14 November 2001
Distribution List B ([ ])
Decision of the Joint EFTA-LATVIA Committee No 2 of 2001
(Adopted at the fifth meeting on 29 November 2001)
Amendments of protocol D (monopolies)
The Joint Committee,
Noting that Liechtenstein and Switzerland have abolished their state monopolies concerning gunpowder,
Having regard to Article 31 of the Agreement,
The Agreement shall be amended as follows:
1. Protocol D shall be replaced with the following wording:
“Protocol D
Monopolies not adjusted in accordance with article 9 at the entry into force of this agreement
Article 9 of this Agreement shall apply to Liechtenstein and Switzerland with regard to their state monopolies concerning salt only to the extent that these States will have to fulfil corresponding obligations under their trade relations with the European Community and the EFTA States.”
2. The Secretary-General of the European Free Trade Association shall deposit the text of this Decision with the Depositary.