Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt
The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, hereinafter referred to as the Parties, desirous to enhance bilateral relations between their respective countries in the field of tourism,
Have agreed as following:
Article 1
The Parties shall promote the cooperation in the Field of tourism in every possible way on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The Parties shall promote tourist trips. For this purpose the Parties shall establish a closer cooperation between the Official Tourist Authorities. The Parties shall also facilitate the exchange of publicity and tourist information on mutual basis.
Article 2
In accordance with the national legislation, the Parties shall try to simplify the travel formalities to promote the tourist traffic between the Parties.
Article 3
The Parties shall promote and facilitate the tourism cooperation between the both countries through the following:
— research and tourism development projects,
— tourism exhibitions, conferences, seminars and festivals,
— other forms of cooperation subsequently agreed by the Parties.
Article 4
In pursuance of implementation of this Agreement a Joint Tourism Committee shall be established comprising the tourist officials from both countries with the aim to carry out joint proposals, programs and resolutions concerning the development of bilateral cooperation in the field of tourism.
The Committee shall convene alternately in the Republic of Latvia and the Arab Republic of Egypt every second year.
The Parties may invite experts and representatives of the private sector from both countries to participate in the activities of the Committee.
Article 5
Any amendments to the Agreement shall be mutually agreed by the Parties in writing, in accordance with the national legislation of each respective Party.
Article 6
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of exchanging notes indicating completion of legal procedures by the Parties.
This Agreement shall be valid for a period of five years and shall be automatically extended for another period of five years unless either Party informs the other Party in writing of its desire to terminate it six months before the date of its expiration.
Done at Riga on 11.08.97. in two original copies in the Arabic, Latvian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence of interpretation the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the Republic of Latvia
For the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt