Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Development of Relations in the Fields of Military Co-operation and Contacts
The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Italian Republic (hereinafter referred to as “the Parties”):
• guided by the wish to strengthen mutual relations between their Ministries of Defence in the letter and spirit of the Charter of the UN and the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe, the Paris Charter and the Vienna Document 1992 and other relevant OSCE documents,
• in fulfilment of the co-operation taking place within the framework of the North Atlantic Co-operation Council,
• striving to participate in the building of democracy, peace and unity by use of mechanisms of co-operation on the whole European continent,
• recognising that it will enhance security between European states and thus the security of Europe as a whole,
• recognising the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as a pillar of stability and security,
• aiming at a strengthening of peaceful co-operation and stability in Europe,
• desiring to complement and reinforce co-operation undertaken within the framework of the Partnership for Peace,
• expressing the wish to develop mutual trust through the co-operation of the Ministries of Defence of both Countries and their Armed Forces,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. This Agreement, in compliance with the laws applicable on the territory of each Party and their international obligations, establishes the framework for military co-operation between the Parties and their Armed Forces as follows:
• organisational and procedural aspect of activities of Defence Ministries and Armed Forces in the process of developing democratically controlled, responsible and effectively managed armed forces,
• bilateral dialogue and exchange of ideas in the field of defence, defence concepts, security, arms control, defence industries and procurement policy,
• exchange of ideas in the field of co-operation between military education, administration and management of personnel.
The Parties can determine other fields of co-operation by mutual consensus.
2. Detailed issues of co-operation in the fields specified in paragraph 1 of this article can be defined accurately by the Parties in the form of additional protocols to this Agreement.
3. The co-operation may take place either through the exchange of personnel or by the exchange of information.
Article 2
The annual plan of co-operation for the next year will be worked out by 15 November of the current year based on this Agreement.
The annual plan of co-operation will be elaborated based on earlier proposals submitted by the Parties.
Detailed Memorandums of Understanding concerning i.a. the conditions for temporary residence, jurisdiction and insurance are completed, under the reciprocity principle, prior to participation in courses arranged by either of the Parties.
Article 3
For the purpose of implementation of this Agreement the Parties shall be under an obligation to follow the legislation of the host Country.
The host Country shall refrain from submitting personnel from the visiting Country to penalties, disciplinary measures, other sanctions or measures according to the military criminal legislation of the host Country.
Article 4
The sending Country covers the travel expenses to and from host Country, as well as the travel allowances and the cost of insurance.
The host Country covers the travel expenses within the host Country, accommodation and meals, if available in military facilities.
If required the host country provides medical and health care as well as any necessary hospitalization in a military hospital to members of the visiting delegation related to first aid only.
Article 5
The exchange of information connected with the implementation of this Agreement will be conducted through diplomatic channels, for instance by the military Attaches of both Countries.
Article 6
The Parties guarantee the protection of information obtained co-operating in the framework of this Agreement. The Parties will not furnish such information without a written consent of the other Party to those who are not Parties to this Agreement. A separate Agreement will specify the details of the exchange of information.
Article 7
This Agreement does not touch upon questions beyond the competencies of the Parties.
Article 8
Should any dispute arise in connection with the interpretation or application of this Agreement, the Parties shall consult to solve the matter by bilateral negotiations and, if necessary, through of the official channels.
Article 9
This Agreement shall come into effect upon the date of the reception of the second of the two notifications by which the Parties have informed each other of the fulfilment of their respective domestic procedures.
This Agreement is established for unlimited time. It may be terminated by each Party at any time; in such case it will loose its validity after six months from the date of delivery of the written notification of its termination to the other Party.
This Agreement may be amended by written arrangement between the Parties and the relevant amendments will come into force following the same procedures as those contained therein.
In witness whereof the undersigned Representatives, duly authorised by the respective Authorities, have signed this Agreement.
Done in Riga on the 20th of February, 1998, in two originals in Latvian, Italian and English languages, both copies being equally authentic. In case of dispute as to its interpretation, the English version shall prevail.
For the Government |
For the Government |
of the Republic of Latvia |
of the Italian Republic |