Nacionālā veselības dienesta rīkojumi: Šajā laidienā 1 Pēdējās nedēļas laikā 0 Visi
Nacionālā veselības dienesta rīkojums Nr.4.1-2/140
Rīgā 2014.gada 6.jūnijā
Par izmaiņām Kompensējamo zāļu sarakstā
Izdots saskaņā ar Ministru kabineta 2006.gada 31.oktobra
noteikumu Nr.899 "Ambulatorajai ārstēšanai paredzēto
zāļu un medicīnisko ierīču iegādes izdevumu
kompensācijas kārtība" 10., 53., 54., 61. un 64.punktu
1. Pamatojoties uz Nacionālā veselības dienesta pieņemtajiem lēmumiem no 2014.gada 3.aprīļa līdz 2014.gada 6.jūnijam par zāļu un medicīnisko ierīču iekļaušanu, saraksta kategorijas maiņu, kompensācijas bāzes cenas pārskatīšanu, references cenas pārskatīšanu, svītrošanu Kompensējamo zāļu sarakstā (turpmāk tekstā – Saraksts):
1.1. Iekļaut Sarakstā zāles (1.pielikums "Kompensējamo zāļu sarakstā iekļautās zāles");
1.2. Iekļaut Sarakstā medicīniskās ierīces (2.pielikums "Kompensējamo zāļu sarakstā iekļautās medicīniskās ierīces");
1.3. Mainīt Sarakstā kompensācijas bāzes cenu un/vai references cenu zālēm (3.pielikums "Kompensācijas bāzes cenas un/vai references cenas maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta zālēm");
1.4. Mainīt Sarakstā kompensācijas bāzes cenu un/vai references cenu medicīniskajām ierīcēm (4.pielikums "Kompensācijas bāzes cenas un/vai references cenas maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta medicīniskajām ierīcēm");
1.5. Mainīt Sarakstā saraksta kategoriju zālēm (5.pielikums "Saraksta kategorijas maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta zālēm");
1.6. Mainīt Sarakstā identifikācijas numuru zālēm (6.pielikums "Identifikācijas numura maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta zālēm");
1.7. Svītrot no Saraksta zāles (7.pielikums "No Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta svītrotās zāles");
1.8. Svītrot no Saraksta medicīniskās ierīces (8.pielikums "No Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta svītrotās medicīniskās ierīces").
2. Rīkojums stājas spēkā 2014.gada 1.jūlijā.
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
Kompensējamo zāļu sarakstā iekļautās zāles
Zāļu vispārīgais nosaukums |
ATĶ kodi |
Zāļu identifikācijas Nr. |
Zāļu nosaukums |
Reģistrācijas apliecības īpašnieks |
Forma |
Stiprums (mg) |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar PVN 12% (EUR) |
Kompensācijas summa (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
Zāļu pazīme |
References cena 100% |
75% |
50% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Acidum ibandronicum |
M05BA06 |
13-0183-01 |
Ibandronic acid ratiopharm 3mg | Ratiopharm GmbH | šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
3mg/ 3ml |
1 |
32.91 |
41.50 |
37.25 |
27.94 |
18.63 |
A |
M05BA06 |
13-0184-01 |
Ibandronic acid ratiopharm 6mg | Ratiopharm GmbH | koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
6mg/ 6ml |
1 |
141.78 |
165.57 |
163.62 |
122.72 |
81.81 |
A |
Alogliptinum |
A10BH04 |
EU/1/13/844/012 |
Vipidia | Takeda Pharma A/S | apvalkotas tabletes |
12,5 |
28 |
15.73 |
20.81 |
20.81 |
15.61 |
10.41 |
B |
A10BH04 |
EU/1/13/844/021 |
Vipidia | Takeda Pharma A/S | apvalkotas tabletes |
25 |
28 |
31.06 |
39.31 |
39.31 |
29.48 |
19.66 |
B |
Alogliptinum/ Metforminum |
A10BD13 |
EU/1/13/843/005 |
Vipdomet | Takeda Pharma A/S | apvalkotas tabletes |
12,5/850 |
56 |
33.49 |
42.17 |
42.17 |
31.63 |
21.09 |
A |
R |
A10BD13 |
EU/1/13/843/017 |
Vipdomet | Takeda Pharma A/S | apvalkotas tabletes |
12,5/1000 |
56 |
33.49 |
42.17 |
42.17 |
31.63 |
21.09 |
A |
R |
Amiodaronum |
C01BD01 |
00-0558-02 |
Amiokordin 200mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
200 |
30 |
2.42 |
3.47 |
3.47 |
2.60 |
1.74 |
A |
R |
Amisulpridum |
N05AL05 |
09-0355-02 |
Amisan 400mg | PRO.MED.CS Praha a.s. | apvalkotas tabletes |
400 |
30 |
24.08 |
31.01 |
31.01 |
23.26 |
15.51 |
A |
R |
Atorvastatinum |
C10AA05 |
12-0102-12 |
Atorvastatin Billev 10mg | Billev Pharma Aps | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
90 |
3.14 |
4.46 |
4.28 |
3.21 |
2.14 |
A |
C10AA05 |
14-0004-12 |
Atorvastatin Teva 10mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
90 |
3.30 |
4.67 |
4.28 |
3.21 |
2.14 |
A |
C10AA05 |
12-0103-12 |
Atorvastatin Billev 20mg | Billev Pharma Aps | apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
90 |
3.96 |
5.56 |
5.56 |
4.17 |
2.78 |
A |
R |
C10AA05 |
14-0005-12 |
Atorvastatin Teva 20mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
90 |
4.17 |
5.84 |
5.56 |
4.17 |
2.78 |
A |
C10AA05 |
12-0104-12 |
Atorvastatin Billev 40mg | Billev Pharma Aps | apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
90 |
7.70 |
10.56 |
9.36 |
7.02 |
4.68 |
A |
C10AA05 |
14-0006-12 |
Atorvastatin Teva 40mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
90 |
8.11 |
11.09 |
9.36 |
7.02 |
4.68 |
A |
Bimatoprostum |
S01EE03 |
13-0185-01 |
Glabrilux 0,3mg/ml | PharmaSwiss Česka Republika s.r.o. | acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,3mg/ml-3ml |
1 gab. |
8.56 |
11.66 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
S01EE03 |
14-0001-01 |
Bimatoprost Polpharma 0,3mg/ml | Pharmaceutical Works "Polpharma" S.A. | acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,3mg/ml-3ml |
1 gab. |
8.65 |
11.78 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
Cabergolinum |
G02CB03 |
I000420-01 |
Dostinex 0,5mg | ELPIS SIA (paralēlais importētājs) | tabletes |
0,5 |
8 |
27.40 |
34.99 |
34.43 |
25.82 |
17.22 |
A |
P |
Candesartanum |
C09CA06 |
12-0016-03 |
Carzan 8mg | Zentiva k.s. | tabletes |
8 |
28 |
6.78 |
9.36 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA06 |
12-0176-05 |
Cantar 8mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | tabletes |
8 |
28 |
10.77 |
14.52 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA06 |
13-0007-05 |
Candegamma 8mg | Worwag Pharma GmbH & Co.KG | tabletes |
8 |
30 |
4.83 |
6.81 |
2.70 |
2.03 |
1.35 |
A |
C09CA06 |
12-0017-03 |
Carzan 16mg | Zentiva k.s. | tabletes |
16 |
28 |
7.97 |
10.91 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA06 |
11-0254-03 |
Candesartan Actavis 16mg | Actavis Group PTC ehf | tabletes |
16 |
28 |
8.03 |
10.98 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA06 |
12-0177-05 |
Cantar 16mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | tabletes |
16 |
28 |
12.89 |
17.24 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA06 |
13-0008-05 |
Candegamma 16mg | Worwag Pharma GmbH & Co.KG | tabletes |
16 |
30 |
8.56 |
11.66 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
C09CA06 |
13-0009-05 |
Candegamma 32mg | Worwag Pharma GmbH & Co.KG | tabletes |
32 |
30 |
16.30 |
21.52 |
10.56 |
7.92 |
5.28 |
A |
Candesartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA06 |
11-0257-03 |
Candesartan HCT Actavis 16mg/12,5mg | Actavis Group PTC ehf | tabletes |
16/12,5 |
28 |
8.03 |
10.98 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA06 |
12-0020-03 |
Carzan HCT 16mg/12,5mg | Zentiva k.s. | tabletes |
16/12,5 |
28 |
8.52 |
11.61 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA06 |
12-0282-04 |
Candesartan cilexetil/ Hydrochlorothiazide Teva 16mg/12,5mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | tabletes |
16/12,5 |
28 |
12.89 |
17.24 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
Clopidogrelum |
B01AC04 |
EU/1/09/556/003 |
Clopidogrel Krka | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
1.65 |
2.39 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
R |
Dapagliflozinum |
A10BX09 |
EU/1/12/795/004 |
Forxiga | Bristol-Myers Squibb/ AstraZeneca EEIG | apvalkotas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
46.80 |
57.83 |
57.83 |
43.37 |
28.92 |
B |
A10BX09 |
EU/1/12/795/009 |
Forxiga | Bristol-Myers Squibb/ AstraZeneca EEIG | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
46.80 |
57.83 |
57.83 |
43.37 |
28.92 |
B |
Docetaxelum |
L01CD02 |
13-0052-01 |
Tolnexa 20mg/ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
20mg/ml |
1 |
12.19 |
16.34 |
16.34 |
12.26 |
8.17 |
A |
R |
L01CD02 |
13-0052-02 |
Tolnexa 20mg/ml | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
80mg/ 4ml |
1 |
50.34 |
61.99 |
61.99 |
46.49 |
31.00 |
A |
R |
Dorzolamidum/ Timololum |
S01ED51 |
11-0110-01 |
Oftidorix 20mg/ml+5mg/ml | PharmaSwiss Česka Republika s.r.o. | acu pilieni, šķīdums |
20/5mg/ ml-5ml |
1 gab. |
6.42 |
8.89 |
7.08 |
5.31 |
3.54 |
A |
Enalaprilum/ Lercanidipinum |
C09BB02 |
13-0258-05 |
Elernap 10mg/10mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
10/10 |
30 |
3.85 |
5.41 |
5.16 |
3.87 |
2.58 |
A |
C09BB02 |
13-0259-05 |
Elernap 20mg/10mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
20/10 |
30 |
5.18 |
7.27 |
5.94 |
4.46 |
2.97 |
A |
Escitalopramum |
N06AB10 |
13-0047-05 |
Estan 10mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.35 |
3.37 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
R |
N06AB10 |
13-0047-07 |
Estan 10mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
56 |
4.67 |
6.60 |
6.60 |
4.95 |
3.30 |
A |
R |
Exemestanum |
L02BG06 |
10-0321-03 |
Escepran 25mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
25 |
30 |
20.65 |
26.88 |
26.88 |
20.16 |
13.44 |
A |
R |
Exenatidum |
A10BX04 |
EU/1/11/696/001 |
BYDUREON | Bristol-Myers Squibb/ AstraZeneca EEIG | pulveris un šķīdinātājs ilgstošas darbības injekciju suspensijas pagatavošanai |
2 |
4 |
94.64 |
112.77 |
75.68 |
56.76 |
37.84 |
A |
Fluorouracilum |
L01BC02 |
99-0207-02 |
Fluorouracil Ebewe 250mg/5ml | Ebewe Pharma GmbH, Nfg.KG | šķīdums injekcijām un infūzijām |
250mg/ 5ml |
5 |
20.38 |
26.54 |
26.54 |
19.91 |
13.27 |
A |
R |
Flutamidum |
L02BB01 |
98-0042-01 |
Flutan 250mg | Medochemie Ltd. | tabletes |
250 |
100 |
42.69 |
52.99 |
52.99 |
39.74 |
26.50 |
A |
R |
Fluticasoni furoas/ Vilanterolum |
R03AK10 |
EU/1/13/886/002 |
Relvar Ellipta | Glaxo Group Ltd | inhalācijas pulveris |
0,092/ 0,022mg devā |
30 devas |
30.76 |
38.96 |
38.96 |
29.22 |
19.48 |
B |
R03AK10 |
EU/1/13/886/005 |
Relvar Ellipta | Glaxo Group Ltd | inhalācijas pulveris |
0,184/ 0,022mg devā |
30 devas |
42.47 |
52.73 |
52.73 |
39.55 |
26.37 |
B |
Imatinibum |
L01XE01 |
13-0011-01 |
Imatinib Zentiva 100mg | Zentiva k.s. | apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
120 |
229.15 |
263.42 |
189.34 |
142.01 |
94.67 |
A |
L01XE01 |
13-0103-06 |
Imatinib SanoSwiss 100mg | SanoSwiss UAB | apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
120 |
239.70 |
275.24 |
189.34 |
142.01 |
94.67 |
A |
L01XE01 |
13-0104-03 |
Imatinib SanoSwiss 400mg | SanoSwiss UAB | apvalkotas tabletes |
400 |
30 |
239.70 |
275.24 |
189.34 |
142.01 |
94.67 |
A |
L01XE01 |
13-0056-03 |
Itivas 400mg | Briz SIA | apvalkotas tabletes |
400 |
60 |
303.85 |
347.09 |
347.09 |
260.32 |
173.55 |
A |
R |
Indacaterolum/ Glycopyrronium |
R03AL04 |
EU/1/13/862/003 |
Ultibro Breezhaler | Novartis Europharm Limited | inhalācijas pulveris cietās kapsulās |
0,085/ 0,043 |
30 |
53.63 |
65.86 |
65.86 |
49.40 |
32.93 |
A |
R |
Latanoprostum |
S01EE01 |
11-0323-02 |
Latanoprost NTC 50mcg/ml | NTC Srl | acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
3 gab. |
13.70 |
18.29 |
10.75 |
8.06 |
5.38 |
A |
Letrozolum |
L02BG04 |
12-0325-04 |
Likarda 2,5mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
2,5 |
30 |
19.64 |
25.63 |
25.63 |
19.22 |
12.82 |
A |
R |
Losartanum/ Amlodipinum |
C09DB06 |
14-0071-01 |
Tenloris 50mg/5mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
50/5 |
28 |
4.91 |
6.91 |
3.33 |
2.50 |
1.67 |
A |
C09DB06 |
14-0072-01 |
Tenloris 50mg/10mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
50/10 |
28 |
5.45 |
7.63 |
4.09 |
3.07 |
2.05 |
A |
C09DB06 |
14-0073-01 |
Tenloris 100mg/5mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
100/5 |
28 |
6.42 |
8.89 |
5.80 |
4.35 |
2.90 |
A |
C09DB06 |
14-0074-01 |
Tenloris 100mg/10mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | apvalkotas tabletes |
100/10 |
28 |
6.96 |
9.60 |
6.55 |
4.91 |
3.28 |
A |
Methyl-prednisolonum |
H02AB04 |
11-0499-01 |
Methylprednisolone Teva 500mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
500 |
1 |
7.34 |
10.09 |
10.09 |
7.57 |
5.05 |
A |
R |
Montelukastum |
R03DC03 |
I000414-01 |
Singulair 5 | ELPIS SIA (paralēlais importētājs) | košļājamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
19.38 |
25.31 |
25.31 |
18.98 |
12.66 |
A |
PR |
R03DC03 |
I000413-01 |
Singulair 10 | ELPIS SIA (paralēlais importētājs) | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
19.38 |
25.31 |
25.31 |
18.98 |
12.66 |
A |
PR |
Octocogum alfa |
B02BD02 |
13-0096-01 |
Recombinate 250SV/5ml | Baxter AG | pulveris un šķīdinātājs injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
250IU/ 5ml |
1 |
154.50 |
179.82 |
179.82 |
134.87 |
89.91 |
B |
B02BD02 |
13-0097-01 |
Recombinate 500SV/5ml | Baxter AG | pulveris un šķīdinātājs injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
500IU/ 5ml |
1 |
309.01 |
352.87 |
352.87 |
264.65 |
176.44 |
B |
B02BD02 |
13-0098-01 |
Recombinate 1000SV/5ml | Baxter AG | pulveris un šķīdinātājs injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
1000IU/ 5ml |
1 |
618.00 |
698.94 |
698.94 |
524.21 |
349.47 |
B |
Olanzapinum |
N05AH03 |
09-0390-03 |
Lapozan 5mg | Medochemie Ltd. | mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
50 |
4.79 |
6.75 |
6.75 |
5.06 |
3.38 |
A |
R |
N05AH03 |
09-0391-03 |
Lapozan 10mg | Medochemie Ltd. | mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
50 |
7.23 |
9.95 |
9.95 |
7.46 |
4.98 |
A |
R |
Omeprazolum |
A02BC01 |
12-0331-02 |
Omebel 20mg | Septinta sprl | zarnās šķīstošas cietas kapsulas |
20 |
28 |
2.48 |
3.55 |
3.55 |
2.66 |
1.78 |
A |
R |
Perindoprilum/ Amlodipinum |
C09BB04 |
14-0084-01 |
Perindopril/ Amlodipine Teva 5mg/5mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | tabletes |
5/5 |
30 |
2.43 |
3.48 |
3.48 |
2.61 |
1.74 |
A |
R |
C09BB04 |
14-0085-01 |
Perindopril/ Amlodipine Teva 5mg/10mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | tabletes |
5/10 |
30 |
3.03 |
4.31 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
R |
C09BB04 |
14-0086-01 |
Perindopril/ Amlodipine Teva 10mg/5mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | tabletes |
10/5 |
30 |
3.69 |
5.20 |
5.20 |
3.90 |
2.60 |
A |
R |
C09BB04 |
14-0087-01 |
Perindopril/ Amlodipine Teva 10mg/10mg | Teva Pharma B.V. | tabletes |
10/10 |
30 |
4.58 |
6.48 |
6.48 |
4.86 |
3.24 |
A |
R |
Perindoprilum/ Amlodipinum/ Indapamidum |
C09BX01 |
14-0025-05 |
Co-Amlessa 2mg/5mg/0,625mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
2/5/0,625 |
30 |
4.03 |
5.66 |
2.88 |
2.16 |
1.44 |
A |
C09BX01 |
14-0026-05 |
Co-Amlessa 4mg/5mg/1,25mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
4/5/1,25 |
30 |
4.36 |
6.19 |
4.44 |
3.33 |
2.22 |
A |
C09BX01 |
14-0027-05 |
Co-Amlessa 4mg/10mg/1,25mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
4/10/1,25 |
30 |
4.85 |
6.83 |
5.28 |
3.96 |
2.64 |
A |
C09BX01 |
14-0028-05 |
Co-Amlessa 8mg/5mg/2,5mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
8/5/2,5 |
30 |
5.67 |
7.91 |
7.11 |
5.33 |
3.56 |
A |
C09BX01 |
14-0029-05 |
Co-Amlessa 8mg/10mg/2,5mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
8/10/2,5 |
30 |
6.10 |
8.48 |
8.40 |
6.30 |
4.20 |
A |
Perindoprilum/ Indapamidum/ Amlodipinum |
C09BX01 |
14-0057-01 |
Triplixam 5mg/1,25mg/5mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | apvalkotas tabletes |
5/1,25/5 |
30 |
9.00 |
12.23 |
4.44 |
3.33 |
2.22 |
A |
C09BX01 |
14-0058-01 |
Triplixam 5mg/1,25mg/10mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | apvalkotas tabletes |
5/1,25/10 |
30 |
9.64 |
13.06 |
5.28 |
3.96 |
2.64 |
A |
C09BX01 |
14-0059-01 |
Triplixam 10mg/2,5mg/5mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | apvalkotas tabletes |
10/2,5/5 |
30 |
11.57 |
15.55 |
7.11 |
5.33 |
3.56 |
A |
C09BX01 |
14-0060-01 |
Triplixam 10mg/2,5mg/10mg | Les Laboratoires Servier | apvalkotas tabletes |
10/2,5/10 |
30 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
8.40 |
6.30 |
4.20 |
A |
Piracetamum |
N06BX03 |
05-0229-02 |
Lucetam 1200mg | Egis Pharmaceuticals PLC | apvalkotas tabletes |
1200 |
20 |
1.75 |
2.53 |
2.53 |
1.90 |
1.27 |
A |
R |
Pramipexolum |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/08/469/027 |
Oprymea | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
0,26 |
30 |
6.15 |
8.55 |
6.05 |
4.54 |
3.03 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/08/469/031 |
Oprymea | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
0,52 |
30 |
12.75 |
17.06 |
12.09 |
9.07 |
6.05 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/08/469/035 |
Oprymea | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
1,05 |
30 |
26.75 |
34.20 |
22.36 |
16.77 |
11.18 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/08/469/043 |
Oprymea | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2,1 |
30 |
55.33 |
67.86 |
44.68 |
33.51 |
22.34 |
A |
Quetiapinum |
N05AH04 |
10-0129-01 |
Quetiapine Polpharma 100mg | Pharmaceutical Works "Polpharma" S.A. | apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
60 |
10.70 |
14.43 |
13.74 |
10.31 |
6.87 |
A |
Ramiprilum |
C09AA05 |
13-0200-05 |
Ramipril Billev 2,5mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
2,5 |
30 |
2.05 |
2.95 |
2.95 |
2.21 |
1.48 |
A |
R |
C09AA05 |
13-0201-05 |
Ramipril Billev 5mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
5 |
30 |
1.66 |
2.41 |
2.41 |
1.81 |
1.21 |
A |
R |
C09AA05 |
13-0202-05 |
Ramipril Billev 10mg | KRKA d.d., Novo mesto | tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.20 |
4.54 |
4.54 |
3.41 |
2.27 |
A |
R |
Ropinirolum |
N04BC04 |
12-0160-02 |
Alzorol 2mg | Norameda UAB | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2 |
28 |
5.89 |
8.20 |
8.20 |
6.15 |
4.10 |
A |
R |
N04BC04 |
12-0304-02 |
Ropinirole Orion 2mg | Orion Corporation | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2 |
28 |
6.57 |
9.09 |
8.20 |
6.15 |
4.10 |
A |
N04BC04 |
12-0161-02 |
Alzorol 4mg | Norameda UAB | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
4 |
28 |
12.61 |
16.88 |
16.39 |
12.29 |
8.20 |
A |
N04BC04 |
12-0305-02 |
Ropinirole Orion 4mg | Orion Corporation | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
4 |
28 |
13.47 |
17.99 |
16.39 |
12.29 |
8.20 |
A |
N04BC04 |
12-0163-02 |
Alzorol 8mg | Norameda UAB | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
8 |
28 |
24.44 |
31.44 |
31.44 |
23.58 |
15.72 |
A |
R |
N04BC04 |
12-0306-02 |
Ropinirole Orion 8mg | Orion Corporation | ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
8 |
28 |
27.92 |
35.60 |
31.44 |
23.58 |
15.72 |
A |
Rosuvastatinum |
C10AA07 |
13-0284-04 |
Rovasyn 5mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
2.15 |
3.09 |
1.46 |
1.10 |
0.73 |
A |
C10AA07 |
13-0285-04 |
Rovasyn 10mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
2.16 |
3.10 |
2.91 |
2.18 |
1.46 |
A |
C10AA07 |
13-0285-06 |
Rovasyn 10mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
60 |
4.07 |
5.70 |
5.70 |
4.28 |
2.85 |
A |
R |
C10AA07 |
13-0286-04 |
Rovasyn 20mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
3.74 |
5.26 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
C10AA07 |
13-0286-06 |
Rovasyn 20mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
60 |
6.68 |
9.24 |
9.24 |
6.93 |
4.62 |
A |
R |
C10AA07 |
13-0287-04 |
Rovasyn 40mg | Medochemie Ltd. | apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
6.59 |
9.12 |
9.12 |
6.84 |
4.56 |
A |
R |
Tacrolimusum |
L04AD02 |
11-0168-05 |
Tacrolimus PharmaSwiss 0,5mg | PharmaSwiss Česka Republika s.r.o. | cietas kapsulas |
0,5 |
100 |
57.77 |
70.73 |
70.73 |
53.05 |
35.37 |
A |
R |
L04AD02 |
11-0169-06 |
Tacrolimus PharmaSwiss 1mg | PharmaSwiss Česka Republika s.r.o. | cietas kapsulas |
1 |
100 |
115.44 |
136.07 |
136.07 |
102.05 |
68.04 |
A |
R |
Telmisartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA07 |
13-0248-02 |
Tezeo HCT 80mg/12,5mg | Zentiva k.s. | tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
4.70 |
6.64 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
R |
Vildagliptinum |
A10BH02 |
EU/1/07/414/009 |
Galvus | Novartis Europharm Limited | tabletes |
50 |
180 |
121.29 |
142.62 |
142.62 |
106.97 |
71.31 |
B |
Zinci acetatum |
A16AX05 |
EU/1/04/286/001 |
Wilzin | Orphan Europe SARL | cietas kapsulas |
25 |
250 |
162.71 |
189.01 |
189.01 |
141.76 |
94.51 |
B |
A16AX05 |
EU/1/04/286/02 |
Wilzin | Orphan Europe SARL | cietas kapsulas |
50 |
250 |
298.27 |
340.84 |
340.84 |
255.63 |
170.42 |
B |
IX asinsreces faktors |
B02BD04 |
10-0567-01 |
Replenine-VF 500SV | Bio Products Laboratory | pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
500SV/ 10ml |
1 |
101.50 |
120.46 |
120.46 |
90.35 |
60.23 |
A |
R |
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
Kompensējamo zāļu sarakstā iekļautās medicīniskās ierīces
Medicīniskā ierīce |
Identifikācijas Nr. |
Medicīniskās ierīces nosaukums |
Iesniedzējs |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar 12% PVN (EUR) |
Kompensācijas summa (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
Pazīme |
References cena 100% |
75% |
50% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Inkontinences līdzekļi |
14/02-001/11-01 |
TENA PANTS plus XXS | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
12 |
10.26 |
13.85 |
13.85 |
10.39 |
6.93 |
A |
R |
14/02-004/23-01 |
AMD Pant Small Super | Farmeko SIA |
14 |
6.72 |
9.28 |
9.28 |
6.96 |
4.64 |
A |
R |
14/02-003/23-01 |
AMD Pant Medium Super | Farmeko SIA |
14 |
7.00 |
9.65 |
9.56 |
7.17 |
4.78 |
A |
14/02-002/23-01 |
AMD Pant Large Super | Farmeko SIA |
14 |
7.84 |
10.74 |
10.65 |
7.99 |
5.33 |
A |
14/02-001/23-01 |
AMD Pant X-Large Super | Farmeko SIA |
14 |
8.12 |
11.10 |
11.10 |
8.33 |
5.55 |
A |
R |
Stomas aprūpes prece |
14/04-023/14-01 |
Natura+ InvisiClose drenējamie (ileostomas) maisiņi 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
22.31 |
28.88 |
28.88 |
21.66 |
14.44 |
B |
14/04-024/14-01 |
Natura+ InvisiClose drenējamie (ileostomas) maisiņi 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
22.31 |
28.88 |
28.88 |
21.66 |
14.44 |
B |
14/04-025/14-01 |
Natura+ InvisiClose drenējamie (ileostomas) maisiņi 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
22.31 |
28.88 |
28.88 |
21.66 |
14.44 |
B |
14/04-026/14-01 |
Natura+ InvisiClose drenējamie (ileostomas) maisiņi 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
22.31 |
28.88 |
28.88 |
21.66 |
14.44 |
B |
14/04-027/14-01 |
Natura+ InvisiClose drenējamie (ileostomas) maisiņi 100mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
26.20 |
33.54 |
33.54 |
25.16 |
16.77 |
B |
14/04-001/14-01 |
Natura+ urostomas maisiņi 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
15.66 |
20.73 |
20.73 |
15.55 |
10.37 |
B |
14/04-002/14-01 |
Natura+ urostomas maisiņi 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
15.66 |
20.73 |
20.73 |
15.55 |
10.37 |
B |
14/04-003/14-01 |
Natura+ urostomas maisiņi 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
15.66 |
20.73 |
20.73 |
15.55 |
10.37 |
B |
14/04-018/14-01 |
Natura Stomahesive pamatnes 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-019/14-01 |
Natura Stomahesive pamatnes 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-020/14-01 |
Natura Stomahesive pamatnes 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-021/14-01 |
Natura Stomahesive pamatnes 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-022/14-01 |
Natura Stomahesive pamatnes 100mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
16.73 |
22.04 |
22.04 |
16.53 |
11.02 |
B |
14/04-004/14-01 |
Natura Fleksiblās pamatnes 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-005/14-01 |
Natura Fleksiblās pamatnes 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-006/14-01 |
Natura Fleksiblās pamatnes 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-017/14-01 |
Natura Fleksiblās pamatnes 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.20 |
16.35 |
16.35 |
12.26 |
8.18 |
A |
R |
14/04-007/14-01 |
Natura Convex pamatnes 22/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
24.14 |
18.11 |
12.07 |
B |
14/04-008/14-01 |
Natura Convex pamatnes 25/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
24.14 |
18.11 |
12.07 |
B |
14/04-009/14-01 |
Natura Convex pamatnes 28/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
24.14 |
18.11 |
12.07 |
B |
14/04-010/14-01 |
Natura Convex pamatnes 32/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
24.14 |
18.11 |
12.07 |
B |
14/04-011/14-01 |
Natura Convex pamatnes 35/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
24.14 |
18.11 |
12.07 |
B |
14/04-012/14-01 |
Natura Convex pamatnes 38/57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
24.14 |
18.11 |
12.07 |
B |
14/04-013/14-01 |
Natura+ kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.19 |
23.84 |
23.84 |
17.88 |
11.92 |
B |
14/04-014/14-01 |
Natura+ kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.19 |
23.84 |
23.84 |
17.88 |
11.92 |
B |
14/04-015/14-01 |
Natura+ kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.19 |
23.84 |
23.84 |
17.88 |
11.92 |
B |
14/04-016/14-01 |
Natura+ kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.19 |
23.84 |
23.84 |
17.88 |
11.92 |
B |
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
Kompensācijas bāzes cenas un/vai references cenas maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta zālēm
Zāļu vispārīgais nosaukums |
ATĶ kodi |
Zāļu identifikācijas Nr. |
Zāļu nosaukums |
Reģ. apl. īpašnieks |
Forma |
Stiprums (mg) |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar PVN 12% (EUR) |
Kompensācijas summa (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
Zāļu pazīme |
References cena 100% |
75% |
50% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Abacavirum/ Lamivudinum/ Zidovudinum |
J05AR04 |
EU/1/00/156/004 |
Trizivir |
GK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
300/150/ 300 |
60 |
492.64 |
558.53 |
321.00 |
240.75 |
160.50 |
A |
Acidum ibandronicum |
M05BA06 |
11-0313-01 |
Osagrand 3mg/3ml |
ZE |
šķīdums injekcijām |
3mg/3ml |
1 |
29.30 |
37.25 |
37.25 |
27.94 |
18.63 |
A |
R |
M05BA06 |
12-0117-01 |
Ossica 3mg |
GR |
šķīdums injekcijām |
3mg/3ml |
1 |
37.44 |
46.82 |
37.25 |
27.94 |
18.63 |
A |
M05BA06 |
EU/1/96/012/009 |
Bondronat |
RO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
28 |
143.26 |
167.23 |
167.23 |
125.42 |
83.62 |
A |
R |
M05BA06 |
EU/1/96/012/011 |
Bondronat |
RO |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
6mg/6ml |
1 |
140.04 |
163.62 |
163.62 |
122.72 |
81.81 |
A |
R |
Amiodaronum |
C01BD01 |
97-0599-01 |
Cordarone 200mg |
SF |
tabletes |
200 |
30 |
2.80 |
4.00 |
3.47 |
2.60 |
1.74 |
A |
Amisulpridum |
N05AL05 |
I000144-01 |
Solian 400mg |
EP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
400 |
30 |
26.75 |
34.20 |
31.01 |
23.26 |
15.51 |
A |
P |
N05AL05 |
02-0276-01 |
Solian 400mg |
SF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
400 |
30 |
29.72 |
37.74 |
31.01 |
23.26 |
15.51 |
A |
Amlodipinum |
C08CA01 |
06-0181-02 |
Agen 5mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
0.59 |
0.86 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
R |
C08CA01 |
13-0136-02 |
Alneta 5mg |
VV |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
0.61 |
0.88 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
C08CA01 |
11-0280-01 |
Amlodipine Vitabalans 5mg |
VB |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
0.73 |
1.06 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
C08CA01 |
08-0357-04 |
Amlodipine Teva 5mg |
TE |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
0.91 |
1.32 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
C08CA01 |
07-0348-01 |
Amlodipine Medochemie 5mg |
MC |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
1.38 |
2.00 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
C08CA01 |
07-0050-05 |
Amlocard B 5mg |
HL |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
2.03 |
2.92 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
C08CA01 |
04-0443-01 |
Tenox 5mg |
KR |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
2.03 |
2.92 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
C08CA01 |
I000211-01 |
Norvasc 5mg |
SD |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
3.43 |
4.85 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
P |
C08CA01 |
97-0600-01 |
Norvasc 5mg |
PF |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
3.66 |
5.15 |
0.86 |
0.65 |
0.43 |
A |
C08CA01 |
07-0348-02 |
Amlodipine Medochemie 5mg |
MC |
tabletes |
5 |
50 |
2.26 |
3.25 |
1.40 |
1.05 |
0.70 |
A |
C08CA01 |
08-0357-08 |
Amlodipine Teva 5mg |
TE |
tabletes |
5 |
90 |
2.43 |
3.48 |
2.43 |
1.82 |
1.22 |
A |
C08CA01 |
06-0182-02 |
Agen 10mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.23 |
1.79 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
13-0135-02 |
Alneta 10mg |
VV |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.25 |
1.83 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
11-0281-01 |
Amlodipine Vitabalans 10mg |
VB |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.28 |
1.86 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
08-0358-05 |
Amlodipine Teva 10mg |
TE |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.79 |
2.59 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
07-0349-01 |
Amlodipine Medochemie 10mg |
MC |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
2.21 |
3.17 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
07-0052-05 |
Amlocard B 10mg |
HL |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.27 |
4.63 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
97-0601-01 |
Norvasc 10mg |
PF |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.81 |
5.35 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
04-0444-01 |
Tenox 10mg |
KR |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.81 |
5.35 |
1.68 |
1.26 |
0.84 |
A |
C08CA01 |
07-0349-02 |
Amlodipine Medochemie 10mg |
MC |
tabletes |
10 |
50 |
3.61 |
5.08 |
2.70 |
2.03 |
1.35 |
A |
C08CA01 |
08-0358-09 |
Amlodipine Teva 10mg |
TE |
tabletes |
10 |
90 |
4.95 |
6.97 |
4.68 |
3.51 |
2.34 |
A |
Amlodipinum/ Valsartanum |
C09DB01 |
EU/1/06/370/011 |
Exforge |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5/160 |
28 |
24.67 |
31.72 |
5.80 |
4.35 |
2.90 |
A |
C09DB01 |
EU/1/06/370/019 |
Exforge |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10/160 |
28 |
26.35 |
33.72 |
6.55 |
4.91 |
3.28 |
A |
Amlodipinum/ Valsartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DX01 |
EU/1/09/569/002 |
Exforge HCT |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5/160/ 12,5 |
28 |
25.16 |
32.30 |
7.45 |
5.59 |
3.73 |
A |
C09DX01 |
EU/1/09/569/014 |
Exforge HCT |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10/160/ 12,5 |
28 |
27.30 |
34.87 |
8.20 |
6.15 |
4.10 |
A |
Anastrozolum |
L02BG03 |
07-0289-05 |
Anastrozole SanoSwiss 1mg |
SW |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1 |
28 |
6.62 |
9.16 |
9.16 |
6.87 |
4.58 |
A |
R |
L02BG03 |
07-0287-05 |
Anastrozole-Teva 1mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1 |
28 |
6.97 |
9.61 |
9.16 |
6.87 |
4.58 |
A |
L02BG03 |
08-0197-02 |
Axastrol 1mg |
GS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1 |
28 |
18.04 |
23.65 |
9.16 |
6.87 |
4.58 |
A |
L02BG03 |
00-0466-01 |
Arimidex 1mg |
AZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1 |
28 |
40.05 |
49.88 |
9.16 |
6.87 |
4.58 |
A |
Atorvastatinum |
C10AA05 |
12-0102-07 |
Atorvastatin Billev 10mg |
BI |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
0.99 |
1.44 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
R |
C10AA05 |
08-0379-07 |
Atilen 10mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.18 |
1.71 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
11-0041-07 |
Amicor 10mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.51 |
2.20 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
07-0112-07 |
Atorvastatin Actavis 10mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.91 |
2.76 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
05-0329-01 |
Torvacard 10mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.94 |
2.80 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
10-0488-07 |
Atorgamma 10mg |
WP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
2.28 |
3.27 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
03-0362-01 |
Atoris 10mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
2.79 |
3.99 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
07-0171-07 |
Lopamol 10mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.26 |
4.61 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
07-0174-07 |
Atorvastatin Polpharma 10mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.43 |
4.85 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
10-0468-05 |
Tulip 10mg |
SZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.43 |
4.85 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
98-0598-01 |
Sortis 10mg |
PF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
8.55 |
11.65 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
C10AA05 |
I000219-01 |
Sortis 10 |
SD |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
8.85 |
12.04 |
1.44 |
1.08 |
0.72 |
A |
P |
C10AA05 |
05-0329-03 |
Torvacard 10mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
90 |
4.84 |
6.82 |
4.28 |
3.21 |
2.14 |
A |
C10AA05 |
12-0103-07 |
Atorvastatin Billev 20mg |
BI |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
1.38 |
2.00 |
1.95 |
1.46 |
0.98 |
A |
C10AA05 |
05-0330-03 |
Torvacard 20mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
90 |
4.84 |
6.82 |
5.56 |
4.17 |
2.78 |
A |
C10AA05 |
11-0042-11 |
Amicor 20mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
90 |
5.38 |
7.53 |
5.56 |
4.17 |
2.78 |
A |
C10AA05 |
12-0104-07 |
Atorvastatin Billev 40mg |
BI |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
2.19 |
3.15 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
R |
C10AA05 |
11-0166-04 |
Atorvastatin Portfarma 40mg |
PA |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
2.31 |
3.32 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
13-0013-04 |
Tulip 40mg |
SZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
2.99 |
4.26 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
11-0043-07 |
Amicor 40mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
3.78 |
5.32 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
07-0114-07 |
Atorvastatin Actavis 40mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
3.81 |
5.35 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
05-0331-01 |
Torvacard 40mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
4.27 |
6.08 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
10-0490-07 |
Atorgamma 40mg |
WP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
4.68 |
6.62 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
05-0169-01 |
Atoris 40mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
5.82 |
8.11 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
07-0176-07 |
Atorvastatin Polpharma 40mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
8.64 |
11.77 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
07-0173-07 |
Lopamol 40mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
9.79 |
13.25 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
98-0600-01 |
Sortis 40mg |
PF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
13.79 |
18.40 |
3.15 |
2.36 |
1.58 |
A |
C10AA05 |
11-0043-11 |
Amicor 40mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
90 |
10.63 |
14.32 |
9.36 |
7.02 |
4.68 |
A |
C10AA05 |
10-0606-01 |
Atoris 60mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
60 |
30 |
6.12 |
8.50 |
4.68 |
3.51 |
2.34 |
A |
C10AA05 |
11-0207-07 |
Astator 80mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
30 |
5.64 |
7.87 |
6.12 |
4.59 |
3.06 |
A |
C10AA05 |
13-0014-04 |
Tulip 80mg |
SZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
30 |
8.86 |
12.05 |
6.12 |
4.59 |
3.06 |
A |
C10AA05 |
12-0035-07 |
Atorvastatin Actavis 80mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
30 |
9.86 |
13.34 |
6.12 |
4.59 |
3.06 |
A |
C10AA05 |
10-0607-01 |
Atoris 80mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
30 |
12.24 |
16.41 |
6.12 |
4.59 |
3.06 |
A |
C10AA05 |
03-0502-01 |
Sortis 80mg |
PF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
30 |
18.54 |
24.27 |
6.12 |
4.59 |
3.06 |
A |
Atorvastatinum/ Amlodipinum |
C10BX03 |
11-0287-01 |
Duplecor 10mg/5mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10/5 |
30 |
6.43 |
8.90 |
2.31 |
1.73 |
1.16 |
A |
C10BX03 |
11-0286-01 |
Duplecor 10mg/10mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10/10 |
30 |
7.75 |
10.62 |
3.12 |
2.34 |
1.56 |
A |
C10BX03 |
11-0289-01 |
Duplecor 20mg/5mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/5 |
30 |
7.48 |
10.27 |
2.82 |
2.12 |
1.41 |
A |
C10BX03 |
11-0288-01 |
Duplecor 20mg/10mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/10 |
30 |
10.22 |
13.80 |
3.63 |
2.72 |
1.82 |
A |
Amlodipinum/ Atorvastatinum |
C10BX03 |
06-0020-01 |
CADUET 5mg/10mg |
PF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5/10 |
30 |
9.22 |
12.51 |
2.31 |
1.73 |
1.16 |
A |
C10BX03 |
06-0021-01 |
CADUET 10mg/10mg |
PF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10/10 |
30 |
9.39 |
12.73 |
3.12 |
2.34 |
1.56 |
A |
Betaxololum |
C07AB05 |
02-0230-01 |
Lokren 20mg |
SF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
3.49 |
4.93 |
1.85 |
1.39 |
0.93 |
A |
C07AB05 |
04-0209-01 |
Betac 20mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
3.29 |
4.66 |
1.98 |
1.49 |
0.99 |
A |
Bimatoprostum |
S01EE03 |
EU/1/02/205/001 |
Lumigan |
AP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,3mg/ml-3ml |
1 gab. |
12.35 |
16.54 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
S01EE03 |
EU/1/02/205/002 |
Lumigan |
AP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,3mg/ml-3ml |
3 gab. |
32.24 |
40.70 |
10.75 |
8.06 |
5.38 |
A |
Bimatoprostum/ Timololum |
S01ED51 |
EU/1/06/340/001 |
Ganfort |
AP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,3/5mg/ ml-3ml |
1 gab. |
13.42 |
17.92 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
S01ED51 |
EU/1/06/340/002 |
Ganfort |
AP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,3/5mg/ ml-3ml |
3 gab. |
39.43 |
49.16 |
15.46 |
11.60 |
7.73 |
A |
Bisoprololum |
C07AB07 |
04-0404-01 |
Corbis 5mg |
UN |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
0.70 |
1.02 |
1.02 |
0.77 |
0.51 |
A |
R |
C07AB07 |
05-0291-02 |
Coronal 5mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
0.77 |
1.12 |
1.02 |
0.77 |
0.51 |
A |
C07AB07 |
03-0305-01 |
Bisoprolol-ratiopharm 5mg |
RP |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
1.00 |
1.46 |
1.02 |
0.77 |
0.51 |
A |
C07AB07 |
04-0020-01 |
Bisogamma 5mg |
WP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
1.21 |
1.76 |
1.02 |
0.77 |
0.51 |
A |
C07AB07 |
08-0337-04 |
Bisoprolol Vitabalans 5mg |
VB |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
1.41 |
2.05 |
1.02 |
0.77 |
0.51 |
A |
C07AB07 |
99-0010-01 |
Concor 5mg |
MK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
2.40 |
3.44 |
1.02 |
0.77 |
0.51 |
A |
C07AB07 |
02-0169-01 |
Concor COR 5mg |
MK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
3.70 |
5.21 |
1.02 |
0.77 |
0.51 |
A |
C07AB07 |
05-0292-01 |
Coronal 10mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.36 |
1.98 |
1.98 |
1.49 |
0.99 |
A |
R |
C07AB07 |
08-0338-04 |
Bisoprolol Vitabalans 10mg |
VB |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.45 |
2.11 |
1.98 |
1.49 |
0.99 |
A |
C07AB07 |
03-0306-03 |
Bisoprolol-ratiopharm 10mg |
RP |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.69 |
2.44 |
1.98 |
1.49 |
0.99 |
A |
C07AB07 |
04-0021-01 |
Bisogamma 10mg |
WP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.96 |
2.82 |
1.98 |
1.49 |
0.99 |
A |
C07AB07 |
99-0011-01 |
Concor 10mg |
MK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.76 |
5.29 |
1.98 |
1.49 |
0.99 |
A |
Bisoprololum/ Amlodipinum |
C07FB07 |
11-0130-02 |
Concor AM 5mg/5mg |
MK |
tabletes |
5/5 |
30 |
6.74 |
9.32 |
1.89 |
1.42 |
0.95 |
A |
C07FB07 |
11-0132-02 |
Concor AM 5mg/10mg |
MK |
tabletes |
5/10 |
30 |
8.02 |
10.96 |
2.70 |
2.03 |
1.35 |
A |
C07FB07 |
11-0131-02 |
Concor AM 10mg/5mg |
MK |
tabletes |
10/5 |
30 |
8.02 |
10.96 |
2.85 |
2.14 |
1.43 |
A |
C07FB07 |
11-0133-02 |
Concor AM 10mg/10mg |
MK |
tabletes |
10/10 |
30 |
9.31 |
12.63 |
3.66 |
2.75 |
1.83 |
A |
Bisoprololum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C07BB07 |
03-0488-01 |
Lodoz 2,5mg/6,25mg |
MK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2,5/6,25 |
30 |
4.35 |
6.18 |
1.47 |
1.10 |
0.74 |
A |
C07BB07 |
03-0489-01 |
Lodoz 5mg/6,25mg |
MK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5/6,25 |
30 |
4.35 |
6.18 |
1.98 |
1.49 |
0.99 |
A |
C07BB07 |
03-0490-01 |
Lodoz 10mg/6,25mg |
MK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10/6,25 |
30 |
6.27 |
8.70 |
2.94 |
2.21 |
1.47 |
A |
Cabergolinum |
G02CB03 |
04-0309-02 |
Dostinex 0,5mg |
PF |
tabletes |
0,5 |
8 |
26.93 |
34.43 |
34.43 |
25.82 |
17.22 |
A |
R |
Candesartanum |
C09CA06 |
99-0118-01 |
Atacand 8mg |
AZ |
tabletes |
8 |
28 |
15.41 |
20.42 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA06 |
99-0119-01 |
Atacand 16mg |
AZ |
tabletes |
16 |
28 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
Candesartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA06 |
11-0413-05 |
Atacand Plus |
AZ |
tabletes |
16/12,5 |
28 |
18.43 |
24.14 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
Carboplatinum |
L01XA02 |
04-0138-02 |
Carboplatin Pfizer 10mg/ml |
PF |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
150mg/ 15ml |
1 |
10.97 |
14.77 |
14.77 |
11.08 |
7.39 |
A |
R |
L01XA02 |
99-0763-01 |
Carboplatin-Teva 150mg |
TE |
pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
150 |
1 |
17.58 |
23.09 |
14.77 |
11.08 |
7.39 |
A |
Clopidogrelum |
B01AC04 |
09-0482-15 |
Platel 75mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
1.75 |
2.53 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
B01AC04 |
EU/1/09/553/003 |
Zyllt |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
2.32 |
3.33 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
B01AC04 |
10-0166-05 |
Clopidogrel SanoSwiss 75mg |
SW |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
2.35 |
3.37 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
B01AC04 |
09-0524-05 |
Clopidogrel Actavis 75mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
3.09 |
4.39 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
B01AC04 |
10-0409-16 |
Clopidogrel GSK 75mg |
GK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
3.44 |
4.86 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
B01AC04 |
10-0253-02 |
Glopenel 75mg |
OL |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
4.34 |
6.17 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
B01AC04 |
EU/1/98/069/001a |
Plavix |
SBr |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
28 |
9.63 |
13.04 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
B01AC04 |
09-0257-01 |
Trombex 75mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
30 |
4.80 |
6.78 |
2.56 |
1.92 |
1.28 |
A |
B01AC04 |
EU/1/98/069/003a |
Plavix |
SBr |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
84 |
28.34 |
36.11 |
7.06 |
5.30 |
3.53 |
A |
Clopidogrelum/ Acidum acetylsalicylicum |
B01AC30 |
EU/1/10/619/009 |
DuoPlavin |
SBr |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75/100 |
28 |
9.63 |
13.04 |
2.39 |
1.79 |
1.20 |
A |
Cyclophosphamidum |
L01AA01 |
96-0501-01 |
Endoxan 50mg |
BY |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
50 |
21.20 |
27.55 |
27.55 |
20.66 |
13.78 |
B |
L01AA01 |
96-0498-01 |
Endoxan 200mg |
BY |
pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
200 |
10 |
27.83 |
35.50 |
35.50 |
26.63 |
17.75 |
B |
L01AA01 |
96-0499-01 |
Endoxan 500mg |
BY |
pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
500 |
1 |
6.96 |
9.60 |
9.60 |
7.20 |
4.80 |
B |
L01AA01 |
96-0500-01 |
Endoxan 1g |
BY |
pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
1000 |
1 |
12.79 |
17.11 |
17.11 |
12.83 |
8.56 |
B |
Dienogestum |
G03DB08 |
10-0059-01 |
Visannette 2mg |
BE |
tabletes |
2 |
28 |
38.42 |
47.97 |
47.97 |
35.98 |
23.99 |
B |
Docetaxelum |
L01CD02 |
EU/1/09/611/001 |
Docetaxel Teva |
TE |
koncentrāts un šķīdinātājs infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
20 |
1 |
13.89 |
18.52 |
16.34 |
12.26 |
8.17 |
A |
L01CD02 |
10-0115-01 |
Docetaxel Hospira 10mg/ml |
HO |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
20mg/2ml |
1 |
18.78 |
24.57 |
16.34 |
12.26 |
8.17 |
A |
L01CD02 |
EU/1/95/002/003 |
Taxotere |
AV |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
20mg/ml |
1 |
26.22 |
33.58 |
16.34 |
12.26 |
8.17 |
A |
L01CD02 |
10-0578-01 |
Camitotic 20mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
20mg/ml |
1 |
27.09 |
34.62 |
16.34 |
12.26 |
8.17 |
A |
L01CD02 |
EU/1/09/611/002 |
Docetaxel Teva |
TE |
koncentrāts un šķīdinātājs infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
80 |
1 |
55.28 |
67.79 |
61.99 |
46.49 |
31.00 |
A |
L01CD02 |
10-0115-02 |
Docetaxel Hospira 10mg/ml |
HO |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
80mg/ 8ml |
1 |
78.07 |
94.21 |
61.99 |
46.49 |
31.00 |
A |
L01CD02 |
EU/1/95/002/004 |
Taxotere |
AV |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
80mg/ 4ml |
1 |
103.88 |
123.12 |
61.99 |
46.49 |
31.00 |
A |
L01CD02 |
10-0578-02 |
Camitotic 20mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
80mg/ 4ml |
1 |
107.33 |
126.99 |
61.99 |
46.49 |
31.00 |
A |
Doxazosinum |
C02CA04 |
01-0097-01 |
Zoxon 4mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
4 |
30 |
6.31 |
8.75 |
7.71 |
5.78 |
3.86 |
A |
Doxorubicinum |
L01DB01 |
95-0067-02 |
Doxorubicin Ebewe 2mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
10mg/ 5ml |
1 |
3.66 |
5.15 |
5.15 |
3.86 |
2.58 |
A |
R |
L01DB01 |
11-0491-03 |
Doxorubicin Actavis 2mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50mg/ 25ml |
1 |
10.82 |
14.57 |
14.57 |
10.93 |
7.29 |
A |
R |
L01DB01 |
99-0774-01 |
Doxorubicin-Teva 50mg |
TE |
pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50 |
1 |
11.40 |
15.32 |
14.57 |
10.93 |
7.29 |
A |
L01DB01 |
95-0067-01 |
Doxorubicin Ebewe 2mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50mg/ 25ml |
1 |
13.79 |
18.40 |
14.57 |
10.93 |
7.29 |
A |
ECHO-7 virus strain |
L03AX |
04-0229-01 |
Rigvir |
LA |
šķīdums injekcijām |
2x106-2x108 CPD50/ ml-2ml |
1 |
262.32 |
300.57 |
300.57 |
225.43 |
150.29 |
B |
Epirubicinum |
L01DB03 |
07-0398-01 |
Epirubicin Actavis 2mg/ml |
AT |
šķīdums injekcijām |
10mg/ 5ml |
1 |
9.63 |
13.04 |
13.04 |
9.78 |
6.52 |
A |
R |
Eprosartanum |
C09CA02 |
01-0436-02 |
Teveten 600mg |
AB |
apvalkotas tabletes |
600 |
28 |
16.97 |
22.34 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
Erythropoietinum |
B03XA01 |
EU/1/07/410/008 |
Binocrit |
SZ |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircēs |
4 000IU/ 0,4ml |
6 |
110.31 |
130.32 |
130.32 |
97.74 |
65.16 |
A |
R |
B03XA01 |
EU/1/09/573/008 |
Eporatio |
RP |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircēs |
4 000IU/ 0,5ml |
6 |
112.90 |
133.22 |
130.32 |
97.74 |
65.16 |
A |
B03XA01 |
EU/1/07/410/010 |
Binocrit |
SZ |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircēs |
5 000IU/ 0,5ml |
6 |
137.31 |
160.56 |
160.56 |
120.42 |
80.28 |
A |
R |
B03XA01 |
EU/1/09/573/010 |
Eporatio |
RP |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircēs |
5 000IU/ 0,5ml |
6 |
138.55 |
161.95 |
160.56 |
120.42 |
80.28 |
A |
Escitalopramum |
N06AB10 |
09-0417-06 |
Escitil 10mg |
EG |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.48 |
3.55 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
N06AB10 |
10-0520-04 |
Escitalopram Alvogen 10mg |
AO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.65 |
3.79 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
N06AB10 |
09-0497-03 |
Escitalopram Actavis 10mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
3.07 |
4.36 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
N06AB10 |
11-0119-06 |
Escitalopram Orion 10mg |
OR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
3.33 |
4.72 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
N06AB10 |
09-0377-02 |
Elicea 10mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
5.39 |
7.55 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
N06AB10 |
09-0263-02 |
Nepanil 10mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
7.36 |
10.11 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
N06AB10 |
07-0298-03 |
Cipralex 10mg |
LU |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
16.28 |
21.49 |
3.37 |
2.53 |
1.69 |
A |
N06AB10 |
11-0120-06 |
Escitalopram Orion 15mg |
OR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
15 |
28 |
8.30 |
11.33 |
5.00 |
3.75 |
2.50 |
A |
N06AB10 |
07-0299-03 |
Cipralex 15mg |
LU |
apvalkotas tabletes |
15 |
28 |
23.76 |
30.62 |
5.00 |
3.75 |
2.50 |
A |
N06AB10 |
10-0522-06 |
Escitalopram Alvogen 20mg |
AO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
6.67 |
9.22 |
6.61 |
4.96 |
3.31 |
A |
N06AB10 |
09-0419-06 |
Escitil 20mg |
EG |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
6.96 |
9.60 |
6.61 |
4.96 |
3.31 |
A |
N06AB10 |
09-0378-02 |
Elicea 20mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
11.08 |
14.91 |
6.61 |
4.96 |
3.31 |
A |
N06AB10 |
11-0121-06 |
Escitalopram Orion 20mg |
OR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
11.17 |
15.03 |
6.61 |
4.96 |
3.31 |
A |
Etoposidum |
L01CB01 |
05-0275-01 |
Etoposide Ebewe 100mg/5ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 5ml |
1 |
10.07 |
13.61 |
13.61 |
10.21 |
6.81 |
A |
R |
L01CB01 |
98-0816-01 |
Etoposide-Teva 20mg/ml |
TE |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 5ml |
1 |
10.60 |
14.29 |
13.61 |
10.21 |
6.81 |
A |
Exemestanum |
L02BG06 |
11-0045-01 |
Exemestane SanoSwiss 25mg |
SW |
apvalkotas tabletes |
25 |
30 |
21.68 |
28.13 |
26.88 |
20.16 |
13.44 |
A |
L02BG06 |
10-0319-01 |
Exemestane Alvogen 25mg |
AO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
25 |
30 |
24.84 |
31.92 |
26.88 |
20.16 |
13.44 |
A |
L02BG06 |
10-0238-03 |
Exemestane Teva 25mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
25 |
30 |
26.83 |
34.31 |
26.88 |
20.16 |
13.44 |
A |
Exenatidum |
A10BX04 |
EU/1/06/362/001 |
Byetta |
BR |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,005mg/ 0,02ml- 1,2ml |
1 |
83.20 |
99.96 |
81.09 |
60.82 |
40.55 |
A |
A10BX04 |
EU/1/06/362/003 |
Byetta |
BR |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,01mg/ 0,04ml- 2,4ml |
1 |
83.20 |
99.96 |
81.09 |
60.82 |
40.55 |
A |
Ezetimibum/ Simvastatinum |
C10BA02 |
06-0227-02 |
Inegy 10mg/20mg |
MS |
tabletes |
10/20 |
28 |
42.52 |
52.80 |
20.72 |
15.54 |
10.36 |
A |
C10BA02 |
06-0228-02 |
Inegy 10mg/40mg |
MS |
tabletes |
10/40 |
28 |
48.92 |
60.32 |
21.39 |
16.04 |
10.70 |
A |
Fenoterolum |
R03AC04 |
00-0611-01 |
Berotec N 100mcg/devā |
BO |
aerosols inhalācijām, zem spiediena, šķīdums |
0,1mg devā |
200 devas |
2.97 |
4.22 |
4.22 |
3.17 |
2.11 |
B |
Ferri (III) hydroxidum cum dextranum |
B03AC06 |
07-0132-01 |
CosmoFer 50mg/ml |
PC |
šķīdums injekcijām un infūzijām |
100mg/ 2ml |
5 |
52.27 |
64.25 |
64.25 |
48.19 |
32.13 |
A |
R |
Ferri hydroxidi saccharatum |
B03AC02 |
98-0243-01 |
Venofer 20mg/ml |
VF |
šķīdums injekcijām |
100mg/ 5ml |
5 |
62.39 |
76.16 |
64.25 |
48.19 |
32.13 |
A |
Ferrum |
B03AB05 |
00-0093-01 |
Ferrum Lek 100mg |
LK |
košļājamas tabletes |
100 |
30 |
5.71 |
7.96 |
7.96 |
5.97 |
3.98 |
B |
Filgrastimum |
L03AA02 |
EU/1/08/445/001 |
Tevagrastim |
TE |
šķīdums injekcijām vai infūzijām |
0,3mg/ 0,5ml |
1 |
57.19 |
70.04 |
40.81 |
30.61 |
20.41 |
A |
L03AA02 |
05-0566-01 |
Neupogen 300mcg (0,6mg/ml) |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,3mg/ 0,5ml |
1 |
63.09 |
76.98 |
40.81 |
30.61 |
20.41 |
A |
L03AA02 |
EU/1/08/495/003 |
Zarzio |
SZ |
šķīdums injekcijām vai infūzijām |
0,3mg/ 0,5ml |
5 |
176.13 |
204.04 |
204.04 |
153.03 |
102.02 |
A |
R |
L03AA02 |
EU/1/08/445/005 |
Tevagrastim |
TE |
šķīdums injekcijām vai infūzijām |
0,48mg/ 0,8ml |
1 |
91.46 |
109.21 |
63.65 |
47.74 |
31.83 |
A |
L03AA02 |
05-0567-01 |
Neupogen 480mcg (0,96mg/ml) |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,48mg/ 0,5ml |
1 |
102.28 |
121.33 |
63.65 |
47.74 |
31.83 |
A |
L03AA02 |
EU/1/08/495/007 |
Zarzio |
SZ |
šķīdums injekcijām vai infūzijām |
0,48mg/ 0,5ml |
5 |
278.10 |
318.25 |
318.25 |
238.69 |
159.13 |
A |
R |
Finasteridum |
G04CB01 |
04-0150-01 |
Penester 5mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
5.11 |
7.18 |
4.88 |
3.66 |
2.44 |
A |
Fluorouracilum |
L01BC02 |
99-0207-01 |
Fluorouracil Ebewe 250mg/5ml |
EW |
šķīdums injekcijām un infūzijām |
250mg/ 5ml |
1 |
3.98 |
5.59 |
5.31 |
3.98 |
2.66 |
A |
L01BC02 |
99-0768-02 |
Fluorouracil-Teva 50mg/ml |
TE |
šķīdums injekcijām |
250mg/ 5ml |
1 |
4.52 |
6.41 |
5.31 |
3.98 |
2.66 |
A |
Flutamidum |
L02BB01 |
00-0839-01 |
Flutaplex 250mg |
TE |
tabletes |
250 |
100 |
55.48 |
68.03 |
52.99 |
39.74 |
26.50 |
A |
Fluticasonum |
R03BA05 |
02-0133-01 |
Flixotide 50mcg/devā |
GK |
aerosols inhalācijām, zem spiediena, suspensija |
0,05mg devā |
120 devas |
6.22 |
8.64 |
8.64 |
6.48 |
4.32 |
B |
R03BA05 |
99-0396-01 |
Flixotide Diskus 250mcg |
GK |
pulveris inhalācijām |
0,25mg devā |
60 devas |
14.42 |
19.20 |
19.20 |
14.40 |
9.60 |
B |
R03BA05 |
99-0397-01 |
Flixotide Diskus 500mcg |
GK |
pulveris inhalācijām |
0,5mg devā |
60 devas |
25.34 |
32.51 |
32.51 |
24.38 |
16.26 |
B |
Gabapentinum |
N03AX12 |
01-0277-01 |
Neurontin 300mg |
PF |
cietas kapsulas |
300 |
50 |
6.94 |
9.58 |
9.58 |
7.19 |
4.79 |
A |
R |
N03AX12 |
03-0385-03 |
Gabagamma 300mg |
WP |
cietas kapsulas |
300 |
50 |
7.34 |
10.09 |
9.58 |
7.19 |
4.79 |
A |
N03AX12 |
04-0104-01 |
Gordius 300mg |
GR |
cietas kapsulas |
300 |
50 |
10.70 |
14.43 |
9.58 |
7.19 |
4.79 |
A |
N03AX12 |
01-0278-01 |
Neurontin 400mg |
PF |
cietas kapsulas |
400 |
50 |
9.36 |
12.69 |
12.69 |
9.52 |
6.35 |
A |
R |
N03AX12 |
03-0386-03 |
Gabagamma 400mg |
WP |
cietas kapsulas |
400 |
50 |
9.90 |
13.40 |
12.69 |
9.52 |
6.35 |
A |
N03AX12 |
04-0105-01 |
Gordius 400mg |
GR |
cietas kapsulas |
400 |
50 |
14.43 |
19.21 |
12.69 |
9.52 |
6.35 |
A |
Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C03AA03 |
99-0788-01 |
Hypothiazid 25mg |
SF |
tabletes |
25 |
20 |
1.76 |
2.54 |
2.54 |
1.91 |
1.27 |
B |
Imatinibum |
L01XE01 |
13-0055-03 |
Itivas 100mg |
BZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
60 |
82.00 |
98.62 |
98.62 |
73.97 |
49.31 |
A |
R |
L01XE01 |
13-0055-05 |
Itivas 100mg |
BZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
120 |
163.00 |
189.34 |
189.34 |
142.01 |
94.67 |
A |
R |
L01XE01 |
13-0056-02 |
Itivas 400mg |
BZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
400 |
30 |
163.00 |
189.34 |
189.34 |
142.01 |
94.67 |
A |
R |
Ipratropium/ Fenoterolum |
R03AK03 |
01-0176-01 |
Berodual N 20/50mcg/devā |
BO |
aerosols inhalācijām, zem spiediena, šķīdums |
0,02/ 0,05mg devā |
200 devas |
6.19 |
8.59 |
8.59 |
6.44 |
4.30 |
B |
Irbesartanum |
C09CA04 |
EU/1/97/046/022 |
Aprovel |
SBr |
apvalkotas tabletes |
150 |
28 |
14.84 |
19.71 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA04 |
EU/1/97/046/027 |
Aprovel |
SBr |
apvalkotas tabletes |
300 |
28 |
19.39 |
25.32 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
Irbesartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA04 |
EU/1/98/086/012 |
CoAprovel |
SBr |
apvalkotas tabletes |
150/12,5 |
28 |
14.84 |
19.71 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09DA04 |
EU/1/98/086/017 |
CoAprovel |
SBr |
apvalkotas tabletes |
300/12,5 |
28 |
19.39 |
25.32 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
Irinotecanum |
L01XX19 |
10-0211-01 |
Irinotecan Ebewe 20mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
40mg/2ml |
1 |
13.83 |
18.45 |
18.45 |
13.84 |
9.23 |
A |
R |
L01XX19 |
07-0305-01 |
Irinotecan Actavis 20mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
40mg/2ml |
1 |
14.60 |
19.42 |
18.45 |
13.84 |
9.23 |
A |
L01XX19 |
10-0211-04 |
Irinotecan Ebewe 20mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 5ml |
1 |
34.69 |
43.58 |
43.58 |
32.69 |
21.79 |
A |
R |
L01XX19 |
07-0305-02 |
Irinotecan Actavis 20mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 5ml |
1 |
36.60 |
45.83 |
43.58 |
32.69 |
21.79 |
A |
Isosorbidi mononitratum |
C01DA14 |
98-0409-01 |
Imdur 60mg |
AZ |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
60 |
30 |
7.11 |
9.80 |
5.99 |
4.49 |
3.00 |
A |
C01DA14 |
99-0430-02 |
Olicard 60mg |
AB |
ilgstošas darbības cietas kapsulas |
60 |
50 |
10.12 |
13.68 |
9.90 |
7.43 |
4.95 |
A |
C01DA14 |
03-0479-03 |
Isomonit 60mg |
HL |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
60 |
60 |
9.12 |
12.39 |
11.88 |
8.91 |
5.94 |
A |
Lamivudinum/ Zidovudinum |
J05AR01 |
12-0044-05 |
Lamivudine/ Zidovudine Sandoz 150mg/300mg |
SZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
150/300 |
60 |
48.88 |
60.27 |
60.27 |
45.20 |
30.14 |
A |
R |
J05AR01 |
EU/1/98/058/001 |
Combivir |
VI |
apvalkotas tabletes |
150/300 |
60 |
54.99 |
67.46 |
60.27 |
45.20 |
30.14 |
A |
J05AR01 |
EU/1/10/663/001 |
Lamivudine/ Zidovudine Teva |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
150/300 |
60 |
81.63 |
98.20 |
60.27 |
45.20 |
30.14 |
A |
Lanreotidum |
H01CB03 |
03-0243-01 |
Somatuline Autogel 120mg |
IP |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
120 |
1 |
1175.89 |
1323.77 |
1323.77 |
992.83 |
661.89 |
B |
Lanthanum |
V03AE03 |
07-0026-05 |
Fosrenol 750mg |
SH |
košļājamas tabletes |
750 |
90 |
191.58 |
221.35 |
221.35 |
166.01 |
110.68 |
B |
Latanoprostum |
S01EE01 |
11-0109-01 |
Latizolil 50mcg/ml |
SZ |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
2.53 |
3.62 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
R |
S01EE01 |
09-0227-01 |
Latanoprost Actavis 50mcg/ml |
AT |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
3.88 |
5.45 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
S01EE01 |
09-0121-01 |
Latanoprost-ratiopharm 50mcg/ml |
RP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
4.44 |
6.29 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
S01EE01 |
10-0502-01 |
Latalux 50mcg/ml |
PS |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
7.00 |
9.65 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
S01EE01 |
09-0393-01 |
UNILAT 50mcg/ml |
UM |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
8.49 |
11.57 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
S01EE01 |
00-0502-01 |
Xalatan 50mcg/ml |
PF |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
9.72 |
13.16 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
S01EE01 |
09-0121-02 |
Latanoprost-ratiopharm 50mcg/ml |
RP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
3 gab. |
12.72 |
17.02 |
10.75 |
8.06 |
5.38 |
A |
S01EE01 |
09-0393-02 |
UNILAT 50mcg/ml |
UM |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
3 gab. |
23.62 |
30.45 |
10.75 |
8.06 |
5.38 |
A |
S01EE01 |
00-0502-02 |
Xalatan 50mcg/ml |
PF |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05mg/ ml-2,5ml |
3 gab. |
28.60 |
36.42 |
10.75 |
8.06 |
5.38 |
A |
Latanoprostum/ Timololum |
S01ED51 |
11-0214-01 |
Latoxap 50mcg/5mg/ml |
SZ |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
1 gab. |
4.57 |
6.47 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
S01ED51 |
11-0262-01 |
Latira 50mcg/5mg/ml |
RP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
1 gab. |
5.38 |
7.53 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
S01ED51 |
11-0123-01 |
Latanoprost/Timolol Actavis 50mcg/5ml/ml |
AT |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
1 gab. |
5.69 |
7.94 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
S01ED51 |
11-0403-01 |
Timlatan 50mcg/5mg/ml |
PS |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
1 gab. |
8.27 |
11.29 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
S01ED51 |
11-0116-01 |
Xalopticom 50mcg/5mg/ml |
PO |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
1 gab. |
9.04 |
12.29 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
S01ED51 |
03-0418-01 |
Xalacom |
PF |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
1 gab. |
10.61 |
14.30 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
S01ED51 |
11-0262-02 |
Latira 50mcg/5mg/ml |
RP |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
3 gab. |
18.63 |
24.38 |
15.46 |
11.60 |
7.73 |
A |
S01ED51 |
03-0418-02 |
Xalacom |
PF |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,05/5mg/ml -2,5ml |
3 gab. |
31.08 |
39.33 |
15.46 |
11.60 |
7.73 |
A |
Leflunomidum |
L04AA13 |
EU/1/99/118/003 |
Arava |
AV |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
22.31 |
28.88 |
16.82 |
12.62 |
8.41 |
A |
L04AA13 |
11-0002-04 |
Leflunomide Sandoz 20mg |
SZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
26.26 |
33.62 |
33.62 |
25.22 |
16.81 |
A |
R |
L04AA13 |
EU/1/99/118/007 |
Arava |
AV |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
28.20 |
35.94 |
33.62 |
25.22 |
16.81 |
A |
Lercanidipinum |
C08CA13 |
12-0142-14 |
Kapidin 10mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
1.98 |
2.86 |
2.86 |
2.15 |
1.43 |
A |
R |
C08CA13 |
10-0647-03 |
Lercanidipin Orion 10mg |
OR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.53 |
3.62 |
2.86 |
2.15 |
1.43 |
A |
C08CA13 |
09-0290-03 |
Lercanidipine Actavis 10mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.59 |
3.71 |
2.86 |
2.15 |
1.43 |
A |
C08CA13 |
01-0392-03 |
Lercapin 10mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
11.24 |
15.12 |
2.86 |
2.15 |
1.43 |
A |
C08CA13 |
09-0290-32 |
Lercanidipine Actavis 10mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
90 |
7.46 |
10.25 |
9.09 |
6.82 |
4.55 |
A |
C08CA13 |
01-0392-08 |
Lercapin 10mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
90 |
10.12 |
13.68 |
9.09 |
6.82 |
4.55 |
A |
C08CA13 |
12-0143-14 |
Kapidin 20mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
3.98 |
5.59 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
R |
C08CA13 |
10-0648-03 |
Lercanidipin Orion 20mg |
OR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
5.69 |
7.94 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
C08CA13 |
05-0296-12 |
Lercapin 20mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
90 |
19.08 |
24.94 |
17.82 |
13.37 |
8.91 |
A |
Letrozolum |
L02BG04 |
09-0021-03 |
Letrozole SanoSwiss 2,5mg |
SW |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2,5 |
30 |
22.09 |
28.63 |
25.63 |
19.22 |
12.82 |
A |
L02BG04 |
10-0160-07 |
Letrozole Teva 2,5mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2,5 |
30 |
23.25 |
30.02 |
25.63 |
19.22 |
12.82 |
A |
L02BG04 |
98-0087-01 |
Femara 2,5mg |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2,5 |
30 |
65.52 |
79.84 |
25.63 |
19.22 |
12.82 |
A |
Levetiracetamum |
N03AX14 |
12-0057-03 |
Levetiracetam PharmaSwiss 500mg |
PS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
500 |
30 |
8.30 |
11.33 |
11.33 |
8.50 |
5.67 |
A |
R |
N03AX14 |
EU/1/11/701/008 |
Levetiracetam Teva |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
500 |
30 |
8.74 |
11.89 |
11.33 |
8.50 |
5.67 |
A |
N03AX14 |
12-0058-03 |
Levetiracetam PharmaSwiss 750mg |
PS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
750 |
30 |
18.90 |
24.72 |
16.98 |
12.74 |
8.49 |
A |
N03AX14 |
12-0059-03 |
Levetiracetam PharmaSwiss 1000mg |
PS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1000 |
30 |
17.20 |
22.62 |
22.62 |
16.97 |
11.31 |
A |
R |
N03AX14 |
EU/1/11/701/022 |
Levetiracetam Teva |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1000 |
30 |
18.11 |
23.74 |
22.62 |
16.97 |
11.31 |
A |
Levonorgestrelum |
G03AC03 |
99-0502-01 |
Mirena 20mcg/24h |
BE |
intrauterīna sistēma |
52 |
1 |
115.70 |
136.36 |
136.36 |
102.27 |
68.18 |
B |
Liraglutidum |
A10BX07 |
EU/1/09/529/002 |
Victoza |
NO |
šķīdums injekcijām pildspalvveida pilnšļircēs |
18mg/ 3ml |
2 |
92.34 |
110.20 |
81.09 |
60.82 |
40.55 |
A |
Lisinoprilum |
C09AA03 |
01-0222-01 |
Lisinopril-Grindeks 10mg |
GS |
tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.51 |
3.60 |
3.60 |
2.70 |
1.80 |
A |
R |
C09AA03 |
98-0832-01 |
Diroton 10mg |
GR |
tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.52 |
3.61 |
3.60 |
2.70 |
1.80 |
A |
C09AA03 |
01-0223-01 |
Lisinopril-Grindeks 20mg |
GS |
tabletes |
20 |
28 |
3.92 |
5.50 |
5.50 |
4.13 |
2.75 |
A |
R |
C09AA03 |
98-0831-01 |
Diroton 20mg |
GR |
tabletes |
20 |
28 |
3.93 |
5.52 |
5.50 |
4.13 |
2.75 |
A |
Lisinoprilum/ Amlodipinum |
C09BB03 |
09-0036-01 |
Dironorm 10mg/5mg |
GR |
tabletes |
10/5 |
30 |
5.79 |
8.06 |
4.74 |
3.56 |
2.37 |
A |
C09BB03 |
12-0105-01 |
Dironorm 20mg/5mg |
GR |
tabletes |
20/5 |
30 |
6.15 |
8.55 |
6.75 |
5.06 |
3.38 |
A |
C09BB03 |
09-0465-01 |
Dironorm 20mg/10mg |
GR |
tabletes |
20/10 |
30 |
7.75 |
10.62 |
7.56 |
5.67 |
3.78 |
A |
Lixisenatidum |
A10BX10 |
EU/1/12/811/005 |
Lyxumia |
SF |
šķīdums injekcijām |
0,01mg/ 0,2ml-3ml+ 0,02mg/ 0,2ml-3ml |
1 |
76.88 |
92.88 |
75.68 |
56.76 |
37.84 |
A |
A10BX10 |
EU/1/12/811/003 |
Lyxumia |
SF |
šķīdums injekcijām |
0,02mg/ 0,2ml-3ml |
2 |
76.88 |
92.88 |
75.68 |
56.76 |
37.84 |
A |
Losartanum |
C09CA01 |
09-0438-03 |
Lorista 50mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
28 |
2.67 |
3.82 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA01 |
96-0155-01 |
Cozaar 50mg |
MS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
28 |
11.68 |
15.68 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA01 |
06-0092-04 |
Lozap 50mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
30 |
1.87 |
2.70 |
2.70 |
2.03 |
1.35 |
A |
R |
C09CA01 |
07-0142-14 |
Losartan Actavis 50mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
30 |
2.72 |
3.89 |
2.70 |
2.03 |
1.35 |
A |
C09CA01 |
09-0439-05 |
Lorista 100mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
28 |
5.45 |
7.63 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA01 |
04-0343-01 |
Cozaar 100mg |
MS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
28 |
14.84 |
19.71 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA01 |
07-0143-14 |
Losartan Actavis 100mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
30 |
5.28 |
7.40 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
C09CA01 |
06-0093-04 |
Lozap 100mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
30 |
5.91 |
8.22 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
Losartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA01 |
10-0095-02 |
Lorista H 50mg/12,5mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50/12,5 |
28 |
3.32 |
4.69 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09DA01 |
09-0089-02 |
Lozap H 50/12,5mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50/12,5 |
30 |
3.54 |
5.00 |
4.62 |
3.47 |
2.31 |
A |
C09DA01 |
10-0373-05 |
Lorista H 100mg/12,5mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100/12,5 |
28 |
6.09 |
8.47 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA01 |
09-0241-04 |
Fortzaar 100mg/12,5mg |
MS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100/12,5 |
28 |
17.22 |
22.65 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
Metforminum |
A10BA02 |
08-0008-02 |
Formetic 1000mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1000 |
60 |
3.56 |
5.02 |
5.02 |
3.77 |
2.51 |
A |
R |
A10BA02 |
08-0335-04 |
Glucophage 1000mg |
MK |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1000 |
60 |
4.40 |
6.25 |
5.02 |
3.77 |
2.51 |
A |
A10BA02 |
10-0372-02 |
Glucophage XR 1000mg |
MK |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
1000 |
60 |
10.59 |
14.28 |
6.00 |
4.50 |
3.00 |
A |
Mitoxantronum |
L01DB07 |
96-0548-01 |
Oncotrone 10mg/5ml |
BY |
šķīdums injekcijām |
10mg/ 5ml |
1 |
61.15 |
74.70 |
74.70 |
56.03 |
37.35 |
B |
L01DB07 |
06-0260-01 |
Oncotrone 20mg/10ml |
BY |
šķīdums injekcijām |
20mg/ 10ml |
1 |
107.95 |
127.68 |
127.68 |
95.76 |
63.84 |
B |
Moxonidinum |
C02AC05 |
00-0562-01 |
Physiotens 0,2mg |
AB |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,2 |
28 |
6.74 |
9.32 |
6.73 |
5.05 |
3.37 |
A |
C02AC05 |
05-0014-01 |
Moxogamma 0,2mg |
WP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,2 |
30 |
5.14 |
7.21 |
7.21 |
5.41 |
3.61 |
A |
R |
C02AC05 |
04-0121-01 |
MoxonidinHexal 0,2mg |
HL |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,2 |
30 |
5.41 |
7.57 |
7.21 |
5.41 |
3.61 |
A |
C02AC05 |
00-0564-01 |
Physiotens 0,4mg |
AB |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,4 |
28 |
9.36 |
12.69 |
6.01 |
4.51 |
3.01 |
A |
C02AC05 |
05-0016-01 |
Moxogamma 0,4mg |
WP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,4 |
30 |
4.55 |
6.44 |
6.44 |
4.83 |
3.22 |
A |
R |
C02AC05 |
07-0043-04 |
Moxonidin Actavis 0,4mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,4 |
30 |
4.95 |
6.97 |
6.44 |
4.83 |
3.22 |
A |
C02AC05 |
04-0123-01 |
MoxonidinHexal 0,4mg |
HL |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,4 |
30 |
7.37 |
10.14 |
6.44 |
4.83 |
3.22 |
A |
Natrii alendronatum/ Cholecalciferolum |
M05BB03 |
EU/1/05/310/002 |
Fosavance |
MS |
tabletes |
70/0,07 |
4 |
15.31 |
20.29 |
5.57 |
4.18 |
2.79 |
A |
M05BB03 |
EU/1/05/310/007 |
Fosavance |
MS |
tabletes |
70/0,14 |
4 |
14.54 |
19.34 |
5.80 |
4.35 |
2.90 |
A |
M05BB03 |
EU/1/05/310/008 |
Fosavance |
MS |
tabletes |
70/0,14 |
12 |
38.93 |
48.57 |
14.03 |
10.52 |
7.02 |
A |
Natrii risedronatum |
M05BA07 |
07-0271-02 |
Risendros 35mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
4 |
3.80 |
5.34 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
R |
M05BA07 |
10-0479-03 |
Risedronate sodium Portfarma 35mg |
PA |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
4 |
4.24 |
5.94 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
M05BA07 |
08-0339-03 |
Risonate 35mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
4 |
4.71 |
6.65 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
M05BA07 |
08-0308-03 |
Norifaz 35mg |
ZA |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
4 |
5.45 |
7.63 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
M05BA07 |
08-0309-03 |
Risedronate Sodium Actavis 35mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
4 |
6.42 |
8.89 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
M05BA07 |
11-0335-02 |
Melenor 35mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
12 |
9.33 |
12.66 |
12.66 |
9.50 |
6.33 |
A |
R |
M05BA07 |
08-0339-06 |
Risonate 35mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
12 |
11.61 |
15.59 |
12.66 |
9.50 |
6.33 |
A |
M05BA07 |
07-0271-04 |
Risendros 35mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
35 |
12 |
11.94 |
16.02 |
12.66 |
9.50 |
6.33 |
A |
Nebivololum |
C07AB12 |
08-0138-07 |
Nebivolol Actavis 5mg |
AT |
tabletes |
5 |
90 |
8.03 |
10.98 |
10.26 |
7.70 |
5.13 |
A |
Nebivololum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C07BB12 |
09-0074-03 |
Nebilet Plus 5mg/12,5mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
5/12,5 |
28 |
6.53 |
9.04 |
5.01 |
3.76 |
2.51 |
A |
Olanzapinum |
N05AH03 |
EU/1/07/415/033 |
Zalasta |
KR |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
2.78 |
3.98 |
3.80 |
2.85 |
1.90 |
A |
N05AH03 |
11-0179-01 |
Olanzapine Alvogen 5mg |
AO |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
3.37 |
4.76 |
3.80 |
2.85 |
1.90 |
A |
N05AH03 |
EU/1/07/427/023 |
Olanzapine Teva |
TE |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
3.88 |
5.45 |
3.80 |
2.85 |
1.90 |
A |
N05AH03 |
08-0244-05 |
Olanzapine Actavis 5mg |
AT |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
4.61 |
6.52 |
3.80 |
2.85 |
1.90 |
A |
N05AH03 |
10-0311-02 |
Olanzapine Orion 5mg |
OR |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
4.72 |
6.66 |
3.80 |
2.85 |
1.90 |
A |
N05AH03 |
09-0390-02 |
Lapozan 5mg |
MC |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
30 |
2.85 |
4.07 |
4.07 |
3.05 |
2.04 |
A |
R |
N05AH03 |
EU/1/07/415/043 |
Zalasta |
KR |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
3.98 |
5.59 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
R |
N05AH03 |
11-0180-01 |
Olanzapine Alvogen 10mg |
AO |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
5.15 |
7.24 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
N05AH03 |
EU/1/07/427/027 |
Olanzapine Teva |
TE |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
6.35 |
8.80 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
N05AH03 |
08-0245-05 |
Olanzapine Actavis 10mg |
AT |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
6.57 |
9.09 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
N05AH03 |
10-0312-02 |
Olanzapine Orion 10mg |
OR |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
8.54 |
11.64 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
N05AH03 |
07-0281-04 |
Olanzapin-ratiopharm 10mg |
RP |
tabletes |
10 |
28 |
16.63 |
21.92 |
5.59 |
4.19 |
2.80 |
A |
N05AH03 |
09-0391-02 |
Lapozan 10mg |
MC |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
4.45 |
6.32 |
5.99 |
4.49 |
3.00 |
A |
N05AH03 |
11-0181-01 |
Olanzapine Alvogen 15mg |
AO |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
15 |
28 |
8.02 |
10.96 |
8.36 |
6.27 |
4.18 |
A |
N05AH03 |
10-0313-02 |
Olanzapine Orion 15mg |
OR |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
15 |
28 |
13.29 |
17.75 |
8.36 |
6.27 |
4.18 |
A |
N05AH03 |
09-0392-02 |
Lapozan 15mg |
MC |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
15 |
30 |
6.85 |
9.45 |
8.96 |
6.72 |
4.48 |
A |
Olmesartanum |
C09CA08 |
09-0440-02 |
Olimestra 10mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.95 |
4.20 |
1.26 |
0.95 |
0.63 |
A |
C09CA08 |
04-0062-01 |
Mesar 10mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
15.82 |
20.92 |
1.26 |
0.95 |
0.63 |
A |
C09CA08 |
13-0021-02 |
Osaver 20mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
4.10 |
5.75 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA08 |
09-0441-02 |
Olimestra 20mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
4.19 |
5.87 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA08 |
04-0063-01 |
Mesar 20mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
18.90 |
24.72 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA08 |
13-0022-02 |
Osaver 40mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
28 |
5.77 |
8.04 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA08 |
09-0442-02 |
Olimestra 40mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
28 |
5.80 |
8.09 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA08 |
04-0064-01 |
Mesar 40mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
28 |
23.09 |
29.83 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
Olmesartanum/ Amlodipinum |
C09DB02 |
08-0270-02 |
Sanoral 20mg/5mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/5 |
28 |
18.95 |
24.79 |
3.33 |
2.50 |
1.67 |
A |
C09DB02 |
08-0271-02 |
Sanoral 40mg/5mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40/5 |
28 |
19.71 |
25.72 |
5.80 |
4.35 |
2.90 |
A |
C09DB02 |
08-0272-02 |
Sanoral 40mg/10mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40/10 |
28 |
19.71 |
25.72 |
6.55 |
4.91 |
3.28 |
A |
Olmesartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA08 |
13-0023-02 |
Osaver HCT 20mg/12,5mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/12,5 |
28 |
4.41 |
6.26 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09DA08 |
05-0631-02 |
Mesar Plus 20/12,5mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/12,5 |
28 |
18.90 |
24.72 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09DA08 |
12-0178-03 |
Co-Olimestra 20mg/12,5mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/12,5 |
30 |
4.92 |
6.93 |
4.62 |
3.47 |
2.31 |
A |
C09DA08 |
05-0632-02 |
Mesar Plus 20/25mg |
MN |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/25 |
28 |
18.90 |
24.72 |
6.08 |
4.56 |
3.04 |
A |
C09DA08 |
12-0179-03 |
Co-Olimestra 20mg/25mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/25 |
30 |
6.26 |
8.68 |
6.51 |
4.88 |
3.26 |
A |
C09DA08 |
13-0025-02 |
Osaver HCT 40mg/12,5mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40/12,5 |
28 |
6.18 |
8.58 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA08 |
12-0180-03 |
Co-Olimestra 40mg/12,5mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40/12,5 |
30 |
6.83 |
9.43 |
7.11 |
5.33 |
3.56 |
A |
Omeprazolum |
A02BC01 |
00-0761-03 |
Omeprazol Stirol 20mg |
SL |
cietas kapsulas |
20 |
30 |
2.95 |
4.20 |
3.80 |
2.85 |
1.90 |
A |
A02BC01 |
96-0146-04 |
Gasec Gastrocaps 20mg |
MF |
zarnās šķīstošas cietas kapsulas |
20 |
56 |
6.53 |
9.04 |
7.06 |
5.30 |
3.53 |
A |
Ondansetronum |
A04AA01 |
98-0617-01 |
Zofran 8mg/4ml |
GK |
šķīdums injekcijām |
8mg/4ml |
5 |
14.44 |
19.22 |
19.22 |
14.42 |
9.61 |
A |
R |
A04AA01 |
00-0333-01 |
Emetron 2mg/ml |
GR |
šķīdums injekcijām |
8mg/4ml |
5 |
15.21 |
20.17 |
19.22 |
14.42 |
9.61 |
A |
Oxaliplatinum |
L01XA03 |
11-0268-01 |
Oxaliplatin Actavis 5mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50mg/ 10ml |
1 |
11.93 |
16.00 |
16.00 |
12.00 |
8.00 |
A |
R |
L01XA03 |
07-0292-01 |
Oxaliplatin-Teva 5mg/ml |
PH |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50mg/ 10ml |
1 |
13.52 |
18.05 |
16.00 |
12.00 |
8.00 |
A |
L01XA03 |
07-0396-01 |
Oxaliplatin Actavis 5mg/ml |
AT |
pulveris infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50 |
1 |
13.99 |
18.66 |
16.00 |
12.00 |
8.00 |
A |
L01XA03 |
11-0268-02 |
Oxaliplatin Actavis 5mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 20ml |
1 |
19.51 |
25.47 |
25.47 |
19.10 |
12.74 |
A |
R |
L01XA03 |
07-0292-02 |
Oxaliplatin-Teva 5mg/ml |
PH |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 20ml |
1 |
21.98 |
28.49 |
25.47 |
19.10 |
12.74 |
A |
L01XA03 |
07-0396-02 |
Oxaliplatin Actavis 5mg/ml |
AT |
pulveris infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100 |
1 |
22.84 |
29.52 |
25.47 |
19.10 |
12.74 |
A |
Paclitaxelum |
L01CD01 |
03-0395-01 |
Paclitaxel "Ebewe" 30mg/5ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
30mg/ 5ml |
1 |
5.67 |
7.91 |
7.91 |
5.93 |
3.96 |
A |
R |
L01CD01 |
05-0316-01 |
Paclitaxel-Teva 6mg/ml |
PH |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
30mg/ 5ml |
1 |
6.36 |
8.81 |
7.91 |
5.93 |
3.96 |
A |
L01CD01 |
08-0294-01 |
Paclitaxel SanoSwiss 6mg/ml |
SW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
30mg/ 5ml |
1 |
7.95 |
10.88 |
7.91 |
5.93 |
3.96 |
A |
L01CD01 |
08-0080-01 |
Paclitaxel Actavis 6mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
30mg/ 5ml |
1 |
11.35 |
15.25 |
7.91 |
5.93 |
3.96 |
A |
L01CD01 |
08-0080-02 |
Paclitaxel Actavis 6mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 16,7ml |
1 |
57.30 |
70.18 |
26.37 |
19.78 |
13.19 |
A |
L01CD01 |
08-0080-04 |
Paclitaxel Actavis 6mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
300mg/ 50ml |
1 |
49.76 |
61.31 |
61.31 |
45.98 |
30.66 |
A |
R |
L01CD01 |
03-0399-01 |
Paclitaxel "Ebewe" 300mg/50ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
300mg/ 50ml |
1 |
52.83 |
64.92 |
61.31 |
45.98 |
30.66 |
A |
L01CD01 |
05-0316-03 |
Paclitaxel-Teva 6mg/ml |
PH |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
300mg/ 50ml |
1 |
60.94 |
74.46 |
61.31 |
45.98 |
30.66 |
A |
L01CD01 |
08-0297-01 |
Paclitaxel SanoSwiss 6mg/ml |
SW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
300mg/ 50ml |
1 |
70.62 |
85.84 |
61.31 |
45.98 |
30.66 |
A |
Palonosetronum |
A04AA05 |
EU/1/04/306/001 |
Aloxi |
HE |
šķīdums injekcijām |
0,25mg/ 5ml |
1 |
72.80 |
88.31 |
88.31 |
66.23 |
44.16 |
B |
Perindoprilum/ Amlodipinum |
C09BB04 |
11-0360-07 |
Amlessa 4mg/5mg |
KR |
tabletes |
4/5 |
30 |
2.70 |
3.86 |
3.48 |
2.61 |
1.74 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0111-07 |
Presteram 5mg/5mg |
LL |
tabletes |
5/5 |
30 |
7.63 |
10.46 |
3.48 |
2.61 |
1.74 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0111-11 |
Presteram 5mg/5mg |
LL |
tabletes |
5/5 |
90 |
21.03 |
27.34 |
10.35 |
7.76 |
5.18 |
A |
C09BB04 |
11-0359-07 |
Amlessa 4mg/10mg |
KR |
tabletes |
4/10 |
30 |
3.37 |
4.76 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0112-07 |
Presteram 5mg/10mg |
LL |
tabletes |
5/10 |
30 |
8.24 |
11.26 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0112-11 |
Presteram 5mg/10mg |
LL |
tabletes |
5/10 |
90 |
23.55 |
30.37 |
12.87 |
9.65 |
6.44 |
A |
C09BB04 |
11-0362-07 |
Amlessa 8mg/5mg |
KR |
tabletes |
8/5 |
30 |
4.10 |
5.75 |
5.20 |
3.90 |
2.60 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0113-07 |
Presteram 10mg/5mg |
LL |
tabletes |
10/5 |
30 |
10.50 |
14.17 |
5.20 |
3.90 |
2.60 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0113-11 |
Presteram 10mg/5mg |
LL |
tabletes |
10/5 |
90 |
29.97 |
38.04 |
15.48 |
11.61 |
7.74 |
A |
C09BB04 |
11-0361-07 |
Amlessa 8mg/10mg |
KR |
tabletes |
8/10 |
30 |
5.09 |
7.16 |
6.48 |
4.86 |
3.24 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0114-07 |
Presteram 10mg/10mg |
LL |
tabletes |
10/10 |
30 |
11.68 |
15.68 |
6.48 |
4.86 |
3.24 |
A |
C09BB04 |
08-0114-11 |
Presteram 10mg/10mg |
LL |
tabletes |
10/10 |
90 |
33.34 |
42.00 |
19.35 |
14.51 |
9.68 |
A |
Perindoprilum/ Indapamidum |
C09BA04 |
10-0235-04 |
Co-Perineva 2mg/0,625mg |
KR |
tabletes |
2/0,625 |
30 |
1.80 |
2.60 |
2.01 |
1.51 |
1.01 |
A |
C09BA04 |
10-0236-04 |
Co-Perineva 4mg/1,25mg |
KR |
tabletes |
4/1,25 |
30 |
3.08 |
4.38 |
4.02 |
3.02 |
2.01 |
A |
C09BA04 |
12-0252-16 |
Co-Perindalon 4mg/1,25mg |
SZ |
tabletes |
4/1,25 |
30 |
3.91 |
5.49 |
4.02 |
3.02 |
2.01 |
A |
Pioglitazonum |
A10BG03 |
12-0083-02 |
Zipion 30mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
30 |
28 |
12.07 |
16.18 |
16.18 |
12.14 |
8.09 |
A |
R |
A10BG03 |
EU/1/12/757/012 |
Pioglitazone Teva |
TE |
tabletes |
30 |
28 |
12.71 |
17.01 |
16.18 |
12.14 |
8.09 |
A |
A10BG03 |
EU/1/00/150/004 |
Actos |
TK |
tabletes |
30 |
28 |
31.80 |
40.19 |
16.18 |
12.14 |
8.09 |
A |
Pramipexolum |
N04BC05 |
10-0053-01 |
Pramipexole Orion 0,18mg |
OR |
tabletes |
0,18 |
30 |
2.34 |
3.36 |
3.36 |
2.52 |
1.68 |
A |
R |
N04BC05 |
09-0160-01 |
Ezaprev 0,18mg |
NR |
tabletes |
0,18 |
30 |
2.46 |
3.53 |
3.36 |
2.52 |
1.68 |
A |
N04BC05 |
09-0164-01 |
Pramipexole Portfarma 0,18mg |
PA |
tabletes |
0,18 |
30 |
2.76 |
3.94 |
3.36 |
2.52 |
1.68 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/97/051/003 |
Mirapexin |
BO |
tabletes |
0,18 |
30 |
10.16 |
13.72 |
3.36 |
2.52 |
1.68 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/97/051/014 |
Mirapexin |
BO |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
0,26 |
30 |
15.40 |
20.41 |
6.05 |
4.54 |
3.03 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/97/051/017 |
Mirapexin |
BO |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
0,52 |
30 |
30.19 |
38.29 |
12.09 |
9.07 |
6.05 |
A |
N04BC05 |
10-0055-01 |
Pramipexole Orion 0,7mg |
OR |
tabletes |
0,7 |
30 |
9.15 |
12.42 |
12.42 |
9.32 |
6.21 |
A |
R |
N04BC05 |
09-0165-01 |
Pramipexole Portfarma 0,7mg |
PA |
tabletes |
0,7 |
30 |
9.63 |
13.04 |
12.42 |
9.32 |
6.21 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/97/051/005 |
Mirapexin |
BO |
tabletes |
0,7 |
30 |
39.19 |
48.88 |
12.42 |
9.32 |
6.21 |
A |
N04BC05 |
09-0162-01 |
Ezaprev 0,7mg |
NR |
tabletes |
0,7 |
100 |
30.16 |
38.26 |
38.26 |
28.70 |
19.13 |
A |
R |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/97/051/020 |
Mirapexin |
BO |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
1,05 |
30 |
60.37 |
73.79 |
22.36 |
16.77 |
11.18 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/97/051/023 |
Mirapexin |
BO |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2,1 |
30 |
120.74 |
142.00 |
44.68 |
33.51 |
22.34 |
A |
N04BC05 |
EU/1/97/051/026 |
Mirapexin |
BO |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
3,15 |
30 |
179.38 |
207.68 |
66.96 |
50.22 |
33.48 |
A |
Quetiapinum |
N05AH04 |
07-0230-05 |
Kventiax 100mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
60 |
10.17 |
13.74 |
13.74 |
10.31 |
6.87 |
A |
R |
N05AH04 |
07-0373-02 |
Nantarid 100mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
60 |
17.06 |
22.46 |
13.74 |
10.31 |
6.87 |
A |
N05AH04 |
07-0268-09 |
Hedonin 100mg |
GL |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
60 |
23.62 |
30.45 |
13.74 |
10.31 |
6.87 |
A |
N05AH04 |
01-0120-02 |
Seroquel 100mg |
AZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
100 |
60 |
27.29 |
34.85 |
13.74 |
10.31 |
6.87 |
A |
N05AH04 |
09-0111-14 |
Quetiapine Actavis 200mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
11.77 |
15.80 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
R |
N05AH04 |
07-0232-05 |
Kventiax 200mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
12.18 |
16.33 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
N05AH04 |
07-0334-04 |
Ketilept 200mg |
EG |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
14.30 |
19.05 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
N05AH04 |
08-0340-06 |
Quetiapine Teva 200mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
15.59 |
20.64 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
N05AH04 |
07-0375-02 |
Nantarid 200mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
19.61 |
25.59 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
N05AH04 |
10-0131-01 |
Quetiapine Polpharma 200mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
28.74 |
36.59 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
N05AH04 |
07-0269-09 |
Hedonin 200mg |
GL |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
39.93 |
49.75 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
N05AH04 |
01-0121-02 |
Seroquel 200mg |
AZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
60 |
44.38 |
54.98 |
15.80 |
11.85 |
7.90 |
A |
N05AH04 |
07-0097-01 |
Ketipinor 200mg |
OR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
200 |
100 |
20.03 |
26.11 |
26.11 |
19.58 |
13.06 |
A |
R |
N05AH04 |
07-0335-03 |
Ketilept 300mg |
EG |
apvalkotas tabletes |
300 |
30 |
8.82 |
12.00 |
12.00 |
9.00 |
6.00 |
A |
R |
N05AH04 |
07-0233-05 |
Kventiax 300mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
300 |
60 |
27.85 |
35.53 |
23.67 |
17.75 |
11.84 |
A |
N05AH04 |
07-0376-02 |
Nantarid 300mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
300 |
60 |
57.95 |
70.94 |
23.67 |
17.75 |
11.84 |
A |
N05AH04 |
08-0014-01 |
Seroquel XR 300mg |
AZ |
ilgstošas darbības apvalkotas tabletes |
300 |
60 |
106.32 |
125.85 |
28.40 |
21.30 |
14.20 |
A |
N05AH04 |
10-0658-04 |
Ketipinor 300mg |
OR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
300 |
100 |
30.88 |
39.10 |
39.10 |
29.33 |
19.55 |
A |
R |
N05AH04 |
08-0015-01 |
Seroquel XR 400mg |
AZ |
ilgstošas darbības apvalkotas tabletes |
400 |
60 |
191.28 |
221.01 |
37.80 |
28.35 |
18.90 |
A |
Quinaprilum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09BA06 |
09-0488-01 |
Accuzide 20mg/25mg |
PF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20/25 |
30 |
8.27 |
11.29 |
9.99 |
7.49 |
5.00 |
A |
Ramiprilum |
C09AA05 |
07-0091-04 |
Polapril 2,5mg |
PO |
cietas kapsulas |
2,5 |
28 |
2.01 |
2.89 |
2.75 |
2.06 |
1.38 |
A |
C09AA05 |
99-0107-01 |
Cardace 2,5mg |
SF |
tabletes |
2,5 |
28 |
2.60 |
3.72 |
2.75 |
2.06 |
1.38 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0426-01 |
Ampril 2,5mg |
KR |
tabletes |
2,5 |
30 |
2.15 |
3.09 |
2.95 |
2.21 |
1.48 |
A |
C09AA05 |
99-0107-02 |
Cardace 2,5mg |
SF |
tabletes |
2,5 |
98 |
11.77 |
15.80 |
9.51 |
7.13 |
4.76 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0324-01 |
Hartil 5mg |
EG |
tabletes |
5 |
28 |
1.65 |
2.39 |
2.25 |
1.69 |
1.13 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0572-01 |
Ramipril Actavis 5mg |
AT |
tabletes |
5 |
28 |
2.11 |
3.04 |
2.25 |
1.69 |
1.13 |
A |
C09AA05 |
07-0092-04 |
Polapril 5mg |
PO |
cietas kapsulas |
5 |
28 |
2.56 |
3.66 |
2.25 |
1.69 |
1.13 |
A |
C09AA05 |
99-0108-01 |
Cardace 5mg |
SF |
tabletes |
5 |
28 |
4.27 |
6.08 |
2.25 |
1.69 |
1.13 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0427-01 |
Ampril 5mg |
KR |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
1.75 |
2.53 |
2.41 |
1.81 |
1.21 |
A |
C09AA05 |
09-0040-05 |
Ramimed 5mg |
MC |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
1.84 |
2.65 |
2.41 |
1.81 |
1.21 |
A |
C09AA05 |
04-0388-04 |
Ramicor 5mg |
HL |
tabletes |
5 |
30 |
2.44 |
3.49 |
2.41 |
1.81 |
1.21 |
A |
C09AA05 |
09-0040-07 |
Ramimed 5mg |
MC |
tabletes |
5 |
50 |
2.54 |
3.64 |
3.64 |
2.73 |
1.82 |
A |
R |
C09AA05 |
99-0108-12 |
Cardace 5mg |
SF |
tabletes |
5 |
56 |
8.39 |
11.45 |
4.08 |
3.06 |
2.04 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0572-10 |
Ramipril Actavis 5mg |
AT |
tabletes |
5 |
90 |
5.72 |
7.97 |
6.30 |
4.73 |
3.15 |
A |
C09AA05 |
99-0108-02 |
Cardace 5mg |
SF |
tabletes |
5 |
98 |
14.84 |
19.71 |
6.86 |
5.15 |
3.43 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0325-01 |
Hartil 10mg |
EG |
tabletes |
10 |
28 |
3.33 |
4.72 |
4.24 |
3.18 |
2.12 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0573-01 |
Ramipril Actavis 10mg |
AT |
tabletes |
10 |
28 |
3.77 |
5.30 |
4.24 |
3.18 |
2.12 |
A |
C09AA05 |
07-0093-04 |
Polapril 10mg |
PO |
cietas kapsulas |
10 |
28 |
4.35 |
6.18 |
4.24 |
3.18 |
2.12 |
A |
C09AA05 |
03-0067-01 |
Cardace 10mg |
SF |
tabletes |
10 |
28 |
5.83 |
8.12 |
4.24 |
3.18 |
2.12 |
A |
C09AA05 |
05-0428-01 |
Ampril 10mg |
KR |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.37 |
4.76 |
4.54 |
3.41 |
2.27 |
A |
C09AA05 |
09-0041-05 |
Ramimed 10mg |
MC |
tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.61 |
5.08 |
4.54 |
3.41 |
2.27 |
A |
C09AA05 |
09-0041-07 |
Ramimed 10mg |
MC |
tabletes |
10 |
50 |
4.97 |
6.99 |
6.99 |
5.24 |
3.50 |
A |
R |
C09AA05 |
03-0067-12 |
Cardace 10mg |
SF |
tabletes |
10 |
56 |
11.37 |
15.29 |
7.83 |
5.87 |
3.92 |
A |
C09AA05 |
04-0389-08 |
Ramicor 10mg |
HL |
tabletes |
10 |
60 |
8.50 |
11.59 |
8.39 |
6.29 |
4.20 |
A |
Ramiprilum/ Amlodipinum |
C09BB07 |
12-0136-02 |
Ramdacordia 5mg/5mg |
SZ |
cietas kapsulas |
5/5 |
30 |
3.71 |
5.22 |
3.27 |
2.45 |
1.64 |
A |
C09BB07 |
12-0137-02 |
Ramdacordia 5mg/10mg |
SZ |
cietas kapsulas |
5/10 |
30 |
4.64 |
6.56 |
4.08 |
3.06 |
2.04 |
A |
C09BB07 |
12-0138-02 |
Ramdacordia 10mg/5mg |
SZ |
cietas kapsulas |
10/5 |
30 |
5.69 |
7.94 |
5.40 |
4.05 |
2.70 |
A |
C09BB07 |
12-0139-02 |
Ramdacordia 10mg/10mg |
SZ |
cietas kapsulas |
10/10 |
30 |
6.45 |
8.94 |
6.21 |
4.66 |
3.11 |
A |
Ramiprilum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09BA05 |
05-0553-03 |
Ampril HD 5mg/25mg |
KR |
tabletes |
5/25 |
30 |
6.10 |
8.48 |
6.13 |
4.60 |
3.07 |
A |
Repaglinidum |
A10BX02 |
11-0016-02 |
Reneos 1mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
1 |
90 |
9.24 |
12.54 |
12.54 |
9.41 |
6.27 |
A |
R |
A10BX02 |
10-0105-01 |
Repaglinide Portfarma 1mg |
PA |
tabletes |
1 |
90 |
9.73 |
13.17 |
12.54 |
9.41 |
6.27 |
A |
A10BX02 |
EU/1/98/076/012 |
NovoNorm |
NO |
tabletes |
1 |
90 |
15.47 |
20.50 |
12.54 |
9.41 |
6.27 |
A |
A10BX02 |
11-0017-02 |
Reneos 2mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
2 |
90 |
12.47 |
16.70 |
16.70 |
12.53 |
8.35 |
A |
R |
A10BX02 |
10-0106-01 |
Repaglinide Portfarma 2mg |
PA |
tabletes |
2 |
90 |
13.13 |
17.55 |
16.70 |
12.53 |
8.35 |
A |
A10BX02 |
EU/1/98/076/019 |
NovoNorm |
NO |
tabletes |
2 |
90 |
20.86 |
27.14 |
16.70 |
12.53 |
8.35 |
A |
Risperidonum |
N05AX08 |
07-0207-03 |
Medorisper 2mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2 |
30 |
3.76 |
5.29 |
5.29 |
3.97 |
2.65 |
A |
R |
N05AX08 |
06-0296-04 |
Torendo Q-Tab 2mg |
KR |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
2 |
30 |
4.20 |
5.88 |
5.88 |
4.41 |
2.94 |
A |
R |
N05AX08 |
07-0207-05 |
Medorisper 2mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2 |
60 |
5.48 |
7.66 |
7.66 |
5.75 |
3.83 |
A |
R |
N05AX08 |
07-0185-02 |
Rispaxol 2mg |
GS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2 |
60 |
5.53 |
7.73 |
7.66 |
5.75 |
3.83 |
A |
N05AX08 |
98-0100-01 |
Rispolept 2mg |
JO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
2 |
60 |
17.39 |
22.86 |
7.66 |
5.75 |
3.83 |
A |
N05AX08 |
98-0101-01 |
Rispolept 3mg |
JO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
3 |
60 |
26.66 |
34.10 |
11.45 |
8.59 |
5.73 |
A |
N05AX08 |
07-0209-03 |
Medorisper 4mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
4 |
30 |
7.69 |
10.54 |
10.54 |
7.91 |
5.27 |
A |
R |
N05AX08 |
07-0186-02 |
Rispaxol 4mg |
GS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
4 |
60 |
11.00 |
14.81 |
14.81 |
11.11 |
7.41 |
A |
R |
N05AX08 |
07-0209-05 |
Medorisper 4mg |
MC |
apvalkotas tabletes |
4 |
60 |
11.30 |
15.20 |
14.81 |
11.11 |
7.41 |
A |
N05AX08 |
98-0102-01 |
Rispolept 4mg |
JO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
4 |
60 |
35.32 |
44.33 |
14.81 |
11.11 |
7.41 |
A |
Ropinirolum |
N04BC04 |
11-0085-02 |
Rolpryna SR 2mg |
KR |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2 |
28 |
7.23 |
9.95 |
8.20 |
6.15 |
4.10 |
A |
N04BC04 |
06-0261-06 |
Requip-Modutab 2mg |
GK |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2 |
28 |
11.21 |
15.08 |
8.20 |
6.15 |
4.10 |
A |
N04BC04 |
11-0085-04 |
Rolpryna SR 2mg |
KR |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2 |
84 |
17.49 |
22.98 |
22.98 |
17.24 |
11.49 |
A |
R |
N04BC04 |
06-0261-08 |
Requip-Modutab 2mg |
GK |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
2 |
84 |
34.83 |
43.75 |
22.98 |
17.24 |
11.49 |
A |
N04BC04 |
06-0263-03 |
Requip-Modutab 4mg |
GK |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
4 |
28 |
21.95 |
28.46 |
16.39 |
12.29 |
8.20 |
A |
N04BC04 |
11-0086-04 |
Rolpryna SR 4mg |
KR |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
4 |
84 |
37.49 |
46.87 |
45.92 |
34.44 |
22.96 |
A |
N04BC04 |
06-0263-04 |
Requip-Modutab 4mg |
GK |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
4 |
84 |
70.18 |
85.32 |
45.92 |
34.44 |
22.96 |
A |
N04BC04 |
11-0087-04 |
Rolpryna SR 8mg |
KR |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
8 |
84 |
73.00 |
88.54 |
88.54 |
66.41 |
44.27 |
A |
R |
N04BC04 |
06-0264-04 |
Requip-Modutab 8mg |
GK |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
8 |
84 |
137.39 |
160.65 |
88.54 |
66.41 |
44.27 |
A |
Rosuvastatinum |
C10AA07 |
11-0270-04 |
Rosuvastatin Krka 10mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
1.89 |
2.72 |
2.72 |
2.04 |
1.36 |
A |
R |
C10AA07 |
10-0162-04 |
Rosuvastatin Teva 10mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
2.29 |
3.28 |
2.72 |
2.04 |
1.36 |
A |
C10AA07 |
03-0167-02 |
Crestor 10mg |
AZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
17.72 |
23.26 |
2.72 |
2.04 |
1.36 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0007-02 |
Rosuvacard 10mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
2.99 |
4.26 |
2.91 |
2.18 |
1.46 |
A |
C10AA07 |
12-0098-03 |
Rosuvastatin Actavis 10mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.43 |
4.85 |
2.91 |
2.18 |
1.46 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0352-01 |
Romazic 10mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
3.61 |
5.08 |
2.91 |
2.18 |
1.46 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0178-01 |
Zaranta 10mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
5.36 |
7.50 |
2.91 |
2.18 |
1.46 |
A |
C10AA07 |
12-0098-05 |
Rosuvastatin Actavis 10mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
60 |
6.80 |
9.40 |
5.70 |
4.28 |
2.85 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0007-04 |
Rosuvacard 10mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
90 |
9.38 |
12.72 |
8.46 |
6.35 |
4.23 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0028-04 |
Sorvasta 15mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
15 |
28 |
3.56 |
5.02 |
4.03 |
3.02 |
2.02 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0272-04 |
Rosuvastatin Krka 20mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
3.42 |
4.83 |
4.83 |
3.62 |
2.42 |
A |
R |
C10AA07 |
10-0163-04 |
Rosuvastatin Teva 20mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
3.96 |
5.56 |
4.83 |
3.62 |
2.42 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0029-04 |
Sorvasta 20mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
5.41 |
7.57 |
4.83 |
3.62 |
2.42 |
A |
C10AA07 |
03-0168-02 |
Crestor 20mg |
AZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
26.97 |
34.47 |
4.83 |
3.62 |
2.42 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0353-01 |
Romazic 20mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
4.52 |
6.41 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0008-02 |
Rosuvacard 20mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
5.69 |
7.94 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
C10AA07 |
12-0099-03 |
Rosuvastatin Actavis 20mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
6.96 |
9.60 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0179-01 |
Zaranta 20mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
9.42 |
12.77 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
C10AA07 |
12-0099-05 |
Rosuvastatin Actavis 20mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
60 |
13.99 |
18.66 |
9.24 |
6.93 |
4.62 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0008-04 |
Rosuvacard 20mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
90 |
18.50 |
24.23 |
13.68 |
10.26 |
6.84 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0030-04 |
Sorvasta 30mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
30 |
28 |
6.81 |
9.41 |
7.14 |
5.36 |
3.57 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0274-04 |
Rosuvastatin Krka 40mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
28 |
7.05 |
9.72 |
8.51 |
6.38 |
4.26 |
A |
C10AA07 |
11-0031-04 |
Sorvasta 40mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
28 |
11.75 |
15.77 |
8.51 |
6.38 |
4.26 |
A |
C10AA07 |
03-0169-02 |
Crestor 40mg |
AZ |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
28 |
40.08 |
49.92 |
8.51 |
6.38 |
4.26 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0009-02 |
Rosuvacard 40mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
8.89 |
12.08 |
9.12 |
6.84 |
4.56 |
A |
C10AA07 |
10-0180-01 |
Zaranta 40mg |
GR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
10.12 |
13.68 |
9.12 |
6.84 |
4.56 |
A |
Salbutamolum |
R03AC02 |
99-1044-01 |
Ventolin 100mcg/devā |
GK |
aerosols inhalācijām, zem spiediena, suspensija |
0,1mg devā |
200 devas |
1.96 |
2.82 |
2.82 |
2.12 |
1.41 |
A |
R |
R03AC02 |
00-0020-01 |
Salbutamol GSK 100mcg/dose |
GK |
aerosols inhalācijām, suspensija |
0,1mg devā |
200 devas |
2.25 |
3.23 |
2.82 |
2.12 |
1.41 |
A |
R03AC02 |
99-0914-01 |
Ventolin 5mg/ml |
GK |
šķīdums izsmidzināšanai |
5mg/ml- 20ml |
1 |
2.89 |
4.12 |
4.12 |
3.09 |
2.06 |
A |
R |
Salmeterolum |
R03AC12 |
99-0388-02 |
Serevent 25mcg |
GK |
aerosols inhalācijām, zem spiediena, suspensija |
0,025mg devā |
120 devas |
20.07 |
26.16 |
26.16 |
19.62 |
13.08 |
B |
R03AC12 |
99-1049-01 |
Serevent Diskus 50mcg |
GK |
pulveris inhalācijām |
0,05mg devā |
60 devas |
18.69 |
24.46 |
24.46 |
18.35 |
12.23 |
B |
Salmeterolum/ Fluticasonum |
R03AK06 |
01-0451-01 |
Seretide 25/50mcg/dose |
GK |
aerosols inhalācijām |
0,025/ 0,05mg devā |
120 devas |
21.72 |
28.18 |
28.18 |
21.14 |
14.09 |
A |
R |
R03AK06 |
01-0452-01 |
Seretide 25/125mcg/dose |
GK |
aerosols inhalācijām |
0,025/ 0,125mg devā |
120 devas |
30.60 |
38.77 |
38.77 |
29.08 |
19.39 |
A |
R |
R03AK06 |
01-0453-01 |
Seretide 25/250mcg/dose |
GK |
aerosols inhalācijām |
0,025/ 0,25mg devā |
120 devas |
42.54 |
52.82 |
52.82 |
39.62 |
26.41 |
A |
R |
R03AK06 |
00-0933-01 |
Seretide Diskus 50/100mcg/dose |
GK |
pulveris inhalācijām |
0,05/ 0,1mg devā |
60 devas |
20.81 |
27.07 |
27.07 |
20.30 |
13.54 |
A |
R |
R03AK06 |
00-0933-02 |
Seretide Diskus 50/100mcg/dose |
GK |
pulveris inhalācijām |
0,05/ 0,1mg devā |
180 devas |
73.08 |
88.63 |
81.00 |
60.75 |
40.50 |
A |
R03AK06 |
00-0935-01 |
Seretide Diskus 50/500mcg/dose |
GK |
pulveris inhalācijām |
0,05/ 0,5mg devā |
60 devas |
41.09 |
51.11 |
51.11 |
38.33 |
25.56 |
A |
R |
R03AK06 |
00-0935-02 |
Seretide Diskus 50/500mcg/dose |
GK |
pulveris inhalācijām |
0,05/ 0,5mg devā |
180 devas |
135.04 |
158.02 |
153.18 |
114.89 |
76.59 |
A |
Simvastatinum |
C10AA01 |
02-0416-01 |
Simvacor 20mg |
HL |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
2.75 |
3.93 |
0.72 |
0.54 |
0.36 |
A |
Sitagliptinum/ Metforminum |
A10BD07 |
EU/1/08/455/016 |
Janumet |
MS |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50/1000 |
196 |
129.75 |
152.10 |
152.10 |
114.08 |
76.05 |
A |
R |
Strontii ranelatum |
M05BX03 |
EU/1/04/288/003 |
Protelos |
LL |
granulas iekšķīgi lietojamas suspensijas pagatavošanai |
2000 |
28 |
29.64 |
37.64 |
37.64 |
28.23 |
18.82 |
B |
Tamsulosinum |
G04CA02 |
06-0038-01 |
Fokusin 0,4mg |
ZE |
ilgstošas darbības cietas kapsulas |
0,4 |
30 |
3.12 |
4.42 |
4.42 |
3.32 |
2.21 |
A |
R |
G04CA02 |
05-0554-01 |
Tanyz 0,4 mg |
KR |
ilgstošas darbības cietas kapsulas |
0,4 |
30 |
3.19 |
4.52 |
4.42 |
3.32 |
2.21 |
A |
G04CA02 |
06-0089-01 |
Omsal 0,4mg |
GR |
ilgstošas darbības cietas kapsulas |
0,4 |
30 |
6.42 |
8.89 |
4.42 |
3.32 |
2.21 |
A |
G04CA02 |
06-0109-01 |
Tamsulosin Lannacher 0,4mg |
GL |
ilgstošas darbības cietas kapsulas |
0,4 |
30 |
6.82 |
9.42 |
4.42 |
3.32 |
2.21 |
A |
G04CA02 |
06-0031-01 |
Flosin 0,4mg |
MN |
ilgstošas darbības cietas kapsulas |
0,4 |
30 |
11.77 |
15.80 |
4.42 |
3.32 |
2.21 |
A |
G04CA02 |
05-0100-05 |
Omnic Tocas 0,4mg |
AE |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
0,4 |
30 |
11.97 |
16.06 |
4.42 |
3.32 |
2.21 |
A |
Telmisartanum |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/10/632/009 |
Tolura 40mg |
KR |
tabletes |
40 |
28 |
2.60 |
3.72 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA07 |
10-0505-05 |
Telmisartan-ratiopharm 40mg |
RP |
tabletes |
40 |
28 |
2.65 |
3.79 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA07 |
10-0651-06 |
Telmisartan Sandoz 40mg |
SZ |
tabletes |
40 |
28 |
2.90 |
4.13 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/10/639/012 |
Telmisartan Actavis |
AT |
tabletes |
40 |
28 |
3.16 |
4.48 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/98/089/002 |
Pritor |
SO |
tabletes |
40 |
28 |
7.38 |
10.15 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/98/090/002 |
Micardis 40mg |
BO |
tabletes |
40 |
28 |
13.93 |
18.58 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA07 |
10-0174-01 |
Tezeo 40mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
40 |
30 |
4.15 |
5.81 |
2.70 |
2.03 |
1.35 |
A |
C09CA07 |
10-0506-05 |
Telmisartan-ratiopharm 80mg |
RP |
tabletes |
80 |
28 |
4.24 |
5.94 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/10/632/016 |
Tolura 80mg |
KR |
tabletes |
80 |
28 |
4.64 |
6.56 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA07 |
10-0652-06 |
Telmisartan Sandoz 80mg |
SZ |
tabletes |
80 |
28 |
4.89 |
6.89 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/10/639/022 |
Telmisartan Actavis |
AT |
tabletes |
80 |
28 |
5.89 |
8.20 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/98/089/007 |
Pritor |
SO |
tabletes |
80 |
28 |
9.48 |
12.85 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA07 |
EU/1/98/090/006 |
Micardis 80mg |
BO |
tabletes |
80 |
28 |
17.59 |
23.11 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA07 |
10-0175-01 |
Tezeo 80mg |
ZE |
tabletes |
80 |
30 |
5.62 |
7.85 |
5.34 |
4.01 |
2.67 |
A |
Telmisartanum/ Amlodipinum |
C09DB04 |
EU/1/10/648/002 |
Twynsta |
BO |
tabletes |
40/5 |
28 |
21.12 |
27.45 |
3.33 |
2.50 |
1.67 |
A |
C09DB04 |
EU/1/10/648/009 |
Twynsta |
BO |
tabletes |
40/10 |
28 |
22.38 |
28.97 |
4.09 |
3.07 |
2.05 |
A |
C09DB04 |
EU/1/10/648/016 |
Twynsta |
BO |
tabletes |
80/5 |
28 |
25.51 |
32.73 |
5.80 |
4.35 |
2.90 |
A |
C09DB04 |
EU/1/10/648/023 |
Twynsta |
BO |
tabletes |
80/10 |
28 |
26.78 |
34.24 |
6.55 |
4.91 |
3.28 |
A |
Telmisartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA07 |
EU/1/13/821/014 |
Tolucombi |
KR |
tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
4.90 |
6.90 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA07 |
EU/1/13/817/021 |
Actelsar HCT |
AT |
tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
5.29 |
7.41 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA07 |
EU/1/02/215/007 |
PritorPlus |
SO |
tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
10.43 |
14.07 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA07 |
EU/1/02/213/007 |
MicardisPlus |
BO |
tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
17.59 |
23.11 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
Temozolomidum |
L01AX03 |
EU/1/10/617/005 |
Temozolomide Sandoz |
SZ |
cietas kapsulas |
20 |
5 |
14.03 |
18.70 |
18.70 |
14.03 |
9.35 |
A |
R |
L01AX03 |
EU/1/09/606/003 |
Temozolomide Teva |
TE |
cietas kapsulas |
20 |
5 |
15.59 |
20.64 |
18.70 |
14.03 |
9.35 |
A |
L01AX03 |
12-0310-01 |
Blastomat 20mg |
AO |
cietas kapsulas |
20 |
5 |
18.80 |
24.60 |
18.70 |
14.03 |
9.35 |
A |
L01AX03 |
EU/1/10/617/009 |
Temozolomide Sandoz |
SZ |
cietas kapsulas |
100 |
5 |
63.12 |
77.02 |
77.02 |
57.77 |
38.51 |
A |
R |
L01AX03 |
EU/1/09/606/005 |
Temozolomide Teva |
TE |
cietas kapsulas |
100 |
5 |
68.61 |
83.47 |
77.02 |
57.77 |
38.51 |
A |
L01AX03 |
12-0311-01 |
Blastomat 100mg |
AO |
cietas kapsulas |
100 |
5 |
93.99 |
112.04 |
77.02 |
57.77 |
38.51 |
A |
Tiotropium |
R03BB04 |
07-0241-01 |
Spiriva Respimat 2,5mcg |
BO |
šķīdums inhalācijām |
0,0025 |
60 devas |
28.93 |
36.81 |
36.81 |
27.61 |
18.41 |
B |
R03BB04 |
11-0234-05 |
Spiriva 18mcg |
BO |
inhalācijas pulveris cietās kapsulās |
0,018 |
30 |
28.93 |
36.81 |
36.81 |
27.61 |
18.41 |
B |
Topotecanum |
L01XX17 |
EU/1/10/660/001 |
Potactasol |
AT |
pulveris infūziju šķīduma koncentrāta pagatavošanai |
1 |
1 |
6.63 |
9.17 |
9.17 |
6.88 |
4.59 |
A |
R |
L01XX17 |
EU/1/96/027/005 |
Hycamtin |
SB |
pulveris infūziju šķīduma koncentrāta pagatavošanai |
1 |
1 |
6.68 |
9.24 |
9.17 |
6.88 |
4.59 |
A |
L01XX17 |
EU/1/09/552/002 |
Topotecan Teva |
TE |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
1mg/ml |
5 |
46.62 |
57.61 |
45.85 |
34.39 |
22.93 |
A |
Trandolaprilum |
C09AA10 |
97-0390-01 |
Gopten 2mg |
AB |
cietas kapsulas |
2 |
28 |
4.59 |
6.50 |
6.50 |
4.88 |
3.25 |
B |
Travoprostum |
S01EE04 |
EU/1/01/199/001 |
Travatan |
AC |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,04mg/ ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
12.56 |
16.81 |
3.62 |
2.72 |
1.81 |
A |
Travoprostum/ Timololum |
S01ED51 |
EU/1/06/338/001 |
DuoTrav |
AC |
acu pilieni, šķīdums |
0,04/5mg/ml-2,5ml |
1 gab. |
15.42 |
20.43 |
5.18 |
3.89 |
2.59 |
A |
Valsartanum |
C09CA03 |
10-0438-01 |
Vanatex 80mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
28 |
3.81 |
5.35 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA03 |
07-0195-03 |
Valsacor 80mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
28 |
3.96 |
5.56 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA03 |
02-0391-01 |
Diovan 80mg |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
28 |
17.49 |
22.98 |
2.52 |
1.89 |
1.26 |
A |
C09CA03 |
10-0437-01 |
Vanatex 160mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160 |
28 |
5.34 |
7.48 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA03 |
07-0196-03 |
Valsacor 160mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160 |
28 |
5.45 |
7.63 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
C09CA03 |
02-0392-01 |
Diovan 160mg |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160 |
28 |
19.27 |
25.18 |
4.98 |
3.74 |
2.49 |
A |
Valsartanum/ Hydrochloro-thiazidum |
C09DA03 |
09-0515-02 |
Valsacombi 80mg/12,5mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
4.25 |
5.95 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09DA03 |
11-0161-02 |
Vanatex HCT 80mg/12,5mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
4.36 |
6.19 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09DA03 |
98-0310-01 |
Co-Diovan 80mg/12,5mg |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80/12,5 |
28 |
17.49 |
22.98 |
4.31 |
3.23 |
2.16 |
A |
C09DA03 |
09-0085-03 |
Tensart HCT 160/12,5mg |
EG |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160/12,5 |
28 |
5.65 |
7.88 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA03 |
09-0516-02 |
Valsacombi 160mg/12,5mg |
KR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160/12,5 |
28 |
6.09 |
8.47 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA03 |
11-0162-02 |
Vanatex HCT 160mg/12,5mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160/12,5 |
28 |
6.40 |
8.87 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA03 |
02-0393-01 |
Co-Diovan 160mg/12,5mg |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160/12,5 |
28 |
19.97 |
26.04 |
6.64 |
4.98 |
3.32 |
A |
C09DA03 |
11-0163-02 |
Vanatex HCT 160mg/25mg |
PO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160/25 |
28 |
7.60 |
10.43 |
7.94 |
5.96 |
3.97 |
A |
C09DA03 |
02-0394-01 |
Co-Diovan 160mg/25mg |
NF |
apvalkotas tabletes |
160/25 |
28 |
19.46 |
25.41 |
7.94 |
5.96 |
3.97 |
A |
Verapamilum/ Trandolaprilum |
C08DA51 |
07-0023-02 |
Tarka 180mg/2mg |
AB |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
180/2 |
28 |
8.94 |
12.15 |
11.45 |
8.59 |
5.73 |
A |
Vinorelbinum |
L01CA04 |
06-0297-01 |
Vinorelbine Ebewe 10mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
10mg/ml |
1 |
16.54 |
21.81 |
20.91 |
15.68 |
10.46 |
A |
L01CA04 |
08-0156-03 |
Vinorelbine Actavis 10mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50mg/ 5ml |
1 |
58.05 |
71.05 |
71.05 |
53.29 |
35.53 |
A |
R |
L01CA04 |
06-0297-04 |
Vinorelbine Ebewe 10mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50mg/ 5ml |
1 |
59.97 |
73.32 |
71.05 |
53.29 |
35.53 |
A |
Warfarinum |
B01AA03 |
00-0042-01 |
Orfarin 3mg |
OR |
tabletes |
3 |
100 |
3.61 |
5.08 |
3.55 |
2.66 |
1.78 |
A |
B01AA03 |
00-0043-01 |
Orfarin 5mg |
OR |
tabletes |
5 |
100 |
4.34 |
6.17 |
4.27 |
3.20 |
2.14 |
A |
VIII asinsreces faktors |
B02BD06 |
99-1017-01 |
Faktora VIII sausā frakcija tips 8Y |
BP |
pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
250SV/ 10ml |
1 |
49.30 |
60.77 |
60.77 |
45.58 |
30.39 |
B |
B02BD06 |
99-1017-02 |
Faktora VIII sausā frakcija tips 8Y |
BP |
pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
500SV/ 20ml |
1 |
96.22 |
114.54 |
114.54 |
85.91 |
57.27 |
B |
IX asinsreces faktors |
B02BD04 |
10-0191-01 |
Octanine 500 IU |
OP |
pulveris injekcijām ar šķīdinātāju |
500SV/ 5ml |
1 |
184.97 |
213.94 |
120.46 |
90.35 |
60.23 |
A |
B02BD04 |
07-0321-01 |
Immunine Baxter 600 IU |
BX |
pulveris injekcijām vai infūzijām ar šķīdinātāju |
600SV/ 5ml |
1 |
231.74 |
266.32 |
144.55 |
108.41 |
72.28 |
A |
B02BD04 |
10-0190-01 |
Octanine 1000 IU |
OP |
pulveris injekcijām ar šķīdinātāju |
1000SV/ 10ml |
1 |
369.95 |
421.12 |
240.91 |
180.68 |
120.46 |
A |
B02BD04 |
07-0322-01 |
Immunine Baxter 1200 IU |
BX |
pulveris injekcijām vai infūzijām ar šķīdinātāju |
1200SV/ 10ml |
1 |
463.50 |
525.90 |
289.09 |
216.82 |
144.55 |
A |
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
Kompensācijas bāzes cenas un/vai references cenas maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta medicīniskajām ierīcēm
Medicīniskā ierīce |
Identifikācijas Nr. |
Medicīniskās ierīces nosaukums |
Iesniedzējs |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar 12% PVN (EUR) |
Kompensācijas summa (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
Pazīme |
References cena 100% |
75% |
50% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
Glikēmijas teststrēmeles |
10/01-002/02-01 |
FreeStyle Optium | Abbott Laboratories Baltics SIA |
25 |
5.73 |
7.99 |
5.76 |
4.32 |
2.88 |
A |
10/01-012/14-01 |
MediSmart Sapphire | Linus Medical SIA |
25 |
5.98 |
8.32 |
5.76 |
4.32 |
2.88 |
A |
10/01-001/01-01 |
Accu-Chek Active | UAB Roche Lietuva |
25 |
6.43 |
8.90 |
5.76 |
4.32 |
2.88 |
A |
13/01-001/19-01 |
EasyTouch II blood glucose test strips | C Health SIA |
50 |
8.45 |
11.52 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
R |
13/01-001/22-01 |
Glucosense | VitaCare International SIA |
50 |
9.39 |
12.73 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
13/01-002/22-01 |
iXell | VitaCare International SIA |
50 |
9.43 |
12.78 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-012/14-02 |
MediSmart Sapphire | Linus Medical SIA |
50 |
10.26 |
13.85 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
12/01-001/16-01 |
Rightest GS 300 | Medhouse Baltic SIA |
50 |
10.52 |
14.19 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
12/01-001/17-01 |
OneTouch Select | Johnson&Johnson AB |
50 |
11.07 |
14.90 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-004/02-01 |
FreeStyle Papillon | Abbott Laboratories Baltics SIA |
50 |
11.13 |
14.97 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-005/02-01 |
FreeStyle Optium | Abbott Laboratories Baltics SIA |
50 |
11.27 |
15.15 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-003/03-01 |
On-Call Plus | AMD Grupa SIA |
50 |
11.85 |
15.90 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-001/01-02 |
Accu-Chek Active | UAB Roche Lietuva |
50 |
11.92 |
15.99 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-007/05-01 |
Contour TS | Medfiles SIA |
50 |
13.80 |
18.41 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-008/01-01 |
Accu-Chek Go | UAB Roche Lietuva |
50 |
15.65 |
20.72 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
10/01-009/01-01 |
Accu-Chek Performa | UAB Roche Lietuva |
50 |
15.65 |
20.72 |
11.52 |
8.64 |
5.76 |
A |
Inkontinences līdzekļi |
13/02-002/11-01 |
TENA PANTS Normal S | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
16 |
7.80 |
10.68 |
10.61 |
7.96 |
5.31 |
A |
13/02-004/11-01 |
TENA PANTS Normal L | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
18 |
10.13 |
13.69 |
13.69 |
10.27 |
6.85 |
A |
R |
13/02-003/11-01 |
TENA PANTS Normal M | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
18 |
9.04 |
12.29 |
12.29 |
9.22 |
6.15 |
A |
R |
13/02-005/11-01 |
TENA PANTS Normal XL | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
15 |
8.82 |
12.00 |
11.90 |
8.93 |
5.95 |
A |
13/02-002/21-01 |
SENI Active Basic M | TZMO Latvija SIA |
20 |
11.37 |
15.29 |
13.66 |
10.25 |
6.83 |
A |
13/02-003/21-01 |
SENI Active Basic L | TZMO Latvija SIA |
20 |
12.19 |
16.34 |
15.22 |
11.42 |
7.61 |
A |
13/02-004/21-01 |
SENI Active Basic XL | TZMO Latvija SIA |
20 |
13.13 |
17.55 |
15.86 |
11.90 |
7.93 |
A |
13/02-001/21-01 |
SENI Active Small | TZMO Latvija SIA |
10 |
5.14 |
7.21 |
6.63 |
4.97 |
3.32 |
A |
11/02-064/15-01 |
Hartmann Molicare Mobile Super S | Magnum Medical SIA |
14 |
7.57 |
10.39 |
9.28 |
6.96 |
4.64 |
A |
10/02-050/11-01 |
TENA PANTS plus XL | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
12 |
11.11 |
14.95 |
9.52 |
7.14 |
4.76 |
A |
10/02-049/11-01 |
TENA PANTS plus L | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
14 |
11.34 |
15.24 |
10.65 |
7.99 |
5.33 |
A |
10/02-048/11-01 |
TENA PANTS plus M | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
14 |
10.03 |
13.55 |
9.56 |
7.17 |
4.78 |
A |
10/02-047/11-01 |
TENA PANTS plus S | SCA Hygiene Products SIA |
14 |
9.31 |
12.63 |
9.28 |
6.96 |
4.64 |
A |
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
Saraksta kategorijas maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta zālēm
Zāļu vispārīgais nosaukums |
ATĶ kodi |
Zāļu identifikācijas Nr. |
Zāļu nosaukums |
Reģistrācijas apliecības īpašnieks |
Forma |
Stiprums (mg) |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar PVN 12% (EUR) |
Kompensācijas summa (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
Zāļu pazīme |
References cena 100% |
75% |
50% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
Acidum ibandronicum |
M05BA06 |
EU/1/96/012/009 |
Bondronat | Roche Registration Limited | apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
28 |
143.26 |
167.23 |
167.23 |
125.42 |
83.62 |
A |
R |
M05BA06 |
EU/1/96/012/011 |
Bondronat | Roche Registration Limited | koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
6mg/6ml |
1 |
140.04 |
163.62 |
163.62 |
122.72 |
81.81 |
A |
R |
Cabergolinum |
G02CB03 |
04-0309-02 |
Dostinex 0,5mg | Pfizer Italia s.r.l. | tabletes |
0,5 |
8 |
26.93 |
34.43 |
34.43 |
25.82 |
17.22 |
A |
R |
Methylprednisolonum |
H02AB04 |
03-0512-01 |
Solu-Medrol 500mg | Pfizer Europe MA EEIG | pulveris un šķīdinātājs injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
500 |
1 |
10.49 |
14.15 |
10.09 |
7.57 |
5.05 |
A |
Montelukastum |
R03DC03 |
01-0294-03 |
Singulair 4mg | SIA "Merck Sharp & Dohme Latvija" | košļājamās tabletes |
4 |
28 |
27.69 |
35.34 |
35.34 |
26.51 |
17.67 |
A |
R |
R03DC03 |
02-0351-01 |
Singulair mini 4mg | SIA "Merck Sharp & Dohme Latvija" | granulas iekšķīgai lietošanai |
4 |
28 |
29.40 |
37.36 |
37.36 |
28.02 |
18.68 |
A |
R |
R03DC03 |
98-0355-01 |
Singulair 5mg | SIA "Merck Sharp & Dohme Latvija" | košļājamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
27.69 |
35.34 |
25.31 |
18.98 |
12.66 |
A |
R03DC03 |
98-0354-01 |
Singulair 10mg | SIA "Merck Sharp & Dohme Latvija" | apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
27.69 |
35.34 |
25.31 |
18.98 |
12.66 |
A |
Piracetamum |
N06BX03 |
95-0100-02 |
Piracetam Olainfarm 400mg | Olainfarm A/S | cietas kapsulas |
400 |
60 |
2.50 |
3.58 |
3.58 |
2.69 |
1.79 |
A |
R |
VIII asinsreces faktors |
B02BD06 |
99-1017-01 |
Faktora VIII sausā frakcija tips 8Y | BPL, Bio Products Laboratory | pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
250SV/ 10ml |
1 |
49.30 |
60.77 |
60.77 |
45.58 |
30.39 |
B |
B02BD06 |
99-1017-02 |
Faktora VIII sausā frakcija tips 8Y | BPL, Bio Products Laboratory | pulveris injekciju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
500SV/ 20ml |
1 |
96.22 |
114.54 |
114.54 |
85.91 |
57.27 |
B |
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
Identifikācijas numura maiņa Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta zālēm
Zāļu vispārīgais nosaukums |
ATĶ kods |
Zāļu identifikācijas Nr. |
Jaunais zāļu identifikācijas Nr. |
Zāļu nosaukums |
Reģ. apl. īpašnieks |
Forma |
Stiprums (mg) |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar PVN 12% (EUR) |
Kompensācijas summa (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
Medikamentu pazīme |
References cena (100%) |
75% |
50% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
Darbepoetinum alfa |
B03XA02 |
EU/1/01/185/036 |
EU/1/01/185/080 |
Aranesp |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,03mg/ 0,3ml |
1 |
46.47 |
57.43 |
57.41 |
43.06 |
28.71 |
A |
B03XA02 |
EU/1/01/185/037 |
EU/1/01/185/082 |
Aranesp |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,04mg/ 0,4ml |
1 |
62.54 |
76.34 |
76.32 |
57.24 |
38.16 |
A |
B03XA02 |
EU/1/01/185/039 |
EU/1/01/185/086 |
Aranesp |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,06mg/ 0,3ml |
1 |
93.48 |
111.47 |
111.45 |
83.59 |
55.73 |
A |
B03XA02 |
EU/1/01/185/040 |
EU/1/01/185/088 |
Aranesp |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,08mg/ 0,4ml |
1 |
124.43 |
146.14 |
146.11 |
109.58 |
73.06 |
A |
B03XA02 |
EU/1/01/185/041 |
EU/1/01/185/090 |
Aranesp |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,1mg/ 0,5ml |
1 |
155.38 |
180.80 |
180.78 |
135.59 |
90.39 |
A |
B03XA02 |
EU/1/01/185/042 |
EU/1/01/185/094 |
Aranesp |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,15mg/ 0,3ml |
1 |
231.66 |
266.24 |
266.22 |
199.67 |
133.11 |
A |
Interferonum beta-1b |
L03AB08 |
EU/1/08/454/002 |
EU/1/08/454/008 |
Extavia |
NF |
pulveris injekcijām ar šķīdinātāju |
0,25mg/ ml |
15 |
687.16 |
776.40 |
776.40 |
582.30 |
388.20 |
A |
R |
Irinotecanum |
L01XX19 |
10-0212-01 |
10-0211-04 |
Irinotecan Ebewe 20mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 5ml |
1 |
34.69 |
43.58 |
43.58 |
32.69 |
21.79 |
A |
R |
Pegfilgrastimum |
L03AA13 |
EU/1/02/227/002 |
EU/1/02/227/004 |
Neulasta |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
6mg/ 0,6ml |
1 |
843.81 |
951.84 |
951.84 |
713.88 |
421.91 |
A |
R |
Somatropinum |
H01AC01 |
EU/1/06/332/005 |
EU/1/06/332/014 |
Omnitrope |
SZ |
šķīdums injekcijām kārtridžos |
5mg/ 1,5ml |
5 |
349.33 |
398.03 |
398.03 |
298.52 |
199.02 |
A |
R |
Vinorelbinum |
L01CA04 |
06-0298-01 |
06-0297-04 |
Vinorelbine Ebewe 10mg/ml |
EW |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
50mg/ 5ml |
1 |
59.97 |
73.32 |
71.05 |
53.29 |
35.53 |
A |
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
No Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta svītrotās zāles
Zāļu vispārīgais nosaukums |
Zāļu identifikācijas Nr. |
Zāļu nosaukums |
Reģ. apl. īpašnieks |
Forma |
Stiprums (mg) |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar PVN 12% (EUR) |
Kompensācijas summa (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
References cena 100% |
75% |
50% |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
Acidum ibandronicum |
EU/1/03/265/003 |
Bonviva |
RO |
apvalkota tablete |
150 |
1 |
16.36 |
21.59 |
9.90 |
7.43 |
4.95 |
A |
EU/1/03/265/004 |
Bonviva |
RO |
apvalkotas tabletes |
150 |
3 |
52.39 |
64.40 |
27.51 |
20.63 |
13.76 |
A |
EU/1/03/265/005 |
Bonviva |
RO |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
3mg/ 3ml |
1 |
57.93 |
70.92 |
45.80 |
34.35 |
22.90 |
A |
Anastrozolum |
07-0288-05 |
Anastrozole Actavis 1mg |
AT |
apvalkotas tabletes |
1 |
28 |
15.67 |
20.74 |
9.61 |
7.21 |
4.81 |
A |
Atorvastatinum |
11-0164-04 |
Atorvastatin Portfarma 10mg |
PA |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
1.64 |
2.37 |
1.56 |
1.17 |
0.78 |
A |
10-0403-01 |
Sortis 10mg |
PF |
košļājamas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
8.55 |
11.65 |
1.56 |
1.17 |
0.78 |
A |
11-0165-04 |
Atorvastatin Portfarma 20mg |
PA |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
2.31 |
3.32 |
1.95 |
1.46 |
0.98 |
A |
10-0404-01 |
Sortis 20mg |
PF |
košļājamas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
8.55 |
11.65 |
1.95 |
1.46 |
0.98 |
A |
08-0381-07 |
Atilen 40mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
40 |
30 |
2.58 |
3.70 |
3.70 |
2.78 |
1.85 |
A |
I000272-01 |
Sortis 80 |
EP |
apvalkotas tabletes |
80 |
30 |
11.62 |
15.60 |
7.20 |
5.40 |
3.60 |
A |
Clopidogrelum |
09-0257-02 |
Trombex 75mg |
ZE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
75 |
90 |
15.44 |
20.45 |
8.01 |
6.01 |
4.01 |
A |
Darbepoetinum alfa |
EU/1/01/185/038 |
Aranesp |
AG |
šķīdums injekcijām pilnšļircē |
0,05mg/ 0,5ml |
1 |
79.13 |
95.40 |
95.38 |
71.54 |
47.69 |
A |
Doxazosinum |
07-0031-03 |
Doxalfa 4mg |
ST |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
4 |
28 |
5.51 |
7.71 |
7.20 |
5.40 |
3.60 |
A |
Doxorubicinum |
11-0491-01 |
Doxorubicin Actavis 2mg/ml |
AT |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
10mg/ 5ml |
1 |
3.27 |
4.63 |
4.63 |
3.47 |
2.32 |
A |
Escitalopramum |
10-0182-03 |
Norestal 10mg |
NR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
3.34 |
4.73 |
3.55 |
2.66 |
1.78 |
A |
11-0381-04 |
Escitalopram Portfarma 10mg |
PA |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
30 |
4.14 |
5.80 |
3.80 |
2.85 |
1.90 |
A |
10-0184-03 |
Norestal 20mg |
NR |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
28 |
6.42 |
8.89 |
7.00 |
5.25 |
3.50 |
A |
11-0382-04 |
Escitalopram Portfarma 20mg |
PA |
apvalkotas tabletes |
20 |
30 |
8.89 |
12.08 |
7.50 |
5.63 |
3.75 |
A |
Felodipinum |
I000111-01 |
Plendil 10mg |
EP |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
10 |
30 |
10.00 |
13.52 |
6.78 |
5.09 |
3.39 |
A |
Gabapentinum |
05-0418-01 |
Gabapentin Nycomed 300mg |
TK |
cietas kapsulas |
300 |
50 |
10.70 |
14.43 |
10.72 |
8.04 |
5.36 |
A |
05-0419-01 |
Gabapentin Nycomed 400mg |
TK |
cietas kapsulas |
400 |
50 |
14.43 |
19.21 |
14.20 |
10.65 |
7.10 |
A |
Isosorbidi mononitratum |
00-0229-01 |
Elantan long 50mg |
UC |
ilgstošas darbības cietas kapsulas |
50 |
20 |
4.28 |
6.09 |
3.33 |
2.50 |
1.67 |
A |
Lercanidipinum |
10-0158-10 |
Ledipin 10mg |
TE |
apvalkotas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
1.76 |
2.54 |
2.54 |
1.91 |
1.27 |
A |
Metoprololum |
07-0315-03 |
Metoprolol-ratiopharm retard 200mg |
RP |
ilgstošas darbības tabletes |
200 |
30 |
7.60 |
10.43 |
8.32 |
6.24 |
4.16 |
A |
Moxonidinum |
05-0022-01 |
Stadapress 0,4mg |
ST |
apvalkotas tabletes |
0,4 |
30 |
5.95 |
8.28 |
6.97 |
5.23 |
3.49 |
A |
Nebivololum |
09-0479-05 |
Nebivolol-ratiopharm 5mg |
RP |
tabletes |
5 |
28 |
3.32 |
4.69 |
3.23 |
2.42 |
1.62 |
A |
Olanzapinum |
11-0240-01 |
Zolafren 5mg |
LD |
tabletes |
5 |
28 |
4.88 |
6.88 |
4.15 |
3.11 |
2.08 |
A |
11-0236-01 |
Zolaswift 5mg |
ZA |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
5 |
28 |
4.88 |
6.88 |
4.15 |
3.11 |
2.08 |
A |
11-0241-01 |
Zolafren 10mg |
LD |
tabletes |
10 |
28 |
9.59 |
12.99 |
6.34 |
4.76 |
3.17 |
A |
11-0237-01 |
Zolaswift 10mg |
ZA |
mutē disperģējamas tabletes |
10 |
28 |
9.59 |
12.99 |
6.34 |
4.76 |
3.17 |
A |
Paclitaxelum |
05-0316-02 |
Paclitaxel-Teva 6mg/ml |
PH |
koncentrāts infūziju šķīduma pagatavošanai |
100mg/ 16,7ml |
1 |
81.09 |
97.60 |
29.37 |
22.03 |
14.69 |
A |
Pregabalinum |
EU/1/04/279/011 |
Lyrica |
PF |
cietas kapsulas |
75 |
14 |
8.99 |
12.22 |
12.22 |
9.17 |
6.11 |
B |
EU/1/04/279/012 |
Lyrica |
PF |
cietas kapsulas |
75 |
56 |
34.73 |
43.64 |
43.64 |
32.73 |
21.82 |
B |
EU/1/04/279/017 |
Lyrica |
PF |
cietas kapsulas |
150 |
14 |
13.89 |
18.52 |
18.52 |
13.89 |
9.26 |
B |
EU/1/04/279/018 |
Lyrica |
PF |
cietas kapsulas |
150 |
56 |
53.88 |
66.15 |
66.15 |
49.61 |
33.08 |
B |
Sertralinum |
02-0359-01 |
Stimuloton 50mg |
EG |
apvalkotas tabletes |
50 |
30 |
7.11 |
9.80 |
4.17 |
3.13 |
2.09 |
A |
Temozolomidum |
EU/1/09/606/011 |
Temozolomide Teva |
TE |
cietas kapsulas |
250 |
5 |
276.42 |
316.37 |
208.67 |
156.50 |
104.34 |
A |
VIII asinsreces faktors |
10-0496-01 |
Human Coagulation Factor VIII 500 IU |
BT |
pulveris, dispersija un šķīdinātājs infūzijas dispersijas koncentrāta pagatavošanai |
500SV/ 5ml |
1 |
88.73 |
106.15 |
106.15 |
79.61 |
53.08 |
A |
10-0497-01 |
Human Coagulation Factor VIII 1000 IU |
BT |
pulveris, dispersija un šķīdinātājs infūzijas dispersijas koncentrāta pagatavošanai |
1000SV/ 10ml |
1 |
175.75 |
203.62 |
203.62 |
152.72 |
101.81 |
A |
Nacionālā veselības dienesta direktora p.i. A.Doveiks
Nacionālā veselības dienesta
2014.gada 6.jūnija
rīkojumam Nr.4.1-2/140
No Kompensējamo zāļu saraksta svītrotās medicīniskās ierīces
Medicīniskā ierīce |
Identifikācijas Nr. |
Medicīniskās ierīces nosaukums |
Iesniedzējs |
Iepakojuma lielums |
Kompensācijas bāzes cena (EUR) |
Aptiekas cena ar 12% PVN (EUR) |
Saraksta kategorija |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Stomas aprūpes preces |
10/04-001/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Durahesive Convex pamatnes 22/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.36 |
24.06 |
B |
10/04-002/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Durahesive Convex pamatnes 25/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.36 |
24.06 |
B |
10/04-003/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Durahesive Convex pamatnes 28/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.36 |
24.06 |
B |
10/04-004/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Durahesive Convex pamatnes 32/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.36 |
24.06 |
B |
10/04-005/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Durahesive Convex pamatnes 35/45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.36 |
24.06 |
B |
10/04-006/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Durahesive Convex pamatnes 38/57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
18.36 |
24.06 |
B |
10/04-008/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Fleksiblās pamatnes 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-009/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Fleksiblās pamatnes 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-010/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Fleksiblās pamatnes 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-011/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Fleksiblās pamatnes 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-012/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Moldable pamatnes 57mm (33-45mm) | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
22.21 |
28.76 |
A |
10/04-013/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Moldable pamatnes 70mm (45-56mm) | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
22.21 |
28.76 |
A |
10/04-014/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Moldable pamatnes 45mm (13-22mm) | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
22.21 |
28.76 |
A |
10/04-015/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Moldable pamatnes 45mm (22-33mm) | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
22.21 |
28.76 |
A |
10/04-035/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Stomahesive pamatnes 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-036/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Stomahesive pamatnes 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-037/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Stomahesive pamatnes 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-038/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Stomahesive pamatnes 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
12.14 |
16.27 |
A |
10/04-039/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Stomahesive pamatnes 100mm | Linus Medical SIA |
5 |
16.62 |
21.91 |
B |
10/04-017/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Ileostomas maisiņi 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
9.12 |
12.39 |
A |
10/04-018/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Ileostomas maisiņi 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
9.12 |
12.39 |
A |
10/04-019/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Ileostomas maisiņi 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
9.12 |
12.39 |
A |
10/04-020/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Ileostomas maisiņi 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
9.12 |
12.39 |
A |
10/04-021/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Ileostomas maisiņi 100mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
12.68 |
16.97 |
B |
10/04-028/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.10 |
23.73 |
A |
10/04-029/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.10 |
23.73 |
A |
10/04-030/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.10 |
23.73 |
A |
10/04-031/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S kolostomas maisiņi ar filtru 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
30 |
18.10 |
23.73 |
A |
10/04-041/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Urostomas maisiņi 38mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
15.58 |
20.63 |
B |
10/04-042/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Urostomas maisiņi 45mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
15.58 |
20.63 |
B |
10/04-043/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Urostomas maisiņi 57mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
15.58 |
20.63 |
B |
10/04-044/13-01 |
Combihesive 2S Urostomas maisiņi 70mm | Linus Medical SIA |
10 |
15.58 |
20.63 |
B |
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