft Protocol of Accession reproduced in the Appendix to this Report (see paragraph 132 below). [This schedule contains the legally binding market-access commitments of Latvia, and represents the sole legal undertaking .....].
Publication of Information on Trade
123. The representative of Latvia stated that, at the latest from the date of accession, all laws and other normative acts related to trade would be published in the Official Journal promptly and no law, rule, etc. related to international trade would become effective prior to such publication. He further stated that Latvia would fully implement Article X of the GATT 1994 and the other transparency requirements in WTO Agreements requiring notification and publication.
124. The representative of Latvia said that at the latest upon entry into force of the Protocol of Accession, Latvia would submit all initial notifications required by any Agreement constituting part of the WTO Agreement. Any regulations subsequently enacted by Latvia which gave effect to the laws enacted to implement any Agreement constituting part of the WTO Agreement would also conform to the requirements of that Agreement. The Working Party took note of this commitment.
Trade Agreements
125. Some members of the Working Party inquired about Latvia's preferential trade agreements. Some members were concerned about the consistency with Article XXIV of the GATT 1994 of these free trade agreements.
126. The representative of Latvia said that agreements for the avoidance of double taxation and prevention of fiscal evasion had been signed (21 countries at present) and entered into force with Belarus, the Czech Republic, China, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine and the United Kingdom. Latvia had entered into intergovernmental agreements on trade and economic cooperation, providing for MFN status, with Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Canada, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Hungary, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, the United States of America and Uzbekistan. Free trade agreements had been concluded with the European Communities, the EFTA States, the Slovak Republic, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine and Estonia and Lithuania. These trading partners accounted for nearly 70 per cent of Latvia's foreign trade in 1997. The trilateral agreement between the Baltic States on Abolition of Non-tariff Barriers to Trade was signed on 20 November 1997, and entered into force on 1 June 1998.
127. Latvia had concluded free trade agreements with the European Communities, the EFTA States, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic, Poland, Slovenia, Ukraine, Estonia and Lithuania in order to develop an intra-regional trade. These trading partners accounted for nearly 70 per cent of Latvia's foreign trade in 1997. The scope of these agreements covered HS Chapters 1 to 97. Latvia's Association (Europe) Agreement with the European Communities, signed on 12 June 1995, entered into force on 1 February 1998 and incorporated provisions of the free trade agreement between the European Communities and Latvia. The Free Trade Agreements with Norway and Switzerland were replaced by the Free Trade Agreement between Latvia and the EFTA States which entered into force on 1 June 1996. The Free Trade Agreements with the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic had entered into force on 1 July 1996, with Slovenia - on 1 August 1996. These agreements were notified to the WTO under the procedures of Article XXIV of the GATT 1994. The Free Trade Agreement with Poland had entered into force on 1 April 1998. A Trilateral Free Trade Agreement on trade in industrial goods between Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania had entered into force on 1 April 1994, and a Trilateral Free Trade Agreement on trade in agricultural goods between Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania had entered into force on 1 January 1997. Finally, a Trilateral Agreement on Abolition of Non-tariff Barriers to Trade between Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania had been signed on 20 November 1997 and entered into force on 1 June 1998. The agreement provided for elimination of all customs tariffs and quantitative restrictions in trade between the Baltic States.
128. The representative of Latvia said that the free trade agreement with the European Communities had been notified to the WTO (document WT/REG7/N/1) and circulated in July 1995 in document WT/REG7/1. Latvia was committed to reduce tariffs on agricultural imports from the European Communities in equal annual steps between 1995 and 2000. Reductions were granted through tariff quotas; Annex XI of the Agreement enumerated the products concerned and the respective quotas, while the tariff rates were listed in Annex X. For processed agricultural products the relevant parts of the Agreement were Annexes 3 and 4 of Protocol 2. Latvia had established tariff quotas for meat and meat products, yoghurt, flowers, cabbage, cauliflower and margarine while the tariff reductions applied for unlimited quantities of various fruit and fruit juices, pet food, hair and some processed products. The main Latvian products subject to concessions in the European Communities were meat and meat products, dairy products, chocolate and sweets. The representative of Latvia confirmed that the Free Trade Agreement between Latvia and the European Communities included clauses on further liberalization of trade. The preferential tariff-rate quotas used in the Free Trade Agreements between Latvia and the European Communities, the EFTA States, the Czech Republic, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia had been established to facilitate further liberalization of trade in products for which the parties considered that some transitional period was required to achieve free trade. All importers were free to import goods at the MFN tariff rate at any time, irrespective of whether any tariff-rate quotas had been exhausted or not.
129. The representative of Latvia noted that Latvia's free trade agreements had traditionally not covered trade in services. However, Latvia's Association (Europe) Agreement with the European Communities included trade in services and establishment issues. Latvia had signed agreements on employment of foreign labour with Germany and Sweden. He confirmed that Latvia was not a party to any agreement concerning mutual recognition of professional qualifications.
130. The representative of Latvia stated that his Government would observe the provisions of the WTO including Article XXIV of the GATT 1994 and Article V of the GATS in its trade agreements, and would ensure that the provisions of these WTO Agreements for notification, consultation and other requirements concerning free trade areas and customs unions of which Latvia was a member were met from the date of accession. The Working Party took note of these commitments.
131. The Working Party took note of the explanations and statements of Latvia concerning its foreign trade regime, as reflected in this summary. The Working Party took note of the commitments given by Latvia in relation to certain specific matters which are reproduced in paragraphs 18, 21, 30, 40, 48, 53, 59, 62, 66, 69, 77, 88, 90, 93, 95, 100, 102, 109, 110, 116, 124 and 130 of this Report. The Working Party took note that these commitments had been incorporated in paragraph 2 of the Protocol of Accession of Latvia to the WTO.
132. Having carried out the examination of the foreign trade regime of Latvia and in the light of the explanations, commitments and concessions made by the representative of Latvia, the Working Party reached the conclusion that Latvia be invited to accede to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO under the provisions of Article XII. For this purpose, the Working Party has prepared the draft Decision and Protocol of Accession reproduced in the Appendix to this Report, and takes note of Latvia's Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services (document [WT/ACC/SPEC/LVA/7/Add.2]) and its Schedule of Concessions and Commitments on Goods (document [WT/ACC/SPEC/LVA/7/Add.1]) that are annexed to the Protocol. It is proposed that these texts be adopted by the General Council when it adopts the Report. When the Decision is adopted, the Protocol of Accession would be open for acceptance by Latvia which would become a Member thirty days after it accepts the said Protocol. The Working Party agreed, therefore, that it had completed its work concerning the negotiations for the accession of Latvia to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the WTO.
Annex 1
HS code |
Description |
Tax rate |
2207 |
Rectified ethyl alcohol of 100-proof alcohol |
LVL 4.10 per litre |
2204, 2205, |
Champagne and all other types of wine |
2206 |
(up to 14 degrees) |
LVL 0.25 per litre |
Other alcoholic beverages, and beer over |
LVL 4.10 per litre pure |
7 degrees |
alcohol |
2203, |
Beer 5.5 -- 7 degrees per hectolitre |
LVL 4.00 per hectolitre |
2402 20 |
Cigarettes, with filter |
LVL 0.004 per piece |
2402 20 |
Cigarettes, without filter |
LVL 0.05 per piece |
2402 10 |
Cigars and cigarillos |
LVL 0.01 per piece |
2403 |
Other tobacco products for retail sale |
100 per cent |
2709, 2710, |
Unleaded petrol, from |
3811, 3814 |
-- 1 January 1997 |
LVL 0.12 per litre |
-- 1 January 1998 |
LVL 0.14 per litre |
-- 1 January 1999 |
LVL 0.16 per litre |
-- 1 January 2000 |
LVL 0.18 per litre |
-- 1 January 2001 |
LVL 0.20 per litre |
2710, 3811 |
Leaded petrol, from |
-- 1 January 1997 |
LVL 0.13 per litre |
-- 1 January 1998 |
LVL 0.16 per litre |
-- 1 January 1999 |
LVL 0.19 per litre |
-- 1 January 2000 |
LVL 0.21 per litre |
-- 1 January 2001 |
LVL 0.23 per litre |
2710 |
Gasoline, from |
-- 1 January 1997 |
LVL 0.08 per litre |
-- 1 January 1998 |
LVL 0.10 per litre |
-- 1 January 1999 |
LVL 0.13 per litre |
-- 1 January 2000 |
LVL 0.16 per litre |
-- 1 January 2001 |
LVL 0.17 per litre |
2710 |
Heavy oil, from |
-- 1 January 1998 |
LVL 2.00 per 1,000kg |
-- 1 January 1999 |
LVL 4.00 per 1,000kg |
-- 1 January 2000 |
LVL 8.00 per 1,000kg |
-- 1 January 2001 |
LVL 10.00 per 1,000kg |
2710 |
Kerosene, from |
-- 1 July 1997 |
LVL 0.08 per litre |
-- 1 January 1998 |
LVL 0.10 per litre |
-- 1 January 1999 |
LVL 0.13 per litre |
-- 1 January 2000 |
LVL 0.16 per litre |
-- 1 January 2001 |
LVL 0.17 per litre |
2710 |
Fuel oil , from |
-- 1 January 1998 |
LVL 2,00 per 1,000kg |
-- 1 January 1999 |
LVL 130,00 per 1,000 kg |
-- 1 January 2000 |
LVL 160,00 per 1,000 kg |
-- 1 January 2001 |
LVL 170,00 per 1,000 kg |
2711 |
Oil gases, from |
-- 1 January 1998 |
LVL 10,00 per 1,000 kg |
-- 1 January 1999 |
LVL 30.00 per 1,000 kg |
-- 1 January 2000 |
LVL 50.00 per 1,000 kg |
-- 1 January 2001 |
LVL 70,00 per 1,000 kg |
8703 |
Motor cars |
10 per cent |
Chapter 71, |
Goods made from gold and other precious |
excluding |
metals, jewellery including diamonds, |
No. 7117 |
precious or semi-precious stones |
30 per cent |
Annex 2
Exemptions (Article 6)
1. The tax shall not be levied on the following supplies of goods and services:
(i) services performed by old people's homes or dwellings, social care and rehabilitation centres, specialised care centres or houses fully or partially financed from the State budget or municipal budgets;
(ii) the payment for staying of children in pre-school;
(iii) catering services financed from the state budget in penitentiaries and imprisonment places;
(iv) tuition at State and municipal educational establishments, as well as private educational establishments accredited by the State;
(v) tuition for unemployed persons' professional training or re-qualification organised by the State Employment Service;
(vi) services of public libraries;
(vii) visits to theatres, movies, circus shows, concert activities, events in cultural establishments, visits to museums, exhibitions, zoological and botanical gardens, events for children and charity events, events of amateur art and of sports;
(viii) medical services, supplies of medicine and medical goods in accordance with the list adopted by the Ministry of Welfare and approved by the Ministry of Finance;
(ix) supplies of gold, and bank notes to the Bank of Latvia;
(x) betting, lotteries and other types of gambling;
(xi) burial services, and religious, ritual and other services provided by religious organisations registered in the Republic of Latvia provided they have no purpose of systematic gaining of profit;
(xii) Insurance services supplied by insurance companies in accordance with the Law "On Insurance";
(xiii) payments of individuals on apartment rent contracts signed (except payments for rent of hotels, motels and similar establishments), on heating, on supply of hot and cold water, on sanitation, on work of scavenger;
(xiv) specialised baby-food in accordance with the list adopted by the Ministry of Welfare and approved by the Ministry of Finance;
(xv) scientific research financed by public foundations, or by funding from the State and local government budget, or international institutions;
(xvi) financial transactions:
(a) granting and control of credits, as well as the services connected with credit guarantees or other bail guarantees and their monitoring, also debt recovery if it is performed by the creditor himself;
(b) services provided by credit institutions connected with deposit, current account operations, payments, transfers, debts, checks and other means of payment, except encashment services and lease of safes;
(c) means of payment and services connected with the purchase and selling of the means of payment in circulation, except items (money, coins) supplied for collection, or that contain precious metals;
(d) securities and capital investments, as well as services supplied at purchase and sale of securities and capital investments. Exemption shall not be applied to cases of property investments when importing or acquiring items of property investments, if not provided otherwise by the present Law;
(e) special purpose subsidies for promoting public transport and special purpose subsidies for inland conveyers to transport handicapped and politically oppressed persons.
(xvii) mass media in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers;
(xviii) consular services;
(xix) school books and scientific literature, first publications of works of original literature in Latvian and publications for children published in Latvia in accordance with lists adopted by the Ministry of Education and Science as well as services of printing-houses provided for publishing (developing) of above mentioned literature and publications;
(xx) feature, documentary and animation films (except video films of VHS format) if they are supplied or distributed by a film distributor or producer officially registered in the Republic of Latvia;
(xxi) services provided by companies for joint processing and sale of agricultural and fishery products, as well as companies for joint usage and maintenance of agricultural equipment, machinery and other tools (hereinafter - agricultural co-operatives) to the members of co-operatives, as well as to private farms that are not taxable persons;
(xxii) sale of real estate, also sale of land, except first sale of unused real estate;
(xxiii) fire-fighting services provided by the Fire-fighting and Rescue Service department of the Ministry of the Interior, fire-fighting services of institutions, enterprises (entrepreneurial companies) and organisations, voluntary fire-fighters' unions and formations of fire-fighting volunteers.
(xxiv) post-office services supplied by the non-profit organisation state stock company "Latvijas pasts" and on which it has monopoly in accordance with the "Post-Office Law"
2. The following import of goods shall not be levied with the tax:
(i) import of goods referred to in Part 1 of the present Article;
(ii) foreign non-refundable shipments of technical aid, in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers;
(iii) fixed assets brought in to ensure the technological process of the production of the taxable person, in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers;
(iv) works of art brought in to supplement museum reserves;
(v) import of the goods not levied with the customs duty in accordance with Parts 6 and 9 of the Law "On Customs Duty (Tariffs)", except the supplies of the goods for which 0% rate of the customs duty is applied;
3. On the State border import of goods shall not be levied with a tax, if one of the following customs procedures referred to in the "Customs Law" is carried out:
(i) temporary import;
(ii) import for processing;
(iii) import for processing under customs control;
(iv) import to a tax-free shop;
(v) import to a customs warehouse;
(vi) transit.
4. If goods brought in the Republic of Latvia, not paying tax in accordance with Part 2 of the present Article, (except the goods referred to in Paragraph 1, Part 2), are sold or leased, the value of the goods shall be taxable in accordance with the procedure established by the present Law;
5. In order the fixed assets referred to in Paragraph 3, Part 2 of the present Article do not cause competition distortions in the country, the Ministry of Economics confirms the list of the goods whose analogues are produced in the Republic of Latvia or which are brought in by the official representatives of the manufacturers of these goods in Latvia. The importation of the fixed assets and their analogues included in the list shall not be exempt from VAT.
Application of 0% Tax Rate (Article 7)
1. 0% tax rate shall be applied to:
(i) supplies of goods whose place of supply in accordance with Article 4 of the present Law is not a domestic territory;
(ii) services connected with export of goods and transit transport (including services of transport, dispatch, goods storage, loading, unloading, examination and sorting);
(iii) services whose location of performance in accordance with Article 4 of the present Law is not a domestic territory;
(iv) supplies of goods and services connected with the provision and maintenance of international transport:
(a) supply, rebuilding, repairs, maintenance, hiring and leasing of vehicles and to supplies and services connected with these activities.
(b) supplies of goods connected with the provision of vehicles,
(c) agent services of vehicles and services connected with cargo services;
(v) services connected with tourism (travels) in accordance with Article 13 of the present Law;
(vi) on the basis of the parity principle -- supplies of goods and services supplied to foreign diplomatic and consular establishments in the Republic of Latvia, their diplomatic and consular agents, administratively technical staff, as well as family members of the said persons -- in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers;
(vii) supplies of goods and services performed for the resources of non-refundable technical aid -- in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers.
2. If an agent representing a natural or legal person of Latvia provides supplies of goods outside the borders of the Republic of Latvia, 0% tax rate shall apply to the agent on supplies of goods in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers.
4. The tax amount paid by natural persons for goods (if their value exceeds LVL 100) exported from the domestic territory shall be refunded in accordance with the procedure established by the Cabinet of Ministers.
5. If a taxable person that has supplied goods or services in accordance with Part 1 of this Article cannot produce documents certifying the export, it shall be subject to the tax.
Annex 3
CN code |
Description |
Supplementary |
Basic Rate (%) |
Most Favoured Nation (%) |
Free Trade Regime (%) |
Since 1 July unit | 1998 1997 | 1999 | Since 1 July1997 | 1998 | 1999 | Since 1 July1997 | 1998 | 1999 | |||
Chapter 44 |
4403 |
Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, |
or roughly squared: |
4403 20 |
- Other, coniferous: |
4403 20 100 |
- - Spruce of the kind "Picea abies Karst." or silver fir |
(Abies alba Mill.) |
4403 20 101 |
--- round timber with the length over 2 metres and the diameter |
14 to 24 centimetres |
bl m3 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
4403 20 102 |
--- round timber with the length over 2 metres and the diameter |
26 centimetres or more |
bl m3 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4403 20 109 |
--- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4403 20 300 |
- - Pine of the kind "Pinus sylvestris L." |
4403 20 301 |
--- round timber with the length over 2 metres and the diameter |
14 to 24 centimetres |
bl m3 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
4403 20 302 |
--- round timber with the length over 2 metres and the diameter |
26 centimetres or more |
bl m3 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4403 20 309 |
--- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4403 20 900 |
-- Other: |
4403 20 901 |
--- round timber with the length over 2 metres and the diameter |
14 to 24 centimetres |
bl m3 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
4403 20 902 |
--- round timber with the length over 2 metres and the diameter |
26 centimetres or more |
bl m3 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4.0 |
4.0 |
0 |
4403 20 909 |
--- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4403 91 000 |
- - Of oak (Quercus spp.) |
4403 91 001 |
--- oak-tree round timber with the length over 1 metre and the |
diameter over 14 centimetres |
bl m3 |
25.0 |
25.0 |
0 |
25.0 |
25.0 |
0 |
25.0 |
25.0 |
0 |
4403 91 009 |
--- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4403 92 000 |
- - Of beech (Fagus spp.) |
4403 92 001 |
--- beech round timber with the length over 1 metre and the |
diameter over 14 centimetres |
bl m3 |
30.0 |
30.0 |
0 |
30.0 |
30.0 |
0 |
30.0 |
30.0 |
0 |
4403 92 009 |
--- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4403 99 |
-- Other: |
4403 99 500 |
--- Of birch |
4403 99 501 |
---- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the |
diameter 16 to 24 centimetres (veneer blocks. match blocks and |
A-rate sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
0 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
0 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
0 |
4403 99 502 |
---- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the |
diameter 26 centimetres or more (veneer blocks. match blocks |
and A-rate sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
10.0 |
10.0 |
0 |
10.0 |
10.0 |
0 |
10.0 |
10.0 |
0 |
4403 99 503 |
---- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the |
diameter 16 to 24 centimetres (except veneer blocks. match |
blocks and A-rate sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
0 |
4403 99 504 |
---- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the diameter 26 |
centimetres or more (except veneer blocks. match blocks and A-rate |
sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
4403 99 509 |
---- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4403 99 990 |
--- Other: |
4403 99 991 |
---- of other deciduous trees (soft): |
4403 99 992 |
----- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the |
diameter 16 to 24 centimetres (veneer blocks. match blocks and |
A-rate sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
0 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
0 |
8.0 |
8.0 |
0 |
4403 99 993 |
----- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the |
diameter 26 centimetres or more (veneer blocks. match blocks |
and A-rate sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
10.0 |
10.0 |
0 |
10.0 |
10.0 |
0 |
10.0 |
10.0 |
0 |
4403 99 994 |
----- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the |
diameter 16 to 24 centimetres (except veneer blocks. match |
blocks and A-rate sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
0 |
4403 99 995 |
----- round timber with the length over 1.6 metres and the diameter 26 |
centimetres or more (except veneer blocks. match blocks and A-rate |
sawn logs) |
bl m3 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
3.0 |
3.0 |
0 |
4403 99 996 |
----- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4403 99 998 |
---- ash-tree. elm. hornbeam. maple and other Latvia origin hard |
deciduous tree round timber with the length over 1 metre and the |
diameter over 14 centimetres |
bl m3 |
25.0 |
25.0 |
0 |
25.0 |
25.0 |
0 |
25.0 |
25.0 |
0 |
4403 99 999 |
---- Other |
m3 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Chapter 49 |
4901 |
Printed books. brochures. leaflets and similar printed matter. |
whether or not in single sheets: |
4901 10 000 |
- In single sheets. whether or not folded |
4901 10 001 |
-- not older than 50 years |
- |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4901 10 002 |
-- published 50 to 100 years ago |
- |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4901 10 003 |
-- older than 100 years |
- |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
- Other: |
4901 91 000 |
- Dictionaries and encyclopedias. and serial instalments thereof |
4901 91 001 |
-- not older than 50 years |
- |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4901 91 002 |
-- published 50 to 100 years ago |
- |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4901 91 003 |
-- older than 100 years |
- |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4901 99 000 |
-- Other: |
4901 99 001 |
- |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4901 99 002 |
--- not older than 50 years |
- |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
50 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
4901 99 003 |
--- older than 100 years |
- |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
100 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Chapter 72 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
7204 |
Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel: |
- |
100 |
100 |
0 |
100 |
100 |
0 |
100 |
100 |
0 |
CN code |
Description |
Supplementary unit |
Basic Rate (%) |
Most favoured nation (%) |
Free traderegime (%) |
Chapter 97 |
9701 | Paintings, drawings and pastels, | ||||
executed entirely by hand, other than drawings of heading |
No 4906|and other than hand- painted or hand-decorated |
manufactured articles; collages and similar decorative plaques: |
9701 10 000 |
- Paintings, drawings and pastels |
9701 10 001 |
-- made in Latvia and older than 50 years |
- |
20 |
20 |
0 |
9701 10 002 |
-- made in abroad and older than |
100 years old |
- |
10 |
10 |
0 |
9701 10 009 |
-- other |
- |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9701 90 000 |
- Other: |
9701 90 001 |
-- made in Latvia and older than |
50 years |
- |
20 |
20 |
0 |
9701 90 002 |
-- made in abroad and older than |
100 years old |
- |
10 |
10 |
0 |
9701 90 009 |
-- other |
- |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9702 00 000 |
Original engravings, prints and |
lithographs |
9702 00 001 |
-- made in Latvia and older than |
50 years |
- |
20 |
20 |
0 |
9702 00 002 |
-- made in abroad and older than |
100 years old |
- |
10 |
10 |
0 |
9702 00 009 |
-- other |
- |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9703 00 000 |
Original sculptures and statuary, |
in any material |
9703 00 001 |
-- made in Latvia and older than |
50 years |
- |
20 |
20 |
0 |
9703 00 002 |
-- made in abroad and older than |
100 years old |
- |
10 |
10 |
0 |
9703 00 009 |
-- other |
- |
0 |
0 |
0 |
9706 00 000 |
Antiques of an age exceeding one |
hundred years |
- |
9706 00 001 |
- made in Latvia |
- |
20 |
20 |
0 |
9706 00 002 |
- made in abroad |
- |
10 |
10 |
0 |
Chapters |
Goods and other articles not |
01- 98 |
complying with the above |
mentioned codes |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Draft Decision
The General Council,
Having regard to the results of the negotiations directed towards the establishment of the terms of accession of the Republic of Latvia to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization and having prepared a Protocol for the Accession of Latvia,
Decides, in accordance with Article XII of the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization, that the Republic of Latvia may accede to the Marrakesh Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization on the terms set out in the said Protocol.
Schedule CXLIII — Republic Of Latvia
This Shedule is authentic only in the English launguage
Part I - Schedule of concessions and commitments on goods
The Government of the Republic of Latvia agrees to bind its tariff schedule on agricultural products at a ceiling rate of 50% ad valorem effective on the date of accession, with the exceptions and specific tariff concessions indicated in the schedule, which are bound at the level indicated therein from the date of accession unless otherwise noted in the schedule. The schedule of the Republic of Latvia is annexed hereto. Initial negotiating rights are indicated in column 5 of the schedule.
The reductions of tariffs provided for in column 3 shall be implemented in equal annual rate reductions during the time period specified in column 4. Each of such annual rate reductions shall be implemented on 1 January of the respective year, unless otherwise noted in the schedule. The reduced rate will in each stage be rounded off to the first decimal.
All other duties and charges are bound at zero.
Latvia shall maintain:
a) its applied rate, including other duties and charges, for HS 1205 (rape or colza (canola) seeds, whether or not broken) at a level no higher than that for HS 1201 (soya beans, whether or not broken);
b) its applied rate, including other duties and charges, for HS 1514 (rape or colza (canola) oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified) at a level not higher than that for HS 1507 (soya-bean oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not chemically modified); and
c) its applied rate, including other duties and charges, for HS 2306.40 (oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of rape and colza (canola) oil) at a level not higher than that for HS 2304 (oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting from the extraction of soya-bean oil).
In the case of any chapter for which a general binding on all items in the chapter is stated at the two-digit level, if a lower rate is also provided for any item within that chapter specified at a less aggregated level, the rate listed at the less aggregated level shall apply to that less aggregated level. For instance, in the case of Chapter 90, which is generally bound at 10% ad valorem, and which includes a binding specified on item 9003.11 at 5 percent, the applicable binding on item 9003.11 shall be 5 percent.
List of abbreviations:
AU: Australia
CA: Canada
MX: Mexico
NZ: New Zealand
US: United States
Part I — Most Favoured — Nation — Tariff
Section I — Agricultural Products
Section I — A Tariffs
Tariff item No. | Description of products | Bound rate of duty | Implementation period from/to | Initial negotiating rights | Other duties and charges |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
0102 | Live bovine animals: | ||||
0102 10 | - Pure-bred breeding animals | 10% | CA,US | ||
0201 | Meat of bovine animals, fresh or chilled | ||||
0201 10 | - Carcasses and half-carcasses | 40% | AU,NZ | ||
0201 20 | - Other cuts with bone in | 40% | AU,NZ | ||
0201 30 | - Boneless | 40% | AU,NZ | ||
0202 | Meat of bovine animals, frozen | ||||
0202 10 | - Carcasses and half - carcasses | 40% | AU,NZ | ||
0202 20 | - Other cuts with bone in | 40% | AU,NZ | ||
0202 30 | - Boneless | 40% | AU,NZ | ||
0203 | Meat of swine, fresh, chilled or frozen: | ||||
- fresh or chilled: | |||||
0203 11 | -- carcasses and half carcasses | 45%-36% | 1998-2002 | US, CA | |
0203 12 | -- Hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in: | ||||
--- of domestics swine: | |||||
0203 12 11 | ---- Hams and cuts thereof | 45%-36% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
0203 12 19 | ---- shoulders and cuts thereof | 45%-36% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
0203 12 90 | --- other | 45%-36% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
0203 19 | -- Other | ||||
--- Of domestic swine | |||||
0203 19 11 | --- Fore-ends and cuts thereof | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 19 13 | ---- Loins and cuts thereof, with bone in | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 19 15 | ---- Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
---- Other: | |||||
0203 19 55 | ----- Boneless | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 19 59 | ----- Other | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 19 90 | --- Other | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
- Frozen: | |||||
0203 21 | -- carcasses and half-carcasses | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | CA, US | |
0203 22 | -- hams, shoulders and cuts thereof, with bone in | ||||
0203 22 11 | --- Hams and cuts thereof | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 22 19 | ---- Shoulders and cuts thereof | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 22 90 | ---- Other | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 29 | -- Other: | ||||
--- Of domestic swine: | |||||
0203 29 11 | ---- Fore-ends and cuts thereof | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 29 13 | ---- Loins and cuts thereof, with bone in | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 29 15 | ---- Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
---- Other: | |||||
0203 29 55 | ----- Boneless | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 29 59 | ----- Other | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0203 29 90 | --- Other | 40%-36% | 1998-2000 | US,CA | |
0204 | Meat of sheep or goats, fresh, chilled or frozen | 30%-15% | 1998-2003 | NZ | |
0206 | Edible offal of bovine animals, swine, sheep, | ||||
goats, horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, | |||||
chilled or frozen | |||||
0206 10 | - of bovine animals, fresh, chilled or frozen | 15% | US, NZ,CA | ||
- Of bovine animals, frozen: | |||||
0206 21 | -- Tongues | 15% | CA, US, NZ | ||
0206 22 | -- Livers | 10% | CA,US,NZ | ||
0206 29 | -- Other | 15% | CA, US, NZ | ||
0206 30 | - Of swine, fresh or chilled | 15% | CA, US, NZ | ||
- of swine, frozen: | |||||
0206 41 | -- Livers | 15% | CA, US, NZ | ||
0206 49 | -- Other | 15% | CA, US, NZ | ||
0206 80 | - other, fresh or chilled: | ||||
0206 80 10 | -- For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products | 20% | US,CA,NZ | ||
-- Other | |||||
0206 80 91 | --- Of horses, asses, mules and hinnies | 20% | US,CA,NZ | ||
0206 80 99 | --- Of sheep and goats | 10% | NZ,CA,US | ||
0206 90 | - other, frozen: | ||||
0206 90 10 | -- For the manufacture of pharmaceutical products | 20% | NZ | ||
-- Other: | |||||
0206 90 91 | --- Of horses, asses, mules and hinnies | 20% | NZ | ||
0206 90 99 | --- of sheep and goats | 10% | NZ | ||
0207 | Meat and edible offal, of the poultry of heading | ||||
No 0105, fresh, chilled or frozen | |||||
- of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus: | |||||
0207 14 | -- Cuts and offal, frozen | 40%-30% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
- Of turkeys: | |||||
0207 27 | -- Cuts and offal, frozen | 20% | US,CA | ||
0209 00 | Pig fat, free of lean meat and poultry fat, | 25% | CA | ||
not rendered or otherwise extracted, fresh, | |||||
chilled, frozen, salted in brine, dried or smoked | |||||
0210 | Meat and edible meat offal, salted, in brine, | ||||
dried or smoked; edible flours and | |||||
meals of meat or meat offal | |||||
- Meat of swine: | |||||
0210 12 | -- Bellies (streaky) and cuts thereof: | ||||
--- Of domestic swine: | |||||
0210 12 11 | ---- Salted or in brine | 15% | US,CA | ||
0210 12 19 | ---- Dried or smoked | 15% | US,CA | ||
0210 12 90 | --- Other | 15% | US,CA | ||
0210 19 | -- Other | 25% | CA,US | ||
0210 20 | - Meat of bovine animals | 15% | US | ||
0401 | Milk and cream, not concentrated nor containing | ||||
added sugar or other sweetening matter | |||||
0401 10 | - Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1% | 30% | NZ | ||
0401 20 | - Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1% | 30% | AU,NZ | ||
but not exceeding 6% | |||||
0401 30 | - Of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 6% | 30% | NZ | ||
0402 | Milk and cream concentrated or containing | ||||
added sugar or other sweetening matter | |||||
0402 10 | - in powder, granules or other solid forms, | 30% | AU,NZ | ||
of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 1,5% | |||||
- in powder, granules or other solid forms, | |||||
of a fat content, by weight, exceeding 1,5%: | |||||
0402 21 | -- not containing added sugar or other | 30% | AU,CA,NZ | ||
sweetening matter | |||||
0402 29 | -- Other | 30% | AU,NZ | ||
- Other: | |||||
0402 91 | -- not containing added sugar or | 30% | AU,CA,NZ | ||
other sweetening matter | |||||
0402 99 | -- Other | 30% | AU,NZ | ||
0403 | Buttermilk, curdled milk and cream, yogurt, | ||||
kephir and other fermented or acidified milk and | |||||
cream, whether or not concentrated or containing | |||||
added sugar or other sweetening matter or | |||||
flavoured or containing added fruit, nuts or cocoa: | |||||
0403 10 | - Yoghurt | 55% | |||
0403 90 | - Other | 55% | |||
0404 | Whey, whether or not concentrated or containing | ||||
added sugar or other sweetening matter; products | |||||
consisting of natural milk constituents, whether | |||||
or not containing added sugar or other sweetening | |||||
matter, not elsewhere specified or included | |||||
0404 10 | - Whey and modified whey, whether or | 40% | CA | ||
not concentrated or containing added sugar or | |||||
other sweetening matter | |||||
0404 90 | - Other | 55% | |||
0405 | Butter and other fats and oils derived from milk; | ||||
dairy spreads | |||||
0405 10 | - Butter | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | NZ,CA | |
0405 20 | - Dairy spreads | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | NZ,CA | |
0405 90 | - Other | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | NZ,CA | |
0406 | Cheese and curd | ||||
0406 10 | - Fresh (unripened or uncured) cheese, | ||||
including whey cheese and curd: | |||||
0406 10 20 | -- Of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 40% | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | AU,NZ | |
Ex 0406 10 20 | --- Pizza cheese, frozen, cut into pieces each | 45%-30% | 1998-2000 | US,NZ | |
weighing not more than 1 gram, in containers | |||||
with a net content of 5 kg or more, of a water | |||||
content, by weight, of 52% or more, and a fat | |||||
content by weigh in the dry matter of 38% or more | |||||
0406 10 80 | -- Other | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | AU,NZ | |
0406 20 | - Grated or powdered cheese, of all kinds | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | AU,NZ | |
0406 30 | - Processed cheese, not grated or powdered | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | AU,NZ | |
0406 40 | - Blue-veined cheese | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | AU,NZ | |
0406 90 | - Other cheese | 45%-36% | 1998-2000 | AU,CA,NZ | |
0407 00 | Birds' eggs, in shell, fresh, preserved or cooked | ||||
- Of poultry: | |||||
-- For hatching: | |||||
0407 00 11 | --- of turkeys or geese | 20% | CA | ||
0407 00 19 | --- other | 20% | CA | ||
0407 00 30 | -- Other | 50% | CA | ||
0407 00 90 | - Other | 50% | CA | ||
0408 | Birds' eggs, not in shell, and egg yolks, fresh, dried, | ||||
cooked by steaming or by boiling in water, moulded, | |||||
frozen or otherwise preserved, whether or not | |||||
containing added sugar or other sweetening matter: | |||||
- Egg yolks: | |||||
0408 11 | -- Dried | 55% | |||
0408 19 | -- Other | 55% | |||
- Other | |||||
0408 91 | -- Dried | 55% | |||
0408 99 | -- Other | 55% | |||
0409 00 00 | Natural honey | 20% | MX | ||
0410 00 00 | Edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere | 55% | |||
specified or included | |||||
0504 00 00 | Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals | 7% | US | ||
(other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, | |||||
chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked | |||||
(Hog sausage casings) | |||||
0511 | Animals products not elsewhere specified | ||||
or included; dead animals of Chapter 1 or 3, | |||||
unfit for human consumption | |||||
0511 10 | - Bovine semen | 10% | CA, US | ||
- other: | |||||
0511 99 | -- other | 10% | CA |
0701 | Potatoes, fresh or chilled: | ||||
0701 10 | - Seed | 20% | CA | ||
0703 | Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other | ||||
alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled: | |||||
0703 20 | - Garlic | 15% | MX | ||
0713 | Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, | ||||
whether or not skinned or split: | |||||
0713 10 | - peas (Pisum sativum) | 10% | CA | ||
0713 20 | - Chickpeas (garbanzos) | 20% | MX | ||
- beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.): | |||||
0713 31 | -- Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) | 12% | US | ||
Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek | |||||
0713 33 | -- Kidney beans, including white pea beans | 10% | CA | ||
(Phaseolus or Vigna angularis) | |||||
0713 40 | - Lentils | 10% | CA | ||
0802 | Other nuts, fresh or dried, whether | ||||
or not shelled or peeled: | |||||
- Almonds: | |||||
0802 11 | -- in shell | 7% | US | ||
0802 12 | -- shelled | 5% | US | ||
- Walnuts: | |||||
0802 31 | -- in shell | 7% | US | ||
0802 32 | -- shelled | 7% | US | ||
0802 50 | - Pistachios | 7% | US | ||
0804 | Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, | ||||
mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried: | |||||
0804 10 | - Dates | 7% | US | ||
0804 40 | - Avocados | 0% | MX | ||
0804 50 | - Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens | 0% | MX | ||
0805 | Citrus fruit, fresh or dried: | ||||
0805 30 | - Lemons (Citrus limon, Citrus limonum) | 0% | MX | ||
and limes (Citrus aurantifolia) | |||||
0806 | Grapes, fresh or dried: | ||||
0806 10 | - fresh | 10% | US | ||
0806 20 | - dried | 5% | US | ||
0807 | Melons (including watermelons) and | ||||
papaws (papayas), fresh: | |||||
- melons (including watermelons): | |||||
0807 11 00 | --Watermelons | 10% | US | ||
0807 19 00 | -- Other | 10% | US | ||
0808 | Apples, pears and quinces, fresh: | ||||
0808 10 | - Apples | ||||
-- Other: | |||||
0808 10 20 | --- Of the variety Golden Delicious | ||||
---- From 1 January to 31 July | 5% | NZ | |||
---- From 1 August to 31 December | 40% | NZ | |||
0808 10 50 | --- Of the variety Granny Smith | ||||
---- From 1 January to 31 July | 5% | NZ | |||
---- From 1 August to 31 December | 40% | NZ | |||
0808 10 90 | --- Other | ||||
---- From 1 January to 31 July | 5% | NZ | |||
---- From 1 August to 31 December | 40% | NZ | |||
0809 | Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines), | ||||
plums and sloes, fresh | |||||
0809 30 | - Peaches, including nectarines | 10% | US | ||
0809 40 | - Plums and sloes | 10% | US | ||
0810 | Other fruit, fresh: | ||||
0810 10 | - Strawberries | 10% | MX | ||
0810 10 102 | --- From 15 June to 31 July | 30% | MX | ||
0810 50 | - Kiwifruit | 0% | NZ | ||
0813 | Fruit, dried, other than that of heading | ||||
Nos 0801 to 0806; mixtures of nuts | |||||
or dried fruits of this chapter: | |||||
0813 20 | - Prunes | 7% | US | ||
0901 | Coffee, whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; | ||||
coffee husks and skins; coffee substitutes | |||||
containing coffee in any proportion: | |||||
- Coffee, not roasted: | |||||
0901 11 | -- Not decaffeinated | 10% | MX | ||
0901 12 | -- Decaffeinated | 10% | MX | ||
- Coffee, roasted: | |||||
0901 21 | -- Not decaffeinated | 10% | MX | ||
0901 22 | -- Decaffeinated | 10% | MX | ||
0901 90 | - Other: | ||||
0901 90 10 | -- Coffee husks and skins | 10% | MX | ||
0901 90 90 | -- Coffee substitutes containing coffee | 10% | MX | ||
0908 | Nutmeg, mace and cardamoms | ||||
0908 10 | - Nutmeg | 10% | US | ||
0909 | Seeds of anise, badian, fennel, coriander, | ||||
cumin or caraway; juniper berries | 7% | US | |||
0910 | Ginger, saffron, turmeric (curcuma), thyme, | 10% | US | ||
bay leaves, curry and other spices | |||||
1001 | Wheat and meslin | ||||
1001 10 | - Durum wheat | 30%-25% | 1998-2002 | CA, AU,US | |
1001 90 | - other | 40% | AU,CA, US | ||
1003 00 | Barley | 50% | AU,CA,US | ||
1004 00 | Oats | 50% | AU, US,CA | ||
1005 | Maize (corn): | ||||
1005 10 | - Seed | 50% | CA | ||
1005 90 | - other | 10% | US | ||
Ex 1005 90 | -- Popcorn | 10% | US | ||
1006 | Rice | ||||
1006 10 | - Rice in the husk (paddy or rough): | 20% | AU | ||
1006 20 | - Husked (brown) rice: | 20% | AU | ||
1006 30 | - Semi-milled or wholly milled rice, whether | 5% | US,AU | ||
or not polished or glazed | |||||
1006 40 | - Broken rice | 20% | AU | ||
1008 90 | - Other cereals: | ||||
1008 90 10 | --Triticale | 50% | |||
1008 90 90 | --Other | 50% | |||
Ex 1008 90 90 | --- Wild rice, grain of Zizania aquatica, used for food | 10% | US | ||
1101 00 | Wheat or meslin flour | 55% | CA,US | ||
1107 | Malt, whether or not roasted | ||||
1107 10 | - Not roasted | 7% | CA,US | ||
1107 20 | - Roasted | 7% | CA,US | ||
1201 00 | Soya beans, whether or not broken | 5% | US,CA | ||
1202 | Ground-nuts, not roasted or otherwise cooked, | ||||
whether or not shelled or broken | |||||
1202 10 | - in shell | 10% | US | ||
1202 20 | - shelled, whether or not broken | 10 % | US | ||
1204 00 | Linseed, whether or not broken | 15% | CA | ||
1205 00 | Rape or colza seeds, whether or not broken | 5% | CA | ||
1207 | Other oil seeds and oleaginous fruits, whether | ||||
or not broken | |||||
1207 20 | - Cotton seeds | 10% | US | ||
1208 | Flour and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous | ||||
fruits, other than those of mustard: | |||||
1208 10 | - of soya beans | 10% | CA | ||
1208 90 | - other | 10% | CA | ||
1214 | Swedes, mangolds, fodder roots, hay, lucerne | ||||
(alfaalfa), clover, sainfoin, forage kale, lupines, | |||||
vetches and similar forage products, whether or | |||||
not in the form of pellets: | |||||
1214 10 | - Lucerne (alfalfa) meal and pellets | 10% | CA | ||
1502 00 | Fats of bovine animals, sheep or goats, other | ||||
than those of heading No.1503 | 15% | US | |||
1507 | Soya-bean oil and its fractions, whether or not | ||||
refined, but not chemically modified: | |||||
1507 10 | - crude oil whether or not de gummed | 10% | CA, US | ||
1507 90 | - other | 10% | CA, US | ||
1512 | Sunflower-seed, safflower or cotton-seed oil | ||||
and fractions thereof, whether or not refined, | |||||
but not chemically modified: | |||||
- Sunflower- seed or safflower oil and fractions | |||||
thereof: | |||||
1512 11 | -- Crude oil | 15% | US,MX | ||
1512 19 | -- Other | 15% | US | ||
1514 | Rape, colza or mustard oil and fractions | ||||
thereof, whether or not refined, but not | |||||
chemically modified: | |||||
1514 10 | - Crude oil | 10% | CA | ||
1514 90 | - Other | 10% | CA | ||
1516 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their | ||||
fractions, partly or wholly hydrogenated, inter- | |||||
esterified, reesterified or elaidinized, whether or | |||||
not refined, but not further prepared | |||||
1516 20 | - Vegetable fats and oils and their fractions | 15% | MX | ||
1517 | Margarine; edible mixtures or preparations of | ||||
animal or vegetable fats or oils | |||||
1517 10 | - Margarine, excluding liquid margarine | 28% | AU | ||
1518 00 | Animal or vegetable fats and oils and their | ||||
fractions, boiled, oxidized, dehydrated, sulphurised, | |||||
blown, polymerized by heat in vacuum or in inert | |||||
gas or otherwise chemically modified, excluding | |||||
those of heading No 1516; inedible mixtures or | |||||
preparations of animal or vegetable fats or oils | |||||
or of fractions of different fats or oils of this | |||||
Chapter, not elsewhere specified or included | 15% | MX | |||
1601 00 | Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat | ||||
offal or blood; food preparations based on | |||||
these products | 45%-30% | 1998-2007 | US,CA | ||
1602 | Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood: | ||||
- Of swine: | |||||
1602 41 | -- Hams and cuts thereof | 45%-36% | 1998-2007 | CA | |
1602 42 | -- Shoulders and cuts thereof | 45%-36% | 1998-2007 | CA | |
1602 49 | -- Other, including mixtures | 45%-36% | 1998-2007 | CA | |
1602 50 | - Of bovine animals: | ||||
1602 50 10 | - - Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal | ||||
and uncooked meat or offal | 45%-36% | 1998-2007 | CA | ||
-- other: | |||||
--- in airtight containers: | |||||
1602 50 31 | ---- corned beefs | 45%-30% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
1602 50 39 | ---- Other | 45%-36% | 1998-2007 | CA | |
1602 50 80 | --- other | 45%-30% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
1701 | Cane and beet sugar and chemically pure | ||||
sucrose, in solid form | |||||
- Raw sugar not containing added flavouring or | |||||
colouring matter: | |||||
1701 11 | -- Cane sugar: | ||||
1701 11 100 | --- for refining: | ||||
1701 11 101 | ---- raw cane sugar for further processing | 0.08 Ls/kg | AU | ||
1701 11 109 | ---- other | 0.12 Ls/kg | AU | ||
1701 11 900 | --- other: | ||||
1701 11 901 | ---- cane raw sugar | 0.12 Ls/kg | AU | ||
1701 11 909 | ----other | 0.12 Ls/kg | AU |
1701 12 | -- Beet sugar: | ||||
1701 12 100 | --- for refining | 0.12 Ls/kg | AU | ||
1701 12 900 | --- other: | ||||
1701 12 901 | ---- beet raw sugar | 0.08 Ls/kg | AU | ||
1701 12 909 | ---- other | 0.12 Ls/kg | AU | ||
1701 99 | -- Other | 0.12 Ls/kg | AU | ||
1702 | Other sugars, including chemically pure lactose, | ||||
maltose, glucose and fructose, in solid form; | |||||
sugar syrups not containing added flavouring | |||||
or colouring matter; artificial honey, whether | |||||
or not mixed with natural honey; caramel: | |||||
1702 20 | - Maple sugar and maple syrup | 10% | CA | ||
1702 90 | - other, including invert sugar | 10% | US | ||
1703 | Molasses resulting from the extraction or | ||||
refining of sugar: | |||||
1703 90 | - Other | 30% | MX | ||
1704 | Sugar confectionery (including white chocolate), | ||||
not containing cocoa: | |||||
1704 10 | - Chewing gum, whether or not sugar-coated | 7% | US | ||
1704 90 | - Other | ||||
1704 90 10 | - - Liquorice extract containing more than 10 % | ||||
by weight of sucrose but not containing other | |||||
added substances | 10% | US,AU | |||
1704 90 30 | -- White chocolate | 10% | US,AU | ||
-- Other: | |||||
1704 90 51 | - - - Pastes, including marzipan, in immediate | ||||
packings of a net content of 1 kg or more | 10% | US,AU | |||
1704 90 55 | --- Throat pastilles and cough drops | 10% | US,AU | ||
1704 90 61 | --- Sugar coated (panned) goods | 10% | US,AU | ||
--- Other: | |||||
1704 90 65 | - - - - Gum confectionery and jelly | ||||
confectionery including fruit pastes in the form | |||||
of sugar confectionery | 10% | US,AU | |||
1704 90 71 | ----Boiled sweets whether or not filled | 20% | US,AU | ||
1704 90 75 | ---- Toffees, caramels and similar sweets | 20% | US,AU | ||
---- Other: | |||||
1704 90 81 | ----- Compressed tablets | 10% | US,AU | ||
1704 90 99 | ----- Other | 10% | US,AU | ||
1801 00 | Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted | 15% | MX | ||
1802 00 | Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste | 15% | MX | ||
1803 | Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted: | ||||
1803 10 | - Not defatted | 15% | MX | ||
1804 00 | Cocoa butter, fat and oil | 15% | MX | ||
1806 | Chocolate and other food preparations | ||||
containing cocoa: | |||||
1806 10 | - Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or | ||||
other sweetening matter | 45%-35% | 1998-2008 | AU | ||
1806 20 | - Other preparations in blocks, slabs or bars, | ||||
weighing more than 2 kg or in liquid, paste, | |||||
granular or other bulk form in containers or | |||||
immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2 kg | 10% | US,AU | |||
- Other in blocks, slabs or bars: | |||||
1806 31 | -- filled | 45%-35% | 1998-2002 | US,AU | |
1806 32 | -- not filled | 45%-35% | 1998-2007 | US,AU | |
1806 90 | - Other | 45%-35% | 1998-2002 | US,AU,CA | |
1901 | Malt extract; food preparations of flour, meal, | ||||
starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa or | |||||
containing less than 40 % by weight of cocoa | |||||
calculated on a totally defatted basis, not | |||||
elsewhere specified or included; food | |||||
preparations of goods of heading Nos 0401 | |||||
to 0404, not containing cocoa or containing | |||||
less than 5 % by weight of cocoa calculated | |||||
on a totally defatted basis, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included: | |||||
1901 10 | - Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale | 5% | AU | ||
1901 20 | - Mixes and doughs for the preparation of | ||||
bakers' wares of heading No.1905 | 25% | AU | |||
1901 90 | - Other | 25% | AU | ||
1902 | Pasta, whether or not cooked or stuffed (with | ||||
meat or other substances) or otherwise prepared, | |||||
such as spaghetti, macaroni, noodles, lasagne, | |||||
gnocchi, ravioli, cannelloni, couscous, whether | |||||
or not prepared | |||||
- Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared: | |||||
1902 11 | -- containing eggs | 12% | AU,US | ||
1902 19 | -- other | 12% | AU,US | ||
1902 20 | - Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or | ||||
otherwise prepared | 12% | AU,US | |||
1902 30 | - Other pasta | 12% | AU,US | ||
1902 40 | - Couscous | 12% | AU,US | ||
1904 | Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or | ||||
roasting of cereals or cereal products (for | |||||
example, corn flakes); cereals (other than maize | |||||
(corn)) in grain form or in the form of flakes or | |||||
other worked grains (except flour and meal), | |||||
pre-cooked or otherwise prepared, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included | |||||
1904 10 | - Prepared foods obtaining by the swelling or | ||||
roasting of cereals or cereal products | 25% | AU,US | |||
1904 90 | - Other | 25% | AU | ||
1905 | Bread, pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers | ||||
wares, whether or not containing cocoa; | |||||
communion wafers, empty cachets of a kind | |||||
suitable for pharmaceutical use, sealing wafers, | |||||
rice paper and similar products | |||||
1905 10 | - Crispbread | 35% | AU | ||
1905 20 | - Gingerbread and the like | 35% | AU | ||
1905 30 | - Sweet biscuits, waffles and wafers | 35% | AU | ||
1905 40 | - Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products | 35% | AU | ||
1905 90 | - other | 35% | AU | ||
Ex 1905 90 90 | --- Corn chips, crisp savory food product made | ||||
from a dough based on maize (corn) meal with | |||||
additional flavourings, ready for consumption | 20% | US | |||
2004 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved | ||||
otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen, | |||||
other than products of heading No.2006 | |||||
2004 10 | - Potatoes | 15% | CA, US | ||
2005 | Other vegetables prepared or preserved | ||||
otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not | |||||
frozen, other than products of heading No.2006: | |||||
2005 20 | - Potatoes | 15% | US | ||
2005 80 | - sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata) | 12% | US | ||
2007 | Jams, fruit jellies, marmalades, fruit or nut puree | ||||
and fruit or nut pastes, being cooked preparation, | |||||
whether or not containing added sugar or other | |||||
sweetening matter | |||||
- other: | |||||
2007 99 | -- other | 15% | US | ||
2008 | Fruit, nut and other edible parts of plants, | ||||
otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or | |||||
not containing added sugar or other sweetening | |||||
matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included: | |||||
- nuts, ground-nuts and other seeds, whether or | |||||
not mixed together: | |||||
2008 11 | -- Ground-nuts | 12% | US | ||
2008 19 | -- Other, including mixtures | 12% | US | ||
2009 | Fruit juices (including grape must) and vegetable | ||||
juices, unfermented and not containing added | |||||
spirit, whether or not containing added sugar or | |||||
other sweetening matter: | |||||
- Orange juice: | |||||
2009 11 | -- frozen: | ||||
--- Of a density exceeding 1,33 g/cm3 at 20°C: | |||||
2009 11 11 | ---- Of a value not exceeding ECU 30 per 100 kg | ||||
net weight | 5% | US,MX | |||
2009 11 19 | ---- Other | 12% | US,MX | ||
--- Of a density not exceeding 1,33 g/cm3 at 20°C: | |||||
2009 11 91 | - - - - Of a value not exceeding ECU 30 per | ||||
100 kg net weight and with an added sugar | |||||
content exceeding 30 % by weight: | 12% | US,MX | |||
2009 11 99 | ---- Other | 12% | US,MX | ||
2009 19 | -- other | 12% | US | ||
2009 20 | - Grapefruit juice | 12% | US | ||
2009 90 | - Mixtures of juices | 12% | US | ||
2101 | Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, | ||||
tea or matē and preparations with a basis of these | |||||
products or with a basis of coffee, tea or matē; | |||||
roasted chicory and other roasted coffee | |||||
substitutes, and extracts, essences and | |||||
concentrates thereof | |||||
2101 11 | -- Extracts, essences and concentrates | 10% | MX | ||
2101 30 | - Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee | ||||
substitutes, and extracts, essences and | |||||
concentrates thereof | 15% | MX | |||
2103 | Sauces and preparations therefor; mixed | ||||
condiments and mixed seasonings; mustard | |||||
flour and meal and prepared mustard | |||||
2103 30 | - Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard | 25% | CA | ||
2103 90 | - Other | 25% | CA | ||
Ex2103 90 901 | --- Mayonnaise | 20% | MX | ||
2104 | Soups and broths and preparations therefor; | ||||
homogenized composite food preparations | |||||
2104 10 | - Soups and broths and preparations therefor | 12% | US | ||
2104 20 | - Homogenised composite food preparations | 0% | US | ||
2105 00 | Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not | ||||
containing cocoa | 20% | US | |||
2106 | Food preparations not elsewhere specified or | ||||
included | |||||
2106 10 | - protein concentrates and textured protein | ||||
substances | 10% | US | |||
2106 90 | - Other | ||||
2106 90 10 | -- Cheese fondues | 10% | US | ||
2106 90 20 | -- Compound alcoholic preparations, other than | ||||
those based on odorifrous substances, of a kind | |||||
used for the manufacture of beverages | 10%-0% | 1998-2005 | MX | ||
-- Flavoured or coloured sugar syrups: | |||||
2106 90 30 | --- Isoglucose syrups | 10% | US | ||
--- Other: | |||||
2106 90 51 | ---- Lactose syrup | 10% | US | ||
2106 90 55 | ---- Glucose syrup and maltodextrine syrup | 10% | US | ||
2106 90 59 | ---- Other | 10% | US | ||
-- Other: | |||||
2106 90 92 | - - - Containing no milk fats, sucrose, isoglucose, | ||||
glucose or starch or containing, by weight, less | |||||
than 1,5 % milk fat, 5 % sucrose or isoglucose, | |||||
5% glucose or starch | 10% | US | |||
2106 90 98 | --- Other | 10% | US | ||
2202 | Waters, including mineral waters and aerated | ||||
waters, containing added sugar or other sweetening | |||||
matter or flavoured, and other non-alcoholic | |||||
beverages, not including fruit or vegetable juices | |||||
of heading No 2009 | |||||
2202 10 | - Waters, including mineral waters and aerated | ||||
waters , containing added sugar or sweetened | |||||
matter or flavoured | 25% | CA, US | |||
2203 00 | Beer made from malt | 32.2%-0% | 1998-2001 | CA,US,MX |
2204 | Wine of fresh grapes, including fortified wines; | ||||
grape must other than that of heading No 2009 | |||||
2204 10 | - Sparkling wine: | ||||
- Other wine; grape must with fermentation | |||||
prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol: | |||||
2204 10 11 | ---Champagne | 40% | AU,US | ||
2204 10 19 | --- Other | 10% | US,AU | ||
-- Other: | |||||
2204 10 91 | --- Asti spumante | 10% | US,AU | ||
2204 10 99 | --- Other | 10% | US,AU | ||
- Other wine; grape must with fermentation | |||||
prevented or arrested by the addition of alcohol: | |||||
2204 21 | -- in containers holding 2 l or less | 5% | US,AU | ||
2204 29 | -- Other | 5% | US,AU | ||
2205 | Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes | ||||
flavoured with plants or aromatic substances: | |||||
2205 10 | - In containers holding 2 l or less | 20% | MX | ||
2206 00 | Other fermented beverages (for example, cider, | ||||
perry, mead); mixtures of fermented beverages | |||||
and mixtures of fermented beverages and | |||||
non-alcoholic beverages, not elsewhere specified | |||||
or included | 20% | MX | |||
2207 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic strength | ||||
by volume of 80 % vol or higher; ethyl alcohol | |||||
and other spirits, denatured, of any strength: | |||||
2207 10 | - Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcohol | ||||
strength by volume of 80% vol or higher | 45% | CA,US | |||
2207 20 | - Ethyl alcohol and other spirits denatured, of | ||||
any strength | 100%-45% | 1998- 2007 | US | ||
2208 | Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic | ||||
strength by volume of less than 80 % vol; spirits, | |||||
liqueurs and other spirituous beverages | |||||
2208 20 | - Spirits obtained by distilling grape wine or | ||||
grape marc | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
2208 30 | - Whiskies | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA | |
2208 40 | - Rum and tafia | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
2208 90 | - Other: | ||||
-- Arrack, in containers holding: | |||||
2208 90 11 | --- 2 litres or less | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
2208 90 19 | --- More than 2 litres | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
- - Plum, pear or cherry spirit (excluding | |||||
liqueurs), in containers holding: | |||||
2208 90 33 | --- 2 litres or less | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
2208 90 38 | --- More than 2 litres | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
-- Other spirits and other spirituous beverages, | |||||
in containers holding: | |||||
--- 2 litres or less: | |||||
2208 90 41 | ---- Ouzo | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
---- Other: | |||||
----- Spirits (excluding liqueurs): | |||||
------ Distilled from fruit: | |||||
2208 90 45 | ------- Calvados | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
2208 90 48 | ------- Other | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
------ Other: | |||||
2208 90 52 | ------- Korn | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
2208 90 57 | ------- Other | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
Ex 2208 90 57 | -------- Tequila | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | MX | |
Ex 2208 90 57 | -------- Mezcal | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | MX | |
2208 90 69 | ----- Other spirituous beverages | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
--- More than 2 litres: | |||||
---- Spirits (excluding liqueurs): | |||||
2208 90 71 | ----- Distilled from fruit | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
2208 90 74 | ----- Other | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
Ex 2208 90 74 | ------ Tequila | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | MX | |
Ex 2208 90 74 | ------ Mezcal | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | MX | |
2208 90 78 | ---- Other spirituous beverages | 50%-0% | 1998-2002 | US,CA,MX | |
-- Undenatured ethyl alcohol of an alcoholic | |||||
strength by volume of less than 80% vol, in | |||||
containers holding: | |||||
2208 90 91 | --- 2 l or less | 50% | CA | ||
2208 90 99 | --- More than 2 l | 50% | CA | ||
2303 | Residues of starch manufacture and similar | ||||
residues, beet-pulp, bagasse and other waste | |||||
of sugar manufacture, brewing or distilling dregs | |||||
and waste, whether or not in the form of pellets: | |||||
2303 10 | - Residues of starch manufacture and similar residues | 12% | US | ||
2304 00 | Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or | ||||
not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting | |||||
from the extraction of soyabean oil | 10% | CA, US | |||
2306 | Oil-cake and other solid residues, whether or | ||||
not ground or in the form of pellets, resulting | |||||
from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils, | |||||
other than those of heading No. 2304 or 2305 | |||||
2306 10 | - Of cotton seeds | 15% | US,MX | ||
2306 20 | - Of linseed | 15% | US,MX | ||
2306 30 | - Of sunflower seeds | 15% | US,MX | ||
2306 40 | - Of rape or colza seeds | 10% | CA,US | ||
2306 50 | - Of coconut or copra | 15% | US,MX | ||
2306 60 | - Of palm nuts or kernels | 15% | US,MX | ||
2306 70 | - Of maize (corn) gwrm | 15% | US,MX | ||
2306 90 | - Other | 15% | US,MX | ||
2309 | Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding | ||||
2309 10 | - Dog or cat food, put up for retail sale | 5% | US,CA | ||
2309 90 | - Other | 15% | US,CA | ||
2401 | Unmanufactured tobacco; tobacco refuse | ||||
2401 10 | - Tobacco, not stemmed/stripped | 5% | US,CA | ||
2401 20 | - Tobacco, partly or wholly stemmed/stripped | 5% | US,CA | ||
2401 30 | - Tobacco refuse | 10% | US,CA | ||
2402 | Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of | ||||
tobacco or of tobacco substitutes | |||||
2402 10 | - Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos containing tobacco | 10% | MX,US | ||
2402 20 | - Cigarettes containing tobacco | 10% | MX,US | ||
Cigars, cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of | |||||
tobacco or of tobacco substitutes: | |||||
2402 90 | - Other | 12% | US | ||
2403 | Other manufactured tobacco and manufactured | ||||
tobacco substitutes; "homogenized" or "reconstituted" | |||||
tobacco; tobacco extracts and essences: | |||||
2403 10 | - Smoking tobacco, whether or not containing | ||||
tobacco substitutes in any proportion | 10% | MX,US | |||
2403 91 | - other:10% | MX,US | |||
-- "Homogenized" or "reconstituted" tobacco | |||||
2403 99 | -- Other | 12% | US | ||
2905 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, | ||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | |||||
- Other polyhydric alcohols: | |||||
2905 43 | -- Mannitol | 5.5% | US | ||
2905 44 | -- D-glucitol (sorbitol) | 5.5% | US | ||
3301 | Essential oils (terpeneless or not), including | ||||
concretes and absolutes; resinoids; extracted | |||||
oleoresins; concentrates of essential oils in fats, | |||||
in fixed oils, in waxes or the like, obtained by | |||||
enfleurage or maceration; terpenic by-products | |||||
of the deterpenation of essential oils; aqueous | |||||
distillates and aqueous solutions of essential oils | 6.5% | US | |||
3501 | Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; | ||||
casein glues | 6.5% | US | |||
3502 | Albumins (including concentrates of two or more | ||||
whey proteins, containing by weight more than | |||||
80% whey proteins, calculated on the dry matter), | |||||
albuminates and other albumin derivatives | 6.5% | US | |||
3503 | Gelatin (including gelatin in rectangular | ||||
(including square) sheets, whether or not | |||||
surface- worked or coloured) and gelatin | |||||
derivatives; isinglass; other glues of animal origin, | |||||
excluding casein glues of heading No 3501 | 6.5% | US | |||
3504 | Peptones and their derivatives; other protein | ||||
substances and their derivatives, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included; hide powder, whether or | |||||
not chromed | 6.5% | US | |||
3505 | Dextrins and other modified starches (for | ||||
example, pregelatinised or esterified starches); | |||||
glues based on starches, or on dextrins or other | |||||
modified starches | |||||
3505 10 | - Dextrins and other modified starches | 6.5% | AU,US | ||
3505 20 | - Glues | 6.5% | US | ||
3809 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the | ||||
dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other products | |||||
and preparations (for example, dressings and | |||||
mordants), of a kind used in the textile, paper, | |||||
leather or like industries, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included: | |||||
3809 10 | - With a basis of amylaceous substances | 6.5% | US | ||
3824 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; | ||||
chemical products and preparations of the chemical | |||||
or allied industries (including those consisting | |||||
of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included; residual products of the | |||||
chemical or allied industries, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included | |||||
3824 60 | - Sorbitol other than that of subheading 2905 44 | 6.5% | US | ||
4101 | Raw hides and skins of bovine or equine | ||||
animals (fresh, or salted, dried, limed, pickled | |||||
or otherwise preserved, but not tanned, | |||||
parchment-dressed or further prepared), | |||||
whether or not dehaired or split | |||||
4101 10 | - Whole hides and skins of bovine animals, of | ||||
a weight per skin not exceeding 8 kg when | |||||
simply dried, 10 kg when dry-salted, or 14 kg | |||||
when fresh, wet-salted or otherwise preserved | 10% | NZ,US | |||
- Other hides and skins of bovine animals, | |||||
fresh or wet-salted: | |||||
4101 21 | -- whole | 10% | NZ,US | ||
4101 29 | -- other | 10% | NZ,US | ||
4101 30 | - Other hides and skins of bovine animals, | ||||
otherwise preserved | 10% | NZ,US | |||
4102 | Raw skins of sheep or lambs (fresh, or salted, dried, | ||||
limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, but not | |||||
tanned, parchment-dressed or further prepared), | |||||
whether or not with wool on or split, other | |||||
than those excluded by Note 1(c) to this Chapter | |||||
4102 10 | - With wool on | 10% | NZ,US | ||
- Without wool on: | |||||
4102 21 | -- pickled | 10% | NZ,US | ||
4102 29 | -- other | 10% | NZ,US | ||
4103 | Other raw hides and skins (fresh, or salted, | ||||
dried, limed, pickled or otherwise preserved, | |||||
but not tanned, parchment-dressed or further | |||||
prepared), whether or not dehaired or split, | |||||
other than those excluded by note 1 (b) or 1 (c) | |||||
to thisfor chapter | 10% | US | |||
4301 | Raw furskins (including heads, tails, paws and | ||||
other pieces or cuttings, suitable for furriers' use), | |||||
other than raw hides and skins of heading | |||||
No 4101, 4102 or 4103 | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5001 | Silk-worm cocoons suitable for reeling | 10% | US | ||
5002 | Raw silk (not thrown) | 10% | US | ||
5003 | Silk waste (including cocoons unsuitable for | ||||
reeling, yarn waste and garnetted stock) | |||||
5003 10 | - Not carded or combed | 10% | US | ||
5003 90 | - Other | 10% | US | ||
5101 | Wool not carded or combed | ||||
- Greasy, including fleece-washed wool: | |||||
5101 11 | -- Shorn wool | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
5101 19 | -- Other | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
- Degreased not carbonised: | |||||
5101 21 | -- shorn wool | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
5101 29 | -- Other | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
5101 30 | - Carbonised | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
5102 | Fine or coarse animal hair, not carded or combed | 10% | US | ||
5103 | Waste of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair, | ||||
including yarn waste but excluding garnetted stock | 10% | US | |||
5201 00 | Cotton, not carded or combed: | ||||
5201 00 10 | - Rendered absorbent or bleached | 5% | US,AU | ||
5201 00 90 | - Other | 10% | US,AU | ||
5202 | Cotton waste (including yarn waste and | ||||
garnetted stock) | 20%-15% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5203 | Cotton, carded or combed | 10% | US | ||
5301 | Flax, raw or processed but not spun; flax tow | ||||
and waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | 10% | US | |||
5302 | True hemp (Cannabis sativa L.), raw or | ||||
processed but not spun; tow and waste of true | |||||
hemp (including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | 10% | US |
Section I - B Tariff Quotas
Tariff item No. | Description of products | Quota quantity and in-quota tariff rate | Initial negotiating right | Other terms and conditions |
1001 90 | Wheat and meslin: other | 10.000 t | AU | |
25% | ||||
1003 | Barley | 30.000 t | AU | |
25% | ||||
1004 | Oats | 5000 t | AU | |
25% | ||||
1701 11 101 | Raw cane sugar for further processing | 30.000 t | AU | |
0% |
Part I - Most Favoured - Nation - Tariff
Section II - Other Products
Tariff item No. | Description of products | Bound rate of duty | Implementation period from/to | Initial negotiating rights | Other duties and charges |
0301 | Live fish | ||||
0301 10 | - Ornamental fish | 20% | |||
0301 91 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, | ||||
Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, | |||||
Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache | |||||
and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 20% | ||||
0301 92 | -- Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 20% | |||
0301 93 | -- Carp | 20% | |||
0301 99 | -- Live fish; Other | 20% | |||
0302 | Fish, fresh or chilled, excluding fish fillets | ||||
and other fish meat of heading No 0304 | |||||
0302 11 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, | ||||
Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus | |||||
aguabonita, Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus | |||||
apache and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 50% | ||||
0302 12 | -- Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, | ||||
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus | |||||
keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha, | |||||
Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou | |||||
and Oncorhynchus rhodurus), Atlantic salmon | |||||
(Salmo salar) and Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 20% | ||||
0302 19 | --Other | 50% | |||
0302 21 | -- Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, | ||||
Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis) | 20% | ||||
0302 22 | -- Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) | 20% | |||
0302 23 | -- Sole (Solea spp.) | 20% | |||
0302 29 | -- Other | 50% | |||
0302 31 | -- Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) | 50% | |||
0302 32 | -- Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares) | 20% | |||
0302 33 | -- Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito | 20% | |||
- Tunas (of the genus Thunnus), skipjack or | |||||
stripe-bellied bonito (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) | |||||
pelamis), excluding livers and roes: | |||||
0302 39 | -- Other | 20% | |||
0302 40 | - Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), | ||||
excluding livers and roes: | |||||
0302 40 051 | --- Baltic pilchard (Clupea harengus membras) | 30% | |||
0302 40 101 | --- Baltic pilchard (Clupea harengus membras) | 30% | |||
0302 40 981 | --- Baltic pilchard (Clupea harengus membras) | 30% | |||
0302 50 | - Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus | ||||
macrocephalus), excluding livers and roes | 50% | ||||
0302 61 | -- Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), | ||||
sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats | |||||
(Sprattus sprattus) | |||||
0302 61 10 | --- Sardines Of the species Sardina pilchardus | 20% | |||
0302 61 30 | --- Sardines Of the genus Sardinops; sardinella | ||||
(Sardinella spp.) | |||||
--- Brisling or sprats | |||||
(Sprattus Sprattus): | 20% | ||||
0302 61 900 | ---- From 1 January to 14 February | 30% | |||
0302 61 910 | ---- From 15 February to 15 June | 30% | |||
0302 61 980 | ---- From 16 June to 31 December | 30% | |||
0302 62 | -- Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 20% | |||
0302 63 | -- Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 20% | |||
0302 64 | -- Mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber | ||||
australasicus, Scomber japonicus) | 50% | ||||
0302 65 | -- Dogfish and other sharks | 50% | |||
0302 66 | -- Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 20% | |||
0302 69 | - Other fish, excluding livers and roes: -- Other | 20% | |||
0302 69 990 | ---- Other | 20% | |||
0302 70 | - Livers and roes | 20% | |||
0303 | Fish, frozen, excluding fish fillets and other | ||||
fish meat of heading No.0304: | |||||
0303 10 | - Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, | ||||
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus | |||||
kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus | |||||
rhodurus), excluding livers and roes | 30%-20% | 1998-2003 | CA | ||
0303 21 | -- Trout (Salmo trutta, Oncorhynchus mykiss, | ||||
Oncorhynchus clarki, Oncorhynchus aguabonita, | |||||
Oncorhynchus gilae, Oncorhynchus apache | |||||
and Oncorhynchus chrysogaster) | 30% | ||||
0303 22 | -- Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and Danube | ||||
salmon (Hucho hucho). | 50% | ||||
0303 29 | -- Other | 50% | |||
0303 31 | -- Halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides, | ||||
Hippoglossus hippoglossus, Hippoglossus stenolepis): | 50% | ||||
0303 33 | -- Sole (Solea spp.) | 30% | |||
0303 39 | --Other | 50% | |||
0303 41 | -- Albacore or longfinned tunas (Thunnus alalunga) | 20% | |||
0303 42 | -- Yellowfin tunas (Thunnus albacares): | 50% | |||
0303 43 | -- Skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito: | 50% | |||
0303 49 | --Other | 50% | |||
0303 50 | - Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii), | ||||
excluding livers and roes | |||||
0303 50 05 | -- from 1 January to 14 February | 10% | CA | ||
0303 50 051 | --- Baltic pilchard (Clupea harengus membras) | 40% | CA | ||
0303 50 059 | --- Other | 10% | CA | ||
0303 50 10 | -- from 15 February to 15 June | 10% | CA | ||
0303 50 101 | --- Baltic pilchard (Clupea harengus membras) | 40% | CA | ||
0303 50 109 | --- Other | 10% | CA | ||
0303 50 98 | -- from 16 June to 31 December | 10% | CA | ||
0303 50 981 | --- Baltic pilchard (Clupea harengus membras) | 40% | CA | ||
0303 50 989 | --- Other | 10% | CA | ||
0303 60 | - Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus | ||||
macrocephalus), excluding livers and roes | 30% | ||||
0303 71 | -- Sardines (Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.), | ||||
sardinella (Sardinella spp.), brisling | |||||
or sprats (Sprattus sprattus): | 50% | ||||
0303 72 | -- Haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) | 50% | |||
0303 73 | -- Coalfish (Pollachius virens) | 50% | |||
0303 74 | -- Mackerel(Scomber scombrus, Scomber | ||||
australasicus, Scomber Japonicus) | 10% | CA | |||
0303 75 | -- Dogfish and other sharks | 30% | |||
0303 76 | -- Eels (Anguilla spp.) | 20% | CA | ||
0303 77 | -- Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax, | ||||
Dicentrarchus punctatus) | 20% | ||||
0303 78 | -- Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) | 30% | |||
0303 79 | -- Other | 10% | CA | ||
0303 80 | - Livers and roes: | 50% | |||
0304 | Fish fillets and other fish meat (whether or | ||||
not minced), fresh, chilled or frozen | 20% | CA | |||
0305 | Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish, | ||||
whether or not cooked before or during the | |||||
smoking process; flours, meals and pellets | |||||
of fish, fit for human consumption | |||||
0305 10 | - Flours, meals and pellets of fish, | ||||
fit for human consumption | 50% | ||||
0305 20 | - Livers and roes, dried, smoked, salted or in brine | 50% | |||
0305 30 | - Fish fillets, dried, salted or in brine, but not smoked: | 50% | |||
- Smoked fish, including fillets: | |||||
0305 41 | -- Pasific salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka, | ||||
Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, Oncorhynchus kisutch, | |||||
Oncorhynchus masou and Oncorhynchus | |||||
rhodurus), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and | |||||
Danube salmon (Hucho hucho) | 15% | CA | |||
0305 42 | -- Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 50% | |||
0305 49 | -- Other: | 50% | |||
0305 51 | -- Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, | ||||
Gadus macrocephalus): | 50% | ||||
0305 59 | -- Other: | 50% | |||
- Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and | |||||
fish in brine: | |||||
0305 61 | -- Herrings (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) | 15% | CA | ||
0305 62 | -- Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, | ||||
Gadus macrocephalus) | 50 % | ||||
0305 63 | -- Anchovies (Engraulis spp.) | 50 % | |||
0305 69 | -- Other: | 50 % | |||
0306 | Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, | ||||
fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; | |||||
crustaceans, in shell, cooked by steaming or by | |||||
boiling in water, whether or not chilled, frozen, | |||||
dried or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of | |||||
crustaceans, fit for human consumption | |||||
- Frozen: | |||||
0306 11 | -- Rock lobster and other sea crawfish, | ||||
(Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) | 5% | MX,AU | |||
0306 12 | -- Lobsters (Homarus spp) | 5% | MX,CA,AU | ||
0306 13 | -- Shrimps and prawns | 5% | MX,CA,AU | ||
0306 14 | -- Crabs | 20% | MX | ||
0306 19 | -- Other, including flours, meals and pellets | ||||
of crustaceans, fit for human consumption: | 50% | ||||
- Not frozen: |
0306 21 | -- Rock lobster and other sea crawfish | |||||
(Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.) | 15% | MX,AU | ||||
0306 22 | -- Lobsters (Homarus spp) | 5% | MX,AU | |||
0306 23 | -- Shrimps and prawns | 5% | MX,AU | |||
0306 24 | -- Crabs: | 50% | ||||
0306 29 | -- Other, including flours, meals and pellets of | |||||
crustaceans, fit for human consumption: | 50% | |||||
0307 | Molluscs, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, | |||||
chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine; | ||||||
aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans | ||||||
and molluscs, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, | ||||||
salted or in brine; flours, meals and pellets of | ||||||
aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, | ||||||
fit for human consumption | ||||||
0307 10 | - Oysters | 5% | MX | |||
0307 21 | - Scallops, including queen scallops, of the | |||||
genera Pecten, Chlamys or Placopecten: | ||||||
-- Live, fresh or chilled | 30% | MX | ||||
0307 29 | --Other | 50% | ||||
0307 31 | -- Live, fresh or chilled: | 50% | ||||
0307 39 | --Other | 50% | ||||
- Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia | ||||||
macrosoma, Sepiola spp.) and squid | ||||||
(Ommastrephes spp., Loligo spp., Nototodarus spp., | ||||||
Sepioteuthis spp.): | ||||||
0307 41 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 30% | MX | |||
0307 49 | -- Other | 5% | MX | |||
- Octopus (Octopus spp.): | ||||||
0307 51 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 30% | MX | |||
0307 59 | --Other | 50% | ||||
0307 60 | - Snails, other than sea snails | 30% | MX | |||
- Other, including flours, meals and pellets of | ||||||
aquatic invertebrates other than crustaceans, | ||||||
fit for human consumption: | ||||||
0307 91 | -- Live, fresh or chilled | 30% | MX | |||
0307 99 | --Other | 50% | ||||
0509 | Natural sponges of animal origin | 50% | ||||
1504 | Fats and oils and their fractions, of fish or | |||||
marine mammals, whether or not refined, | ||||||
but not chemically modified: | 50% | |||||
1603 | Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, | |||||
molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates: | 55% | |||||
1604 | Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar | |||||
substitutes prepared from fish eggs: | ||||||
- Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced: | ||||||
1604 11 | -- Salmon | 55% | ||||
1604 12 | -- Herrings | 25% | CA | |||
1604 13 | -- Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats | 55% | ||||
1604 14 | -- Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.) | 55% | ||||
1604 15 | -- Mackerel | 25% | CA | |||
1604 16 | -- Anchovies | 55% | ||||
1604 19 | -- Other | 55% | ||||
1604 20 | - Other prepared or preserved fish | 55% | ||||
1604 30 | - Caviar and caviar substitutes | 15% | CA | |||
1605 | Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic | |||||
invertebrates, prepared or preserved: | 55% | |||||
2301 | Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat | |||||
offal, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs | ||||||
or other aquatic invertebrates, unfit for human | ||||||
consumption; greaves: | 50% | |||||
2301 20 | - Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of | |||||
crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic | ||||||
invertebrates | 50% | |||||
Chapter 25 | SALT; SULPHUR; EARTHS AND STONE; | |||||
CEMENT, EXCEPT | 10% | US | ||||
2503 | Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed | |||||
sulphur, precipitated sulphur and colloidal sulphur: | 10% | CA,US | ||||
2519 | Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite); | |||||
fused magnesia; dead-burned (sintered) | ||||||
magnesia, whether or not containing small | ||||||
quantities of other oxides added before sintering; | ||||||
other magnesium oxide, whether or not pure: | ||||||
2519 10 | -Natural magnesium carbonate (magnesite) | 10% | ||||
2519 90 | - Other | 10% | CA,US | |||
2523 | Portland cement, alominous cement, slag | |||||
cement, supersulphate cement and similar | ||||||
hydraulic cements, whether or not coloured | ||||||
or in the form of clinkers | CA,US | |||||
2323 10 | -Cement clinkers | 20% | US | |||
2523 21 | -- White cement, whether or not artificially coloured | 10% | MX,US | |||
- Portland cement: | ||||||
2523 29 | -- Other | 15% | MX,US | |||
2523 30 | -Aluminous Cement | 20% | US | |||
2523 90 | -Other hydraulic cements: | 20% | US | |||
2524 | Asbestos | 10% | CA,US | |||
Chapter 26 | Ores, slag and ash, except | 10% | US | |||
2601 | Iron ores and concentrates, including roasted | |||||
iron pyrites | 10% | US | ||||
2601 11 | -- Non-agglomerated | 5% | AU,CA,US | |||
- Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites: | ||||||
2601 12 | -- Agglomerated | 5% | AU,CA,US | |||
2601 20 | - Roasted iron pyrites | 10% | US | |||
2608 00 | Zinc ores and concentrates | 5% | AU,US | |||
2701 | Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid | |||||
fuels manufactured from coal: -Coal, whether | ||||||
or not pulverized, but not agglomerated: | ||||||
2701 11 | -- Anthracite | 5% | AU,US | |||
Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels | ||||||
manufactured from coal: | ||||||
- Coal, whether or not pulverised, but not | ||||||
agglomerated: | ||||||
2701 12 | -- Bituminous coal | 0% | CA,AU,US | |||
2701 19 | -- Other coal | 5% | AU,US | |||
2701 20 | -Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels | |||||
manufactured from coal | 10% | US | ||||
2702 | Lignite, whether or not agglomerated, excluding jet: | |||||
2702 10 | -Lignite, whether or not pulverised, | |||||
but not agglomerated | 10% | US | ||||
2702 20 | -Agglomerated lignite | 10% | US | |||
2703 00 | Peat (including peat litter), whether | |||||
or not agglomerated | 10% | US | ||||
2704 00 | Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, | |||||
whether or not agglomerated; retort carbon: | 10% | US | ||||
2705 00 | Coal gas, water gas, producer gas and similar | |||||
gases, other than petroleum gases and other | ||||||
gaseoushydrocarbons | 10% | US | ||||
2706 00 | Tar distilled from coal, from lignite | |||||
or from peat, and other mineral tars, whether | ||||||
or not dehydrated or partially distilled, | ||||||
including reconstituted tars | 10% | US | ||||
2707 | Oils and other products of the distillation | |||||
of high temperature coal tar; similar products | ||||||
in which the weight of the aromatic constituents | ||||||
exceeds that of the non-aromatic constituents: | ||||||
2707 10 | - Benzole | 0% | US | |||
2707 20 | -Toluole: | 10% | US | |||
2707 30 | -Xylole: | 10% | US | |||
2707 40 | -Naphthalene | 10% | US | |||
2707 50 | -Other Aromatic hydrocarbon Mixtures | |||||
Of which 65 % or more by volume | ||||||
(including losses) distils at 250(C by the | ||||||
ASTM D 86 method: | 10% | US | ||||
2707 60 | -phenols | 10% | US | |||
2707 91 | --Creosote oils | 10% | US | |||
2707 99 | --Other | 10% | US | |||
2708 | Pitch and pitch coke, obtained from coal tar | |||||
or from other mineral tars: | ||||||
2708 10 | -Pitch | 10% | US | |||
2708 20 | -Pitch Coke | 10% | US | |||
2709 00 | Petroleum oils and oils obtaining from | |||||
bituminous minerals, crude | 5% | AU,US | ||||
2710 00 | Petroleum oils and oils obtained from | |||||
bituminous minerals, other than crude; | ||||||
preparations not elsewhere specified or included, | ||||||
containing by weight 70% or more of | ||||||
petroleum oils or of oils obtained from | ||||||
bituminous minerals, these oils being the | ||||||
basic constituents of the preparations | 0% | US,AU | ||||
2711 | Petroleum gases and other gaseous hydrocarbons: | |||||
2711 11 | -- Natural gas | 5% | AU,US | |||
2711 12 | --Propane: | 10% | US | |||
2711 13 | --Butanes: | 10% | US | |||
2711 14 | --Ethylene, propylene, butylene and butadiene | 10% | US | |||
2711 19 | --Other | 10% | US | |||
2711 21 | --Natural gas | 10% | US | |||
2711 29 | --Other | 10% | US | |||
2712 | Petroleum jelly; paraffin wax, microcrystalline | |||||
petroleum wax, slack wax, ozokerite, lignite | ||||||
wax, peat wax, other mineral waxes, and | ||||||
similar products obtained by synthesis or by | ||||||
other processes, whether or not coloured: | ||||||
2712 10 | -Petroleum jelly: | 10% | US | |||
2712 20 | -Paraffin wax containing by weight less | |||||
than 0,75 % of oil: | 10% | US | ||||
2712 90 | -Other: | 10% | US | |||
2713 | Petroleum coke, petroleum bitumen and other | |||||
residues of petroleum oils or of oils obtained | ||||||
from bituminous minerals: | ||||||
2713 11 | --not calcined. | 10% | US | |||
2713 12 | --Calcined | 10% | US | |||
2713 20 | -Petroleum bitumen | 10% | US | |||
2713 90 | -Other Residues Of Petroleum oils or Of oils | |||||
obtained from bituminous minerals: | 10% | US |
2714 | Bitumen and asphalt, natural; bituminous | ||||
or oil shale and tar sands; asphaltites | |||||
and asphaltic rocks: | |||||
2714 10 | -Bituminous or oil shale and tar sands | 10% | US | ||
2714 90 | -Other | 10% | US | ||
2715 00 | Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, | ||||
on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, | |||||
on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch | |||||
(for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs): | 10% | US | |||
2716 00 | Electrical energy | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 28 | Inorganic chemicals; organic or inorganic | ||||
compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth | |||||
metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes, except | 5.5% | US | |||
2801 00 | Fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine | 5,5% | US | ||
2802 00 | Sulphur, sublimed or precipitated; | ||||
colloidal sulphur | 5.5% | MX,US | |||
2803 00 | Carbon (carbon blacks and other forms | ||||
of carbon not elsewhere specified or included) | 5.5% | MX,US | |||
2807 00 | Sulphuric acid; oleum | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2809 | Diphosphorus pentaoxide; phosphoric acid | ||||
and polyphosphoric acids: | |||||
2809 10 | -Diphosphorus pentaoxide | 5,5% | US | ||
2809 20 | - Phosphoric acid and polyphosphoric acids | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2811 | Other inorganic acids and other inorganic | ||||
oxygen compounds of non-metals | |||||
2811 11 | -Diphosphorus pentaoxide | 5.5% | US | ||
2811 19 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2811 21 | --Carbon dioxide | 5.5% | US | ||
2811 22 | --Silicon dioxide | 5.5% | US | ||
2811 23 | -- Sulphur dioxide | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2811 29 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2818 | Artificial corundum, whether or not chemically | ||||
defined; aluminium oxide; aluminium hydroxide | |||||
2818 10 | -Artificial corundum, whether | ||||
or not chemically defined: | 5,5% | US | |||
2818 20 | - Aluminium oxide, other than artificial corundum | 5,5 %-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
2818 30 | - Aluminium hydroxide | 5,5 %-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
2830 | Sulphides; polysulphides | ||||
2830 10 | - Sodium sulphides | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2830 20 | -zinc sulphide | 5.5% | US | ||
2830 30 | -Cadmium sulphide | 5.5% | US | ||
2830 90 | -Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2835 | Phosphimates (hypophosphites), phosphonates | ||||
(phosphites), phosphates and polyphosphates | |||||
2835 10 | - Phosphinates (hypophosphites) | ||||
and phosphonates (phosphites) | 5.5% | US | |||
2835 22 | --Of mono- or Disodium | 5.5% | US | ||
2835 25 | --Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate | ||||
("dicalcium phosphate"): | 5.5% | US | |||
2835 26 | --Other phosphates of calcium: | 5.5% | US | ||
2835 29 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2835 31 | -- Sodium triphosphate (sodium tripolyphosphate) | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2835 39 | -- Other | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2844 | Radioactive chemical elements and radioactive | ||||
isotopes (including the fissile or fertile chemical | |||||
elements and isotopes) and their compounds; | |||||
mixtures and residues containing these products | |||||
2844 10 | -Natural uranium and its compounds; alloys, | ||||
dispersions (including cermets), ceramic | |||||
products and mixtures containing natural | |||||
uranium or natural uranium compounds: | 5.5% | US | |||
2844 20 | -Uranium enriched in U 235 and its compounds; | ||||
plutonium and its compounds; alloys, | |||||
dispersions (including cermets), ceramic | |||||
products and mixtures containing uranium | |||||
enriched in U 235, plutonium or compounds | |||||
of these products: | 5.5% | US | |||
2844 30 | -Uranium depleted in U 235 and its compounds; | ||||
thorium and its compounds; alloys, dispersions | |||||
(including cermets), ceramic products and | |||||
mixtures containing uranium depleted in U 235, | |||||
thorium or compounds of these products: | 5.5% | US | |||
2844 40 | - Radioactive elements and isotopes and | ||||
compounds, other than those of subheading | |||||
no.2844 10, 2844 20 or 2844 30; alloys, | |||||
dispersions (including cermets), ceramic | |||||
products and mixtures containing these elements, | |||||
isotopes or compounds; radioactive residues | 5.5%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
2844 50 | -Spent (irradiated) Fuel elements (cartridges) | ||||
Of nuclear reactors | 5.5% | US | |||
2849 | Carbides, whether or not chemically defined | ||||
2849 10 | -Of calcium | 5.5% | US | ||
2849 20 | - Of silicon | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2849 90 | -Other | 5.5% | US | ||
Chapter 29 | Organic chemicals, except | ||||
2901 | Acyclic hydrocarbons | ||||
2901 10 | -Saturated: | 5.5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
2901 21 | -- Ethylene | 5.5% - 0% | 1998-2002 | MX,US | |
2901 22 | --Propene (propylene) | 5.5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
2901 23 | --Butene (butylene) and isomers thereof: | 5.5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
2901 24 | --Buta-1,3-diene and isoprene: | 5.5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
2901 29 | --other | 5.5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
2902 | Cyclic hydrocarbons | 5.5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
2903 | Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons | ||||
2903 11 | --Chloromethane (methyl chloride) | ||||
and chloroethane (ethyl chloride) | 5.5% | US | |||
2903 12 | --Dichloromethane (methylene chloride) | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 13 | --Chloroform (trichloromethane) | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 14 | --Carbon tetrachloride | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 15 | --1,2-Dichloroethane (ethylene dichloride) | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 16 | --1,2-Dichloropropane (propylene dichloride) | ||||
and dichlorobutanes | 5.5% | US | |||
2903 19 | --Other: | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 21 | --Vinyl chloride (chloroethylene) | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 22 | --Trichloroethylene | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 23 | --Tetrachloroethylene (perchloroethylene) | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 29 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 30 | -Fluorinated, brominated or iodinated | ||||
derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons: | 5.5% | US | |||
2903 41 | -- Trichlorofluoromethane | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2903 42 | -- Dichlorodifluoromethane | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2903 43 | -- Trichlorotrifluoroethanes | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2903 44 | -- Dichlorotetrafluoroethanes and | ||||
chloropentafluoroethane | 5.5% | MX,US | |||
2903 45 | -- Other derivatives perhalogenated only | ||||
with fluorine and chlorine | 5.5% | MX,US | |||
2903 46 | -- Bromochlorodifluoromethane, bromotrifluor | ||||
omethane and dibromotetrafluoroethanes | 5.5% | MX,US | |||
2903 47 | -- Other perhalogenated derivatives | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2903 49 | -- Other | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2903 51 | --1,2,3,4,5,6-Hexachlorocyclohexane: | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 59 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2903 61 | --Chlorobenzene, o-dichlorobenzene | ||||
and p-dichlorobenzene | 5.5% | US | |||
2903 62 | --Hexachlorobenzene and DDT (1,1,1-trichloro- | ||||
2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane) | 5.5% | US | |||
2903 69 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2904 | Sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | ||||
of hydrocarbons, whether or not halogenated | 5.5% | US | |||
2905 | Acyclic alcohols and their halogenated, | ||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | |||||
2905 11 | --Methanol (methyl alcohol) | 5.5% | US | ||
- Saturated monohydric alcohols: | |||||
2905 19 | -- Other | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2905 31 | -- Ethylene glycol (ethanediol) | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2905 32 | -- Propylene glycol (propane-1,2-diol) | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2905 39 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2906 | Cyclic alcohols and their halogenated, | ||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 5.5% | US | |||
2907 | Phenols; phenol-alcohols | ||||
2907 11 | -- Phenol (hydroxybenzene) and its salts | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2907 12 | --Cresols and their salts. | 5.5% | US | ||
2907 13 | --Octylphenol, nonylphenol and their isomers; | ||||
salts thereof. | 5.5% | US | |||
2907 14 | --Xylenols and their Salts | 5.5% | US | ||
2907 15 | --Naphthols and their salts: | 5.5% | US | ||
2907 19 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2908 | Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated | ||||
derivatives of phenols or phenol-alcohols | 5.5% | US | |||
2909 | Ethers, ether-alcohols, ether-phenols, ether- | ||||
alcohol- phenols, alcohol peroxides, ether | |||||
peroxide, ketone peroxides (whether or not | |||||
chemically defined), and their halogenated, | |||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 5.5% | US | |||
2909 11 | --Diethyl ether | 5.5% | US | ||
2909 19 | --other | 5.5% | US | ||
2909 20 | -Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ethers | ||||
and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated | |||||
or nitrosated derivatives | 5.5% | US | |||
2909 30 | -Aromatic ethers and their halogenated, | ||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | 5.5% | US | |||
2909 41 | -- 2,2'-Oxydiethanol (diethylene glycol, digol) | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2909 42 | -- Monomethyl ethers of ethylene glycol | ||||
or of diethylene glycol | 5.5% | MX,US | |||
2909 44 | -- Other monoalkylethers of ethylene glycol | ||||
or of diethylene glycol | 5.5% | MX,US | |||
2909 49 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
2910 | Epoxides, epoxyalcohols, epoxyphenols and | ||||
epoxyethers, with a three-membered ring, | |||||
and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated | |||||
or nitrosated derivatives | 5.5% | US | |||
2911 | Acetals and hemiacetals, whether or not | ||||
with other oxygen function, and their halogenated, | |||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 5.5% | US | |||
2912 | Aldehydes, whether or not with other oxygen | ||||
function, cyclic polymers of aldehydes; | |||||
paraformaldehyde | 5.5% | US | |||
2913 | Halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated | ||||
or nitrosated derivatives of products | |||||
of heading no.2912 | 5.5% | US | |||
2914 | Ketones and quinones, whether or not with | ||||
other oxygen function, and their halogenated, | |||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | |||||
2914 11 | --Acetone | 5.5% | US | ||
2914 12 | --Butanone (methyl ethyl ketone) | 5.5% | US | ||
2914 13 | -- 4-Methylpentan-2-one (methyl isobutyl ketone) | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2914 19 | --Other | 5.5% | US | ||
- Cyclanic, cyclenic or cycloterpenic ketones | |||||
without other oxygen function: | |||||
2914 29 | -- Other | 5.5% | MX,US |
2915 | Saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their | ||||
anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; | |||||
their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated | |||||
or nitrosated derivatives: | |||||
2915 21 | -- Acetic acid | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2915 24 | -- Acetic anhydride | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2915 31 | -- Ethyl acetate | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2915 32 | -- Vinyl acetate | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2915 39 | - Esters of acetic acid: -- Other | 5.5% | MX,US | ||
2916 | Unsaturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids, | ||||
cyclic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, | |||||
halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their | |||||
halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated | |||||
or nitrosated derivatives: | |||||
2916 12 | -- Esters of acrylic acid | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2916 14 | -- Esters of methacrylic acid | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2917 | Polycarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, | ||||
halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their | |||||
halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated | |||||
or nitrosated derivatives: | |||||
2917 32 | -- Dioctyl orthophthalates | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2917 36 | -- Terephthalic acid and its salts | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2917 37 | -- Dimethyl terephthalate | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2918 | Carboxylic acids with additional oxygen | ||||
function and their anhydrides, halides, | |||||
peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, | |||||
sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives | 6.5% | US | |||
2918 11 | --Lactic acid, its salts and esters | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 12 | --Tartaric acid | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 13 | --Salts and Esters Of Tartaric acid | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 14 00 | -- Citric acid | 40%-6.5% | 1998-2008 | US | |
2918 15 | --Salts and Esters Of Citric acid | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 16 | --Gluconic acid, its salts and esters | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 17 | --Phenylglycolic acid (mandelic acid), its salts | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 19 | --Other | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 21 | --Salicylic acid and its Salts | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 22 | --O-Acetylsalicylic acid, its salts and esters | 6.5% | US | ||
2918 23 | -- Other esters of salicylic acid and their salts | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2918 29 | --Other | 6.5% | US | ||
2919 | Phosphoric esters and their salts, including | ||||
lactophosphates; their halogenated, sulphonated, | |||||
nitrated or nitrosated derivatives: | 6.5% | US | |||
2920 | Esters of other inorganic acids (excluding | ||||
esters of hydrogen halides) and their salts; | |||||
their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated | |||||
or nitrosated derivatives: | 6.5% | US | |||
2921 | Amine-function compounds | 6.5% | US | ||
2922 | Oxygen-function amino-compounds | 6.5% | US | ||
2923 | Quaternary ammonium salts and hydroxides; | ||||
lecithins and other phosphoaminolipids: | 6.5% | US | |||
2924 | Carboxyamide-function compounds; | ||||
amide-function compounds of carbonic acid: | 6.5% | US | |||
2924 10 | - Acyclic amides (including acyclic carbamates) | ||||
and their derivatives; salts thereof | 6.5% | US | |||
2924 29 | -- Other | 6.5% | US | ||
2925 | Carboxyimide-function compounds (including | ||||
saccharin and its salts) | |||||
and imine-function compounds: | 6.5% | US | |||
2926 | Nitrile-function compounds | 6.5% | US | ||
2927 00 | Diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds | 6.5% | US | ||
2928 | Organic derivatives of hydrazine | ||||
or of hydroxylamine: | 6.5% | US | |||
2929 | Compounds with other nitrogen function: | 6.5% | US | ||
2930 | Organo-sulphur compounds: | 6.5% | US | ||
2931 | Other organo-inorganic compounds: | 6.5% | US | ||
2932 | Heterocyclic compounds with oxygen | ||||
hetero-atom(s) only: | 6.5% | US | |||
2933 | Heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen | ||||
hetero-atom(s) only: | 6.5% | US | |||
- Compounds containing an unfused pyrazole | |||||
ring (whether or not hydrogenated) | |||||
in the structure: | |||||
2933 19 | -- Other | 6.5% | US | ||
- Compounds containing an unfused imidazole | |||||
ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure: | |||||
2933 29 | -- Other | 6.5% | US | ||
2933 90 | - Other | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2934 | Nucleic acids and their salts; other | ||||
heterocyclic compounds: | |||||
2934 90 | - Other | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2935 00 | Sulphonamides | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2936 | Provitamins and vitamins, natural or reproduced | ||||
by synthesis (including natural concentrates), | |||||
derivatives thereof used primarily as vitamins, | |||||
and intermixtures of the foregoing, | |||||
whether or not in any solvent | |||||
2936 10 | -Provitamins, unmixed | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2936 21 | --Vitamins a and their derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2936 22 | --Vitamin B1 and its derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2936 23 | --Vitamin B2 and its derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2936 24 | --D- or DL-Pantothenic acid (vitamin B3 | ||||
or vitamin B5) and its derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
2936 25 | --Vitamin B6 and its derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2936 26 | -- Vitamin B12 and its derivatives | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
2936 27 | --Vitamin C and its derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2936 28 | --Vitamin e and its derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2937 | Hormones, natural or reproduced by synthesis; | ||||
derivatives thereof, used primarily as hormones; | |||||
other steroids used primarily as hormones | |||||
2937 10 | - Pituitary (anterior) or similar hormones, | ||||
and their derivatives | 6.5% | MX,US | |||
2937 21 | --Cortisone, hydrocortisone, prednisone | ||||
(dehydrocortisone) and prednisolone | |||||
(dehydrohydrocortisone) | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
2937 22 | --Halogenated derivatives Of Adrenal | ||||
cortical hormones | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
2937 29 | --Other | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2937 91 | --Insulin and its Salts | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2937 92 | -- Oestrogens and progestogens | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2937 99 | --Other | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2938 | Glycosides, natural or reproduced by synthesis, | ||||
and their salts, ethers, esters and other derivatives | 6.5% | MX,US | |||
2939 | Vegetable alkaloids, natural or reproduced | ||||
by synthesis, and their salts, ethers, esters | |||||
and other derivatives | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
2940 00 | Sugars, chemically pure, other than sucrose, | ||||
lactose, maltose, glucose and fructose; sugar | |||||
ethers and sugar esters, and their salts, other | |||||
than products of heading No. 2937, 2938 or 2939 | 6.5% | US | |||
2941 | Antibiotics | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
2941 10 | - Penicillins and their derivatives with | ||||
a penicillanic acid structure; salts thereof | 6.5%- 0% | MX,US | |||
2941 50 | - Erythromycin and its derivatives; salts thereof | 6.5%-0% | 1998-2007 | MX,US | |
2941 90 | - Other | 6.5% - 0% | MX,US | ||
2942 00 | Other organic compounds | 6.5% | US | ||
Chapter 30 | Pharmaceutical products, except | 0% | US | ||
3002 | Human blood; animal blood prepared | ||||
for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic uses; | |||||
antisera and other blood fractions and modified | |||||
immunological products, whether or not obtained | |||||
by means of biotechnological processes; vaccines, | |||||
toxins, cultures of micro-organisms | |||||
(excluding yeasts) and similar products: | |||||
3002 10 | - Antisera and Other blood fractions | ||||
and modified immunological products, | |||||
whether or not obtained by means | |||||
of biotechnological processes: | 0% | US | |||
3002 20 | -Vaccines For human medicine | 0% | US | ||
3002 30 | - Vaccines for veterinary medicine | 0% | US | ||
3002 90 | -Other | 0% | US | ||
3004 | Medicaments (excluding goods of heading | ||||
No.3002, 3005 or 3006) consisting of mixed | |||||
or unmixed products for therapeutic | |||||
or prophylactic uses, put up in measured | |||||
doses or in forms or packings for retail sale: | |||||
3004 10 | - Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, | ||||
with a penicillanic acid structure, | |||||
or sreptomycins or their derivatives | 0% | AU,US | |||
3004 20 | - Containing other antibiotics | 0% | US | ||
- Containing hormones or other products | |||||
of heading No.2937 but not containing antibiotics: | |||||
3004 39 | -- Other | 0% | US | ||
3004 50 | - Other medicaments containing vitamins | ||||
or other products of heading No. 2936 | 0% | US | |||
3004 90 | - Other | 0% | AU,US | ||
3006 | Pharmaceutical goods specified | ||||
in note 4 to this chapter: | |||||
3006 10 | -Sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture | ||||
materials and sterile tissue adhesives | |||||
for surgical wound closure; sterile laminaria | |||||
and sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable | |||||
surgical or dental haemostatics: | 0% | US | |||
3006 20 | -blood-grouping reagents | 0% | US | ||
3006 30 | - Opacifying preparations for X-ray | ||||
examinations; diagnostic reagents designed | |||||
to be administered to the patient | 0% | US | |||
3006 40 | -Dental cements and Other Dental fillings; | ||||
bone reconstruction cements | 0% | US | |||
3006 50 | -First-aid boxes and kits | 0% | US | ||
3006 60 | -chemical contraceptive preparations based | ||||
on hormones or spermicides: | 0% | US | |||
Chapter 31 | Fertilisers, except | 6.5% | US | ||
3102 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers, nitrogenous: | ||||
3102 10 | - Urea, whether or not in aqueous solution | 6.5% | MX,US | ||
3102 80 | - Mixtures of urea and ammonium nitrate | ||||
in aqueous or ammoniacal solution | 6.5% | MX,US | |||
3102 90 | -Other, including mixtures not specified | ||||
in the foregoing subheadings | 6.5% | US | |||
3103 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers, phosphatic: | ||||
3103 10 | - Superphosphates | 6.5% | US | ||
3103 20 | -Basic slag | 6.5% | US | ||
3103 90 | -Other | 6.5% | US |
3105 | Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing | ||||
two or three of the fertilizing elements | |||||
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium; | |||||
other fertilizers; goods of this chapter in tablets | |||||
or similar forms or in packages of | |||||
a gross weight not exceeding 10 kg: | |||||
3105 10 | -Goods Of this chapter in tablets or similar | ||||
forms or in packages of a gross weight | |||||
not exceeding 10 kg | 6.5% | US | |||
3105 20 | -Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing | ||||
the three fertilizing elements nitrogen, | |||||
phosphorus and potassium: | 6.5% | US | |||
3105 30 | - Diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate | ||||
(diammonium phosphate) | 6.5% | US | |||
3105 40 | - Ammonium dihydrogenorthophosphate | ||||
(monoammonium phosphate) and mixtures | |||||
thereof with diammonium hydrogenorthophosphate | |||||
(diammonium phosphate) | 6.5% | US | |||
3105 51 | -- Containing nitrates and phosphates | 6.5% | US | ||
3105 59 | --Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3105 60 | -Mineral or chemical fertilizers containing | ||||
the two fertilizing elements phosphorus and potassium: | 6.5% | US | |||
3105 90 | -Other | 6.5% | US | ||
Chapter 32 | Tanning or dyeing extracts; tannins | ||||
and their derivatives; dyes, pigments and other | |||||
colouring matter; paints and varnishes; putty | |||||
and other mastics; inks, except | 6.5% | US | |||
3203 00 | Colouring matter of vegetable or animal origin | ||||
(including dyeing extracts but excluding | |||||
animal black), whether or not chemically defined; | |||||
preparations as specified in Note 3 to this | |||||
Chapter based on colouring matter | |||||
of vegetable or animal origin | 6.5% | US | |||
3204 | Synthetic organic colouring matter, whether | ||||
or not chemically defined; preparations | |||||
as specified in note 3 to this chapter based | |||||
on synthetic organic colouring matter; | |||||
synthetic organic products of a kind used | |||||
as fluorescent brightening agents or as | |||||
luminophores, whether or not chemically defined: | |||||
3204 11 | -- Disperse dyes and preparations based thereon | 6.5% | US | ||
3204 20 | - Synthetic organic products of a kind used | ||||
as fluorescent brightening agents | 6.5% | US | |||
3207 | Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers | ||||
and prepared colours, vitrifiable enamels | |||||
and glazes, engobes (slips), liquid lustres | |||||
and similar preparations, of a kind used | |||||
in the ceramic, enamelling or glass industry; | |||||
glass frit and other glass, in the form | |||||
of powder, granules or flakes: | |||||
3207 10 | - Prepared pigments, prepared opacifiers, | ||||
prepared colours and similar preparations | 6.5% | US | |||
3207 20 | - Vitrifiable enamels and glazes, engobes | ||||
(slips) and similar preparations: | 6.5% | US | |||
3207 30 | - liquid lustres and similar preparations | 6.5% | US | ||
3207 40 | - Glass frit and other glass, in the form of | ||||
powder, granules or flakes | 6.5% | US | |||
Chapter 33 | Essential oils and resinoids; perfumery, | ||||
cosmetic or toilet preparations | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
Chapter 34 | Soap, organic surface-active agents, | ||||
washing preparations, lubricating preparations, | |||||
artificial waxes, prepared waxes, polishing | |||||
or scouring preparations, candles and similar | |||||
articles, modelling pastes, "dental waxes" | |||||
and dental preparations with a basis of plaster, except | 6.5% | US | |||
3401 | Soap; organic surface-active products and | ||||
preparations for use as soap, in the form of bars, | |||||
cakes, moulded pieces or shapes, whether | |||||
or not containing soap; paper, wadding, | |||||
felt and non-wovens, impregnated, coated or | |||||
covered with soap or detergent | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
3404 | Artificial waxes and prepared waxes: | ||||
3404 10 | -Of Chemically modified Lignite | 6.5% | US | ||
3404 20 | - Of polyethylene glycol | 6.5% | US | ||
3404 90 | - Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3406 | Candles, tapers and the like | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
Chapter 35 | Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; | ||||
glues; enzymes, except | 6.5% | US | |||
3507 | Enzymes; prepared enzymes not elsewhere | ||||
specified or included: | |||||
3507 10 | -Rennet and concentrates thereof | 6.5% | US | ||
3507 90 | - Other | 6.5% | US | ||
Chapter 36 | Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; | ||||
pyrophoric alloys; certain combustible | |||||
preparations, except | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
3601 00 | Propellent powders | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3602 00 | Prepared explosives, other than propellent powders. | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3603 00 | Safety fuses; detonating fuses; percussion | ||||
or detonating caps; igniters; electric detonators: | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
3604 | Fireworks, signalling flares, rain rockets, | ||||
fog signals and other pyrotechnic articles: | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
3605 00 | Matches, other than pyrotechnic articles | ||||
of heading No.3604 | 40%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
3606 | Ferro-cerium and other pyrophoric alloys | ||||
in all forms; articles of combustible materials | |||||
as specified in note 2 to this chapter: | 15%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
Chapter 37 | Photographic or cinematographic goods, except | 6.5% | US | ||
3701 | Photographic plates and film in the flat, | ||||
sensitized, unexposed, of any material other | |||||
than paper, paperboard or textiles; instant print | |||||
film in the flat, sensitized, unexposed, | |||||
whether or not in packs: | |||||
3701 10 | -For X-ray: | 6.5% | US | ||
3701 20 | - Instant print film | 6.5% | US | ||
3702 | Photographic film in rolls, sensitized, | ||||
unexposed, of any material other than paper, | |||||
paperboard or textiles; instant print film in rolls, | |||||
sensitized, unexposed: | |||||
3702 10 | -For X-Ray | 6.5% | US | ||
3702 53 | --Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not exceeding | ||||
35 mm and of a length not exceeding 30 m, for slides | 6.5% | US | |||
3702 54 | -- Of a width exceeding 16 mm but | ||||
not exceeding 35 mm and of a length not exceeding | |||||
30 mm, other than for slides | 6.5% | AU,US | |||
3702 55 | --Of a width exceeding 16 mm but not | ||||
exceeding 35 mm and of a length exceeding 30 m. | 6.5% | US | |||
Chapter 38 | Miscellaneous chemical products, except | 6.5% | US | ||
3809 | Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate | ||||
the dyeing or fixing of dyestuffs and other | |||||
products and preparations (for example, | |||||
dressings and mordants), of a kind used in | |||||
the textile, paper, leather or like industries, | |||||
not elsewhere specified or included: | |||||
3809 91 | -- Of a kind used in the textile or like industries | 6.5% | US | ||
3809 92 | --Of a kind used in the paper or like industries | 6.5% | US | ||
3809 93 | -- Of a kind used in the leather or like industries | 6.5% | US | ||
3818 00 | Chemical elements doped for use in electronics, | ||||
in the form of discs, wafers or similar forms: | |||||
chemical compounds dopted for use in electronics | 6.5% -0% | 1998-2000 | US | ||
(ITA) | |||||
3822 00 | Diagnostic or laboratory reagents on a backing | ||||
and prepared diagnostic or laboratory reagents | |||||
whether not on a backing, other than those | |||||
of heading No. 3002 or 3006 | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
3824 | Prepared binders for foundry moulds or cores; | ||||
chemical products and preparations of the | |||||
chemical or allied industries (including those | |||||
consisting of mixtures of natural products), | |||||
not elsewhere specified or included; residual | |||||
products of the chemical or allied industries, | |||||
not elsewhere specified or included: | |||||
3824 10 | - prepared binders For foundry moulds or cores | 6.5% | US | ||
3824 20 | - Naphthenic acids, their water-insoluble | ||||
salts and their esters | 6.5% | US | |||
3824 30 | - non-Agglomerated Metal carbides mixed | ||||
together or with metallic binders | 6.5% | US | |||
3824 40 | - Prepared additives for cements, mortars or concretes | 6.5% | US | ||
3824 50 | - Non-refractory mortars and concretes: | 6.5% | US | ||
3824 90 | -Other | 6.5% | US | ||
Chapter 39 | Plastics and articles thereof, except | 6.5% | US | ||
3901 | Polymers of ethylene, in primary forms: | ||||
3901 10 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity | ||||
of less than 0,94 | 6.5% | US | |||
3901 20 | - Polyethylene having a specific gravity | ||||
of 0,94 or more | 6.5% | US | |||
3802 | Polymers of propylene or of other olefins, | ||||
in primary forms: | |||||
3902 10 | - Polypropylene | 6.5% | US | ||
3902 20 | -Polyisobutylene | 6.5% | US | ||
3903 | Polymers of styrene, in primary forms: | ||||
3903 11 | -- Expansible | 6.5% | US | ||
- Polystyrene: | |||||
3903 19 | -- Other | 6.5% | US | ||
Polymers of styrene, in primary forms: | |||||
3903 90 | - Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3904 | Polymers of vinyl chloride or of other | ||||
halogenated olefins, in primary forms: | |||||
3904 10 | - Polyvinyl chloride, not mixed with any | ||||
other substances | 6.5% | US | |||
3904 90 | -other | 6.5% | US | ||
3906 | Acrylic polymers in primary forms: | ||||
3906 10 | -Polymethyl methacrylate | 6.5% | US | ||
3906 90 000 | - Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3906 90 101 | --- Polyacrylamide | 6.5% | US | ||
3907 | Polyacetals, other polyethers and epoxide resins, | ||||
in primary forms; polycarbonates, alkyd resins, | |||||
polyallyl esters and other polyesters, in primary forms: | |||||
3907 10 | - Polyacetals | 6.5% | US | ||
3907 20 | - Other polyethers | 6.5% | US | ||
3907 30 | - Epoxide resins | 6.5% | US | ||
3907 50 | - Alkyd resins | 6.5% | US | ||
3907 60 | - Polyethylene terephthalate | 6.5% | US | ||
3907 91 | -- Unsaturated | 6.5% | US | ||
3907 99 | -- Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3908 | Polyamides in primary forms: | ||||
3908 10 | - Polyamide -6, -11, -12, -6,6, -6,9, -6,10 or - 6,12 | 6.5% | US | ||
3908 90 | -Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3909 | Amino-resins, phenolic resins and | ||||
polyurethanes, in primary forms: | |||||
3909 10 | - Urea resins; thiourea resins | 6.5% | US | ||
3909 20 | - Melamine resins | 6.5% | US | ||
3909 30 | - Other amino-resins | 6.5% | US | ||
3909 40 | - Phenolic resins | 6.5% | US | ||
3912 | Cellulose and its chemical derivatives, | ||||
not elsewhere specified or included, in primary forms: | |||||
3912 11 | --non-plasticised | 6.5% | US | ||
3912 31 | --Carboxymethylcellulose and its Salts | 6.5% | US | ||
3912 39 | -- Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3912 90 | -Other | 6.5% | US |
3915 | Waste, parings and scrap, of plastics | ||||
3915 10 00 | -Of polymers Of Ethylene | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 20 00 | -Of polymers Of Styrene | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 30 00 | -Of polymers Of Vinyl chloride | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 90 | - Of other plastics: | ||||
3915 90 11 | ---Of polymers Of propylene | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 90 13 | ---Of Acrylic polymers | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 90 19 | ---Other | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 90 91 | --- Of Epoxide resins | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 90 93 | ---Of Cellulose and its chemical derivatives | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3915 90 99 | ---Other | 30%-6.5% | 1998-2007 | US | |
3919 | Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, | ||||
strip and other flat shapes, of plastics, | |||||
whether or not in rolls: | |||||
3919 10 | - In rolls of a width not exceeding 20 cm | 6.5% | US | ||
3919 90 | - Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3920 | Other plates, sheets, film, foil and strip, | ||||
of plastics, non-cellular and not reinforced, | |||||
laminated, supported or similarly combined | |||||
with other materials: | |||||
3920 10 | -Of polymers of ethylene: | 6.5% | US | ||
3920 20 | - Of polymers of propylene | 6.5% | US | ||
3920 51 | -- Of polymethyl methacrylate | 6.5% | US | ||
3920 59 | --Other | 6.5% | US | ||
3926 | Other articles of plastics and articles of | ||||
other materials of heading Nos3901 to3914: | |||||
3926 10 | -Office or school supplies. | 6.5% | US | ||
Other articles of plastics and articles of | |||||
other materials of heading Nos 3901 to 3914: | |||||
3926 90 | - Other | 6.5% | US | ||
Chapter 40 | Rubber and articles thereof, except | 10% | US | ||
4002 | Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, | ||||
in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip; | |||||
mixtures of any product of heading No4001 | |||||
with any product of this heading, in primary | |||||
forms or inplates, sheets or strip: | |||||
4002 11 | --Latex | 10% | US | ||
- Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR); carboxylated | |||||
styrene-butadiene rubber (XSBR): | |||||
4002 19 | -- Other | 10% | US | ||
4002 20 | - Butadiene rubber (BR) | 10% | US | ||
4011 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber: | ||||
4011 10 | - Of a kind used on motor cars (including | ||||
station wagons and racing cars) | 10% | US | |||
4011 20 | - Of a kind used on buses or lorries: | 10% | US | ||
4011 30 | - Of a kind used on aircraft: | 10% | US | ||
4011 40 | - Of a kind used on motorcycles: | 10% | US | ||
4011 50 | - Of a kind used on bicycles: | 10% | US | ||
4011 91 | -- Having a "herring-bone" or similar tread: | 10% | US | ||
4011 99 | -- Other: | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 41 | Raw hides and skins (other than furskins) and leather | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 42 | Articles of leather; saddlery and harness; | ||||
travel goods, handbags and similar containers; | |||||
articles of animal gut (other than silk-worm gut) | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
Chapter 43 | Furskins and artificial fur; manufactures thereof, | ||||
except | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
4302 | Tanned or dressed furskins (including heads, tails, | ||||
paws and other pieces or cuttings), unassembled, | |||||
or assembled (without the addition of other | |||||
materials) other than those of heading No.4303 | 15% | CA,US | |||
- Whole skins, with or without head, tail | |||||
or paws, not assembled: | |||||
4302 11 | -- Of mink | 13% | US | ||
4302 12 | --Of rabbit or hare | 15% | US,CA | ||
4302 13 | --Of lamb, the following: Astrakhan, Broadtail, | ||||
Caracul, Persian and similar lamb, Indian, | |||||
Chinese, Mongolian or Tibetan lamb | 15% | US,CA | |||
4302 19 | --Other | 15% | US,CA | ||
4302 20 00 | -Heads, tails, paws and other pieces or cuttings, | ||||
not assembled | 15% | US,CA | |||
4302 30 | - Whole skins and pieces or cuttings thereof, | ||||
assembled | 13% | US | |||
4303 | Articles of apparel, clothing accessories | ||||
and other articles of furskin | CA,US | ||||
4303 10 | - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories | 13% | US,CA | ||
4303 90 | - Other | 13% | US,CA | ||
Chapter 44 | Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal, except | 10% | US | ||
4401 | Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, | ||||
in faggots or in similar forms; wood in chips | |||||
or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap, | |||||
whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, | |||||
pellets or similar forms: | |||||
4401 10 | -Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, | ||||
in faggots or in similar formsfaggots | |||||
or in similar forms | 10% | US | |||
4401 21 | -- Coniferous | 10% | US | ||
4401 22 | --non-coniferous | 10% | US | ||
4401 30 | - Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether | ||||
or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, | |||||
pellets or similar forms | 10% | US | |||
4402 00 | Wood charcoal (including shell or nut charcoal), | ||||
whether or not agglomerated | 10% | US | |||
4403 | Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped | ||||
of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared: | |||||
- other: | |||||
4403 10 | -Treated with paint, stains, creosote | ||||
or other preservatives: | 10% | US | |||
4403 20 | -Other, coniferous: | 10% | US | ||
4403 41 | -- Dark red meranti, light red meranti | ||||
and meranti bakau | 10% | US | |||
4403 49 | --Other | ||||
4403 91 | -- Of oak (Quercus spp.) | 10% | US | ||
4403 92 | --Of beech (Fagus spp.) | 10% | US | ||
4403 99 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
4407 | Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced | ||||
or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded | |||||
or finger-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm: | |||||
4407 10 | - Coniferous: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US, CA | |
4407 10 10 | --Finger-jointed, whether or not planed or sanded | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
4407 24 | -- Virola, mahogany (Swietenia spp.), | ||||
imbuia and balsa: | 10% | US | |||
4407 25 | -- Dark red meranti, light red meranti | ||||
and meranti bakau: | 10% | US | |||
4407 26 | -- White lauan, white meranti, white seraya, | ||||
yellow meranti and alan: | 10% | US | |||
- other: | |||||
4407 91 | -- Of oak (Quercus spp.) | 10% | US | ||
4407 92 | --Of beech (Fagus spp.): | 10% | US | ||
4407 99 | -- Other | 10% | US | ||
4408 | Veneer sheets and sheets for plywood | ||||
(whether or not spliced) and other wood | |||||
sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether | |||||
or not planed, sanded or finger-jointed, | |||||
of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm | |||||
4408 10 | - Coniferous | 10% | US | ||
4408 90 | - Other | 5% | US | ||
4409 | Wood (including strips and friezes | ||||
for parquet flooring, not assembled) | |||||
continuously shaped (tongued, grooved, rebated, | |||||
chamfered, V-jointed, beaded, moulded, | |||||
rounded or the like) along any of its edges | |||||
or faces, whether or not planed, sanded | |||||
or finger-jointed: | |||||
4409 10 | - Coniferous | 10% | US | ||
4409 20 | - Non-coniferous | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
4410 | Particle board and similar board of wood | ||||
or other ligneous materials, whether or not | |||||
agglomerated with resins or other organic | |||||
binding substances: | |||||
- of wood: | |||||
4410 11 | -- Waferboard, including oriented strand board | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US, CA | |
4410 19 | -- Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US,CA | |
4410 90 | -Of Other ligneous materials | 10% | US | ||
4411 | Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous | ||||
materials, whether or not bonded with resins | |||||
or other organic substances: | |||||
- Fibreboard of a density exceeding 0 8g/cm3: | |||||
4411 11 | -- Not mechanically worked or surface covered | 10% | US | ||
4411 19 | -- Other | 10% | US | ||
- fibreboard of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm3 | |||||
but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm3: | |||||
4411 21 | -- Not mechanically worked or surface covered | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US, CA | |
Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials, | |||||
whether or not bonded with resins or other | |||||
organic substances: | |||||
- fibreboard of a density exceeding 0,5 g/cm3 | |||||
but not exceeding 0,8 g/cm3: | |||||
4411 29 | -- Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
4411 31 | --not mechanically worked or surface covered | 10% | US | ||
4411 39 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
4411 91 | -- Not mechanically worked or surface covered | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
4411 99 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
4412 | Plywood, veneered panels and similar | ||||
laminated wood: | |||||
- Plywood consisting solely of sheets of wood, | |||||
each ply not exceeding 6 mm thickness: | |||||
4412 19 | -- other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US, CA | |
4412 22 | -- with at least one ply Of Tropical Wood | ||||
specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter: | 10% | US | |||
4412 23 | -- Other, containing at least one layer | ||||
of particle board | 10% | US | |||
4412 29 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
4412 92 | -- with at least one ply Of Tropical Wood | ||||
specified in subheading note 1 to this chapter: | 10% | US | |||
4412 93 | -- Other, containing at least one layer | ||||
of particle board | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
4412 99 | -- Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
4414 00 | Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, | ||||
mirrors or similar objects | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
4418 | Builders joinery and carpentry of wood, | ||||
including cellular wood panels, assembled | |||||
parquet panels, shingles and shakes: | |||||
4418 10 | - Windows, | ||||
French windows and their frames | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
4418 20 | - Doors and their frames and thresholds | 10% | US | ||
4418 30 | - Parquet panels | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
4418 40 | - Shuttering for concrete construction works | 10% | US | ||
4418 50 | -Shingles and shakes | 10% | US | ||
4418 90 | - Other | 10% | US | ||
4420 | Wood marquetry and inland wood; caskets | ||||
and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar | |||||
articles, of wood; statuettes and other ornaments, | |||||
of wood; wooden articles of furniture | |||||
not falling in Chapter 94: | |||||
4420 10 | -Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood: | 10% | US | ||
4420 90 | - Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
4421 | Other articles of wood: | ||||
4421 10 | -Clothes hangers | 10% | US | ||
4421 90 | - Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US |
Chapter 45 | Cork and articles of cork | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 46 | Manufactures of straw, of esparto or of | ||||
other plaiting materials; basketware and wickerwork | 20% | US | |||
Chapter 47 | Pulp of wood or of other fibrous cellulosic | ||||
material recovered (waste and scrap) paper | |||||
or paperboard, except | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | US | ||
4703 | Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, | ||||
other than dissolving grades: | |||||
4703 11 | -- Coniferous | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | CA,US | |
4703 19 | --non-coniferous | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | CA,US | |
4703 21 | - Semi-bleached or bleached: | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | CA,US | |
Chapter 48 | Paper and paperboard; articles of paper pulp, | ||||
of paper or of paperboard, except | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | CA,US | ||
4801 | Newsprint, in rolls or sheets: | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | US | |
4802 | Uncoated paper and paperboard, of a kind | ||||
used for writing, printing or other graphic | |||||
purposes, and punch card stock and punch | |||||
tape paper, in rolls or sheets, other than | |||||
paper of heading No 4801 or 4803; | |||||
hand-made paper and paperboard | 20%-0% | 1998-2004 | US | ||
4803 | Toilet or facial tissue stock, towel or napkin | ||||
stock and similar paper of a kind used for | |||||
household or sanitary purposes, cellulose | |||||
wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, | |||||
whether or not creped, crinkled, embossed, | |||||
perforated, surface-coloured, surface-decorated | |||||
or printed, in rolls or sheets: | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | US | ||
4804 | Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, | ||||
in rolls or sheets, other than that of heading | |||||
No4802 or 1900.07.183:00:00 | 10%-0% | 1998-2004 | US | ||
Chapter 49 | Printed books, newspapers, pictures and | ||||
other products of the printing industry; | |||||
manuscripts, typescripts and plans | 20%-0% | 1998-2004 | CA,US | ||
Chapter 50 | Silk | ||||
5004 00 | Silk yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) | ||||
not put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5005 00 | Yarn spun from silk waste, not put | ||||
up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5006 00 | Silk yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, | ||||
put up for retail sale; silk-worm gut | 5% | US | |||
5007 | Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste | ||||
5007 10 | - Fabrics of noil Silk | 10% | US | ||
5007 20 | - Other fabrics, containing 85 % or more | ||||
by weight of silk or of silk waste | |||||
other than noil silk: | 10% | US | |||
5007 90 | - Other fabrics: | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 51 | Wool, fine or coarse animal hair, | ||||
horsehair yarn and woven fabric | |||||
5104 00 | Garnetted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal hair | 5% | US | ||
5105 | Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded | ||||
or combed (including combed wool in fragments) | |||||
5105 10 | - Carded wool | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
- Wool tops and other combed wool: | |||||
5105 21 | -- Combed wool in fragments | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
5105 29 | -- Other | 0% | AU, NZ,US | ||
5105 30 | - Fine animal hair, carded or combed: | 0% | US | ||
5105 40 | - Coarse animal hair, carded or combed | 0% | AU,NZ,US | ||
5106 | Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale | 5% | US | ||
5106 10 | - Containing 85% or more by weight of wool | 5% | NZ,US | ||
5106 20 | - Containing less than 85% by weight of wool | 5% | NZ,US | ||
5107 | Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale | 10% | US | ||
5107 10 | - Containing 85% or more by weight of wool | 10% | NZ,US | ||
5107 20 | - Containing less than 85% by weight of wool | 10% | NZ,US | ||
5108 | Yarn of fine animal hair, carded or combed , | ||||
not put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5109 | Yarn of wool or of fine animal hair, | ||||
put up for retail sale | |||||
5109 10 | - Containing 85% or more by weight | ||||
of wool or of fine animal hair | 10% | NZ,US | |||
5109 90 | - Other | 10% | NZ,US | ||
5110 00 | Yarn of coarse animal hair or of horsehair | ||||
(including gimped horsehair yarn), whether | |||||
or not put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5111 | Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded | ||||
fine animal hair | |||||
5111 11 | -- Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m2: | 10% | US | ||
5111 19 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
5111 20 00 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely | ||||
with man-made filaments | 10% | US | |||
5111 30 | - Other, mixed mainly or solely with | ||||
man-made staple fibres | 10% | US | |||
5111 90 | -Other | 10% | US | ||
5112 | Woven fabrics of combed wool or | ||||
of combed fine animal hair | 10% | US | |||
5113 00 | Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair | ||||
or of horsehair | 10% | US | |||
Chapter 52 | Cotton, except | 20% | US | ||
5204 00 | Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put | ||||
up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5205 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), | ||||
containing 85 % or more by weight of cotton, | |||||
not put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5206 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), | ||||
containing less than 85 % by weight of cotton, | |||||
not put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5207 | Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread) | ||||
put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5210 | Woven fabrics of cotton, containing less than | ||||
85 % by weight of cotton, mixed mainly | |||||
or solely with man-made fibres, weighing | |||||
ot more than 200 g/m2: | |||||
5210 11 | -- Plain weave | 20% | US | ||
Chapter 53 | Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn | ||||
and woven fabrics of paper yarn | |||||
5303 | Jute and other textile bast fibres (excluding | ||||
flax, true hemp and ramie), raw or processed | |||||
but not spun; tow and waste of these fibres | |||||
(including yarn waste and garnetted stock) | 10% | US | |||
5304 | Sisal and other textile fibres of the genus | ||||
Agave, raw or processed but not spun, tow | |||||
and waste of these fibres (including yarn | |||||
waste and garnetted stock) | 10% | US | |||
5305 | Coconut, abaca (Manila hemp or Musa | ||||
textilis Nee), ramie and other vegetable textile | |||||
fibres, not elsewhere specified or included, | |||||
raw or processed but not spun, tow, noils | |||||
and waste of these fibres (including yarn | |||||
waste and garnetted stock) | 10% | US | |||
5306 | Flax yarn | 10% | US | ||
5307 | Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibres | ||||
of heading No.5303 | 10% | US | |||
5308 | Yarn of other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn | 10% | US | ||
5309 | Woven fabrics of flax: | ||||
5309 11 | -- Unbleached or bleached: | 15% | US | ||
5309 19 | -- Other: | 15% | US | ||
5309 21 | -- Unbleached or bleached: | 15% | US | ||
5309 29 | -- Other: | 15% | US | ||
5310 | Woven fabrics of jute or of other textile | ||||
bast fibres of heading No 5303: | |||||
5310 10 | - Unbleached: | 15% | US | ||
5310 90 | - Other | 15% | US | ||
5311 00 | Woven fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres; | ||||
woven fabrics of paper yarn: | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 54 | Man-made filaments | ||||
5401 | Sewing thread of man-made filaments, whether | ||||
or not put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5402 | Synthetic filament yarn (other than sewing | ||||
thread), not put up for retail sale, including | |||||
synthetic monofilament of less than 67 decitex | |||||
5402 10 | - High tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides | 5% | US | ||
5402 20 | - High tenacity yarn of polyesters | 5% | US | ||
5402 31 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring | ||||
per single yarn not more than 50 tex | 5% | US | |||
5402 32 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring | ||||
per single yarn more than 50 tex | 5% | US | |||
5402 33 | -- Of polyesters | 5% | US | ||
5402 41 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides | 5% | US | ||
5402 42 | -- Of polyesters, partially oriented | 5% | US | ||
5402 43 | -- Of polyesters, other | 5% | US | ||
5402 49 | --Other | 5% | US | ||
5402 51 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides | 5% | US | ||
5402 52 | -- Of polyesters | 5% | US | ||
5402 59 | --Other | 5% | US | ||
5402 61 | -- Of nylon or other polyamides | 5% | US | ||
5402 62 | -- Of polyesters | 5% | US | ||
5402 69 | --Other | 5% | US | ||
5403 | Artificial filament yarn (other than sewing | ||||
thread), not put up for retail sale, including | |||||
artificial monofilament of less than 67 decitex | |||||
5403 10 | - High tenacity yarn of viscose rayon | 5% | US | ||
5403 20 | - Textured yarn: | 5% | US | ||
5403 31 | -- Of viscose rayon, untwisted or with a twist | ||||
not exceeding 120 turns per metre | 5% | US | |||
5403 32 | -- Of viscose rayon, with a twist exceeding | ||||
120 turns per metre | 5% | US | |||
5403 33 | -- Of cellulose acetate | 5% | US | ||
5403 41 | -- Of viscose rayon | 5% | US | ||
5403 42 | -- Of cellulose acetate | 5% | US | ||
5403 49 | --Other | 5% | US | ||
5404 | Synthetic monofilament of 67 decitex | ||||
or more and of which no cross-sectional | |||||
dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like | |||||
(for example, artificial straw) of synthetic | |||||
textile materials of an apparent width | |||||
not exceeding 5 mm | 5% | US | |||
5405 | Artificial monofilament of 67 decitex or | ||||
more and of which no cross-sectional | |||||
dimension exceeds 1 mm; strip and the like | |||||
(for example, artificial straw) of artificial | |||||
textile materials of an apparent width | |||||
not exceeding 5 mm | 5% | US | |||
5406 | Man-made filaments yarn (other than sewing | ||||
thread), put up for retail sale | 5% | US | |||
5407 | Woven fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, | ||||
including woven fabrics obtained from | |||||
materials of heading No. 5404 | |||||
5407 10 | - woven Fabrics obtained from High tenacity | ||||
yarn of nylon or other polyamides or of polyesters | 15% | US | |||
5407 20 | - Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like: | 15% | US | ||
5407 30 | - Fabrics specified in Note 9 to Section XI | 15% | US | ||
5408 | Woven fabrics of artificial filament yarn, | ||||
including woven fabrics obtained from | |||||
materials of heading No. 5405 | 10% | US |
Chapter 55 | Man-made staple fibres | ||||
5501 | Synthetic filament tow | ||||
5501 10 | - Of nylon or other polyamides- Of nylon | ||||
or other polyamides | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5501 20 | - Of polyesters | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5501 30 | - Acrylic or modacrylic | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5501 90 | -Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5502 00 | Artificial filament tow | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5503 | Synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed | ||||
or otherwise processed for spinning | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5504 | Artificial staple fibres, not carded, combed | ||||
or otherwise processed for spinning | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5505 | Waste (including noils, yarn waste and | ||||
garnetted stock) of man-made fibres | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5506 | Synthetic staple fibres, carded, combed | ||||
or otherwise processed for spinning | |||||
5506 10 | - Of nylon or other polyamides | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5506 20 | - Of polyesters | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5506 30 | - Acrylic or modacrylic | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5506 90 | -Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5507 00 | Artificial staple fibres, carded, combed | ||||
or otherwise processed for spinning | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5508 | Sewing thread of man-made staple fibres, | ||||
whether or not put up for retail sale | |||||
5508 10 | - Of synthetic staple fibres | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5508 20 | - Of artificial staple fibres: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 | Yarn (other than sewing thread) of synthetic | ||||
staple fibres, not put up for retail sale | |||||
5509 11 | -- Single yarn | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 12 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 21 | -- Single yarn | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 22 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 31 | -- Single yarn: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 32 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 41 | -- Single yarn: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 42 | -- Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 51 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with artificial staple fibres | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 52 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool | ||||
or Fine animal hair: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5509 53 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with cotton . | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 59 | --Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 61 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool | ||||
or Fine animal hair: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5509 62 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with cotton . | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 69 | --Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 91 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with wool | ||||
or Fine animal hair: | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5509 92 | -- Mixed mainly or solely with cotton | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5509 99 | -- Other | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | |
5510 | Yarn (other than sewing thread ) of artificial | ||||
staple fibres, not put up for retail sale | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5511 | Yarn (other than sewing thread ) of man-made | ||||
staple fibres, put up for retail sale | 10%-5% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5513 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, | ||||
containing less than 85 % by weight of | |||||
such fibres, mixed mainly or solely with cotton, | |||||
of a weight notmixed mainly or solely with cotton, | |||||
of a weight not exceeding 170 g/m2: | |||||
- Unbleached or bleached: | |||||
5513 11 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 13% | US | ||
5513 12 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross | ||||
twill, of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | |||
5513 13 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | ||
5513 19 | -- Other woven fabrics | 13% | US | ||
- Dyed: | |||||
5513 21 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 13% | US | ||
5513 22 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, | ||||
of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | |||
5513 23 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | ||
5513 29 | -- Other woven fabrics | 13% | US | ||
- Of yarns of different colours: | |||||
5513 31 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 13% | US | ||
5513 32 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross | ||||
twill, of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | |||
5513 33 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | ||
5513 39 | -- Other woven fabrics | 13% | US | ||
- Printed: | |||||
5513 41 | -- Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave | 13% | US | ||
5513 42 | -- 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, | ||||
of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | |||
5513 43 | -- Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibres | 13% | US | ||
5513 49 | -- Other woven fabrics | 13% | US | ||
5514 | Woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibres, | ||||
containing less than 85 % by weight of such fibres, | |||||
mixed mainly or solely with cotton, | |||||
of a weight exceeding 170 g/m2: | 13% | US | |||
5515 | Other woven fabrics of sintetic staple fibres | 13% | US | ||
5516 | Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibres | 13% | US | ||
Chapter 56 | Wadding, felt and nonwovens; special yarns; | ||||
twine, cordage, ropes and cables and articles | |||||
thereof, except | 10% | US | |||
5603 | Nonwovens, whether or not impregnated, | ||||
coated, covered or laminated: | |||||
5603 11 | -- Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 | 10% | US | ||
5603 12 | -- Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more | ||||
than 70 g/m2 | 10% | US | |||
5603 13 | -- Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more | ||||
than 150 g/m2 | 10% | US | |||
5603 14 | -- Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | 10% | US | ||
5603 91 | -- Weighing not more than 25 g/m2 | 10% | US | ||
5603 92 | -- Weighing more than 25 g/m2 but not more | ||||
than 70 g/m2 | 10% | US | |||
5603 93 | -- Weighing more than 70 g/m2 but not more | ||||
than 150 g/m2 | 10% | US | |||
5603 94 | -- Weighing more than 150 g/m2 | 10% | US | ||
5604 | Rubber thread and cord textile covered; | ||||
textile yarn, and strip and the like of heading | |||||
No.5404 or 5405, impregnated, coated, | |||||
covered or sheathed with rubber or plastics | |||||
5604 10 | - Rubber thread and cord, textile covered | 5% | US | ||
5604 20 | - High tenacity yarn of polyesters, of nylon | ||||
or other polyamides or of viscose rayon, | |||||
impregnated or coated | 5% | US | |||
5604 90 | - Other | 5% | US | ||
5605 00 | Metallised yarn, whether or not gimped, | ||||
being textile yarn, or strip or the like of | |||||
heading No.5404 or 5405, combined with metal | |||||
in the form of thread, strip or powder | |||||
or covered with metal | 5% | US | |||
5606 00 | Gimped yarn, and strip and the like | ||||
of heading No.5404 or 5405, gimped 9 | |||||
other than those of heading No.5605 and | |||||
gimped horsehair yarn); chenille yarn | |||||
(including flock chenille yarn); loop wale-yarn | 5% | US | |||
5607 | Twine, cordage, ropes and cables, whether | ||||
or not plaited or braided and whether | |||||
or not impregnated, coated, covered or | |||||
sheathed with rubber or plastics | 15%-10% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5608 | Knotted netting of twine, cordage or rope; | ||||
made up fishing nets and other made | |||||
up nets, of textile materials | 15%-10% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
5609 00 | Articles of yarn, strip or the like of heading | ||||
No.5404 or 5405, twine, cordage, rope or cables, | |||||
not elsewhere specified or included | 10% | US | |||
Chapter 57 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, except | 15% | US | ||
5703 | Carpets and other textile floor coverings, tufted, | ||||
whether or not made up: | |||||
5703 10 | - Of wool or fine animal hair: | 15%-10% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
5703 20 | - Of nylon or other polyamides | 15% | CA,US | ||
5703 30 | - Of other man-made textile materials: | 15% | CA,US | ||
5703 90 | - Of other textile materials: | 15% | CA,US | ||
Chapter 58 | Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; | ||||
lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery | |||||
5801 | Woven pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, other | ||||
than fabrics of heading No.5802 or 5806 | 10% | US | |||
5802 | Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, | ||||
other than narrow fabrics of heading No.5806; | |||||
tufted textile fabrics, other than products | |||||
of heading No.5703 | 15% | US | |||
5803 | Gauze, other than narrow fabrics | ||||
of heading No. 5806 | 15% | US | |||
5804 | Tulles and other net fabrics, not including | ||||
woven, knitted or crocheted fabrics; lace in | |||||
the piece, in strips or in motifs, other than | |||||
fabrics of heading no.6002 | 15% | US | |||
5805 00 | Hand-woven tapestries of the type Gobelins, | ||||
Flanders, Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, | |||||
and needle-worked tapestries (for example, | |||||
petit point, cross stitch), whether or not made up | 10% | US | |||
5806 | Narrow woven fabrics, other than goods of | ||||
headind No.5807; narrow fabrics consisting | |||||
of warp without weft assembled by means | |||||
of an adhesive (bloducs) | 10% | US | |||
5807 | Labels, badges and similar articles of textile | ||||
materials, in the piece, in strips or cut | |||||
to shape or size, not embroidered | 10% | US | |||
5808 | Braids in the piece; ornamental trimmings | ||||
in the piece, without embroidery, other than | |||||
knitted or crocheted; tassels, pompons | |||||
and similar articles | 10% | US | |||
5809 00 | Woven fabrics of metal thread and woven | ||||
fabrics of metallised yarn of heading No.5605, | |||||
of a kind used in apparel, as furnishing fabrics | |||||
or for similar purposes, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included | 10% | US | |||
5810 | Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs | 15% | US | ||
5811 00 | Quilted textile products in the piece, compose | ||||
of one or more layers of textile materials | |||||
assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, | |||||
other than embroidery of heading No.5810 | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 59 | Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated | ||||
textile fabrics; textile articles of a kind suitable | |||||
for industrial use | 12% | US | |||
Chapter 60 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics | ||||
6001 | Pile fabrics, including "long pile" fabrics and | ||||
terry fabrics, knitted or crocheted | 15% | US | |||
6002 | Other knitted or crocheted fabrics | 15% | US | ||
Chapter 61 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, | ||||
knitted or crocheted | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 62 | Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, | ||||
not knitted or crocheted | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 63 | Other made-up textile articles; sets; worn | ||||
clothings and worn textile articles; rags | 15% | US |
Chapter 64 | Footwear, gaiters and the like; parts of such articles | 20%-15% | 1998-2002 | US | |
Chapter 65 | Headgear and parts thereof | 15% | US | ||
Chapter 66 | Umbrellas, sun umbrellas, walking-sticks, | ||||
seat-sticks, whips, riding-crops and parts thereof | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 67 | Prepared feathers and down and articles made | ||||
of feathers or of down; artificial flowers; | |||||
articles of human hair | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 68 | Articles of stone, plaster, cement, asbestos, | ||||
mica or similar materials, except | 15% | US | |||
6807 | Articles of asphalt or of similar material | ||||
(for example, petroleum bitumen or coal tar pitch): | |||||
6807 10 10 | -- Roofing and facing products | 15% | US | ||
6807 10 90 | --Other | 15% | US | ||
6807 90 | - Other | 15% | CA,US | ||
6815 | Articles of stone or of other mineral substances | ||||
(including carbon fibres, articles of carbon | |||||
fibres and articles of peat), not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included: | |||||
6815 10 | - Non-electrical articles of graphite or Other carbon: | 15% | US | ||
6815 20 | - Articles of peat | 15% | CA,US | ||
6815 91 | -- Containing magnesite, dolomite or chromite | 15% | US | ||
6815 99 | --Other | 15% | US | ||
Chapter 69 | Ceramic products | 15% | US | ||
Chapter 70 | Glass and glassware, except | 15% | US | ||
7005 | Float glass and surface ground or polished glass, | ||||
in sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, | |||||
reflecting or non-reflecting layer, | |||||
but not otherwise worked: | |||||
7005 10 | - Non-wired glass, having an absorbent, | ||||
reflectinf or non-reflecting layer: | |||||
7005 10 05 | -- having a Non-reflecting layer | 15% | US | ||
7005 10 25 | --- Not exceeding 3,5 mm | 15% | US | ||
7005 10 30 | --- Exceeding 3,5 mm but not exceeding 4,5 mm | 15% | US | ||
7005 10 80 | --- Exceeding 4,5 mm | 15% | US | ||
- other non-wired glass: | |||||
7005 21 | -- Coloured throughout the mass (body tinted), | ||||
opacified, flashed or merely surface ground: | 15% | US | |||
7005 29 | -- Other | 10% | MX,US | ||
7005 30 | - wired Glass | 15% | US | ||
7007 | Safety glass, consisting of toughened | ||||
(tempered) or laminated glass: | |||||
7007 11 | -- Of size and shape suitable for incorporation | ||||
in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels | 10% | MX,US | |||
7007 19 | --other | 15% | US | ||
7007 21 | -- of size and shape suitable for incorporation | ||||
in vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft or vessels: | 15% | US | |||
7007 29 | --Other | ||||
7010 | Carboys, bottles, flasks, jars, pots, phials, | ||||
ampoules and other containers, of glass, | |||||
of a kind used for the conveyance or packing | |||||
of goods; preserving jars of glass; stoppers, | |||||
lids and other closures, of glass: | |||||
7010 10 | - Ampoules | 15% | US | ||
7010 20 | - Stoppers, lids and other closures | 15% | US | ||
7010 91 | -- Exceeding 1 l | 10% | MX,US | ||
7010 92 | -- Exceeding 0,33 l but not exceeding 1 l | 10% | MX,US | ||
7010 93 | -- Exceeding 0,15 l but not exceeding 0,33 l | 10% | MX,US | ||
7010 94 | -- Not exceeding 0,15 l | 10% | MX,US | ||
7013 | Glassware of a kind used for table, kitchen, | ||||
toilet, office, indoor decoration or similar | |||||
purposes (other than that of heading No 7010 or 7018): | |||||
7013 10 | - Of glass-ceramics | 15% | MX,US | ||
7013 21 | -- Of lead crystal | 15% | MX,US | ||
7013 29 | -- Other | 15% | MX,US | ||
7013 31 | -- Of lead crystal | 15% | MX,US | ||
7013 32 | -- Of glass having a linear coefficient of | ||||
expansion not exceeding 5 x 10 - 6 per Kelvin | |||||
within a temperature range of 0°C to 300°C | 15% | MX,US | |||
7013 39 | -- Other | 15% | MX,US | ||
7013 91 | -- Of lead crystal | 15% | MX,US | ||
7013 99 | -- Other | 15% | MX,US | ||
7017 | Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical | ||||
glassware, whether or not graduated or calibrated: | |||||
7017 10 | - of fused quartz or Other fused silica. | 15% | US | ||
ex 7017 10 | Quartz reactor tubes and holders designed | ||||
for insertion into diffusion and oxidation | |||||
furnaces for production of semiconductor wafers | 15%-0% | 1998-2000 | US | ||
Chapter 71 | Natural or cultured pearls, precious or | ||||
semi-precious stones, precious metals, | |||||
metals clad with precious metal, and articles | |||||
thereof; imitation jewellery; coin, except | 10% | US | |||
7108 | Gold (including gold plated with platinum) | ||||
unwrought or in semi-manufactured forms, | |||||
or in powder form: | |||||
- non-monetary: | |||||
7108 11 | -- Powder | 10% | AU,US | ||
7108 12 | -- Other unwrought forms | 10% | AU,US | ||
7108 13 | -- Other semi-manufactured forms | 10% | AU,US | ||
7108 20 | - monetary | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 72 | Iron and steel, except | 10% | US | ||
7201 | Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, | ||||
blocks or other primary forms: | |||||
7201 10 | - Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight | ||||
0,5 % or less of phosphorus | 10% | US | |||
7201 20 | - Non-alloy pig iron Containing by weight | ||||
more than 0.5 % of phosphorus | 10% | US | |||
7201 50 | - Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen: | 10% | US | ||
7204 | Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap | ||||
ingots of iron or steel: | |||||
7204 10 | - Waste and scrap of cast iron | 10% | US | ||
7204 21 | -- Of stainless steel | 10% | US | ||
7204 29 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
7204 30 | - Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel | 10% | US | ||
7204 41 | -- Turnings, shavings, chips, milling | ||||
waste, sawdust, filings, trimmings and | |||||
stampings, whether or not in bundles: | 10% | US | |||
7204 49 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
7204 50 | - Remelting scrap ingots: | 10% | US | ||
7206 | Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other | ||||
primary forms (excluding iron of heading No. 7203): | |||||
7206 10 | - Ingots | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7206 90 | - Other | 10% | US | ||
7207 | Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel | ||||
7207 11 | -- Of rectangular (including square) | ||||
cross-section, the width measuring less | |||||
than twice the thickness | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7207 12 | -- Other, of rectangular (other than square) | ||||
cross-section | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7207 19 | --Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7207 20 | - Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA ,US | |
7208 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, | ||||
of a width of 600 mm or more, hot-rolled, | |||||
not clad, plated or coated | |||||
Steel of a thickness of less than 3mm | |||||
7208 10 | - in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, | ||||
with patterns in relief | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
7208 27 | -- of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7208 39 | -- of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
Of thickness exceeding 10 mm | |||||
7208 10 | -in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, | ||||
with patterns in relief | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
7208 25 | -- of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7208 36 | - of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
of a thickness of 3 mm or more, but less than 4,75 | |||||
7208 10 | - in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, | ||||
with patterns in relief | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
7208 26 | -- of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less | ||||
than 4,75 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
7208 38 | -- of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less | ||||
than 4,75 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
of thickness less than 3 mm | |||||
7208 10 | - in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, | ||||
with patterns in relief | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
7208 27 | -- of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7208 39 | -- of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
other of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | |||||
7208 40 | - not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, | ||||
with patterns in relief | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
7208 51 | -- of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7209 | Flat - rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, | ||||
of a width of 600mm or more, cold-rolled, | |||||
(cold-reduced) not clad, plated or coated | |||||
- In coils, not further worked than cold-rolled | |||||
(cold-reduced): | |||||
7209 15 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7209 16 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7209 17 | -- of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more, but not | ||||
exceeding 1mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | ||
7209 18 | -- of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
- Not in coils, not further worked than | |||||
cold-rolled (cold-reduced): | |||||
7209 25 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7209 26 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7209 27 | -- of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more, but not | ||||
exceeding 1mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7209 28 | -- of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7209 90 | - Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7210 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a | ||||
width of 600mm or more, clad, plated or coated | |||||
7210 11 | -- Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7210 12 | -- Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7210 20 | - Plated or coated with lead, including terne-plate: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7210 30 | - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7210 41 | -- Corrugated: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7210 49 | -- Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7210 50 | - plated or Coated with chromium oxides or | ||||
with chromium and chromium oxides: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7210 61 | -- Plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7210 69 | --Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7210 70 | - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7210 90 | -Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7211 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a | ||||
width of less than 600mm, not clad, plated or coated | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA |
7212 | Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a | ||||
width of less than 600mm, clad, plated or coated | |||||
7212 10 | - Plated or coated with tin: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7212 20 | - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7212 30 | - Otherwise plated or coated with zinc: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7212 40 | - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics: | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7212 50 | - Otherwise plated or coated | 5%-0% | 1998-2003 | AU,US | |
7212 60 | -Clad | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7213 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound | ||||
coils, of iron or non-alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7214 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, | ||||
not further worked than forged, hot-rolled, | |||||
hot-drawn or hot-extruded, but including those | |||||
twisted after rolling | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7215 | Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7216 | Angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7217 | Wire of iron non-alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7218 | Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; | ||||
semi-finished products of stainless steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7219 | Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width | ||||
of 600 mm or more | |||||
7219 11 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7219 12 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not | ||||
exceeding 10 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7219 13 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than | ||||
4,75 mm: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7219 14 | -- Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7219 21 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7219 22 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not | ||||
exceeding 10 mm: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7219 23 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than | ||||
4,75 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7219 24 | -- Of a thickness of less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7219 31 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7219 32 | -- Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than | ||||
4,75 mm: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7219 33 | -- Of a thickness exceeding 1 mm but less than 3 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7219 34 | -- Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not | ||||
exceeding 1 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7219 35 | -- Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7219 90 | -Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7220 | Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a | ||||
width of less than 600 mm | |||||
7220 11 00 | -- Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7220 12 00 | -- Of a thickness of less than 4,75 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7220 20 | - Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7220 90 | -Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7221 00 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound | ||||
coils, of stainless steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7222 | Other bars and roads of stainless steel; angles, | ||||
shapes and sections of stainless steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7223 00 | Wire of stainless steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7224 | Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary | ||||
forms; semi-finished products of other alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7225 | Flat-rolled products of alloy steel, of a width of | ||||
600 mm or more | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7226 | Flat-rolled products of alloy steel, of a width of | ||||
less than 600 mm | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7227 | Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound | ||||
coils, of other alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7228 | Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, | ||||
shapes and sections, of other alloy steel; hollow | |||||
drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7229 | Wire of other alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
Chapter 73 | Articles of iron or steel, except | 10% | CA,US | ||
7301 | Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not | ||||
drilled, punched or made from assembled | |||||
elements; welded angles, shapes and sections, | |||||
of iron or steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7302 | Railway or tramway track construction materials | ||||
of iron or steel, the following: rails, check-rails | |||||
and rack rails, switch blades, crossing frogs, | |||||
point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers | |||||
(cross-ties), fish-plates, chairs, chair wedges, | |||||
sole plates (base plates),rail clips, bedplates, | |||||
ties and other material specialized for jointing | |||||
or fixing rails | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7303 00 | Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 | Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, seamless of | ||||
iron (other than cast iron) or steel | |||||
7304 10 | - Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 21 | -- Drill pipe | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 29 | -- Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 31 | -- Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced): | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 39 | -- Other: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 41 | -- Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 49 | --Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 51 | -- Cold-drawn or cold-rolled (cold-reduced) | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 59 | --Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7304 90 | -Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7305 | Other tubes and pipes (for example, welded, | ||||
riveted or similary closed), having circular | |||||
cross-sections, the external diameter of which | |||||
exceeds 406.4 mm, of iron or steel | |||||
7305 11 | -- Longitudinally submerged arc welded | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7305 12 | -- Other, longitudinally welded | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7305 19 | --Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7305 20 | - Casing of a kind used in drilling for oil or gas: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7305 31 | -- Longitudinally welded | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7305 39 | --Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7305 90 | -Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7306 | Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles (for | ||||
example, open seam or welded, riveted or | |||||
similary closed), of iron or steel | |||||
7306 10 | - Line pipe of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7306 20 00 | - Casing and tubing of a kind used in drilling | ||||
for oil or gas | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7306 30 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of | ||||
iron or non-alloy steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7306 40 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of | ||||
stainless steel | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7306 50 | - Other, welded, of circular cross-section, of | ||||
other alloy steel: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7306 60 | - Other, welded, of non-circular cross-section: | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7306 90 | -Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7307 | Tube or pipe fittings (for example, couplings, | ||||
elbows, sleeves), of iron or steel | 10% | US | |||
7308 | Structures (excluding prefabricated buildings | ||||
of heading No.9406) and parts of structures | |||||
(for example, bridges and bridge-sections, lock- | |||||
gates, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing frame- | |||||
works, doors and windows and their frames | |||||
and thresholds for doors, shutters, balustrades, | |||||
pillars and columns), of iron or steel; plates, | |||||
rods, angles, shapes, sections, tubes and the like, | |||||
prepared for use in structures, of iron or steel: | |||||
7308 10 00 | - Bridges or bridge-sections | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
7308 20 00 | - Towers and lattice masts | 5%-0% | US | ||
7308 30 00 | - Doors, windows and their frames and | ||||
thresholds for doors | 5%-0% | US | |||
7308 40 | - Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, | ||||
propping or pit-propping: | 5%-0% | US | |||
7308 90 | - Other | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | AU,US | |
7309 | Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers | ||||
for any material (other than compressed or | |||||
liquefied gas), of iron or steel, of a capacity | |||||
exceeding 300 l, whether or not lined or heat- | |||||
insulated, but not fitted with mechanical or | |||||
thermal equipment | 10% | US | |||
7310 | Tanks, casks, drums, cans, boxes and similar | ||||
containers, for any material (other than | |||||
compressed or liquefied gas), of iron or steel, | |||||
of a capacity not exceeding 300 litres, whether | |||||
or not lined or heat-insulated, but not fitted with | |||||
mechanical or thermal equipment: | 10% | US | |||
7311 00 | Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, | ||||
of iron or steel | 15% | US | |||
7312 | Stranded wire, ropes, cables plaited bands, | ||||
slings and the like of iron or steel, not | |||||
electrically insulated | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | ||
7313 00 | Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or | ||||
single flat wire, barbed or not, and loosely | |||||
twisted double wire, of a kind used for fencing, | |||||
of iron or steel | 10% | US | |||
7314 | Cloth (including endless bands), grill, netting | ||||
and fencing, of iron or steel wire; expanded | |||||
metal of iron or steel | 10% | US | |||
7315 | Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel | 15% | US | ||
7316 | Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron and steel | 10% | US | ||
7317 00 | Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, | ||||
staples (other than those of heading No 8305) | |||||
and similar articles, of iron or steel, whether or | |||||
not with heads of other material, but excluding | |||||
such articles with heads of copper | 10% | US | |||
7326 | Other articles of iron or steel: | ||||
7326 11 00 | -- Grinding balls and similar articles for mills | 10% | US | ||
7326 19 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
7326 20 | - Articles of iron or steel wire: | 10% | US | ||
7326 90 | - Other | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 74 | Copper and articles thereof, except | 10% | US | ||
7402 00 | Unrefined copper, copper anodes for electrolytic | ||||
refining | 0% | AU,US | |||
7403 | Refined copper and cooper alloys, unwrought | ||||
- Refined copper: | |||||
7403 11 | -- Cathodes and sections of cathodes | 0% | CA, AU,US | ||
7403 12 | -- Wire-bars | 0% | AU,US | ||
7403 13 | -- Billets | 0% | AU,US | ||
7403 19 | -- Other | 0% | AU,US | ||
7403 21 | -- Copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 0% | AU,US | ||
7403 22 | -- Copper-tin base alloys (bonze) | 0% | AU,US | ||
7403 23 | -- Copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel) or | ||||
copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 0% | AU,US | |||
7403 29 | -- Other copper alloys (other than master alloys | ||||
of heading No.7405) | 0% | AU,US | |||
7405 00 | Master alloys of copper | 0% | AU,US | ||
7406 | Copper powders and flakes: | ||||
7406 10 | - Powders of non-lamellar structure | 0% | AU,US | ||
7406 20 | - Powder of lamellar structure, flakes | 0% | AU,US |
7407 | Copper bars, rods and profiles: | ||||
7407 10 | - Of refined copper | 0% | AU,US | ||
- of copper alloys (brass): | |||||
7407 21 | -- Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 0% | AU,US | ||
7407 22 | -- Of copper-nickel base alloys(cupro-nickel) or | ||||
copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 0% | AU,US | |||
7407 29 | -- Other | 0% | AU,US | ||
7408 | Copper wire: | ||||
- Of refined copper: | |||||
7408 11 | -- Of which the maximum cross-sectional | ||||
dimension exceeds 6 mm | 0% | CA, AU,US | |||
7408 19 | -- Other | 0% | AU,US | ||
- Of copper alloys: | |||||
7408 21 | -- Of copper-zinc base alloys (brass) | 0% | AU,US | ||
7408 22 | -- Of copper-nickel base alloys (cupro-nickel ) or | ||||
copper-nickel-zinc base alloys (nickel silver) | 0% | AU,US | |||
7408 29 | --Other | 0% | AU,US | ||
7410 | Copper foil (whether or not printed or backed | ||||
with paper, paperboard, plastics or similar | |||||
backing materials) of a thickness (excluding | |||||
any backing) not exceeding 0,15 mm: | |||||
- not backed: | |||||
7410 11 | -- Of refined copper | 5% | CA,US | ||
7410 12 | --Of copper alloys | 5% | US | ||
7410 21 | -- Of refined copper | 5% | US | ||
7410 22 | --Of copper alloys | 5% | US | ||
7413 00 | Stranded wire, cables, plaited bands and the | ||||
like, of copper, not electrically insulated | 10% | US | |||
Chapter 75 | Nickel and articles thereof, except | 10% | US | ||
7501 | Nickel mattes, nickel oxide sinters and other | ||||
intermediate products of nickel metallurgy: | |||||
7501 10 | - Nickel matters | 5% | CA,US | ||
7501 20 | - Nickel oxide sinters and other intermediate | ||||
products of nickel metallurgy | 5% | CA,US | |||
7502 | Unwrought nickel: | ||||
7502 10 | - Nickel, not alloyed | 5% | CA,US | ||
7502 20 | - nickel alloys | 5% | US | ||
Chapter 76 | Aluminium and articles thereof, except | 10% | US | ||
7601 | Unwrought aluminium: | ||||
7601 10 | - Aluminium, not alloyed | 5% | CA , AU,US | ||
7601 20 | - Aluminium alloys | 5% | CA , AU,US | ||
7602 00 | Aluminium waste and scrap | 10% | |||
7603 | Aluminium powder and flakes: | ||||
7603 10 | - Powders of non-lamellar structure | 10% | AU,US | ||
7603 20 | - Powders of lameller structure; flakes | 10% | AU,US | ||
7604 | Aluminium bars, rods and profiles: | ||||
7604 10 | - Of aluminium, not alloyed | 10% | AU,US | ||
7604 21 | -- Hollow profiles | 10% | AU,US | ||
7604 29 | -- Other | 10% | AU,US | ||
7605 | Aluminium wire: | ||||
- of aluminium, not alloyed: | |||||
7605 11 | -- Of which the maximum cross-sectional | ||||
dimension exceeds 7 mm | 10% | AU,US | |||
7605 19 | -- Other | 10% | AU,US | ||
- of aluminium alloys: | |||||
7605 21 | -- Of which the maximum cross-sectional | ||||
dimension exceeds 7 mm | 5% | CA , AU,US | |||
7605 29 | -- Other | 10% | AU,US | ||
7606 | Aluminium plates, sheets and strip, of a | ||||
thickness exceeding 0.2 mm: | |||||
- rectangular (including square): | |||||
7606 11 | -- Of aluminium, not alloyed | 10% | AU,US | ||
7606 12 | -- Of aluminium alloys | 10% | AU,US | ||
7606 91 | -- Of aluminium, not alloyed | 10% | AU,US | ||
7606 92 | -- Of aluminium alloys | 10% | AU,US | ||
7607 | Aluminium foil (whether or not printed or | ||||
backed with paper, paperboard, plastics or | |||||
similar backing materials) of a thickness | |||||
(excluding any backing) not exceeding 0,2 mm: | |||||
- not backed: | |||||
7607 11 | -- Rolled but not further worked | 10% | AU,US | ||
7607 19 | -- Other | 10% | AU,US | ||
7607 20 | - Backed | 10% | AU,US | ||
7608 | Aluminium tubes and pipes: | ||||
7608 10 | - Of aluminium, not alloyed | 10% | AU,US | ||
7608 20 | - Of aluminium alloys | 10% | AU,US | ||
7610 | Aluminium structures (excluding prefabricated | ||||
buildings of heading No.9406) and parts of | |||||
structures (for example, bridges and bridge- | |||||
sections, towers, lattice masts, roofs, roofing | |||||
frameworks, doors and windows and their | |||||
frames and thresholds for doors, balustrades, | |||||
pillars and columns); aluminium plates, rods, | |||||
profiles, tubes and the like, prepared for use | |||||
in structures other than doors, windows and | |||||
their frames and thresholds for doors: | CA,US | ||||
7610 10 | - Doors, windows and their frames and | ||||
thresholds for doors | 10% | US | |||
7610 90 | - Other | 5% | US,CA | ||
7616 | Other articles of aluminium: | ||||
7616 10 | - Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of | ||||
heading No 8305), screws, bolts, nuts, screw | |||||
hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers and | |||||
similar articles | 10% | US | |||
7616 91 | -- Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminium wire | 10% | US | ||
7616 99 | -- Other | 5% | CA,US | ||
Chapter 78 | Lead and articles thereof, except | 10% | US | ||
7801 | Unwrought lead: | ||||
7801 10 | - Refined lead | 5% | CA,US | ||
7801 91 | -- Containing by weight antimony as the | ||||
principal other element. | 10% | US | |||
7801 99 | -- Other | 5% | CA,US | ||
Chapter 79 | Zinc and articles thereof, except | 10% | US | ||
7901 | Unwrought zinc: | ||||
- zinc, not alloyed: | |||||
7901 11 | -- Containing by weight 99,99% or more of zinc | 5% | CA , AU,US | ||
7901 12 | -- Containing by weight less than 99,99% of zinc | 5% | CA , AU,US | ||
7901 20 | - Zinc alloys | 10% | AU,US | ||
7903 | Zinc dust, powder and flakes: | ||||
7903 10 | - Zinc dust | 10% | AU,US | ||
7903 90 | - Other | 10% | AU,US | ||
7904 00 | Zinc bars, rods, profiles and wire | 10% | AU,US | ||
7905 00 | Zinc plates, sheets, strip and foil | 10% | AU,US | ||
7906 | Zinc tubes, pipes and tube or pipe fittings | ||||
(for example, couplings, elbows, sleeves) | 10% | US | |||
Chapter 80 | Tin and articles thereof | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 81 | Other base metals; cermets; articles thereof, except | 10% | US | ||
8101 | Tungsten (wolfram) and articles thereof, | ||||
including waste and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8102 | Molybdenum and articles thereof, including | ||||
waste and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8103 | Tantalum and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8104 | Magnesium and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8105 | Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products | ||||
of cobalt metallurgy; cobalt and articles, | |||||
including waste and scrap | |||||
8105 10 | - Cobalt mattes and other intermediate products | ||||
of cobalt metallurgy, unwrought cobalt, waste | |||||
and scrap; powders | 5% | CA,US | |||
8105 90 | -other | 10% | US | ||
8106 | Bismuth and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8107 | Cadmium and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8108 | Titanium and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8109 | Zirconium and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8110 | Antimony and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8111 | Manganese and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8112 | Beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, | ||||
gallium, hafnium, indium, niobium (columbium), | |||||
rhenium and thallium, and articles of these | |||||
metals, including waste and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
8113 | Cermets and articles thereof, including waste | ||||
and scrap: | 10% | US | |||
Chapter 82 | Tools, implements, cutlery, spoons and forks, | ||||
of base metal; parts thereof of base metal, except | 10% | US | |||
8205 | Hand tools (including glaziers' diamonds), not | ||||
elsewhere specified or included; blow lamps; | |||||
vices, clamps and the like, other than accessories | |||||
for and parts of, machine tools; anvils; portable | |||||
forges; hand or pedal-operated grinding wheels | |||||
with frameworks: | |||||
8205 10 | - Drilling, threading or tapping tools | 10% | US | ||
8205 20 | - Hammers and sledge hammers. | 10% | US | ||
8205 30 | - Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting | ||||
tools for working wood | 10% | US | |||
8205 40 | - Screwdrivers | 10% | US | ||
8205 51 | -- Household tools | 10% | US | ||
8205 59 | -- Other | 5 % | US | ||
8205 60 | - Blow lamps | 10% | US | ||
8205 70 | - Vices, clamps and the like | 10% | US | ||
8205 80 | - Anvils; portable forges; hand or pedal-operated | ||||
grinding wheels with frameworks | 10% | US | |||
8205 90 | - Sets of articles of two or more of the foregoing | ||||
subheadings. | 10% | US | |||
Chapter 83 | Miscellaneous articles of base metal | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 84 | Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and | ||||
mechanical appliances; parts thereof, except | 10% | US | |||
8401 | Nuclear reactors; fuel elements (cartridges), | ||||
non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors; machinery | |||||
and apparatus for isotopic separation: | 10% | US | |||
8402 | Steam or other vapour generating boilers (other | ||||
than central heating hot water boilers capable | |||||
also of producing low pressure steam); | |||||
super-heated water boilers: | |||||
8402 11 | - Watertube boilers with a steam production | ||||
exceeding 45 t per hour | 10% | CA,US | |||
8402 12 | -- Watertube boilers with a Steam production | ||||
Not exceeding 45 t per hour | 10% | US | |||
8402 19 | -- Other vapour generating boilers, including | ||||
hybrid boilers: | 10% | US | |||
8402 20 | - Super-heated water boilers. | 10% | US | ||
8402 90 | - Parts | 10% | CA,US | ||
8403 | - Central heating boilers other than those of | ||||
heading No 8402: | 10% | US | |||
8404 | Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of | ||||
heading No 8402 or 8403 (for example, | |||||
economisers, super heaters, soot removers, gas | |||||
recoverers); condensers for steam or other | |||||
vapour power units: | 10% | US |
8405 | Producer gas or water gas generators, with or | ||||
without their purifiers; acetylene gas generators | |||||
and similar water process gas generators, with | |||||
or without their purifiers: | 10% | US | |||
8406 | Steam turbines and other vapour turbines: | 10% | US | ||
8407 | Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal | ||||
combustion piston engines: | |||||
8407 10 | - Aircraft engines: | 10% | US | ||
8407 21 | -- Outboard motors: | 10% | US | ||
8407 29 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8407 31 | -- Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 50cm3 | 10% | US | ||
8407 32 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50cm3 but | ||||
not exceeding 250cm3: | 10% | US | |||
8407 33 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250cm3 but | ||||
not exceeding 1 000cm3: | 10% | US | |||
8407 34 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cm3 | 10% | AU,US | ||
8407 90 | -Other engines | 10% | US | ||
8408 | Compression-ignition internal combustion piston | ||||
engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines): | 10% | US | |||
8409 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with | ||||
the engines of heading No. 8407 or 8408: | |||||
8409 10 | -For aircraft engines | 10% | US | ||
8409 91 | -- Suitable for use solely or principally with | ||||
spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines | 5% | US | |||
8409 99 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8410 | Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and | ||||
regulators therefor: | 10% | US | |||
8411 | Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines: | 10% | US | ||
8412 | Other engines and motors: | 10% | US | ||
8413 | Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a | ||||
measuring device; liquid elevators: | |||||
8413 11 | -- Pumps for dispensing fuel or lubricants of the | ||||
type used in filling-stations or in garages | 5% | US | |||
8413 19 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8413 20 | - Hand pumps, other than those of subheading | ||||
No 8413 11 or 8413 19: | 10% | ||||
8414 | Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas | ||||
compressors and fans; ventilating or recycling | |||||
hoods incorporating a fan, whether or not fitted | |||||
with filters: | |||||
8414 10 | - Vacuum pumps: | 10% | US | ||
8414 20 | - Hand- or foot-operated air pumps: | 10% | US | ||
8414 30 | - Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating | ||||
equipment: | 10% | US | |||
8414 40 | - Air Compressors mounted on a wheeled | ||||
chassis for towing: | 10% | US | |||
8414 51 | -- Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof | ||||
fans, with a self-contained electric motor of an | |||||
output not exceeding 125 W: | 10% | US | |||
8414 59 | -Other | 10% | US | ||
8414 60 | - Hoods having a maximum horizontal side Not | ||||
exceeding 120 cm | 10% | US | |||
8414 80 | -Other | 10% | US | ||
8414 90 | - Parts | 5% | US | ||
8415 | Air conditioning machines, comprising a | ||||
motordriven fan and elements for changing the | |||||
temperature and humidity, including those | |||||
machines in which the humidity cannot be | |||||
separately regulated: | |||||
8415 90 | - Parts: | 5% | US | ||
8416 | Furnace burners for liquid fuel, for pulverised | ||||
solid fuel or for gas; mechanical stokers, | |||||
including their mechanical grates, mechanical | |||||
ash dischargers and similar appliances: | 10% | US | |||
8417 | Industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, | ||||
including incinerators, non-electric: | 10% | US | |||
8418 | Refrigerators freezers and other refrigerating or | ||||
freezing equipment, electric or other; heat | |||||
pumps other than air conditioning machines | |||||
of heading No.8415: | |||||
8418 10 | - Combined refrigerator-freezers fitted with | ||||
separate external doors | 5% | US | |||
- Refrigerators, household type: | |||||
8418 21 | -- Compression-type | 5% | US | ||
8418 22 | -- Absorption-type, electrical | 10% | US | ||
8418 29 | -- Other | 10% | US | ||
8418 30 | - Freezers of the chest type, not exceeding | ||||
800 litres capacity | 10% | US | |||
8418 40 | - Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding | ||||
900 litres capacity | 10% | US | |||
8418 50 | - Other refrigerating or freezing chests, | ||||
cabinets, display counters, show-cases and | |||||
similar refrigerating or freezing furniture | 10% | US | |||
8418 61 | -- Compression type units whose condensers | ||||
are heat exchangers | 10% | US | |||
8418 69 | -- Other | 10% | US | ||
- Parts: | |||||
8418 99 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8419 | Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, | ||||
whether or not electrically heated, for the | |||||
treatment of materials by a process involving | |||||
a change of temperature such as heating, | |||||
cooking, roasting, distilling, rectifying, | |||||
sterilising, pasteurising, steaming, drying, | |||||
evaporating, vaporising, condensing or cooling, | |||||
other than machinery or plant of a kind used for | |||||
domestic purposes; instantaneous or storage | |||||
water heaters, non-electric: | |||||
8419 11 | -- Instantaneous gas water heaters | 10% | US | ||
8419 19 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8419 20 | -Medical surgical or laboratory sterilizers | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8419 31 | -- for agricultural products | 10% | US | ||
8419 32 | -- For wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard | 10% | US | ||
8419 39 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8419 40 | - Distilling or rectifying plant | 10% | US | ||
8419 50 | - Heat exchange units: | 10% | US | ||
8419 60 | - machinery for liquefying Air or Other gases: | 10% | US | ||
8419 81 | -- for making hot drinks or for Cooking or | ||||
heating food | 10% | US | |||
8419 89 | -- Other | 0% (ITA) | CA,US | ||
8419 90 | -Parts | ||||
Ex 8419 90 | Parts of chemical vapor deposition apparatus | ||||
for semiconductor production | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8420 | Calendering or other rolling machines, other | ||||
than for metals or glass, and cylinders therefor: | 10% | US | |||
8421 | Centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers; | ||||
filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus, | |||||
for liquids or gases: | 10% | US | |||
8421 11 | -- Cream separators | 10% | |||
8421 12 | -- Clothes-dryers | 10% | |||
8421 19 | -- Other | 10% | |||
ex 8421 19 | Spin dryers for semiconductor wafer processing | 15% -0% (ITA) | 1998-2000 | US | |
- Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids: | |||||
8421 21 | -- For filtering or purifying water | 5% | US, CA | ||
8421 23 | -- Oil or petrol-filters for internal combustion engines: | 10% | US | ||
8421 29 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8421 31 | -- Intake Air filters for internal combustion engines: | 10% | US | ||
8421 39 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
Parts: | |||||
8421 91 | -- Of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers: | 10% | |||
ex 8421 91 | Parts of spin dryers for semiconductor wafer | ||||
processing | 15% -0% (ITA) | 1998-2000 | US | ||
8421 99 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8424 | Mechanical appliances (whether or not hand- | ||||
operated) for projecting, dispersing or spraying | |||||
liquids or powders; fire extinguishers, whether | |||||
or not charged; spray guns and similar | |||||
appliances; steam or sand blasting machines | |||||
and similar jet projecting machines: | 10% | US | |||
8424 89 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 8424 89 | Deflash machines for cleaning and removing | ||||
contaminants from the metal leads of semi- | |||||
conductor packages prior to the electroplating process | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8424 89 | Spraying appliances for etching, stripping or | ||||
cleaning semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8424 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
ex 8424 90 | Parts of spraying appliances for etching, | ||||
stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8425 | Pulley tackle and hoists other than skip hoists; | ||||
winches and capstans; jacks | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8426 | Ships derricks; cranes, including cable cranes, | ||||
mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers and | |||||
works trucks fitted with a crane | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8428 | Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading | ||||
machinery (for example, lifts, escalators, | |||||
conveyors, teleferics) | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8429 | Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, | ||||
levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, | |||||
excavators, shovel loaders, tamping machines | |||||
and road rollers | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8429 11 | -- Track laying | 15%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8429 19 | -- Other | 15%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8429 20 | - Graders and levellers | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8429 30 | - Scrapers | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8429 40 | - Tamping machines and road rollers: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8429 51 | -- Front-end shovel loaders: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8429 59 | --Other | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8430 | Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, | ||||
excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or | |||||
boring machinery for earth, minerals or ores, | |||||
pile-drivers and pile-extractors; snow-ploughs | |||||
and snow-blowers | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8431 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with | ||||
the machinery of heading Nos. 8425 to 8430 | 15%-0% | 1998-2003 | US | ||
8431 10 | - Of machinery of heading No 8425 | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8431 20 | - Of machinery of heading No 8427 | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8431 31 | -- Of lifts, skip hoists or escalators. | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8431 39 | -- Other: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8431 41 | -- Buckets, shovels, grabs and grips | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8431 42 | -- Bulldozer or angledozer blades | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8431 43 | -- Parts for boring or sinking machinery, of | ||||
subheading No. 8430 41 or 8430 49 | 5% | US | |||
8431 49 | --Other | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8432 | Agriculture, horticultural or forestry machinery | ||||
for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports- | |||||
ground rollers | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8433 | Harvesting or threshing machinery, including | ||||
straw or fodder balers; grass or hay mowers; | |||||
machines for cleanibg, sorting or grading eggs, | |||||
fruit or other agricultural produce, other than | |||||
machinery of heading No.8437 | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US |
8434 | Milking machines and dairy machinery | ||||
8434 10 | - Milking machines | 20% | NZ,US | ||
8434 20 | - Dairy machinery. | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8434 90 | -Parts | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8445 | Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, | ||||
doubling or twisting machines and other | |||||
machinery for producing textile yarns, for use | |||||
on the heading No. 8446 or 8447: | |||||
8445 11 | -- Carding machines | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8445 12 | -- Combing machines | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8445 13 | -- Drawing or roving machines | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8445 19 | --Other | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8445 20 | - textile spinning machines | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8445 30 | - Textile doubling or twisting machines: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8445 40 | - Textile winding (including weft-winding) or | ||||
reeling machines | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8445 90 | - Other | 5% | US | ||
8448 | Auxiliary machinery for use with machines | ||||
of heading No 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 | |||||
(for example, dobbies, Jacquards, automatic stop | |||||
motions, shuttle changing mechanisms); parts and | |||||
accessories suitable for use solely or principally | |||||
with the machines of this heading or of heading | |||||
No 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447 (for example, | |||||
spindles and spindle flyers, card clothing, | |||||
combs, extruding nipples, shuttles, healds and | |||||
heald-frames, hosiery needles): | |||||
8448 11 | -- Dobbies and Jacquards; card reducing, | ||||
copying, punching or assembling machines | |||||
for use therewith | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8448 19 | --Other | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8448 20 | - Parts and accessories of machines of heading | ||||
No 8444 or of their auxiliary machinery: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8448 31 | -- card clothing. | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8448 32 | -- Of machines for preparing textile fibres, | ||||
other than card clothing | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8448 33 | -- Spindles, spindle flyers, spinning rings and | ||||
ring travellers: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
- Parts and accessories of machines of heading | |||||
No. 8445 or of their auxiliary machinery: | |||||
8448 39 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8448 41 | -- Shuttles | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8448 42 | -- Reeds for looms, healds and heald-frames | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8448 49 | --Other | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8448 51 | -- Sinkers, needles and other articles used in | ||||
forming stitches: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8448 59 | --Other | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8456 | Machine-tools for working any material by | ||||
removal of material, by laser or other light or | |||||
photon beam, ultrasonic, electro-discharge, | |||||
electro- chemical, electron beam, ionic-beam | |||||
or plasma arc processes: | |||||
8456 10 | - operated by laser or Other light or photon | ||||
beam processes: | 10% | US | |||
ex 8456 10 | Machines for working any material by removal | ||||
material, by laser or other light or photo beam | |||||
in the production of semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8456 91 | -- for dry-etching patterns on semiconductor materials | 10% | US | ||
ex 8456 91 | Apparatus for stripping or cleaning | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8456 91 | Machines for dry-etching patterns of | ||||
semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8456 99 30 | --- Apparatus for stripping or cleaning | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 10% | US | |||
ex 8456 93 | Parts of apparatus for stripping or cleaning | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8456 99 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 8456 99 | Focused ion beam milling machines to produce | ||||
or repair masks and reticles for patterns on | |||||
semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8456 99 | Lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks in | ||||
semiconductor production by laser beam | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8460 | Machine-tools for deburring, sharpening, | ||||
grinding, honing, lapping, polishing or otherwise | |||||
finishing metal or cermets by means of grinding | |||||
stones, abrasives or polishing products, other | |||||
than gear cutting, gear grinding or gear finishing | |||||
machines of heading No 8461: | |||||
8460 11 | -- Numerically controlled | 10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8460 19 | --Other | 10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8460 21 | -- Numerically controlled | 10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8460 29 | --Other | 10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8460 31 | -- Numerically controlled | 10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8460 39 | --Other | 10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8460 40 | - Honing or lapping machines | 5% | US | ||
8460 90 | -Other | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8464 | Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, | ||||
concrete, asbestos-cement or like mineral | |||||
materials or for cold working glass: | |||||
8464 10 | - Sawing machines: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8464 10 | Machines for sawing monocrystal semiconductor | ||||
boules into slices, or wafers into chips | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8464 20 | - Grinding or polishing machines: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8464 20 | Grinding, polishing and lapping machines for | ||||
processing of semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8464 90 | -Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 8464 90 | Dicing machines for scribing or scoring | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8466 | Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or | ||||
principally with the machines of heading Nos | |||||
8456 to 8465, including work or tool holders, | |||||
self-opening dieheads, dividing heads and other | |||||
special attachments for machine-tools; tool holders | |||||
for any type of tool for working in the hand: | |||||
8466 91 | -- For machines of heading No 8464: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8466 91 | Parts for machines for sawing monocrystal | ||||
semiconductor boules into slices, or wafers | |||||
into chips | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8466 91 | Parts of dicing machines for scoring | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8466 91 | Parts of griding, polishing and lapping machines | ||||
for processing of semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8466 93 | -- For machines of headings Nos 8456 to 8461: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8466 93 | Parts of focused ion beam milling machines to | ||||
produce or repair masks and reticles for patterns | |||||
or semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8466 93 | Parts of lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks | ||||
in semiconductor production by laser beam | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8466 93 | Parts of machines for working any material by | ||||
removal of material, by laser or other light or | |||||
photo beam in the production of semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8466 93 | Parts of machines for dry-etching patterns on | ||||
semiconductor materials | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8469 | Typewriters other than printers of heading | ||||
No 8471; word-processing machines: | |||||
8469 11 | -- Word-processing machines | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8469 12 | -- Automatic typewriters | 10% | US | ||
8469 20 | - Other typewriters, electric | 10% | US | ||
8469 30 | - Other typewriters, non-electric | 10% | US | ||
8470 | Calculating machines and pocket-size data | ||||
recording, reproducing and displaying machines | |||||
with calculating function; accounting machines, | |||||
postage- franking machines, ticket-issuing | |||||
machines and similar machines, incorporating a | |||||
calculating devices; cash registers: | |||||
8470 10 | - Electronic calculators capable of operating | ||||
without an external source of electric power | |||||
and pocket-size data recording, reproducing and | |||||
displaying machines with calculating functions | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
- Other electronic calculating machines: | |||||
8470 21 | -- Incorporating a printing device | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8470 29 | -- Other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8470 30 | - Other calculating machines | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8470 40 | - Accounting machines | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8470 50 | - Cash registers | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8470 90 | - Other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8471 | Automatic data processing machines and units | ||||
thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines | |||||
for transcribing data onto data media in coded | |||||
form and machines for processing such data, | |||||
not elsewhere specified or included: | |||||
8471 10 | - Analogue or hybrid automatic data | ||||
processing machines | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8471 30 | - Portable digital automatic data processing | ||||
machines, weighing not more than 10 kg, | |||||
consisting of at least a central processing unit, | |||||
a keyboard and a display | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
- Other digital automatic data processing machines: | |||||
8471 41 | -- Comprising in the same housing at least a | ||||
central processing unit and an input and output | |||||
unit, whether or not combined | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
- Other digital automatic data processing machines: | |||||
8471 49 | -- Other presented in the form of systems | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8471 50 | - Digital processing units other than those of | ||||
subheading No. 8471 41 and 8471 49, whether | |||||
or not containing in the same housing one or two | |||||
of the following types of units: storage units, | |||||
input units, output units | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8471 60 | - Input or output units, whether or not | ||||
containing storage units in the same housing | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8471 70 | - Storage units | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8471 80 | - Other units of automatic data-processing machines | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8471 90 | - Other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8472 | Other office machines (for example, hectograph | ||||
or stencil duplicating machines, addressing | |||||
machines, automatic banknote dispensers, | |||||
coin-sorting machines, coin-counting or | |||||
wrapping machines, pencil-sharpening | |||||
machines, perforating or stapling machines): | |||||
8472 10 | - Duplicating machines | 5% | US | ||
8472 20 | - Addressing machines and address plate | ||||
embossing machines | 5% | US | |||
8472 30 | - Machines for sorting or folding mail or for | ||||
inserting mail in envelopes or bands, machines | |||||
for openimg, closing or sealing mail and | |||||
machines for affixing or cancelling postage stamps | 5% | US | |||
8472 90 | -Other office machines | 5% | US | ||
ex 8472 90 | Automatic teller machines | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8473 | Parts and accessories (other than covers, | ||||
carrying cases and the like) suitable for use | |||||
solely or principally with machines of headings | |||||
Nos 8469 to 8472 | |||||
- Parts and accessories of the machines of | |||||
heading No.8470: | |||||
8473 21 | -- Of the electronic calculating machines of | ||||
subheading No.8470 10, 8470 21 and 8470 29 | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
- Parts and accessories of the machines of | |||||
heading No.8470: | |||||
8473 29 | -- Other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8473 30 | - Parts and accessories of the machines of | ||||
heading No. 8471 | 0% (ITA) | CA | |||
8473 50 | - Parts and accessories equally suitable for use | ||||
with machines of two or more of the headings | |||||
No. 8469 to 8472 | 0% (ITA) | US |
8477 | Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for | ||||
the manufacture of products from these materials, | |||||
not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter: | |||||
8477 10 | - Injection-moulding machines | 0% (ITA) | CA | ||
8477 59 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8477 80 | - Other machinery | 5% | US | ||
8477 90 | - Parts | 5% | US | ||
ex 8477 90 | - Parts of encapsulation equipment | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8479 | Machines and mechanical appliances having | ||||
individual functions, not specified or included | |||||
elsewhere in this chapter: | |||||
8479 10 | - Machinery for public works, building or the like | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8479 20 | - Machinery for the extraction or preparation of | ||||
animals or fixed vegetable fats or oils | 5% | US | |||
8479 30 | - presses for the manufacture of particle board | ||||
or fibre building board of wood or other | |||||
ligneous materials and other machinery for | |||||
treating wood or cork: | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8479 40 | - Rope or cable-making machines | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8479 50 | - Industrial robots, not elsewhere specified or | ||||
included | 10% | US | |||
ex 8479 50 | Automated machines for transport, handling | ||||
and storage of semiconductor wafers, wafer | |||||
cassettes, wafer boxes and other material for | |||||
semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8479 60 | - Evaporative Air coolers | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8479 81 | -- For treating metal, including electric wire | ||||
coil-winders | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8479 82 | -- Mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, | ||||
screening, sifting, homogenizing, emulsifying | |||||
or stirring machines | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8479 89 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
ex 8479 89 | Apparatus for growing or pulling monocrystal | ||||
semiconductor boules | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Apparatus for physical deposition by sputtering | ||||
on semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or | ||||
cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Die attach apparatus, tape automated bonders | ||||
and wire bonders for assembly of semiconductors | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Encapsulation equipment for assembly of | ||||
semiconductors | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Epitaxial deposition machines for | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Machines for bending, folding and straightening | ||||
semiconductor leads | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Physical deposition apparatus for semiconductor | ||||
production | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 89 | Spinners for coating photographic emulsions on | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8479 90 | - Parts | 5% | US | ||
ex 8479 90 | Part of apparatus for phisical deposition by | ||||
sputtering on semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts for die attach apparatus, tape automated | ||||
bonders, and wire bonders for assembly of | |||||
semiconductors | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts for spinners for coating photographic | ||||
emulsions on semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts of apparatus for growing or pulling | ||||
monocrystal semiconductor boule | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts of apparatus for wet etching, developing, | ||||
stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and | |||||
flat panel displays | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts of automated machines for transport, | ||||
handling and storage of semiconductor wafers, | |||||
wafer cassettes, wafer boxes and other material | |||||
for semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts of encapsulation equipment for assembly | ||||
of semiconductors | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts of epitaxial deposition machines for | ||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts of machines for bending and straightening | ||||
semiconductor leads | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8479 90 | Parts of phisical deposition apparatus for | ||||
semiconductor production | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8480 71 | -- Injection or compression types | 10% | US | ||
ex 8480 71 | Injection and compression moulds for the | ||||
manufacture of semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8481 | Taps, cocks, valves and similar appliances for | ||||
pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the like, | |||||
including pressure- reducing valves and | |||||
thermostatically controlled valves: | |||||
8481 10 | - Pressure-reducing valves | 5% | US | ||
8481 20 | - valves for oleohydraulic or Pneumatic transmissions: | 10% | US | ||
8481 30 | - Check valves: | 10% | US | ||
8481 40 | - Safety or relief valves: | 10% | US | ||
8481 80 | - Other appliances | 10% | CA,US | ||
8481 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 85 | Electrical machinery and equipment and parts | ||||
thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, | |||||
television image and sound recorders and | |||||
reproducers, and parts and accessories of such | |||||
articles, except | 10% | US | |||
8504 | Electrical transformers, static converters (for | ||||
example rectifiers) and inductors: | |||||
8504 10 | - Ballasts for discharge lamps or tubes: | 10% | US | ||
8504 21 | -- having a power handling capacity Not | ||||
exceeding 650 kVA | 10% | US | |||
8504 31 | -- having a power handling capacity Not | ||||
exceeding 1 kVA: | 10% | US | |||
8504 32 | -- Having a power handling capacity exceeding | ||||
1 kVA but not exceeding 16 kVA | 0% | CA,US | |||
8504 33 | -- having a power handling capacity exceeding | ||||
16 kVA but not exceeding 500 kVA: | 10% | US | |||
8504 34 | -- having a power handling capacity exceeding | ||||
500 kVA | 10% | US | |||
8504 40 | - Static converters | 10% | US | ||
ex 8504 40 | Static converters for automatic data processing | ||||
machines and units thereof, and | |||||
telecommunications apparatus | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8504 50 | - Other inductors | 10% | US | ||
ex 8504 50 | Other inductors for line telephony or line | ||||
telegraphy, including line telephone sets with | |||||
cordless handsets and telecommunication | |||||
apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for | |||||
digital line systems; videophones; | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8504 90 | - Parts | 5% | US | ||
8507 | Electric accumulators, including separators therefor, | ||||
whether or not rectangular (including square): | |||||
8507 10 | - Lead-acid, of a kind used for starting piston engines | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8507 20 | - Other lead-acid accumulators: | 10% | US | ||
8507 30 | - Nickel-cadmium: | 10% | US | ||
8507 40 | - Nickel-iron: | 10% | US | ||
8507 80 | - Other accumulators: | 10% | US | ||
8507 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
8509 | Electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with | ||||
self-contained electric motor: | |||||
- Other appliances | |||||
8509 10 | - Vacuum cleaners: | 10% | US | ||
8509 20 | - Floor polishers. | 10% | US | ||
8509 30 | - kitchen waste disposers | 10% | US | ||
8509 40 | - food Grinders and mixers; fruit or vegetable | ||||
juice extractors | 10% | US | |||
8509 80 | - Other appliances | 5% | US | ||
8509 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
8514 10 | - Resistance heated furnaces and ovens | 10% | US | ||
ex 8514 10 | Resistance heated furnaces and ovens for the | ||||
manufacture of semiconductor devices on | |||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8514 20 | - Inductance or dielectric furnaces and ovens | 10% | US | ||
ex 8514 20 | Inductance or dielectric furnaces and ovens for | ||||
the manufacture of semiconductor devices on | |||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8514 30 | - Other furnaces and ovens: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8514 30 | Apparatus for rapid heating of semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
ex 8514 30 | Parts of resistance heated furnaces and ovens | ||||
for the manufacture of semiconductor devices | |||||
on semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8514 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
ex 8514 90 | Parts of apparatus for rapid heating of wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
ex 8514 90 | Parts of furnaces and ovens of heading | ||||
Nos.8514 10 to No.8514 30 | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8517 | Electrical apparatus for line telephony or line | ||||
telegraphy, including line telephone sets with | |||||
cordless handsets and telecommunication | |||||
apparatus for carrier-current line systems or for | |||||
digital line systems; videophones: | |||||
- telephone sets; videophones : | |||||
8517 11 | -- Line telephone sets with cordless handsets | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8517 19 | -- Other | 20%- 0% | 1998-2000 | US | |
(ITA) | |||||
8517 21 | -- Facsimile machines | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8517 22 | -- Teleprinters | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8517 30 | - Telephonic or telegraphic switching apparatus | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8517 50 | - Other apparatus for carrier-current line systems | ||||
or for digital line systems | 0% (ITA) | CA,US | |||
8517 80 | - Other apparatus | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8517 90 | - Parts | 0% (ITA) | CA,US | ||
8518 | Microphones and stands therefor; loudspeakers, | ||||
whether or not mounted in their enclosures; | |||||
headphones, earphones and combined | |||||
microphone/speaker sets; audio-frequency | |||||
electric amplifiers; electric sound amplifier sets: | |||||
8518 10 | - Microphones and stands therefor: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8518 10 | Microphones having a frequency range of 300 Hz | ||||
to 3,4 Khz with a diameter of not exceeding | |||||
10 mm and a height not exceeding 3 mm, for | |||||
telecommunication use | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8518 21 | -- Single loudspeakers, mounted in their enclosure | 5% | US | ||
8518 22 | -- Multiple loudspeakers, mounted in the same | ||||
enclosure: | 10% | US | |||
8518 29 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 8518 29 | Loudspeakers, without housing, having a | ||||
frequency range of 300 Hz to 3,4 kHz with a | |||||
diameter of not exceeding 50 mm, for | |||||
telecommunication use | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8518 30 | - Headphones, earphones and combined | ||||
microphone/speaker sets: | 10% | US | |||
ex 8518 30 | Line telephone handsets | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8518 40 | - Audio-frequency electric amplifiers | 5% | US | ||
8518 50 | - Electric sound amplifier sets | 5% | US | ||
8518 50 90 | -- Other | 15% | US | ||
8518 90 | - Parts | 5% | US |
8519 | Turntables (record-decks), record-players, | ||||
cassette-players and other sound reproducing | |||||
apparatus, not incorporating a sound recording device: | |||||
8519 10 | - Coin- or Disc-operated record-players. | 10% | US | ||
8519 21 | -- without loudspeaker | 10% | US | ||
8519 29 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8519 31 | -- with Automatic record changing mechanism | 10% | US | ||
8519 39 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8519 40 | - Transcribing machines | 10% | US | ||
8519 92 | -- Pocket-size cassette-players | 10% | US | ||
8519 93 | -- Other, cassette-type: | 10% | US | ||
8519 99 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8520 | Magnetic tape recorders and other sound | ||||
recording apparatus, whether or not incorporating | |||||
a sound reproducing device: | |||||
8520 10 | - Dictating machines Not capable of operating | ||||
without an external source of power | 10% | US | |||
8520 20 | - Telephone answering machines | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8520 32 | -- digital audio type: | ||||
8520 32 99 | ---- Other | 10% | US | ||
8520 39 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8521 | Video recording or reproducing apparatus, | ||||
whether or not incorporating a video tuner: | |||||
8521 10 | - Magnetic tape-type: | 10% | US | ||
8521 90 | - Other | 5% | US | ||
8523 | Prepared unrecorded media for sound recording | ||||
or similar recording of other phenomena, other | |||||
than products of Chapter 37: | |||||
- Magnetic tapes: | |||||
8523 11 | -- Of a width not exceeding 4 mm | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8523 12 | -- Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not | ||||
exceeding 6,5 mm | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8523 13 | -- Of a width exceeding 6,5 mm | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8523 20 | - Magnetic discs | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8523 90 | - Other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8524 | Records, tapes and other recorded media for | ||||
sound or other similarly recorded phenomena, | |||||
including matrices and masters for the production | |||||
of records, but excluding products of Chapter 37: | |||||
8524 10 | - Gramophone records | 5% | US | ||
- Discs for laser reading systems: | |||||
8524 31 | -- For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8524 32 | -- for reproducing Sound only | 10% | US | ||
8524 39 | Other: | 10% | US | ||
Ex 8524 39 | - for reproducing representations of instructions | ||||
data, sound, and image, recorded in a machine | |||||
readable binary form, capable of being manipulated | |||||
or providing interactivity to a user, by means of | |||||
an automatic data processing machine | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8524 40 | - Magnetic tapes for reproducing phenomena | ||||
other than sound or image | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8524 51 | -- Of a width not exceeding 4 mm | 10% | US | ||
8524 52 | -- Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not | ||||
exceeding 6,5 mm | 10% | US | |||
8524 53 | -- Of a width exceeding 6,5 mm | 10% | US | ||
8524 60 | - Cards incorporating a Magnetic stripe | 10% | US | ||
8524 91 | -- For reproducing phenomena other than sound | ||||
or image | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8524 99 | --Other: | 10% | US | ||
Ex 8524 99 10 | - - - for reproducing representations of instructions | ||||
data, sound, and image, recorded in a machine | |||||
readable binary form, capable of being | |||||
manipulated or providing interactivity to a user, | |||||
by means of an automatic data processing machine | 0% (ITA) | *** question mark | |||
on CA list | |||||
8525 | Transmission apparatus for radio-telephony, | ||||
radio-telegraphy, radio-broadcasting or television, | |||||
whether or not incorporating reception apparatus | |||||
or sound recording or reproducing apparatus; | |||||
television cameras; still image video cameras | |||||
and other video camera recorders: | |||||
8525 10 | - Transmission apparatus | 0% (ITA) | CA,US | ||
8525 20 | - Transmission apparatus-incorporating | ||||
reception apparatus | 0% (ITA) | CA,US | |||
8525 30 | - Television cameras | 10% | US | ||
8525 40 | - Still image video cameras and Other video | ||||
camera recorders: | 10% | US | |||
Ex 8525 40 | Digital still image video cameras | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8527 | Reception apparatus for radio-telephony, radio- | ||||
telegraphy or radio-broadcasting, whether or | |||||
not combined, in the same housing, with sound | |||||
recording or reproducing apparatus or a clock: | |||||
8527 12 | -- Pocket-size radio cassette-players | 10% | US | ||
8527 13 | -- Other apparatus combined with sound | ||||
recording or reproducing apparatus | 10% | US | |||
8527 19 | -- Other | 10% | US | ||
- Radio-broadcast receivers not capable of | |||||
operating without an external source of power, | |||||
of a kind used in motor vehicles, including | |||||
apparatus capable of receiving also radio- | |||||
telephony or radio-telegraphy: | |||||
8527 29 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8527 31 | -- combined with Sound recording or | ||||
reproducing apparatus: | 10% | US | |||
8527 90 | - Other apparatus: | 10% | US | ||
Ex 8527 90 | Portable receivers for calling, alerting or paging | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8528 | Reception apparatus for television, whether or | ||||
not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or | |||||
sound or video recording or reproducing | |||||
apparatus; video monitors and video projectors: | |||||
- Reception apparatus for television, whether or | |||||
not incorporating radio-broadcast receivers or | |||||
sound or video recording or reproducing apparatus: | |||||
8528 12 | -- Colour | 15%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8528 13 | -- Black and white or Other monochrome | 10% | US | ||
8529 | Parts suitable for use solely or principally with | ||||
the apparatus of heading Nos.8525 to 8528 | |||||
8529 10 | - Aerials and aerial reflectors of all kinds; Parts | ||||
suitable for use therewith: | 10% | US | |||
ex 8529 10 | Aerials or antennae of a kind used with apparatus | ||||
for radio-telephony and radio-telegraphy | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8529 90 | - Other | 20%-0% | 1998-2000 | CA,US | |
(ITA) | |||||
8531 | Electric sound or visual signalling apparatus | ||||
(for example, bells, sirens, indicator panels, | |||||
burglar or fire alarms), other than those of | |||||
heading No.8512 or 8530: | |||||
8531 10 | - Burglar or fire alarms and similar apparatus | 5% | US, CA | ||
8531 20 | - Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal | ||||
devices (LCD) or light emitting diodes (LED) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8531 80 | - Other apparatus | 5% | US | ||
8531 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
ex 8531 90 | Parts of apparatus of subheading 8531 20 | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8532 | Electrical capacitors, fixed, variable or adjustable (pre-set): | ||||
8532 10 | - Fixed capacitors designed for use in 50/60 Hz | ||||
circuits and having a reactive power handling | |||||
capacity of not less than 0,5 kvar (power capacitors) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8532 21 | -- Tantalum fixed capacitors | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8532 22 | -- Aluminium electrolytic fixed capacitors | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8532 23 | -- Ceramic dielectric, single layer fixed capacitors | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8532 24 | -- Ceramic dielectric, multilayer fixed capacitors | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8532 25 | -- Dielectric fixed capacitors of paper or plastics | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
- other fixed capacitors: | |||||
8532 29 | -- Other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8532 30 | - Variable or adjustable (pre-set) capacitors | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8532 90 | - Parts | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8533 | Electrical resistors (including rheostats and | ||||
potentiometers), other than heating resistors: | |||||
8533 10 | - Fixed carbon resistors, composition or film types | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
- Other fixed resistors: | |||||
8533 21 | -- For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
- Other fixed resistors: | |||||
8533 29 | -- Other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
- Wirewound variable resistors, including | |||||
rheostats and potentiometers: | |||||
8533 31 | -- For a power handling capacity not exceeding 20 W | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8533 39 | -- other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8533 40 | - Other variable resistors, including rheostats | ||||
and potentiometers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8533 90 | - Parts | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8534 | Printed circuits | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8536 | Electrical apparatus for switching or protecting | ||||
electrical circuits, or for making connections to | |||||
or in electrical circuits (for example, switches, | |||||
relays, fuses, surge suppressors, plugs, sockets, | |||||
lamp-holders, junction boxes), for a voltage not | |||||
exceeding 1 000 volts: | |||||
8536 50 | - Other switches: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8536 50 | Electronic AC switches consisting of optically | ||||
coupled input and output circuits (Insulated | |||||
thyristor AC switches) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8536 50 | Electronic switches, including temperature | ||||
protected electronic switches, consisting of a | |||||
transistor and a logic chip (chip-on-chip | |||||
technology) for a voltage not exceeding 1000 volts | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8536 50 | Electromechanical snap-action switches for a | ||||
current not exceeding 11 amps | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8536 69 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 8536 69 | Plugs and sockets for co-axial cables and | ||||
printed circuits | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8536 90 | -Other apparatus | 10% | US | ||
ex 8536 90 | Connection and contact elements for wire and cables | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
ex 8536 90 | Wafer probers | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8540 | Thermionic, cold cathode or photocathode | ||||
valves and tubes (for example, vacuum or vapour | |||||
or gas filled valves and tubes, mercury arc | |||||
rectifying valves and tubes, cathode-ray tubes, | |||||
television camera tubes): | |||||
- Cathode-ray television pictures tubes, including | |||||
video monitor cathode-ray tubes: | |||||
8540 11 | -- Colour | 5% | US | ||
- Cathode-ray television pictures tubes, | |||||
including video monitor cathode-ray tubes: | |||||
8540 12 | -- Black and white or other monochrome | 5% | US | ||
8540 20 | - Television camera tubes, image converters and | ||||
intensifiers; other photo-cathode tubes | 5% | US | |||
- Parts: | |||||
8540 91 | -- Of cathode-ray tubes | 5% | US | ||
- Parts: | |||||
8540 99 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8541 | Diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor | ||||
devices; photosensitive semiconductor devices, | |||||
including photovoltiac cells whether or not | |||||
assembled in modules or made up into panels; | |||||
light-emitting diodes; mounted piezo-electric crystals: |
8541 10 | - Diodes, other than photosensitive or light- | ||||
emitting diodes | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
- Transistors, other than photosensitive transistors: | |||||
8541 21 | -- With a dissipation rate of less than 1W | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8541 29 | -- other | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8541 30 | - Thyristors, diacs and triacs, other than | ||||
photosensitive devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8541 40 | - Photosensitive semiconductor devices, | ||||
including photovoltaic cells whether or not | |||||
assembled in modules or made up into panels; | |||||
light emitting diodes | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8541 50 | - Other semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8541 60 | - Mounted piezo-electric crystals | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8541 90 | - Parts | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8542 | Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies | ||||
8542 12 | -- Cards incorporated an electronic integrated | ||||
circuits (‘smart’ cards) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8542 13 | -- Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS technology) | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8542 14 | -- Circuits obtained by biopolar technology | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8542 19 | -- Other monolithic digital integrated circuits, | ||||
including circuits obtained by a combination | |||||
of biopolar and MOS technologies (BIOMOS | |||||
technology) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8542 30 | - Other monolithic integrated circuits | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8542 40 | - Hybrid integrated circuits | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8542 50 | - Electronic microassemblies | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8542 90 | - Parts | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8543 | Electrical machines and apparatus, having | ||||
individual functions, not specified or included | |||||
elsewhere in this chapter: | |||||
8543 11 | -- Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8543 30 | - Machines and apparatus for electroplating, | ||||
electrolysis or electrophoresis: | 10% | US | |||
ex 8543 30 | -- Apparatus for wet etching, developing, | ||||
stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and | |||||
flat panel displays | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8543 81 | -- Proximity cards and tags | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
8543 89 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 8543 89 | Electrical machines with translation or | ||||
dictionary functions | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8543 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
ex 8543 90 | Parts of apparatus for wet etching, developing, | ||||
stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and | |||||
flat panel displays | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 8543 90 | Parts of ion implanters for doping | ||||
semiconductor materials | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8544 | Insulated (including enamelled or anodised) | ||||
wire, cable (including co-axial cable) and | |||||
other insulated electric conductors, whether or | |||||
not fitted with connectors; optical fibre cables, | |||||
made up of individually sheathed fibres, | |||||
whether or not assembled with electric | |||||
conductors or fitted with connectors: | |||||
8544 11 | --Of copper | 10% | US | ||
8544 19 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
8544 20 | - Coaxial cable and other co-axial electric conductors | 15% | AU,US | ||
8544 30 | - ignition wiring Sets and Other wiring Sets of | ||||
a kind used in vehicles, aircraft or ships: | 10% | US | |||
8544 41 | -- Fitted with connectors: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8544 41 | Other electric conductors, for a voltage not | ||||
exceeding 80 V, fitted with connectors, of | |||||
a kind used for telecommunications | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8544 49 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 8544 49 | Other electric conductors, for a voltage not | ||||
exceeding 80 V, not fitted with connectors, of | |||||
a kind used for telecommunications | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8544 51 | -- Fitted with connectors: | 10% | US | ||
ex 8544 51 | Other electric conductors, for a voltage not | ||||
exceeding 80 V but not exceeding 1000 V, | |||||
fitted with connectors, of a kind used for | |||||
telecommunications | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
8544 59 | --Other | 10% | |||
8544 60 | - Other electric conductors, for a voltage | ||||
exceeding 1 000 volts: | 10% | ||||
8544 70 | - Optical fibre cables | 0% (ITA) | AU,US | ||
8548 | Waste and scrap of primary cells, primary | ||||
batteries and electric accumulators; electrical | |||||
parts of machinery or apparatus, not specified | |||||
or included elsewhere in this shapter | 5% | US | |||
Chapter 86 | Railway or tramway locomotives, rolling-stock | ||||
and parts thereof; railway or tramway track | |||||
fixtures and fittings and parts thereof; mechanical | |||||
(including electro- mechanical) traffic signalling | |||||
equipment of all kinds | |||||
8601 | Rail locomotives powered from an external | ||||
source of electricity or by electric accumulators | 20% | US | |||
8602 | Other rail locomotives; locomotive tenders: | ||||
8602 10 | - Diesel-electric locomotives | 15% | CA,US | ||
8602 90 | -Other | 15% | US | ||
8603 | Self-propelled railway or tramway coaches, vans | ||||
and truck, other than those of heading No.8604: | |||||
8603 10 | - Powered from an external source of electricity | 15% | CA,US | ||
8603 90 | -Other | 15% | US | ||
8604 00 | Railway or tramway maintenance or service | ||||
vehicles, whether or not self-propelled (for example, | |||||
workshops, cranes, ballast tampers, trackliners, | |||||
testing coaches and track inspection vehicles) | 15% | US | |||
8605 | Railway or tramway passenders coaches, not | ||||
self-propolled; luggage vans, post office coaches | |||||
and other special purpose railway or tramway | |||||
coaches, not self-propolled (excluding those of | |||||
heading No 8604) | 20% | US | |||
8606 | Railway or tramway goods vans and wagons, not | ||||
self-propelled | 20% | US | |||
8607 | Parts of railway or tramway locomotives or | ||||
rolling-stock | 15% | US | |||
8608 00 | Railway or tramway track fixtures and fittings, | ||||
mechanical (including electro-mechanical) | |||||
signalling, safety or traffic control equipment | |||||
for railways, tramways, roads, inland waterways, | |||||
parking facilities, port installations or airfields, | |||||
parts for the foregoing | 15% | US | |||
8609 00 | Containers (including containers for the | ||||
transport of fluids) specially designed and equipped | |||||
for carriage by one or more modes of transport | 15% | US | |||
8701 | Tractors (other than tractors of heading No. 8709) | ||||
8701 10 | - Pedestrian-controlled tractors: | 20% | US | ||
8701 20 | - Road tractors for semi-trailers: | 15% | US | ||
8701 30 | - Track-laying tractors | 0% | US | ||
8701 90 | -Other | 20% | US | ||
8702 | Motor vehicles for the transport of ten or more | ||||
persons, including the driver | 20% | US | |||
8703 | Motor cars and other motor vehicles principally | ||||
designed for the transport of persons (other | |||||
than those of heading No.8702) including station | |||||
wagons and racing cars | |||||
8703 10 | - vehicles specially designed for travelling on | ||||
snow; golf cars and similar vehicles: | 15% | US | |||
8703 21 | -- Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1 000cm3: | 15% | US | ||
8703 22 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1 000cm3 | ||||
but not exceeding 1 500cm3: | 15% | US | |||
8703 23 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1 500 cm3 | ||||
but not exceeding 3 000 cm3 | 15%-10% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
8703 24 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3 000 cm3 | 15%-10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
- Other vehicles, with compression-ignition internal | |||||
combustion piston engine (diesel or semi-diesel): | |||||
8703 31 | -- Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1 500 cm3 | 15%-10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8703 33 | -- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2500 cm3 | 15%-10% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8703 90 | -Other | 15% | US | ||
8704 | Motor vehicles for the transport of goods | ||||
8704 10 | - Dumpers designed for off-highway use | 5%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
8704 21 | -- Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tonnes | 15% | US | ||
8704 22 | -- Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tonnes | ||||
but not exceeding 20 tonnes: | 20% | US | |||
8704 23 | -- Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tonnes: | 20% | US | ||
8704 31 | -- of a gross vehicle weight Not exceeding 5 tonnes: | 20% | US | ||
8704 32 | -- Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tonnes: | 20% | US | ||
8704 90 | -Other | 20% | US | ||
8705 | Special purpose motor vehicles, other than those | ||||
principally designed for the transport of persons | |||||
or goods (for example, breakdown lorries, crane | |||||
lorries, fire-fighting vehicles, concrete-mixer | |||||
lorries, road sweeper lorries, spraying lorries, | |||||
mobile workshops, mobile radiological units) | 15% | US | |||
8706 00 | Chassis fitted with engines, for the motor | ||||
vehicles of heading No.8701 to 8705 | 4.5% | US | |||
8707 | Bodies (including cabs), for the motor vehicles | ||||
of heading No.8701 to 8705 | 15% | US | |||
8708 | Parts and accessories of the motor vehicles of | ||||
heading No.8701 to 8705 | 3% | US | |||
8708 10 | - Bumpers and parts thereof | 5% | US | ||
8708 21 | -- Safety seat belts: | 15% | US | ||
8708 29 | -- Other | 5% | US, AU | ||
8708 31 | -- Mounded brake linings | 15% | AU,US | ||
8708 39 | --Other | 15% | US | ||
8708 40 | - Gear boxes | 15% | AU,US | ||
8708 50 | - Drive-axles with differental, whether or not | ||||
provided with other transmission components | 15% | AU,US | |||
8708 60 | - Non-driving axles and parts thereof | 15% | AU,US | ||
8708 70 | - Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof | 5% | US, AU | ||
8708 80 | - Suspension shock-absorbers | 15% | AU,US | ||
8708 91 | --Radiators | 15% | US | ||
8708 93 | -- Clutches and parts thereof | 15% | AU,US |
8708 94 | -- Steering wheels,steering colums and steering boxes | 15% | AU,US | ||
8708 99 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
8709 | Works trucks, self-propelled, not fitted with | ||||
lighting or handling equipment, of the type used | |||||
in factories, warehouses, dock areas or airports | |||||
for short distance transport of goods, tractors of | |||||
the type used on railway station platforms, parts | |||||
of the foregoing vehicles | 15% | US | |||
8710 00 | Tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, | ||||
motorized, whether or not fitted with weapons, | |||||
and parts of such vehicles | 15% | US | |||
8711 | Motorcycles | 15% | US | ||
8712 00 | Bicycles and other cycles (including delivery | ||||
tricycles), not motorized | 15% | US | |||
8713 | Invalid carriages, whether or not motorized or | ||||
otherwise mechanically propelled | 0% | US | |||
8714 | Parts and accessories of vehicles of headings | ||||
No. 8711 to 8713 | 15% | US | |||
8714 11 | --Saddles | 15% | US | ||
8714 19 | --Other | 15% | US | ||
8714 20 | - Of invalid carriages | 0% | US | ||
8714 91 | -- Frames and forks, and parts thereof: | 15% | US | ||
8715 00 | Baby carriages and parts thereof | 15% | US | ||
8716 | Trailers and semi-trailers, other vehicles, not | ||||
mechanically propelled, parts thereof | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 88 | Aircraft, spacecraft, and parts thereof | 10% | US | ||
Chapter 89 | Ships, boats and floating structures, except | 15% | US | ||
8901 | Cruise ships, excursion boats, ferry-boats, cargo | ||||
ships, barges and similar vessels for the | |||||
transport of persons or goods: | 15% | US,AU | |||
8906 00 | Other vessels, including warships and lifeboats | ||||
other than rowing boats | 15% | AU,US | |||
Chapter 90 | Optical, photographic, cinematographic, | ||||
measuring, checking, precision, medical or | |||||
surgical instruments and apparatus; parts and | |||||
accessories thereof, except | 10% | US | |||
9001 | Optical fibres and optical fibre bundles; optical | ||||
fibre cables other than those of heading No 8544; | |||||
sheets and plates of polarising material; lenses | |||||
(including contact lenses), prisms, mirrors and | |||||
other optical elements, of any material, | |||||
unmounted, other than such elements of glass | |||||
not optically worked: | 10% | US,AU | |||
9003 | Frames and mountings for spectacles, goggles | ||||
or the like, and parts thereof: | |||||
- frames and mountings: | |||||
9003 11 | -- Of plastics | 5% | US | ||
9003 19 | -- Of other materials | 5% | US | ||
9003 90 | -Parts | 10% | US | ||
9004 | Spectacles, goggles and the like, corrective, | ||||
protective or other: | |||||
9004 10 | -Sunglasses | 10% | US | ||
9004 90 | - Other | 5% | US | ||
9009 | Photo-copying apparatus, incorporating an | ||||
optical system or of the contact type and thermo- | |||||
copying apparatus: | |||||
- Electrostatic photo-copying apparatus: | |||||
9009 11 | -- Operating by reproducing the original image | ||||
directly onto the copy (direct process) | 6%-0% (ITA) | 1998-2000 | US | ||
9009 12 | -- Operating by reproducing the original image | ||||
via an intermediate onto the copy (indirect process) | 7% | US | |||
- Other photo-copying apparatus: | |||||
9009 21 | -- Incorporating an optical system | 6%-0% (ITA) | 1998-2000 | US | |
9009 22 | -- Of the contact type | 7% | US | ||
9009 90 | - Parts and accessories | 6%-0% | 1998-2000 | US | |
(ITA) | |||||
9010 41 to | Apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit | 6%-0% | 1998-2000 | US | |
9010 49 | patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials | (ITA) | |||
9010 90 | - Parts and accessories | 10% | US | ||
ex 9010 90 | Parts and accessories of the apparatus of | 6%-0% | 1998-2000 | US | |
heading No.9010 41 to 900 49 | (ITA) | ||||
9011 10 | - Stereoscopic microscopes | 10% | US | ||
ex 9011 10 | Optical stereoscopic microscopes fitted with | ||||
equipment specifically designed for the handling | |||||
and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9011 20 | - Other microscopes, for photomicrography, | ||||
cinephotomicrography or microprojection: | 10% | US | |||
ex 9011 20 | Photomicrographic microscopes fitted with | ||||
equipment specifically designed for the handling | |||||
and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9011 90 | - Parts and accessories | 10% | US | ||
ex 9011 90 | Parts and accessories of optical stereoscopic | ||||
microscopes fitted with equipment specifically | |||||
designed for the handling and transport of | |||||
semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 9011 90 | Parts and accessories of photomicrographic | ||||
microscopes fitted with equipment specifically | |||||
designed for the handling and transport of | |||||
semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9012 10 | - microscopes Other than Optical microscopes | ||||
and diffraction apparatus: | 10% | US | |||
ex 9012 10 | Electron beam microscopes fitted with | ||||
equipment specifically designed for the handling | |||||
and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9012 90 | - Parts and accessories | 10% | US | ||
ex 9012 90 | Parts and accessories electron beam microscopes | ||||
fitted with equipment specifically designed for | |||||
the handling and transport of semiconductor | |||||
wafers or reticles | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9017 20 | - Other drawing, marking-out or mathematical | ||||
calculating instruments: | 10% | US | |||
ex 9017 20 | Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for | 6%-0% | 1998-2000 | US | |
production masks or reticles from photoresist | (ITA) | ||||
coated substrates | |||||
9017 90 | - Parts and accessories | 10% | US | ||
ex 9017 90 | Parts and accessories pattern generating | 6%-0% | 1998-2000 | US | |
apparatus of a kind used for production masks | (ITA) | ||||
or reticles from photoresist coated substrates | |||||
ex 9017 90 | Parts of such pattern generating apparatus | 6%-0% | 1998-2000 | US | |
(ITA) | |||||
9018 | Instruments and appliances used in medical, | ||||
surgical, dental or veterinary sciences, including | |||||
scintigraphic apparatus, other electro-medical | |||||
apparatus and sight-testing instruments | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9019 | Mechano-therapy appliances; massage apparatus; | ||||
psychological aptitude-testing apparatus; ozone | |||||
therapy, oxygen therapy, aerosol therapy, | |||||
artificial respiration or other therapeutic | |||||
respiration apparatus | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9021 | Orthopaedic appliances, including crutches, | ||||
surgical belts and trusses; splints and other | |||||
fracture appliances; artificial parts of the body; | |||||
hearing aids and other appliances which are | |||||
worn or carried, or implanted in the body, to | |||||
compensate for a defect or disability | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9022 | Apparatus based on the use of X-rays or of | ||||
alpha, beta or gamma radiations, whether or | |||||
not for medical, surgical, dental or veterinary | |||||
uses, including radiography or radiotherapy | |||||
apparatus, X-ray tubes and other X-ray | |||||
generators, high tension generators, control | |||||
panels and desks, screens, examination or | |||||
treatment tables, chairs and the like | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
- Apparatus based on the use of X-rays, | |||||
whether or not for medical, surgical, | |||||
dental or veterinary uses, including radiography | |||||
or radiotherapy apparatus: | |||||
9022 12 | -- Computed tomography apparatus | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
9022 13 | -- Other, for dental uses | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
9022 14 | -- Other, for medical, surgical or veterinary uses | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
9022 19 | -- For other uses | 10%-0% | 1998-2002 | US | |
- Apparatus based on the use of alpha, beta or | |||||
gamma radiations, whether or not for medical, | |||||
surgical, dental or veterinary uses, including | |||||
radiography or radiotherapy apparatus: | |||||
9022 21 | -- For medical, surgical dental or veterinary uses | 10%-0% | 1998-2000 | CA,US | |
9022 29 | -- for Other uses | 10% | US | ||
9022 30 | - x-ray Tubes | 10% | US | ||
9022 90 | - Other, including parts and accessories: | 10% | US | ||
9025 | Hydrometers and similar floating instruments, | ||||
thermometers, pyrometers, barometers, | |||||
hygrometers and psychrometers, recording or not, | |||||
and any combination of these instruments: | |||||
9025 11 | - Thermometers and pyrometers, not combined | ||||
with other instruments: | 10%-0% | 1998-2003 | US | ||
-- Liquid-filled, for direct reading | |||||
9025 19 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
9025 80 | - Other instruments: | 10% | US | ||
9025 90 | - Parts and accessories: | 10% | US | ||
9026 | Instruments and apparatus for measuring or | ||||
checking the flow, level, pressure or other | |||||
variable of liquids or gases (for example, flow | |||||
meters, level gauges, manometers, heat meters), | |||||
excluding instruments and apparatus of heading | |||||
No. 9014, 9005, 9028 or 9032: |
9026 10 | - For measuring or checking the flow or level of liquids | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
9026 20 | - For measuring or checking pressure | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
9026 80 | - Other instruments or apparatus | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
9026 90 | - Parts and accessories | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
9027 | Instruments and apparatus for physical or | ||||
chemical analysis (for example, polarimeters, | |||||
refractometers, spectrometers, gas or smoke | |||||
analysis apparatus); instruments and apparatus | |||||
for measuring or checking viscosity, porosity, | |||||
expansion, surface tension or the like; | |||||
instruments and apparatus for measuring or | |||||
checking quantities of heat, sound or light | |||||
(including exposure meters); microtomes: | |||||
9027 10 | - Gas or smoke analysis apparatus: | 10% | US | ||
9027 20 | - Chromatographs and electrophoresis instruments | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
9027 30 | - Spectometers, spectrophonometers and | ||||
spectographs using optical radiations (UV, visible, IR) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9027 40 | - Exposure meters. | 10% | US | ||
9027 50 | - Other instruments and apparatus using optical | ||||
radiations (UV, visible, IR) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9027 80 | - Other instruments and apparatus | 0% (ITA) | US | ||
9027 90 | - Microtomes; parts and accessories: | 10% | US | ||
ex 9027 90 | Parts and accessories of products of heading 9027, | ||||
other than for gas or smoke analysis apparatus | |||||
and microtomes | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9030 | Oscilloscopes, spectrum analysers and other | ||||
instruments and apparatus for measuring or | |||||
checking electrical quantities, excluding meters | |||||
of heading No 9028; instruments and apparatus | |||||
for measuring or detecting alpha, beta, gamma, | |||||
X-ray, cosmic or other ionizing radiations: | |||||
9030 10 | - instruments and apparatus for Measuring or | ||||
detecting ionizing radiations: | 10% | US | |||
9030 20 | - cathode-ray oscilloscopes and cathode-ray | ||||
oscillographs: | 10% | US | |||
9030 31 | -- Multimeters: | 10% | US | ||
9030 39 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
9030 40 | - Other instruments and apparatus, specially | ||||
designed for telecommunications (for example, | |||||
cross-talk meters, gain measuring instruments, | |||||
distortion factor meters, psophometers) | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
- other instruments and apparatus: | |||||
9030 82 | -- For measuring or checking semiconductor | ||||
wafers or devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9030 83 | -- Other, with a recording device: | 10% | US | ||
9030 89 | -- Other | 5% | US | ||
9030 90 | - Parts and accessories | 10% | US | ||
ex 9030 90 | Parts and accessories of instruments and | ||||
apparatus for measuring or checking | |||||
semiconductor wafers or devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 9030 90 | Parts of instruments and appliances for measuring | ||||
or checking semiconductor wafers or devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9031 | Measuring or checking instruments, appliances | ||||
and machines, not specified or included | |||||
elsewhere in this chapter; profile projectors: | |||||
9031 10 | - machines for balancing mechanical Parts | 10% | US | ||
9031 20 | - Test benches | 10% | US | ||
9031 30 | - Profile projectors | 10% | US | ||
- Other optical instruments and appliances: | |||||
9031 41 | -- For inspecting semiconductor wafers or | ||||
devices or for inspecting, photomasks or reticles | |||||
used in manufacturing semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9031 49 | --Other | 10% | US | ||
ex 9031 49 | Optical instruments and appliances for | ||||
measuring surface particulate contamination on | |||||
semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
9031 90 | - Parts and accessories | 10% | US | ||
ex 9031 90 | Parts and accessories of optical instruments and | ||||
appliances for inspecting semiconductor wafers | |||||
or devices or for inspecting masks, photomasks | |||||
or reticles used in manufacturing semiconductor devices | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
ex 9031 90 | Parts and accessories of optical instruments | ||||
and appliances for measuring surface particulate | |||||
contamination on semiconductor wafers | 0% (ITA) | US | |||
Chapter 91 | Clocks and watches and parts thereof | 20% | US | ||
Chapter 92 | Musical instruments; parts and accessories of | ||||
such articles, except | 20% | US | |||
9207 | Musical instruments, the sound of which is | ||||
produced, or must be amplified, electrically (for | |||||
example, organs, guitars, accordions): | |||||
9207 10 | - Keyboard instruments, other than accordions | 20% | US | ||
9207 90 | -Other | 20% | US | ||
Chapter 93 | Arms and ammunition; parts and accessories | ||||
thereof | 15% | US | |||
Chapter 94 | Furniture; bedding, mattresses, mattress supports, | ||||
cushions and similar stuffed furnishings; lamps | |||||
and lighting fittings, not elsewhere specified or | |||||
included; illuminated signs, illuminated name- | |||||
plates and the like; prefabricated buildings, except | 20% | US | |||
9401 | Seats (other than those of heading No. 9402), | ||||
whether or not convertible into beds, and parts thereof: | |||||
9401 10 | - Seats of a kind used for aircraft | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9401 20 | - Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles | 20% | US | ||
9401 30 | - Swivel seats with variable height adjustment | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9401 40 | - Seats other than garden seats or camping | ||||
equipment, convertible into beds | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | ||
9401 50 | - Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9401 61 | -- Upholstered with wooden frame | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
- other seats, with wooden frame: | |||||
9401 69 | -- Other | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
- other seats, with metal frame: | |||||
9401 71 | -- Upholstered | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
- other seats, with metal frame: | |||||
9401 79 | -- Other | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9401 80 | - Other seats | 30%-0% | 1998-2008 | US | |
9401 90 | - Parts | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9402 | Medical, surgical, dental or veterinary furniture | ||||
(for example, operating tables, examination tables, | |||||
hospital beds with mechanical fittings, dentists' | |||||
chairs); barbers' chairs and similar chairs, having | |||||
rotating as well as both reclining and elevating | |||||
movements; parts of the foregoing articles | |||||
9403 | Other furniture and parts thereof: | ||||
9403 10 | - Metal furniture of a kind used in offices | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9403 20 | - Other metal furniture | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9403 30 | - Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9403 40 | - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9403 50 | - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9403 60 | - Other wooden furniture | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9403 70 | - Furniture of plastics | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9403 80 | - Furniture of other materials, including cane, | ||||
osier, bamboo or similar materials | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | ||
9403 90 | - Parts | 20%-0% | 1998-2007* | US | |
9405 | Lamps and lighting fittings including searchlights | ||||
and spotlights and parts thereof, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included; illuminated signs, illuminated | |||||
name-plates and the like, having a permanently | |||||
fixed light source, and parts thereof not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included: | |||||
9405 10 | - Chandelier and other electric ceiling or wall | ||||
lighting fittings excluding those of a kind used for | |||||
lighting public open spaces or thoroughfares | 20% - 0% | 1998-2007 * | US | ||
9405 20 | - Electric table, desk, bedside or floor-standing lamps: | 20% | US | ||
9405 30 | - Lighting Sets of a kind used for Christmas trees. | 20% | US | ||
9405 40 | - Other electric lamps and lighting fittings: | 20% | US | ||
9405 50 | - Non-electrical lamps and Lighting fittings | 20% | US | ||
9405 60 | - Illuminated signs, illuminated name-plates | ||||
and the like: | 20% | US | |||
-Parts: | |||||
9405 91 | --Of glass | 20% | US | ||
9405 92 | --Of plastics | 20% | US | ||
9405 99 | --Other | 20% | US | ||
9406 00 | Prefabricated buildings | 15-10% | 1998-2002 | CA,US | |
Chapter 95 | Toys, games and sports requisites; parts and | ||||
accessories thereof, except | 10% | US | |||
9501 00 | Wheeled toys designed to be ridden by children | ||||
(for example, tricycles, scooters, pedal cars); | |||||
dolls carriages | 10%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
9502 | Dolls representing only human beings | 10%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | |
9503 | Other toys; reduced-size ("scale") models and | ||||
similar recreational models, working or not; | |||||
puzzles of all kinds | 10%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
9504 | Articles for funfair, table or parlour games, | ||||
including pintables, billiards, special tables for | |||||
casino games and automatic bowling alley equipment | 10%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
9505 | Festive, carnival or other entertainment articles, | ||||
including conjuring tricks and novelty jokes | 10%-0% | 1998-2007 | US | ||
9506 | Articles and equipment for general physical | ||||
exercise, gymnastics, athletics, other sports | |||||
(including table-tennis) or outdoor games, not | |||||
specified or included elsewere in this chapter; | |||||
swimming pools and paddling pools: | 10% | US | |||
9507 | Fishing rods, fish-hooks and other line fishing | ||||
tackle; fish landing nets, butterfly nets and | |||||
similar nets; decoy "birds" (other than those of | |||||
heading No 9208 or 9705) and similar hunting or | |||||
shooting requisites: | 10% | US | |||
Chapter 96 | Miscellaneous manufactured articles, except | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | |
9601 | Worked ivory, bone, tortoise-shell, horn, antlers, | ||||
coral, mother-of-pearl and other animal carving | |||||
material, and articles of these materials | |||||
(including articles obtained by moulding): | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9602 | Worked vegetable or mineral carving material | ||||
and articles of these materials; moulded or carved | |||||
articles of wax, of stearin, of natural gums or | |||||
natural resins or of modelling pastes, and other | |||||
moulded or carved articles, not elsewhere | |||||
specified or included; worked, unhardened gelatin | |||||
(except gelatin of heading No 3503) and articles | |||||
of unhardened gelatin | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9603 | Brooms, brushes (including brushes constituting | ||||
parts of machines, appliances or vehicles), | |||||
hand- operated mechanical floor sweepers, | |||||
not motorised, mops and feather dusters; | |||||
prepared knots and tufts for broom or brush | |||||
making; paint pads and rollers; squeegees (other | |||||
than roller squeegees): | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9603 10 | - Brooms and brushes, consisting of twigs or | ||||
other vegetable materials bound together, with | |||||
or without handles. | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9603 21 | -- Tooth brushes, including dental-plate brushes | 5% | US | ||
9603 29 | --Other | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | |
9603 30 | - Artists' brushes, writing brushes and similar | ||||
brushes for the application of cosmetics: | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9603 40 | - Paint, distemper, varnish or similar brushes | ||||
(other than brushes of subheading 9603 30); | |||||
paint pads and rollers: | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9603 50 | - Other brushes constituting parts of machines, | ||||
appliances or vehicles | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
9603 90 | -Other | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | |
9604 -9618 | 25%-20% | 1998-2002 | US | ||
Chapter 97 | Works of art, collectors' pieces and antiques | 15% | US |
* 20% from 1998-2002, then reduction to 0% from 2003-2007
Schedule CXLIII - Republic Of Latvia
Part II - Preferential tariff
Part III - Non tariff consessions
Part IV - Agricultural products: commitments limiting subsidization
(Article 3 of the Agreement on Agriculture)
SECTION I - Domestic Support: Total AMS Commitments
BASE TOTAL AMS | Annual and final bound commitment levels (calendar year) | Relevant Supporting Tables and document reference |
WT/ACC/SPEC/LVA/2/Add.1 | ||
SECTION II: Export Subsidies: Budgetary Outlay and Quantity Reduction Commitments
Description of products and tariff item numbers at HS six digit level | Base outlay level | Calendar/other year applied | Annual and final outlay commitment levels | Base quantity | Calendar/other year applied | Annual and final quantity commitment levels | Relevant Supporting Tables and document reference |
WT/ACC/SPEC/LVA/2 | |||||||
WT/ACC/SPEC/LVA/2/Add.1 | |||||||
SECTION III: Commitments Limiting the Scope of Export Subsidies
Description of products | Nature of commitments |
With respect to any product described in or for Attachment B to the Annex to the Ministerial Declaration on Trade in Information Technology Products WT/MIN(96)/16), to the extent not specially provided for in this Schedule, the customs duties on such product, as well as any other duties and charges of any kind (within the meaning of Article II:1(b) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994), shall be bound and eliminated, as set forth in paragraph 2(a) of the Annex to the Declaration, wherever the product is classified.
Description | HS |
Quartz reactor tubes and holders designed for insertion into diffusion and oxidation furnaces for production of semiconductor wafers | 70200005 |
Chemical vapor deposition apparatus for semiconductor production | 84198920 |
Parts of chemical vapor deposition apparatus for semiconductor production | 84199030 |
Apparatus for stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers | 84569930 |
Lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks in semiconductor production by laser beam | 84561010 |
Machines for sawing monocrystal semiconductor boules into slices, or wafers into chips | 84641010 |
Parts for machines for sawing monocrystal semiconductor boules into slices, or wafers into chips | 84669115 |
Parts of dicing machines for scribing or scoring semiconductor wafers | 84669115 |
Parts of lasercutters for cutting contacting tracks in semiconductor production by laser beam | 84669315 |
Parts of apparatus for stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers | 84669315 |
Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors | 84771010, 84775905 |
Parts of encapsulation equipment | 84779005 |
Automated machines for transport, handling and storage of semiconductor wafers, wafer cassettes, wafer boxes and other material for semiconductor devices | 84283993 |
Apparatus for physical deposition by sputtering on semiconductor wafers | 84198925, 85438970 |
Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays | 84798975, 84798976 |
Die attach apparatus, tape automated bonders, and wire bonders for assembly of semiconductors | 84798977, 85158005, 85159010 |
Encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors | 84798979, 85438973 |
Machines for bending, folding and straightening semiconductor leads | 84622105, 84622905 |
Physical deposition apparatus for semiconductor production | 85438972 |
Spinners for coating photographic emulsions on semiconductor wafers | 84211993 |
Part of apparatus for physical deposition by sputtering on semiconductor wafers | 85439030 |
Parts for die attach apparatus, tape automated bonders, and wire bonders for assembly of semiconductors |
84799050 |
Parts for spinners for coating photographic emulsions on semiconductor wafers | 84219110 |
Parts of apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays | 84799050, 85439030 |
Parts of automated machines for transport, handling and storage of semiconductor wafers, wafer cassettes, wafer boxes and other material for semiconductor devices | 84313920 |
Parts of encapsulation equipment for assembly of semiconductors |
84799050, 85439030 |
Parts of machines for bending, folding and straightening semiconductor leads | 84669410 |
Parts of physical deposition apparatus for semiconductor production | 84199030, 85439030 |
Apparatus for rapid heating of semiconductor wafers | 84198915, 85143091 |
Parts of apparatus for rapid heating of wafers | 84199030, 85149010 |
Wafer probers | 85369020 |
Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays | 84798975, 84798976, 85433010, 85433020 |
Parts of apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays | 84799050, 85439030 |
Optical stereoscopic microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 90111010 |
Photomicrographic microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 90112010 |
Parts and accessories of optical stereoscopic microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 90119010 |
Parts and accessories of photomicrographic microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 90119010 |
Electron beam microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 90121010 |
Parts and accessories of electron beam microscopes fitted with equipment specifically designed for the handling and transport of semiconductor wafers or reticles | 90129010 |
Pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for producing masks or reticles from photoresist coated substrates | 90061010, 90172031 |
Parts and accessories for pattern generating apparatus of a kind used for producing masks or reticles from photoresist coated substrates | 90069910, 90179010 |
Parts of such pattern generating apparatus | 90179010 |
Computers: automatic data processing machines capable of 1) storing the processing program or programs and at least the data immediately necessary for the execution of the program; 2) being freely programmed in accordance with the requirements of the user | 84711090, 84713000, 84714190, 84714990, 84715090, 85281210, 85281310, 85438917 |
Electric amplifiers when used as repeaters in line telephony products falling within this agreement, and parts thereof | 85175010, 85178090 |
Flat panel displays (including LCD, Electro Luminescence, Plasma and other technologies) for products falling within this agreement, and parts thereof. | 84716090, 84733010, 84733090, 85312030, 85312051, 85312059, 85312080, 85318030, 85319010, 85319030, 90138011, 90138019, 90138030, 90139010 |
Network equipment: Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) apparatus, including those products dedicated for use solely or principally to permit the interconnection of automatic data processing machines and units thereof for a network that is |
84715090, 84716090, 85175090 |
Monitors: display units of automatic data processing machines with a cathode ray tube with a dot screen pitch smaller than 0,4 mm not capable of receiving and processing television signals or other analogue or digitally processed audio or video signals w | 84716090 |
Optical disc storage units, for automatic data processing machines (including CD drives and DVD-drives), whether or not having the capability of writing/recording as well as reading, whether or not in their own housings. | 84717051 |
Paging alert devices, and parts thereof. | 85279092, 85299040 |
Plotters whether input or output units of HS heading No 8471 or drawing or drafting machines of HS heading No 9017. | 84716090, 84718090, 90171010, 90172005 |
Printed Circuit Assemblies for products falling within this agreement, including such assemblies for external connections such as cards that conform to the PCMCIA standard. Such printed circuit assemblies consist of one or more printed circuits of heading | 84731011,84732110, 84732910, 84733010, 84734011, 84735010, 85049005, 85049091, 85178090, 85179011, 85179082, 85299040, 85229051, 85281290, 85319010, 85319030, 85439020, 85439030, 85489010, 90269090, 90279050, 90309020 |
Projection type flat panel display units used with automatic data processing machines which can display digital information generated by the central processing unit. | 84716090, 85283005, 85318030 |
Proprietary format storage devices including media therefor for automatic data processing machines, with or without removable media and whether magnetic, optical or other technology, including Bernoulli Box, Syquest, or Zipdrive cartridge storage units. | 84717051, 84717053, 84717059, 84717060, 84717090, 85232011, 85232019, 85232090, 85244091, 85244099, 85249190, 85239000, 85243100, 85243910, 85249110, 85249910, 85244010 |
Multimedia upgrade kits for automatic data processing machines, and units thereof, put up for retail sale, consisting of, at least, speakers and/or microphones as well as a printed circuit assembly that enables the ADP machines and units thereof to proces | 85438979 |
Set top boxes which have a communication function: a microprocessor-based device incorporating a modem for gaining access to the Internet, and having a function of interactive information exchange | 85175090,85178090, 85252099 |
Latvia - Schedule of Specific Commitments on Services
Modes of supply:
1) Cross-border supply 2) Consumption abroad 3) Commercial presence 4) Presence of natural persons
Sector or subsector | Limitations on market access | Limitations on national treatment | Additional commitments |
Real estate purchase 3) Unbound in relation to acquisition of land Land lease not exceeding 99 years permitted. 4) Movement of natural persons Unbound except for the following categories of natural persons: I. Temporary presence of intracorporate transferees. Natural persons of another Member who have been in the employ of the firm transferring them for one year immediately prior to their transfer. i) Intracorporate transferees occupying senior managerial or executive positions and: - directing the establishment or a department or subdivision of the establishment; and - supervising and controlling the work of other supervisory, professional or managerial employees; and - having the authority personally to hire and to fire or other personnel actions. ii) Specialists possessing high or uncommon qualifications or knowledge essential for the functioning of the firm. Firms have to be prepared upon request to certify the qualifications of their transferees seeking entry. Vacancies have to be registered at the State Employment Office together with information on necessary qualifications (e.g. education, job experience, language skills, other special requirements). Vacancy has to be open for applications one month. Duration of temporary stay of intracorporate transferees mentioned in this section is limited to a total period of five years. II. Persons of an enterprise engaged in substantive business. Persons who are employees of an enterprise outside Latvia not having commercial presence in Latvia, which has concluded a services contract with an enterprise engaged in substantive business in Latvia, and who have been beforehand employees of the enterprise outside Latvia for a time period of not less than one year immediately preceding their application for admission, and who fulfil the conditions of paragraph I (ii) above and who provide a service in Latvia as a professional of a services sector as set out below on behalf of the enterprise outside Latvia; as a further requirement five years of related experience is required. Individual services providers not employed by such enterprise outside Latvia are considered as persons seeking access to Latvian employment market. Services sectors: - Management Consulting Services (CPC 865); - Services related to Management Consulting (CPC 866). III. Business visitors. Natural persons of another Member who stay in the Republic of Latvia without acquiring remuneration from or within the Republic of Latvia and without engaging in making direct sales to the general public or supplying services, for the purpose of participating in business meetings, business contacts, including negotiations for the sale of services, or other similar activities, including those to prepare the establishment of commercial presence in the Republic of Latvia. The duration of temporary stay is limited with a 90 day visa. |
3) Unbound in relation to acquisition of land Land lease not exceeding 99 years permitted. |
A. Professional Services | |||
(a) Legal services | 1) None | 1) None | |
(CPC 861, except | 2) None | 2) None | |
consultancy on | 3), (4) Licence issued by the Ministry of Justice and | 3) None | |
home country and | knowledge of Latvian language required. Licensed | ||
international law | lawyer can provide all legal services, except representation | ||
in criminal proceedings. Representation in criminal | |||
proceedings permitted only to sworn solicitors. | |||
Nationality requirement for sworn solicitors and sworn | |||
notaries. Sworn solicitors and sworn notaries have to be | |||
at least 25 years old, having knowledge of Latvian language, | |||
graduated from University of Latvia or from other | |||
university recognized as equal by the Faculty of Law, | |||
University of Latvia, and having practical experience. | |||
Sworn solicitors have to pass examination in accordance | |||
with rules set up by Council of Sworn Solicitors. | |||
Sworn notaries have to pass examination in accordance | |||
with order set up by the Minister of Justice | |||
in cooperation with the Council of Sworn Notaries. | |||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
- Consultancy on | 1) None | 1) None | |
home country and | 2) None | 2) None | |
international law | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(b) Accounting, | 1) None | 1) None | |
auditing and book- | 2) None | 2) None | |
keeping services | 3), 4) The owner of shares or the head of a firm should | 3) None | |
(CPC 862) | be qualified as a sworn auditor in Latvia. Sworn | 4) None | |
auditors can be persons no younger than 25 years and: | |||
a) having a high school degree in economics or in other | |||
specialities, if an examination on basic economics is passed; | |||
b) having at least 3 year experience in auditing | |||
recognized by the Latvian Association of Sworn Auditors; | |||
c) which have passed qualification examination and | |||
acquired license of sworn auditor in accordance with | |||
requirements of the Latvian Association of Sworn Auditors; | |||
d) having excellent reputation. | |||
(c) Taxation services | 1) None | 1) None | |
(CPC 863) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(d) Architectural | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 8671) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) Practice of 3 years in Latvia in the field of projecting | 3) None | ||
and university degree required to receive the license | |||
enabling to engage in business activity with full range | |||
of legal responsibility and rights to sign a project | |||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(e) Engineering | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 8672) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(f) Integrated | 1) None | 1) None | |
engineering services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 8673) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(g) Urban planning | 1) None | 1) None | |
services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(part of CPC 8674) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(g) Landscape | 1) None | 1) None | |
architectural services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(part of CPC 8674) | 3) Practice of 3 years in Latvia in the field of projecting | 3) None | |
and university degree required to receive the license | |||
enabling to engage in business activity with full range | |||
of legal responsibility and rights to sign a project | |||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(h) Private medical | 1) None | 1) None | |
and dental services | 2) Public medical insurance programmes | 2) None | |
(CPC 9312 excluding | do not cover cost of medicare supplied abroad | ||
services provided | 3), (4) Nationality requirement. Practice of medical | 3) None | |
by the public sector) | profession by foreigners requires the permission | ||
from local health authorities, based on economic needs | |||
for medical doctors and dentists in a given region. | |||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section.. | 4) Foreign medical | ||
doctors have limited | |||
election rights within | |||
the professional chambers | |||
(i) Veterinary | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
services (CPC 932) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(j) Services provided | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
by midwives, nurses | 2) Public insurance programmes do not cover the cost | 2) None | |
in private | of foreign medical services supplied abroad | ||
establishments | 3) None | 3) None | |
(CPC 93191 | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section. | 4) None | |
excluding services | Nationality requirements. Access restricted to natural | ||
provided within | persons only. Economic needs determined by the total | ||
the public sector) | number of nurses and midwives in the given region, | ||
authorized by local health authorities. | |||
B. Computer and related services (except airline computer reservation systems) | |||
(a) Consultancy ser- | 1) None | 1) None | |
vices related to the | 2) None | 2) None | |
installation of computer | 3) None | 3) None | |
hardware (CPC 841) | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
(b) Software | |||
implementation | |||
services (CPC 842) | |||
(c) Data processing | |||
services (CPC 843) | |||
d) Data base services | |||
(CPC 844) | |||
(e) Other (CPC 845+849) | |||
C. Research and Development Services | |||
(a) Research and | 1) None | 1) None | |
experimental | 2) None | 2) None | |
development services | 3) None | 3) None | |
on chemistry and | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
biology (CPC 85102) | |||
(b) Research and | 1) None | 1) None | |
Development services | 2) None | 2) None | |
on social sciences and | 3) None | 3) None | |
humanities (CPC 852) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
E. Rental / Leasing Services without Operators | |||
(a) Relating to ships | 1) None | 1) None | |
(CPC 83103) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(d) Relating to other | 1) None | 1) None | |
machinery and | 2) None | 2) None | |
equipment | 3) None | 3) None | |
(CPC 83106-83109) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
(e) Other (CPC 832), | 1) None | 1) None | |
including pre-recorded | 2) None | 2) None | |
video cassettes for use | 3) None | 3) None | |
in home entertainment | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
equipment (CPC 83202) | |||
F. Other Business Services | |||
(a) Advertising | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 871) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
b) Market research | 1) None | 1) None | |
and public opinion | 2) None | 2) None | |
polling services | 3) None | 3) None | |
(CPC 864) | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
(c) Management | 1) None | 1) None | |
consulting services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 865) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(d) Services related | 1) None | 1) None | |
to management | 2) None | 2) None | |
consulting (CPC 866) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(e) Technical testing | 1) None | 1) None | |
and analysis services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 8676) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal sector | 4) None | ||
(f) Services incidental | 1) None | 1) None | |
to agriculture, hunting | 2) None | 2) None | |
and forestry | 3) None | 3) None | |
(CPC 881) | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
(h) Services | 1) None | 1) None | |
incidental to mining | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 883) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(i) Services incidental | 1) None | 1) None | |
to manufacturing | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 884, CPC 885, | 3) None | 3) None | |
excluding producing | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
of securities, money, | |||
coins and stamps) | |||
(j) Services incidental | 1) None | 1) None | |
to energy distribution | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 887) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(m) Related scientific | 1) None | 1) None | |
and technical | 2) None | 2) None | |
consulting services | 3) None | 3) None | |
(CPC 8675) | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
(n) Maintenance and | 1) None | 1) None | |
repair of equipment | 2) None | 2) None | |
(not including maritime | 3) None | 3) None | |
vessels, aircraft or other | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
transport equipment) | |||
(CPC 633+8861-8866) | |||
(o) Building-cleaning | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
services (CPC 874) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(p) Photographic | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 875, | 2) None | 2) None | |
excluding 87504) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(q) Packaging | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
services (CPC 876) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(r) Printing, | 1) None | 1) None | |
publishing | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 88442) | 3) Establishment rights in publishing sector | 3) None | |
granted only to Latvian incorporated legal persons | |||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(s) Convention | 1) None | 1) None | |
services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 87909*) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(t) Other | 1) None | 1) None | |
- Credit reporting | 2) None | 2) None | |
services (CPC 87901) | 3) None | 3) None | |
- Collection agency | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
services (CPC 87902) | |||
- Duplicating | |||
services (CPC 87904) | |||
- Translation and | |||
interpretation services | |||
(CPC 87905) | |||
- Speciality design | |||
services (CPC 87907) | |||
- Other business services | |||
n.e.c. (CPC 87909) | |||
B. Land-based courier | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 7512) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
C. Telecommunication services | |||
All sectors | |||
- Providing of public voice telephony and | The Government | ||
facilities-based services is reserved to Lattelekom | will reexamine | ||
None as of 1 January 2003 | and publish the | ||
rules and regulatory | |||
policy regarding | |||
further competi- | |||
tion in the field | |||
of basic tele- | |||
communication | |||
services towards | |||
the year 2003. | |||
- Call-back and refile services are not allowed | The attached refe- | ||
None as of 1 January 2003 | rence paper on re- | ||
gulatory princip- | |||
les is incorporatred | |||
as additional com- | |||
mitments by the | |||
Republic of Latvia. |
Basic Telecommunication Services | |||
(a) Voice telephone | 1) Lattelekom SIA has exclusive rights for | 1) Lattelekom SIA has | |
services (CPC 7521) | telecommunication infrastructure operating | exclusive rights for tele- | |
(b) Packet-switched | and for supplying of basic telecommunication | communication infrastruc- | |
data transmission | services. None as of 1 January 2003. | ture operating and for | |
services (CPC 7523**) | supplying of basic tele- | ||
(c) Circuit-switched | communication services. | ||
data transmission | None as of 1 January 2003. | ||
services (CPC 7523**) | 2) None | 2) None | |
(d) Telex services | 3) Latteleom SIA has exclusive rights for | 3) Lattelekom SIA has | |
(CPC 7523**) | telecommunication infrastructure operating | exclusive rights for tele- | |
(e) Telegraph | and for supplying of basic telecommunication | communication infrastruc- | |
services (CPC 7522) | services. None as of 1 January 2003. | ture operating and for | |
(f) Facsimile services | supplying of basic tele- | ||
(CPC7521**+7529**) | communication services. | ||
(g) Private leased | None as of 1 January 2003. | ||
circuit services | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section. | 4) None | |
(CPC7522**+7523**) | |||
Other basic and enhanced telecommunication services | |||
All other basic and | 1) None except for: | 1) None | |
enhanced services | - The provision of enhanced services must be | ||
(h) Electronic mail | based on facilities provided by Lattelecom | ||
(CPC 7523**) | until 1 January 2003. | ||
(i) Voice mail | 2) None except for: | 2) None | |
(CPC 7523**) | - The provision of enhanced services must be | ||
(j) On-line information | based on facilities provided by Lattelecom | ||
and data base retrieval | until 1 January 2003. | ||
(CPC 7523**) | 3) None | 3) None | |
(k) Electronic data | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section. | 4) None | |
interchange | |||
(CPC 7523**) | |||
(l) Enhanced facsimile | |||
service (CPC 7523**) | |||
(m) Code and | |||
protocol conversion | |||
(n) On-line informa- | |||
tion and/or data pro- | |||
cessing (CPC 843*) | |||
(o) Other | 1) None | 1) None | |
- Analogue/ digital | 2) None | 2) None | |
mobile/cellular servi- | 3) None | 3) None | |
ces (CPC 75213*) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section. | 4) None | |
- Personal communi- | |||
cation services | |||
(CPC 75213*) | |||
- Paging services | |||
(CPC 75291) | |||
- Mobile data ser- | |||
vices (CPC 7523**) | |||
- Trunked radio | |||
system services | |||
(CPC7523**, 75213*) | |||
- Satellite services | |||
(CPC 75299) | |||
A. General cons- | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
truction work for | 2) None | 2) None | |
buildings (CPC 512) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
B. General cons- | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
truction work for | 2) None | 2) None | |
civil engineering | 3) None | 3) None | |
(CPC 513) | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
C. Installation and | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
assembly work | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 514; CPC 516) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
D. Building comple- | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
tion and finishing | 2) None | 2) None | |
work (CPC 517) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
E. Special trade | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
construction work | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 515) Renting | 3) None | 3) None | |
services related to | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
equipment for cons- | |||
truction and demolition | |||
of building or civil en- | |||
gineering works, with | |||
operator (CPC 518) | |||
A. Commission | 1) None | 1) None | |
agents services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 621) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
B. Wholesale trade | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 622) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
C. Retailing services | 1) None | 1) None | |
(CPC 631+632+633+ | 2) None | 2) None | |
6111+6113+61221), | 3) None | 3) None | |
including audio and | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
video records and | |||
tapes (CPC 63234) | |||
D. Franchising | 1) None | 1) None | |
(CPC 8929) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
A. Primary | 1) None | 1) None | |
Education Services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 921) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
B. Secondary | 1) None | 1) None | |
Education Services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 922, excluding | 3) None | 3) None | |
CPC 9224) | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
C. Higher Education | 1) None | 1) None | |
Services (CPC 923) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
D. Adult Education | 1) None | 1) None | |
Services (CPC 924) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
A. Sewage services | 1) None | 1) None | |
(CPC 9401) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
B. Refuse Disposal | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
Services (CPC 9402) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
C. Sanitation and | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
Similar Services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 9403) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
D. Other environ- | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
mental services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 9404; CPC 9405; | 3) None | 3) None | |
CPC 9406; CPC 9409) | 4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
Measuring applicable to all banking and other financial services: | |||
A. All insurance and insurance-related services (as defined in the Annex on Financial Services, Para.5.(a)(i)-5.(a)(iv)). | |||
i), ii) (3) As a general rule and in non-discriminatory manner, foreign insurance institutions must adopt a specific legal form - joint-stock company. The right to establish foreign branches directly will be introduced by the 31 December 2002. | |||
iii) (3) Intermediary can be only natural person (no nationality requirement) and can provide service on behalf of insurance company having the authorization from Insurance Supervisory Authority in Latvia. | |||
i) Direct insurance | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
(including | 2) None | 2) None | |
co-insurance) | 3) None, except as indicated in horizontal part of section | 3) None | |
(a) life (b) non-life | "All insurance and insurance-related services" | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
ii) Reinsurance | 1) None | 1) None | |
2) None | 2) None | ||
3) None, except as indicated in horizontal part of section | 3) None | ||
"All insurance and insurance-related services" | |||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
iii) Insurance inter- | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
mediation, such as | 2) None | 2) None | |
brokerage and agency | 3) None, except as indicated in horizontal part of section | 3) None | |
"All insurance and insurance-related services" | |||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
iv) Services auxiliary | 1) None | 1) None | |
to insurance, such as: | 2) None | 2) None | |
- consultancy; | 3) None | 3) None | |
- actuarial; | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
- risk assessment; | |||
- claim settlement | |||
services | |||
B. Banking and Other Financial Services (as defined in the Annex on Financial Services) | |||
(4) Manager of a branch and a subsidiary of a foreign bank shall be a Latvian tax payer (resident). The commitments on presence of natural persons are bound according to general provisions applicable to all sectors in this list. | |||
(a) Acceptance of | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
deposits and other | 2) None | 2) None | |
repayable funds | 3) None | 3) None | |
from the public | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | ||
of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | ||
section of the sector | |||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(b) Lending of all | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
types, including, | 2) None | 2) None | |
consumer credit, | 3) None | 3) None | |
mortgage credit, | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
factoring and | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
financing of com- | of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | |
mercial transaction | section of the sector | ||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(c) Financial | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
leasing | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | ||
section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | ||
of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | ||
section of the sector | |||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(d) All payment and | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
money transmission | 2) None | 2) None | |
services, including | 3) None | 3) None | |
credit, charge and | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
debit cards, travellers | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
cheques and | of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | |
bankers draft | section of the sector | ||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(e) Guarantees and | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
commitments | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | ||
section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | ||
of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | ||
section of the sector | |||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(f) Trading for own | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
account or for account | 2) None | 2) None | |
of customers, whether | 3) None | 3) None | |
on an exchange, in | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
an over-the-counter | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
market or otherwise, | of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | |
the following: | section of the sector | ||
- money market instru- | "Banking and other | ||
ments (including | financial services" | ||
cheques, bills, certi- | |||
ficate of deposits) | |||
- foreign exchange | |||
- derivative products | |||
(including, but not | |||
limited to, futures | |||
and options | |||
- exchange rate and | |||
interest rate instru- | |||
ments, incl. products | |||
such as swaps, for- | |||
ward rate agreements | |||
- transferable securities | |||
- other negotiable in- | |||
struments and financial | |||
assets, including bullion | |||
(g) Participation | 1) None | 1) None | |
in issues of all kinds | 2) None | 2) None | |
of securities, including | 3) None, except the Bank of Latvia (Central Bank) | 3) None | |
under-writing and | is a financial agent of the government | ||
placement as agent and | in the T-bills market | ||
provision of service | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
related to such issues | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | ||
section of the sector | |||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(h) Money broking | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
2) None | 2) None | ||
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | ||
section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | ||
of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | ||
section of the sector | |||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(i) Asset manage- | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
ment, such as cash or | 2) None | 2) None | |
portfolio management, | 3) None, except pension fund management | 3) None | |
all forms of collective | is provided by state monopoly | ||
investment manage- | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
ment, pension fund | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
management, custo- | of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | |
dial depository and | section of the sector | ||
trust services | "Banking and other | ||
financial services" |
(j) Settlement and | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
clearing services for | 2) None | 2) None | |
financial assets, | 3) None | 3) None | |
including securities, | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
derivative products, | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
and other negoti- | of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | |
able instruments | section of the sector | ||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
(l) Provision and | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
transfer of financial | 2) None | 2) None | |
information, and | 3) None | 3) None | |
financial data | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
processing and | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
related software | of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | |
by suppliers of | section of the sector | ||
other financial | "Banking and other | ||
services | financial services" | ||
(k) Advisory and other | 1) Unbound | 1) None | |
auxiliary financial ser- | 2) None | 2) None | |
vices on all the acti- | 3) None | 3) None | |
vities listed in sub- | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | |
paragraphs (a) through | section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | |
(l), including credit | of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | |
reference and analysis, | section of the sector | ||
investment and port- | "Banking and other | ||
folio research and ad- | financial services" | ||
vice, advice on acqui- | |||
sitions and on corpo- | |||
rate restructuring | |||
and strategy | |||
A. Hospital Services | 1) Unbound | 1) Unbound | |
2) Public medical insurance programs | 2) None | ||
Private hospital and | do not cover cost of medicare supplied abroad | ||
sanatorium services | 3) The head, or his deputy, of the health facility should | 3) None | |
(CPC 9311 excluding | be qualified as a medical doctor. All the limitations | ||
services provided | pertaining to medical, and dental services, as well as | ||
by the public sector) | services of midwives and nurses are applicable. | ||
Private hospital services need authorization by local | |||
health authorities. The number of beds and use | |||
of heavy medical equipment is based on the needs | |||
of population, age scale and death rate. | |||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal | 4) None, except as indicated | ||
section of the list and in the horizontal section | in the horizontal section of | ||
of the sector "Banking and other financial services" | the list and in the horizontal | ||
section of the sector | |||
"Banking and other | |||
financial services" | |||
C. Social Services | 1) None | 1) None | |
2) None | 2) None | ||
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
A. Hotel and | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
Restaurant services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(incl. catering) | 3) None | 3) None | |
(CPC 641-643) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
B. Travel Agencies | 1) None | 1) None | |
and Tour Operators | 2) None | 2) None | |
Services (CPC 7471) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
C. Tourist guides | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 7472) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
D. Other | 1) None | 1) None | |
2) None | 2) None | ||
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
Cinema theatre | 1) Unbound | 1) Unbound | |
operation services | 2) None | 2) Unbound | |
(CPC 96199 ** ) | 3) None | 3) None, except for access | |
to subsidies: unbound | |||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
B. News agency | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 962) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
A. Maritime Transport Services | |||
(a) Passenger tran- | 1) None | 1) None | |
sportation (CPC 7211); | 2) None | 2) None | |
(b) Freight transpor- | 3) None | 3) None | |
tation (CPC 7212); | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
(c) Rental of vessels | |||
with crew (CPC 7213); | |||
(d) Maintenance and | |||
repair of vessels | |||
(CPC 8868) | |||
(e) Pushing and towing | |||
services (CPC 7214) | |||
(f) Supporting services | |||
for maritime transport | |||
B. Internal Waterways | 1) Unbound* | 1) Unbound* | |
Transport (CPC 7221; | 2) None | 2) None | |
7222; 7223, 8868**; | 3) None | 3) None | |
7224; 745**) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
C. Air Transport Services | |||
(d) Maintenance | 1) None | 1) None | |
and repair of aircraft | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 8868*) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
F. Road Transport Services | |||
(a), (b) Passenger | 1) Unbound | 1) Unbound | |
and Freight transpor- | 2) None | 2) None | |
tation (CPC 71213, | 3) Authorization required (licence - CPC 71222, 71223, | 3) Requirement on | |
CPC 71222, | 7123; licence and special permit - CPC 71213), | established entities | |
CPC 71223, | not extended to foreign registered vehicles | to use vehicles with | |
CPC 7123 | national registration | ||
excluding cabotage) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section. | 4) Unbound | |
(d) Maintenance | 1) Unbound | 1) Unbound | |
and repair of road | 2) None | 2) None | |
transport equipment | 3) Authorization required - licence. | 3) None | |
(CPC 6112) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
(e) Supporting | 1) Unbound | 1) Unbound | |
services for road | 2) None | 2) None | |
transport equipment | 3) Authorization required (agreement with bus | 3) None | |
(CPC 7441, | station, licence). | ||
CPC 7449) | 4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | |
H. Services Auxiliary to all Modes of Transport | |||
(a) Cargo-handling | 1) None | 1) None | |
services (CPC 741) | 2) None | 2) None | |
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(b) Storage and | 1) None | 1) None | |
warehouse services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 742) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(c) Freight transport | 1) None | 1) None | |
agency services | 2) None | 2) None | |
(CPC 748) | 3) None | 3) None | |
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None | ||
(d) Other (CPC 749) | 1) None | 1) None | |
2) None | 2) None | ||
3) None | 3) None | ||
4) Unbound, except as indicated in the horizontal section | 4) None |
Sector or subsector | Description of measure indicating its inconsistency with Article II | Countries to which the measure applies | Intended duration | Conditions creating the need for the exemption |
Road transport; passengers and freight | Provisions in existing or future bilateral or plurilateral agreements on international road transport (including combined transport - road/rail) reserving or limiting the provision of a transport service into, in, across and out of the Republic of Latvia to the contracting parties to vehicles registered in each contracting party, and providing for tax exemption for such vehicles. | All countries with which Latvia has a bilateral or plurilateral agreement on road transport in force | Indefinite | The need for exemption is linked to the region characteristics of road transport services |
Sale and marketing of air transport services and computer reservation systems | Preferential market access resulting from bilateral air transport agreements | All countries | Indefinite | Reciprocal provisions concerning supply of air transport services as a result of bilateral air transport agreements |
Audiovisual Services - Production and distribution of audiovisual works through broadcasting or other forms of transmission to the public |
Measures which define works of European origin, in such a way as to extend national treatment to audiovisual works which meet certain linguistic and origin criteria regarding access to broadcasting or similar forms of transmission | Parties to the Council of Europe Convention on Transfrontier Television or other European countries with whom an agreement may be concluded | Indefinite. Exemption needed, for certain countries, only until an economic integration agreement is concluded or completed |
The measures aim, within the sector, to promote cultural values both within EC Member States, and with other countries in Europe, as well as achieving linguistic policy objectives |
Audiovisual services - Production and distribution of cinematographic works and television programmes |
Measures based upon government-to-government framework agreements on coproduction of audiovisual works, which confer national treatment to audiovisual works covered by these agreements, in particular in relation to distribution and access to funding | All countries with whom cultural cooperation may be desirable | Indefinite | The aim of such agreements is to promote cultural links between the countries concerned |
Audiovisual services - Production and distribution of television programmes and cinematographic works |
Measures granting the benefit of any support programmes (such as Action Plan for Advanced Television Services, MEDIA or EURIMAGES) to audiovisual works, and suppliers of such works, meeting certain European origin criteria | European countries | Indefinite. Exemption needed, for certain countries, only until an economic integration agreement is concluded or completed |
These programmes aim at preserving and promoting the regional identity of countries within Europe which have longstanding cultural links |
The following are definitions and principles on the regulatory framework for the basic telecommunications services.
Users mean service consumers and service suppliers.
Essential facilities mean facilities of a public telecommunications transport network or service that
(a) are exclusively or predominantly provided by a single or limited number of suppliers; and
(b) cannot feasibly be economically or technically substituted in order to provide a service.
A major supplier is a supplier which has the ability to materially affect the terms of participation (having regard to price and supply) in the relevant market for basic telecommunications services as a result of:
(a) control over essential facilities; or
(b) use of its position in the market.
I. Competitive Safeguards
A. Prevention of anti-competitive practices in telecommunications
Appropriate measures shall be maintained for the purpose of preventing suppliers who, alone or together, are a major supplier from engaging in or continuing anti-competitive practices.
B. Safeguards
The anti-competitive practices referred to above shall include in particular:
(a) engaging in anti-competitive cross-subsidization;
(b) using information obtained from competitors with anti-competitive results; and
(c) not making available to other services suppliers on a timely basis technical information about essential facilities and commercially relevant information which are necessary for them to provide services.
II. Interconnection
A. This section applies to linking with suppliers providing public telecommunications transport networks or services in order to allow the users of one supplier to communicate with users of another supplier and to access services provided by another supplier.
B. Interconnection to be ensured
Interconnection with a major supplier will be ensured at any technically feasible point in the network. Such interconnection is provided:
(a) under non-discriminatory terms, conditions (including technical standards and specifications) and rates and of a quality no less favourable than that provided for its own like services or for like services of non-affiliated service suppliers or for its subsidiaries or other affiliates;
(b) in a timely fashion, on terms, conditions (including technical standards and specifications) and cost-oriented rates that are transparent, reasonable, having regard to economic feasibility, and sufficiently unbundled so that the supplier need not pay for network components or facilities that it does not require for the service to be provided; and
(c) upon request, at points in addition to the network termination points offered to the majority of users, subject to charges that reflect the cost of construction of necessary additional facilities.
C. Public availability of the procedures for interconnection negotiations
The procedures applicable for interconnection to a major supplier will be made publicly available.
D. Transparency of interconnection arrangements
It is ensured that a major supplier will make publicly available either its interconnection agreements or a reference interconnection offer.
E. Interconnection: dispute settlement
A service supplier requesting interconnection with a major supplier will have recourse, either:
(a) at any time or
(b) after a reasonable period of time which has been made publicly known
to an independent domestic body, which may be a regulatory body as referred to in paragraph 5 below, to resolve disputes regarding appropriate terms, conditions and rates for interconnection within a reasonable period of time, to the extent that these have not been established previously.
III. Universal service
The Republic of Latvia has the right to define the kind of universal service obligation it wishes to maintain. Such obligations will not be regarded as anti-competitive per se , provided they are administered in a transparent, non-discriminatory and competitively neutral manner and are not more burdensome than necessary for the kind of universal service defined by the Republic of Latvia.
IV. Public availability of licensing criteria
Where a licence is required, the following will be made publicly available:
(a) all the licensing criteria and the period of time normally required to reach a decision concerning an application for a license and
(b) the terms and conditions of individual licences.
The reasons for the denial of a licence will be made known to the applicant upon request.
V. Independent regulators
The regulatory body is separate from, and not accountable to, any supplier of basic telecommunications services. The decisions of and the procedures used by regulators shall be impartial with respect to all market participants.
VI. Allocation and use of scarce resources
Any procedures for the allocation and use of scarce resources, including frequencies, numbers and rights of way, will be carried out in an objective, timely, transparent and non-discriminatory manner. The current state of allocated frequency bands will be made publicly available, but detailed identification of frequencies allocated for specific government uses is not required.
** Indicates that the service specified constitutes only part of the total range of activities covered by the CPC concordance