NGO Centrs Rīga
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has been providing grant technical assistance to Latvia since 1993. One of UNDP's main areas of operation is promoting democratization and the development of civil society in Latvia.
The NGO Centrs Rīga was established in 1995 as a resource centre for non–governmental organizations (NGOs) in Latvia. UNDP and the NGO Centrs Rīga will soon initiate a UNDP — financed technical assistance project to provide support to the development of NGOs in Latvia. In this regard, UNDP is now recruiting for the post of:
Legal Adviser (part–time)
The Legal Adviser will provide legal counseling to registered users of the NGO Centrs Rīga , initially for a total of eight hours per week, increasing as required. The Legal Adviser will be expected to have a thorough grasp of Latvian legislation — both the laws on “Social Organizations” and on “Non–Profit Limited Liability Companies”, and other relevant acts of legislation — and its implications for NGO activities. Knowledge of tax regulations, procedures and practice would be an advantage, but not essential.
The ideal candidate will have an advanced university degree in law, or a similar field, at least three years work experience, including work with governmental and non–governmental organizations. Excellent Latvian and Russian are essential. A demonstrated ability to take initiative and strong interpersonal and cross–cultural skills are also important. Remuneration will be paid at a competitive hourly rate.
Candidates should send applications, together with a full CV, to:
UNDP Latvia — NGO Support Project
Skolas 24, 5th floor
Riga, LV—1167, Latvia
or fax: +371 — 724 2659
The deadline for receipt of applications is 24 January, 1997
Aizkraukles rajona tiesu izpildītāju kantoris 1997.gada 5.martā pulksten 10 rīko otro izsoli nekustamajam īpašumam — a/s “Armso” piederošajām telpām Aizkrauklē, Lāčplēša ielā 5, ar kopējo platību 1166,1 m2. Otrās izsoles sākumcena Ls 20775. Piedzinējs a/s “Doma banka”. Izsoles dalībniekiem jāiemaksā nodrošinājuma summa 10% no sākumcenas. Personām, kurām ir tiesības uz pārdodamo nekustamo īpašumu, jāpiesaka tās līdz izsoles dienai. Tālrunis uzziņām Aizkrauklē 22529.