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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica on Mutual Abolition of Visa Requirements. Publicēts oficiālajā laikrakstā "Latvijas Vēstnesis", 14.10.2003., Nr. 142 https://www.vestnesis.lv/ta/id/79810-agreement-between-the-government-of-the-republic-of-latvia-and-the-government-of-the-republic-of-costa-rica-on-mutual-abolition...

Paraksts pārbaudīts


Amendements to the Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data (ETS No. 108) allowing the European Communities to accede

Vēl šajā numurā

14.10.2003., Nr. 142


Veids: starptautisks dokuments

Pieņemts: 25.09.2003.

Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.


Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica on Mutual Abolition of Visa Requirements

The Government of the Republic of Latvia and the Government of the Republic of Costa Rica (hereinafter referred to as the “Contracting Parties”),

desiring to facilitate travels of their nationals and to develop friendly relations between the two countries,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

Nationals of either Contracting Party holding a valid travel document may enter repeatedly the territory of the other Contracting Party and stay there for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days per period of any half-year, from the date of first entry, without being required to obtain visa.

Article 2

1. Nationals of either Contracting Party holding valid diplomatic or service passports who are appointed to the diplomatic mission or consular post in the territory of the other Contracting Party, or are representatives to the international organisations residing on the territory of the other Contracting Party may enter into that territory without a visa, stay there for the period of their assignments and leave the country without a separate permission.

2. Nationals of the Contracting Party who are members of family of the persons referred to in Paragraph 1 and who live with them in the household, may enter into the territory of the other Contracting Party, stay there during the period of their assignments without a visa and leave it without a separate permission if they themselves are holders of a valid diplomatic or service passport.

Article 3

Excluding the provisions of Article 2 of the present Agreement the visa exemption does not grant the right to work to the nationals of the Contracting Parties. Nationals of either Contracting Party who enter the territory of the other Contracting Party with the aim of work, to carry out a profession, to study or for a period exceeding ninety (90) days per period of any half-year, from the date of first entry, are obliged to get visas beforehand.

Article 4

Nationals of either Contracting Party may enter and leave territory of the other Contracting Party at each border crossing point open for international passenger traffic, provided that they meet the conditions required by national legislation of the other Contracting Party for the entry, movement or sojourn of foreigners.

Article 5

Nationals of either Contracting Party are obligated to respect the laws of the other Contracting Party during their sojourn on its territory.

Article 6

1. Each Contracting Party reserves the right to refuse the entry or to terminate the term of stay on its territory of nationals of the other Contracting Party considered undesirable.

2. Each Contracting Party undertakes to readmit, without special formalities, into its territory, any of its own nationals.

Article 7

1. Nationals of the either Contracting Party who have lost a travel document specified in the Article 1 of the present Agreement on the territory of the other Contracting Party, are obliged to report it immediately to the competent authorities of that Contracting Party, which shall issue them free of charge document certifying this fact.

2. In case of Paragraph 1, the diplomatic mission or consular post of either Contracting Party shall provide its nationals with the temporary travel documents to be used to leave the territory of the other Contracting Party.

Article 8

1. The Contracting Parties shall exchange through diplomatic channels specimens of their valid travel documents specified in the Article 1 of the present Agreement not later than thirty (30) days before the entry into force of the present Agreement.

2. If either Contracting Party modifies its travel documents specified in the Article 1 of the present Agreement or introduces any new travel documents after entry into force of the present Agreement, it shall provide the other Contracting Party with the specimens of such documents trough diplomatic channels at least thirty (30) days before they are introduced.

Article 9

1. Either Contracting Party may temporarily suspend the application of the present Agreement wholly or partially, except of Paragraph 2 of Article 6, for the reasons of national security or public order.

2. Either Contracting Party shall immediately notify the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels for the introduction or the withdrawal of such measures. These measures shall enter into force immediately after the notification has been presented to the other Contracting Party.

Article 10

The present Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Either Contracting Party may terminate it at any moment with thirty (30) days previous notice in writing through diplomatic channels.

Article 11

Any amendment of the present Agreement agreed upon by the Contracting Parties shall be effected by exchange of notes.

Article 12

This Agreement shall enter into force on the sixtieth (60th) day after the date of its signing.

Done in New York on the 25th of September 2003, in two original copies in the Latvian, Spanish and English languages, being both copies equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation on the Latvian and Spanish versions, the English text shall prevail.


For the Government

For the Government

of the Republic of Latvia

of the Republic of Costa Rica

Sandra Kalniete

Roberto Tovar Faja

Minister of Foreign Affairs

Minister of Foreign Relations and Religion


Oficiālā publikācija pieejama laikraksta "Latvijas Vēstnesis" drukas versijā.



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