The Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway,
hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”
referring to the Agreement Between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway on Contacts and Co-operation Concerning Defence Matters, signed in Riga on 9th of August, 1995,
having regard to the Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces (NATO SOFA), done in London on 19th of June, 1951;
noting the Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for the Security of Information, signed in Brussels 6th of March, 1997, and the Bilateral Security Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of the Republic of Latvia, done in Kongsvinger, Norway on 26th of August, 2005;
confirming the existing successful cooperation between the Parties in the field of defence;
taking into consideration that the Parties are facing similar challenges in trying to adapt to the changing international environment, and to new security tasks, both within NATO and on the national level;
wishing to set forth the legal and practical framework arrangements for the implementation of bilateral defence co-operation activities;
wishing to strengthen and develop the cooperation further on the basis of the principle of mutually reinforcing defence structures;
have reached the following understanding:
Section 1
For the purpose of this MOU:
1.1. Defence cooperation plan is the document giving the outline and focus for the cooperation that the Parties foresee will take place in a defined period of time.
1.2. Host Nation Support means the support provided by the Party receiving personnel from the other Party on its territory.
Section 2
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to provide an overall and practical framework for defence co-operation between the Parties, including the implementation of Defence cooperation plans adopted by the Parties.
Section 3
3.1. The Parties will, through close and continuous dialog at the appropriate level and on the basis of this MOU, agree in writing on a defence cooperation plan.
3.2. Detailed arrangements related to specific projects or activities between the Parties will be laid down in separate Technical Arrangements. These Technical Arrangements will be concluded within the auspices of this MOU and the agreed Defence cooperation plan, but will not become integral parts of this MOU.
3.3. Nothing in this MOU shall be construed as placing an obligation on the Parties to commit them to participate in certain projects or activities. Unless otherwise agreed, each Party retains the right to withdraw at any stage from projects and activities conducted under the auspices of this MOU.
3.4. This MOU is not intended to conflict with national legislation of the Parties or with international law. In case of conflict, international law or national legislation will prevail. The Parties will notify each other in the event of any conflict arising.
Section 4
Each Party will appoint a central point of contact. Each Party will also appoint a point of contact for each project or activity concluded within the auspices of this MOU and the agreed defence cooperation plan.
Section 5
The NATO SOFA will apply for projects and activities covered by this MOU or subsequent Technical Arrangements, and for the status of personnel and dependants of the Sending Party while on the territory of the Receiving Party.
Section 6
The Host Nation will to the extent feasible provide, on the same basis as for its own personnel and in accordance with applicable NATO Standardization Agreements – STANAG’s, access to military accommodation, canteen facilities and offices for military personnel of a Party assigned to a project or an activity under the auspices of this MOU while on the territory of the other Party. The extent of such and other Host Nation Support arrangements will be part of the Technical Arrangements detailing each project or activity.
Section 7
Unless otherwise agreed, each Party will cover its own expenses derived from defence co-operation projects and activities under the auspices of this MOU.
Section 8
All classified information and material exchanged or generated in connection with this MOU will be used, transmitted, stored, handled and safeguarded in accordance with the provisions of the Bilateral Security Agreement between the Government of the Kingdom of Norway and the Government of the Republic of Latvia, done in Kongsvinger, Norway on 26th of August, 2005, and the Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty for the Security of Information, signed in Brussels 6th of March, 1997.
Section 9
The working language for projects and activities under the auspices of this MOU will be English.
Section 10
This MOU may be amended and supplemented at any time by mutual agreement in writing between the Parties. Amendments and supplements will enter into force upon the date of latest signature and will be numbered consecutively.
Section 11
Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this MOU will be resolved through negotiations between the Parties at the lowest level possible and will not be referred to any national or international tribunal or other third party for settlement.
Section 12
12.1. This MOU will enter into effect upon the date of its signature.
12.2. Upon the entry into effect of this MOU, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway concerning Military Co-operation signed in Oslo on 8 January 2004 will cease to have any effect.
12.3. This MOU is concluded for indefinite period of time. Each Party may terminate this MOU at any time by mutual written agreement.
12.4. If the MOU is terminated, the Parties will initiate negotiations to settle all outstanding mutual financial obligations, claims, disputes and security issues in accordance with this MOU. All classified information exchanged or generated under this MOU will continue to be protected in the event of termination.
Done at Riga on September 12, 2007 in two originals, both drawn up in the English language, one for each Party.
For the Ministry of Defence
of the |
For the Ministry |
Atis Slakteris |
Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen |
Minister of Defence |
Minister of Defence |