United Nations
Economic Commission for Europe
Inland Transport Committee
European Agreement supplementing the Convention on Road Traffic Opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968
Done at Geneva on 1 May 1971
Amendment 1*
1. For the purpose of this annex, the term “Convention” means the Convention on Road Traffic opened for signature at Vienna on 8 November 1968.
2. This annex contains only the additions to, and modifications of the corresponding provisions of the Convention.
3. Ad Article 1 of the Convention (Definitions)
Subparagraph (c)
This subparagraph shall be read as follows: “‘Built-up area’ means an area with entries and exits specially signposted as such;”
Additional subparagraph to be inserted immediately after subparagraph (c) of this Article
This subparagraph shall be read as follows:
“‘Residential area’ means a specially designed area where special traffic rules apply and which is signposted as such at its entries and exits;”
Subparagraph (n)
Three-wheeled vehicles whose unladen mass does not exceed 400 kg shall be treated as motor cycles.
Additional subparagraph to be inserted at the end of this Article
This subparagraph shall be read as follows:
“Persons pushing or pulling a child’s carriage, a bath chair or invalid chair, or any other small vehicle without an engine, or pushing a cycle or moped and handicapped persons travelling in invalid chairs propelled by such persons or moving at walking pace shall be treated as pedestrians.”
4. Ad Articles 3 of the Convention (Obligations of the Contracting Parties)
Paragraph 4
The measures referred to in this paragraph may neither modify the scope of Article 39 of the Convention, nor render optional the provisions it contains.
5. Ad Article 6 of the Convention (Instructions given by authorized officials)
Paragraph 3
The provisions of this paragraph which are recommendations in the Convention shall be obligatory.
6. Ad Article 7 of the Convention (General rules)
Paragraph 2
The provisions of this paragraph which are recommendations in the Convention shall be obligatory.
Additional paragraph to be inserted at the end of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Domestic legislation shall make rules as to the use of safety-belts or similar devices by children and as to the carrying of children in the front seats.”
7. Ad Article 8 of the Convention (Drivers)
Paragraph 2
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Domestic legislation must provide that pack, draught or saddle animals, and, except in such special areas as may be marked at their entrances, cattle, singly or in herds, or flocks, shall have a driver able to guide the animals at all times.”
Paragraph 5
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Every driver shall have his vehicle under control so as to be able to exercise due and proper care at all times. He shall be acquainted with the road traffic and safety regulations, and be aware of the factors which may affect his behaviour such as fatigue, taking of medication and driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted immediately after paragraph 5 of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Domestic legislation shall establish specific provisions concerning driving under the influence of alcohol and determine a legal blood-alcohol level and, if appropriate, a legal breath-alcohol level, incompatible with driving a vehicle. Under domestic legislation the maximum alcohol level shall in no case exceed 0.80 g per litre of pure alcohol in the blood or 0.40 mg per litre in the air expelled.”
8. Ad Article 9 of the Convention (Flocks and herds)
The provision of this Article which is a recommendation in the Convention shall be obligatory.
9. Ad Article 10 of the Convention (Position on the carriageway)
The title shall be read as follows: “Position on the Road”.
Additional paragraph to be inserted immediately after paragraph 1 of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“(a) Except in case of absolute necessity, every driver shall take exclusively, where they exist, the ways, carriageways, lanes and tracks allotted to road users in his category;
(b) Where no lane or track is allotted to them, the drivers of mopeds, cycles and vehicles without engine may ride along any suitable verge in the direction of traffic if this can be done without inconvenience to other road users.”
10. Ad Article 11 of the Convention (Overtaking and movement of traffic in lines)
Paragraph 5, subparagraph (b)
This provision shall not be applied.
Paragraph 6, subparagraph (b)
As a result of the non-application of subparagraph 5 (b) of this Article the provision of the last phrase of this subparagraph shall not be applied.
Paragraph 8, subparagraph (b)
This subparagraph shall be read as follows: “Immediately before or on a level-crossing not equipped with gates or half-gates, save where road traffic is regulated by traffic light signals as used at intersections.”
Paragraph 11
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“(a) In built-up areas, on carriageways where at least two lanes are reserved for traffic in the same direction and are indicated by longitudinal markings, the provisions of Article 10, paragraph 3 of the Convention shall not apply; drivers of motor vehicles may use the lane best suited to their destination. They shall change lanes only when preparing to turn right or left, to overtake, to stand, or to park, in accordance with the rules governing these manoeuvres.
(b) In the case mentioned under (a) above, vehicles on lanes corresponding to the direction of traffic that are moving faster than those on more outer lanes shall not be deemed to be overtaking for the purposes of this Article. However, the provisions of paragraph 9 of this Article shall remain applicable.
(c) Subparagraph (a) above shall not be applicable on motorways and on roads other than motorways which are reserved for motor vehicle traffic, duly signposted as such and not affording access to or from properties alongside, or on any roads where speed exceeding 80 km (50 miles) per hour is allowed.”
11. Ad Article 12 of the Convention (Passing of oncoming traffic)
Paragraph 2
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“On mountain roads and steep roads with characteristics similar to those of mountain roads, where the passing of oncoming traffic is impossible or difficult, it is the driver of the vehicle travelling downhill who should pull in to the side of the road in order to allow any vehicle proceeding uphill to pass, except where the arrangement of lay-bys to enable vehicles to pull in to the side of the road is such that, having regard to the speed and position of the vehicles, the vehicle proceeding uphill has a lay-by ahead of it and the need for one of the vehicles to reverse could be avoided if the vehicle proceeding uphill pulled in to that lay-by.
Where one of the two vehicles which are about to pass is obliged to reverse in order to make passing possible, combinations of vehicles shall have the right of way over other vehicles, heavy vehicles over light vehicles and buses over lorries; where both vehicles are of the same category, it is the driver of the vehicle proceeding downhill who should reverse unless it is manifestly easier for the driver of the vehicle proceeding uphill to do so, for example, if the latter is near a lay-by.”
12. Ad Article 13 of the Convention (Speed and distance between vehicles)
Paragraph 1
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Every driver of a vehicle shall, when adjusting the speed of his vehicle, pay constant regard to the circumstances, in particular the lie of the land, the state of the road, the condition and load of his vehicle, the weather conditions and the density of traffic, so as to be able to stop his vehicle within his range of forward vision and short of any foreseeable obstruction. He shall slow down and if necessary stop whenever circumstances so require, and particularly when visibility is not good.”
Paragraph 4
This paragraph, including its subparagraphs (a) and (b) shall be read as follows:
“Outside built-up areas, on roads where only one lane is allotted to traffic in the direction concerned, in order to facilitate overtaking, drivers of vehicles which are subject to a special speed restriction, and drivers of vehicles or of combinations of vehicles of more than 7 m overall length shall, except when they are overtaking or preparing to overtake, keep at such distances from power-driven vehicles ahead of them that other vehicles overtaking them can without danger move into the space in front of the overtaken vehicle. However, this provision shall not apply in very dense traffic or in circumstances where overtaking is prohibited.”
13. Ad Article 14 of the Convention (General requirements governing manoeuvres)
Paragraph 1
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Any driver wishing to perform a manoeuvre such as pulling out of or into a line of parked vehicles, moving over to the right or to the left on the carriageway, particularly in order to change lanes, or turning left or right into another road or into a property bordering on the road, shall first make sure that he can do so without risk of endangering other road users travelling behind or ahead of him or about to pass him, having regard to their position, direction and speed.”
14. Ad Article 15 of the Convention (Special regulations relating to regular public-transport service vehicles)
The provision of this Article which is a recommendation in the Convention shall be obligatory.
15. Ad Article 18 of the Convention (Intersections and obligation to give way)
Paragraph 3
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Every driver emerging on to a road from a property bordering thereon shall give way to road users travelling on that road.”
Paragraph 4, subparagraph (b)
This subparagraph shall be read as follows:
“In States where traffic keeps to the left, the right of way at intersections shall be regulated by road signs, signals or markings.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted immediately after paragraph 7 of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“No provisions of this Article shall be construed as preventing Contracting Parties or subdivisions thereof from extending the right of way mentioned in paragraph 2 of this Article to all road users.”
16. Ad Article 20 of the Convention (Rules applicable to pedestrians)
Paragraph 1
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Pedestrians shall, wherever possible, avoid using the carriageway; if they use it they shall do so with care and they shall not unnecessarily obstruct or impede traffic.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted immediately after paragraph 2 of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“The provision of paragraph 2 of this Article of the Convention notwithstanding, handicapped persons travelling in invalid chairs may in all cases use the carriageway.”
Paragraph 4
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Pedestrians walking on the carriageway in accordance with paragraph 2, the additional paragraph to be read immediately after paragraph 2, and paragraph 3 of this Article shall keep as close as possible to the edge of the carriageway.”
Paragraph 5
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“(a) Outside built-up areas, pedestrians walking on the carriageway shall keep to the side opposite to that appropriate to the direction of traffic, except where to do so places them in danger, or in special circumstances. However, persons pushing a cycle, a moped or a motor cycle, handicapped persons travelling in invalid chairs and groups of pedestrians led by a person in charge or forming a procession, shall keep to the side of the carriageway appropriate to the direction of traffic. Unless they form a procession, pedestrians using a carriageway shall move in single file, if possible and if traffic safety so requires particularly when visibility is poor or there is very dense vehicular traffic.
(b) The provisions of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph may be made applicable in built-up areas.”
Paragraph 6, subparagraph (c)
This subparagraph shall be read as follows:
“In order to cross the carriageway elsewhere than at a pedestrian crossing signposted as such or indicated by markings on the carriageway, pedestrians shall not step on the carriageway without first making sure that they can do so without impeding vehicular traffic. Pedestrians shall cross the carriageway at right-angles to its axis.”
17. Ad Article 21 of the Convention (Behaviour of drivers towards pedestrians)
Paragraph 3
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 7, paragraph 1 and Article 13, paragraph 1 of the Convention, if there is on the carriageway no pedestrian crossing signposted as such or indicated by markings on the carriageway, drivers turning into another road shall do so giving way, if necessary stopping for this purpose, to pedestrians who have stepped on to the carriageway. They shall also pay particular attention to pedestrians crossing the carriageway to board a public transport vehicle or after alighting from it.”
Additional paragraphs to be inserted at the end of this Article
These paragraphs shall be read as follows:
“— When, on roads reserved for pedestrians, certain vehicles are allowed entry in particular circumstances, domestic legislation may lay down regulations governing the behaviour of road users, so as to avoid any conflict between the various road users and set a maximum speed limit so that drivers could stop in time to avoid endangering pedestrians.
— No driver shall enter a pedestrian crossing without first ascertaining that he may not be obliged to stop on it.
— Drivers emerging on to a road from an area bordering it or leaving the road for an area bordering it shall give way to pedestrians.”
18. Ad Article 23 of the Convention (Standing and parking)
Paragraph 2, subparagraph (b)
This subparagraph shall be read as follows:
“Vehicles other than two-wheeled cycles, two-wheeled mopeds and two-wheeled motor cycles without sidecar shall not be parked two abreast on the carriageway. Standing or parking of vehicles shall, unless the layout of the area permits otherwise, be placed parallel to the edge of the carriageway.”
Paragraph 3, subparagraph (a)
This subparagraph shall be read as follows:
“The standing or parking of a vehicle shall be prohibited on the carriageway:
(i) Within 5 m before pedestrian crossings, on pedestrian crossings, on crossings for cyclists, and on level crossings;
(ii) On tramway or railway tracks on a road or close to such tracks, in such a way that the movement of trams or trains might be impeded;”
Additional text to be inserted immediately after item (ii) of this subparagraph
This text shall be read as follows:
“On approaches to intersections within 5 m of the prolongation of the edge nearest to the transverse carriageway and on intersections, save where otherwise indicated by road signs or signals or road markings.”
Paragraph 3, subparagraph (c) (i)
This provision shall be read as follows:
“Within the distance prescribed by domestic legislation, on the approaches to level crossings and within 15 m on either side of bus, trolley bus or rail vehicle stops, unless domestic legislation provides for a lesser distance;”
Paragraph 5
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“(a) Every power driven vehicle other than a two-wheeled moped or a two-wheeled motor cycle without sidecar, and every trailer, coupled or uncoupled, shall, when stationary on the carriageway outside a built-up area, be signalled to approaching drivers in such a way as to give them adequate advance warning of its presence:
(i) if the driver has been compelled to halt his vehicle at a place where standing is prohibited in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 (b) (i) or (ii) of this Article of the Convention;
(ii) if the conditions are such that approaching drivers cannot, or can only with difficulty, be aware in time of the obstacle which the vehicle constitutes.
(b) The provisions of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph may be made applicable in built-up areas.
(c) It is recommended, for the application of the provisions of this paragraph, that domestic legislation should provide for the use of one of the devices referred to in Annex 5, paragraph 56 of the Convention.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted at the end of this Article
This paragraph should be read as follows:
“(a) Domestic legislation may allow disabled persons with limited mobility to park their vehicles on public roads where parking is otherwise prohibited or beyond the specified time at points where parking time is restricted.
(b) States may issue to disabled persons with limited mobility a document bearing at least the international symbol for the disabled and the holders name. This document shall be shown as appropriate when any such person makes use of the facilities referred to in subparagraph (a) above. Contracting Parties will recognize such documents issued by other Contracting Parties and allow persons with such documents to use the facilities referred to in subparagraph (a) above.”
19. Ad Article 25 of the Convention (Motorways and similar roads)
Paragraph 1
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“On motorways and on special approach or exit roads signposted as motorways,
(a) The use of the road shall be prohibited to pedestrians, animals, cycles, mopeds unless they are treated as motor cycles, and all vehicles other than motor vehicles and their trailers, and to motor vehicles or motor vehicle trailers which are incapable, by virtue of their design, of attaining on a flat road a speed specified by domestic legislation but which shall not be less than 40 km (25 miles) per hour;
(b) Drivers shall be forbidden:
(i) To have their vehicles standing or parked elsewhere than at marked parking sites; if a vehicle is compelled to stop, its driver shall endeavour to move it off the carriageway and also off the flush verge, and, if he is unable to do so, immediately signal the presence of the vehicle at a distance so as to warn approaching drivers in time; if a vehicle to which Article 23, paragraph 5 of the Convention applies is involved, it is recommended that domestic legislation should provide for the use of one of the appliances referred to in Annex 5, paragraph 56, of the Convention;
(ii) To make U-turns to travel in reverse and to drive on to the central dividing strip, including the crossovers linking the two carriageways.
(c) Processions, demonstrations, rallies, advertising motorcades, motor sports events and technical tests of vehicles and chassis prototypes shall be prohibited subject to such provisions as may be laid down by domestic legislation.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted immediately after paragraph 1 of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:”Where a motorway comprises three or more lanes for the same direction of traffic the drivers of goods vehicles of more than 3,500 kg permissible maximum mass or of combinations of vehicles more than 7 m in length shall be forbidden to take any lane other than the two lanes nearest to the edge of the carriageway appropriate to the direction of traffic.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted immediately after paragraph 3 of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Vehicles towed by means of a makeshift device shall be forbidden access to motorways unless exceptions are provided for by the domestic legislation. Disabled vehicles which have broken down on a motorway and are towed by means of a makeshift device shall leave the motorway at the nearest exit. For the purposes of this rule, makeshift devices include rope, wire, etc.”
Paragraph 4
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“For the purpose of the application of the previous paragraphs of this Article, other roads reserved for motor vehicle traffic, duly signposted as such and not affording access to or from properties alongside, shall be treated as motorways.”
20. Ad Article 27 of the Convention (Special rules applicable to cyclists, moped drivers and motor cycles)
Paragraph 2
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“It shall be prohibited for cyclists to ride without holding the handlebars with at least one hand, to allow themselves to be towed by another vehicle, or to carry, tow or push objects which hamper their cycling or endanger other road users. The same provisions shall apply to moped drivers and motor cyclists; in addition, however, moped drivers and motor cyclists shall hold the handlebars with both hands except when giving a prescribed signal in conformity with the Convention.”
Paragraph 4
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Moped drivers may be authorized to use the cycle track and, if considered advisable, be prohibited from using the rest of the carriageway.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted at the end of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“The wearing of approved protective helmets is compulsory for drivers and passengers of motor cycles and mopeds, save where exceptions are granted by domestic legislation.”
20 bis. Additional articles to be inserted immediately after Article 27 of the Convention
These articles shall be read as follows:
“Article 27 bis
Special rules applicable to residential areas signposted as such
In residential areas, signposted as such:
(a) Pedestrians may make use of the road over its entire width. Games are allowed;
(b) Drivers shall proceed at very low speed, as specified by national legislation and which in no case should exceed 20 km (12 miles) per hour;
(c) Drivers shall not put pedestrians at risk nor behave in an obstructive manner. If necessary they shall stop;
(d) Pedestrians shall not impede vehicular traffic unnecessarily;
(e) Parking is forbidden except where allowed by parking signs;
(f) At intersections, road users emerging from a residential area shall give way to other road users, except when otherwise provided in domestic legislation.
Article 27 ter
Pedestrian areas
Domestic legislation may make provision for pedestrian areas comprising one or more roads reserved for pedestrian traffic and specify the conditions for the exceptional access of vehicles.
Article 27 quater
Special rule applicable to persons
doing construction and maintenance work on roads
Persons doing construction or maintenance work on roads shall wear fluorescent and reflective garments making them highly conspicuous during day and night.”
21. Ad Article 29 of the Convention (Rail-borne vehicles)
Paragraph 2
This paragraph shall be read as follows: “Special rules differing from those laid down in Chapter II of the Convention may be adopted for the movement of rail-borne vehicles on the road. However, such rules may not conflict with the provisions of Article 18, paragraph 7 of the Convention.”
Additional paragraph to be inserted at the end of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Rail-borne vehicles in motion or standing on a track laid on the carriageway shall be overtaken on the side appropriate to the direction of the traffic. If passing or overtaking cannot be performed on the side appropriate to the direction of traffic owing to lack of space, these manoeuvres may be performed on the side opposite to that appropriate to the direction of traffic, provided that no inconvenience or danger is caused to oncoming road users. On one-way carriageways, rail-borne vehicles may be overtaken on the side opposite to that appropriate to that of the direction of traffic when traffic requirements so warrant.”
22. Ad Article 30 of the Convention (Loading of vehicles)
Paragraph 4
This paragraph should read as follows:
“Loads projecting beyond the front, rear or sides of the vehicle shall be clearly marked in all cases where their projection might not be noticed by the drivers of other vehicles; between nightfall and dawn, and also at other times when visibility is inadequate, a white light and a white reflecting device shall be used for such marking at the front and a red light and a red reflecting device at the rear. More particularly, on power-driven vehicles and their trailers:
(a) Loads projecting more than 1 m beyond the front or rear of the vehicle shall always be marked;
(b) Loads projecting more than 1 m beyond the rear of the vehicle shall be marked by a square or triangular panel, with sides measuring at least 0.40 m fixed at the load’s outer edge in such a way as to remain constantly on a vertical plane perpendicular to the vehicle’s median longitudinal plane, or by a three-dimensional device (pyramidal, prismatic or cylindrical) hanging from the end of the load and having an adequate surface or projection. The panel shall have red and white stripes and the three-dimensional device red and white coloured stripes or light-coloured sides. The red and white coloured parts shall be equipped with reflectors or a retro-reflective coating. The highest point of the illuminating or reflective surface of the device mentioned above shall be not more than 1.60 m above ground level. The lowest point shall not be less than 0.40 m above ground level;
(c) In the case of short distance occasional transport, domestic legislation may provide for simpler markings.”
23. [Deleted]
24. Ad Article 31 of the Convention (Behaviour in case of accident)
Paragraph 1
Additional subparagraph to be inserted at the end of this paragraph
This subparagraph shall be read as follows:
“If the accident has caused only material damage and if any party suffering damage is not present, the persons involved in the accident shall so far as possible give their names and addresses on the spot and shall in any case furnish this information to the party having suffered the damage as soon as possible by the most direct channel, or, failing that, through the police.”
25. [Deleted]
26. Ad Article 34 of the Convention (Exemptions)
Paragraph 2
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“The drivers of priority vehicles shall not be bound, when warning of their movement is given by the vehicle’s special warning devices, and provided that they do not endanger other road users, to comply with all or any of the provisions of Chapter II of the Convention, as they may have been modified by this Agreement, other than those of its Article 6, paragraph 2. The drivers of such vehicles shall operate such warning devices only when the urgency of their journey so warrants.”
27. Ad Article 44 of the Convention (Conditions for the admission of cycles and mopeds to international traffic)
Paragraph 1
Additional subparagraph to be inserted at the end of this paragraph
This subparagraph shall read as follows:
“On the side: Be equipped with amber reflex-reflectors fixed to the spokes of the wheels; or with retro-reflective devices showing a continuous circle.”
Paragraph 2, subparagraph (d)
This subparagraph shall read as follows:
“(d) Be equipped with a red reflex-reflector at the rear, and a lamp showing a white or selective-yellow light to the front and a lamp showing a red light to the rear;”
Additional subparagraph to be inserted at the end of paragraph 2
This subparagraph shall read as follows:
“Be equipped with lateral markings consisting either of amber reflex-reflectors or retro-reflective devices showing a continuous circle.”
28. Ad Annex 1 to the Convention (Exceptions to the obligation to admit motor vehicles and trailers in international traffic)
Additional paragraph to be inserted immediately after paragraph 7 of this Article
This paragraph shall be read as follows:
“Contracting Parties may make it a condition for the admission to their territories in international traffic of any motor vehicle having a permissible maximum mass over 3,500 kg, that the motor vehicle shall carry snow chains or other equally effective devices on board during winter weather conditions.”
* Incorporating the amendments to the annex which entered into force on 28 August 1993.
** Replaces the text of the Annex appearing in document E/ECE/813-E/ECE/TRANS/567.