Ārlietu ministrijas informācija: Šajā laidienā 1 Pēdējās nedēļas laikā 2 Visi
Ārlietu ministrijas informācija
Rīgā 2024. gada 22. februārī
Par ANO sankcijām
Ārlietu ministrija saskaņā ar Starptautisko un Latvijas Republikas nacionālo sankciju likuma 11. panta pirmo prim daļu nosūta publicēšanai oficiālajā izdevumā "Latvijas Vēstnesis" informāciju par Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācijas (turpmāk – ANO) Drošības padomes rezolūcijas par sankciju noteikšanu grozījumiem.
2024. gada 20. februārī ANO Drošības padomes komiteja saskaņā ar ANO Drošības padomes rezolūciju Nr. 1533 (2004) informē, ka komiteja ir noteikusi sankcijas pret sešām personām. Lūgums skatīt ANO notu un skaidrojošo informāciju pielikumā.
Fiziskā persona, pret kuru tika noteiktas sankcijas:
1. CDi.039 Vārds: APOLLINAIRE 2: HAKIZIMANA 3: na 4: na
Amata nosaukums: a) Lieutenant General b) Commissioner for Defense for the Forces Déocratiques de Libération du Rwanda - Forces Combattantes Abacunguzi (FDLR-FOCA)
Valstspiederība: Rwanda
Dzimšanas gads: 1964
Dzimšanas vieta: na
Zināms arī kā:
Augstas kvalitātes alias: AMIKWE LEPIC
Zemas kvalitātes alias: a) LE POÈTE b) ADONIA
Pases numurs: na
Identifikācijas numurs: na
Pievienots sankciju sarakstam: 20.02.2024
Cita svarīga informācija: Listed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (e) and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as "being political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups"; "planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals"; and "acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity," as extended by resolution 2688 (2023). As a military leader of FDLR, APOLLINAIRE HAKIZIMANA is involved in promulgating and supporting the group’s activities.
2. CDi.040 Vārds: 1: AHMAD 2: MAHMOOD 3: HASSAN 4: na
Amata nosaukums: a) Lieutenant general b) Senior leader of the Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) (CDe.001)
Valstspiederība: United Republic of Tanzania
Dzimšanas datums: a) 21 Jul. 1997 b) 1993
Pases numurs: a) United Republic of Tanzania AB850901expires 11 Dec. 2026 b) United Republic of Tanzania AB187304 (Expired 28 Nov. 2016)
Adrese: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Identifikācijas numurs: na
Pievienota sankciju sarakstam: 20.02.2024.
Cita svarīga informācija: Listed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (e), and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) andparagraph 3 of resolution 2641 (2022): "being political and military leaders of foreign armed groupsoperating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement ofcombatants belonging to those groups", "planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that UNITED NATIONS | NATIONS UNIES | PAGE 2 constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals", "acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity", and "involve[d] in the production, manufacture or use in the DRC of improvised explosive devices, or in the commission, planning, ordering, aiding, abetting or otherwise assistance of attacks in the DRC with improvised explosive devices". INTERPOL-UN Security Council Special Notice web link: https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-UN-Notices-Individuals
3. CDi.041 Vārds: 1: MICHEL 2: RUKUNDA 3: na 4: na
Amata nosaukums: Commander and military leader of the armed group Twirwaneho
Valstspiederība: United Republic of Congo
Dzimšanas datums: 12 Sep. 1974
Dzimšanas vieta: Minembwe, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Augstas kvalitātes alias: na
Zemas kvalitātes alias: MAKANIKA
Pases numurs: a) United Republic of Tanzania AB850901 expires 11 Dec. 2026 b) United Republic of Tanzania AB187304 (Expired 28 Nov. 2016)
Adrese: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Identifikācijas numurs: na
Pievienots sankciju sarakstam: 20.02.2024.
Cita svarīga informācija: Listed pursuant to paragraph 7 (c), 7 (d), and 7 (e) of resolution 2293 (2016) as "being political and military leaders of Congolese militias, including those receiving support from outside the DRC, who impede the participation of their combatants in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes"; "recruiting or using children in armed conflict in the DRC in violation of applicable international law"; "planning, directing, or committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals" and "acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity", as extended by resolution 2688 (2023). As a military leader of an armed Congolese militia, MICHEL RUKUNDA is involved in promulgating and supporting the group’s activities.
4. CDi.042 Vārds: MOHAMED 2: ALI 3: NKALUBO 4: na
Amata nosaukums: Allied Democratic Forces (ADF) senior leader for operations/organization/support, and also communication and propaganda
Valstspiederība: Uganda
Dzimšanas datums: a) 1987 b) 1988 c) 1991 d) 1992 e) 1993
Dzimšanas vieta: Kampala, Uganda
Augstas kvalitātes alias: a) MEDDIE NKALUBO b) MEDDIE LEE
Pases numurs: na
Adrese: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Identifikācijas numurs: na
Pievienots sankciju sarakstam: 20.02.2024.
Cita svarīga informācija: Listed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (b), 7 (d), 7 (e), and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as "being political and military leaders of foreign armed groups operating in the DRC who impede the disarmament and the voluntary repatriation or resettlement of combatants belonging to those groups; "recruiting or using children in armed conflict in the DRC in violation of applicable international law; "planning, directing, committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals"; and "acting on behalf of or at the direction of a designated individual or entity, or acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity", as reaffirmed by paragraph 2 of resolution 2688 (2023). As a leader of ADF (CDe.001), MOHAMED ALI NKALUBO is involved in planning, promulgating and supporting the armed group’s activities. He has effective command and control over the group’s combatants.
5. CDi.043 Vārds: WILLIAM 2: AMURI 3: YAKUTUMBA 4: na
Amata nosaukums: a) Secretary General and leader for the Coalition nationale du people pour la souveraineté du Congo (CNPSC) (until February 2023) b) founder and leader for MAI-MAI YAKUTUMBA
Valstspiederība: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dzimšanas datums: a) 1970 b) 1972
Dzimšanas vieta: Lunbondja, Fizi Territory, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Augstas kvalitātes alias: YAKUTUMBA
Zemas kvalitātes alias: na
Pases numurs: na
Adrese: na
Identifikācijas numurs: na
Pievienots sankciju sarakstam: 20.02.2024.
Cita svarīga informācija: Listed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (c), 7 (d), 7 (e) and 7 (g) of resolution 2293 (2016) as "being political and military leaders of Congolese militias, including those receiving support from outside the DRC, who impede the participation of their combatants in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes;" "recruiting or using children in armed conflict in the DRC in violation of applicable international law;" "planning, directing, committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals;" and "supporting individuals or entities, including armed groups or criminal networks, involved in destabilizing activities in the DRC through the illicit exploitation or trade of natural resources, including gold or wildlife as well as wildlife products", as reaffirmed by paragraph 2 of resolution 2688 (2023). As the leader of the MAI MAI YAKUTUMBA, one of the largest CNPSC militia, WILLIAM AMURI YAKUTUMBA is involved in planning, promulgating and supporting the militia’s activities. He has effective command and control over the militia’s combatants.
6. CDi.044 Vārds: WILLY 2: NGOMA 3: na 4: na
Amata nosaukums: a) Major b) Military spokesperson for M23
Valstspiederība: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dzimšanas datums: 1974
Dzimšanas vieta: Lunbondja, Fizi Territory, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Augstas kvalitātes alias: YAKUTUMBA
Zemas kvalitātes alias: na
Pases numurs: na
Adrese: Democratic Republic of the Congo
Identifikācijas numurs: na
Pievienots sankciju sarakstam: 20.02.2024.
Cita svarīga informācija: Listed pursuant to paragraphs 7 (c), 7 (e) and 7 (h) of resolution 2293 (2016) as "being political and military leaders of Congolese militias, including those receiving support from outside the DRC, who impede the participation of their combatants in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes;" "planning, directing, committing acts in the DRC that constitute human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable, including those acts involving the targeting of civilians, including killing and maiming, rape and other sexual violence, abduction, forced displacement, and attacks on schools and hospitals;" and "acting on behalf of or at the direction of an entity owned or controlled by a designated individual or entity", as reaffirmed by paragraph 2 of resolution 2688 (2023). As a leader of M23 (CDe.006), WILLY NGOMA is involved in planning, promulgating and supporting the armed group’s activities.
Pielikumā: ANO 2024. gada 20. februāra nota SCA/1/24(05).
Ārlietu ministrijas
Juridiskās direkcijas vadītāja S. Pēkale